Presentation on biology on the topic "metabolism and energy in the cell." Presentation on the topic “Metabolism in the human body. Carbohydrates and their role in the body.

Metabolism and

Metabolism and energy - Metabolism

Metabolism and energy
set of processes
transformations of substances and
energy in a living organism and
metabolism and
energy between the body
and the environment.

Metabolism –
it is a collection of interconnected but
multidirectional processes,
anabolism (assimilation) and
catabolism (dissimilation).
Anabolism is a set of processes
biosynthesis of organic substances, components
cells and other structures of organs and tissues.
Catabolism is a set of processes
breakdown of complex molecules, components
cells, organs and tissues to simple substances and
to the final products of metabolism (with
formation of macroergic and
restored connections).

During the metabolic process, they are provided
plastic and energy needs
Plastic needs – construction
Plastic needs
biological structures of the body.
Energy needs
Energy needs
chemical energy conversion
nutrients into energy
macroergic (ATP and other molecules) and
reduced (NADP H nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide phosphate) compounds.

The relationship between the processes of catabolism and anabolism

Process Relationship
catabolism and anabolism

Main role in
processes in

Anaerobic and aerobic catabolism

anaerobic and aerobic
Energy supply
vital activity
carried out at the expense of
(oxygen-free) and
aerobic (with
oxygen) catabolism
entering the body with
food proteins, fats and
Anabolic processes and
catabolism are in
the body is able
equilibrium or temporary
the prevalence of one of

Primary and secondary heat

Primary heat and
1. Part of the energy in the process of catabolism
used for ATP synthesis, another part of this
energy turns into heat (primary).
2. Energy accumulated in ATP in
subsequently used to implement
body work and ultimately too
turns into heat (secondary).
Number of moles of ATP synthesized per
mole of oxidized substrate depends on its
type (protein, fat, carbohydrate) and size
phosphorylation coefficient.

Phosphorylation ratio (P/O) -

Phosphorylation coefficient
number of molecules synthesized
ATP per oxygen atom.
What part of the energy will be used for
ATP synthesis depends on the P/O value and
coupling efficiency in
mitochondria of respiration processes and
Uncoupling of respiration and phosphorylation
leads to a decrease in the P/O ratio,
transformation into primary heat
most of the energy of chemical bonds
oxidizable substance.

Nutrient Metabolism Pathways

Metabolic pathways

Proteins and their role in the body

Proteins and their role in the body
Animals can metabolize nitrogen
only in the composition of amino acids,
entering the body with food proteins.
Essential amino acids. Ten
20 amino acids (valine, leucine,
isoleucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan,
threonine, phenylalanine, arginine and
histidine) in case of insufficient
food intake cannot be
synthesized in the body.
Nonessential amino acids in case
insufficient intake from food
can be synthesized in the body.
Complete and incomplete proteins.

Proteins and their role in the body

Proteins and their role in the body
In a healthy adult, the amount
protein disintegrated per day is equal to
amount of newly synthesized.
Rate of protein breakdown and renewal
the body is different.
hormones of peptide nature is minutes
or hours, blood plasma and liver proteins - approx.
10 days, muscle proteins - about 180 days.
Proteins used in the body first
turn as plastic substances, in
in the process of their destruction they are released
energy for the synthesis of ATP and
heat generation.

Rubner wear coefficient

Wear coefficient according to
About the total amount of protein exposed
decomposition per day is judged by the amount of nitrogen,
excreted from the human body.
Protein contains about 16% nitrogen (i.e. per 100 g
Protein contains about 16% nitrogen
protein - 16 g nitrogen).
The body's excretion of 1 g of nitrogen corresponds to
the breakdown of 6.25 g of protein.
Per day from the body of an adult
about 3.7 g of nitrogen is released.
The mass of protein subjected to complete
destruction is 3.7 x 6.25 = 23 g, or
23 g
0.028-0.075 g of nitrogen per 1 kg of body weight per day.

Nitrogen balance

Nitrogen balance
If the amount of nitrogen entering the body
with food, is equal to the amount of nitrogen removed from
organism, it is generally accepted that the organism
is in a nitrogenous state
When more nitrogen enters the body than
it stands out, they talk about it positively
nitrogen balance (delay, retention
When the amount of nitrogen excreted from the body
exceeds its intake into the body, they say
about negative nitrogen balance.

Lipids and their role in the body

Lipids and their role in the body
Lipids of the human body:
triglycerides, phospholipids, sterols.
Lipids play a role in the body
energetic and plastic role.
In meeting the energy needs of the body
In meeting energy needs
neutral fat molecules play the main role
The plastic function of lipids in the body is carried out
Plastic function of lipids
mainly due to phospholipids, cholesterol, fatty
Compared to carbohydrate and protein molecules, the molecule
lipids are more energy intensive.
About 50% of the requirement is met through fat oxidation
in the energy of an adult organism.
Fats are a source of endogenous water formation.
When 100 g of neutral fat is oxidized in the body,
about 107 g of water.

Carbohydrates and their role in the body

Carbohydrates and their role in
The human body receives carbohydrates in the form of vegetable
starch polysaccharide and in the form of animal polysaccharide
In the gastrointestinal tract they are broken down to
level of monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, lactose, galactose).
Monosaccharides are absorbed into the blood and through the portal vein
enter the liver cells.
In liver cells, fructose and galactose are converted into
Blood glucose concentration is maintained at 0.8
-1.0 g/l.
When excess glucose enters the liver, it turns into
into glycogen.
As the blood glucose concentration decreases,
breakdown of glycogen.
Glucose performs in the body
energy and plastic functions.
Glucose is necessary for the synthesis of parts of molecules
nucleotides and nucleic acids, some
amino acids, lipid synthesis and oxidation,

Minerals and their role in the body

Minerals and their
role in the body
Minerals: Sodium, Calcium, Potassium,
Chlorine, Phosphorus, Iron, Iodine, Copper, Fluorine, Magnesium,
Sulfur, Zinc, Cobalt.
Of these, the group of microelements includes: iodine,
Of these, the group of microelements includes:
iron, copper, manganese, zinc, fluorine, chromium,
Functions of minerals:
are cofactors in enzymatic reactions,
create the required level of osmotic pressure,
provide acid-base balance,
participate in blood clotting processes,
create membrane potential and action potential
excitable cells.

Vitamins and their role in the body

Vitamins and their role in
Vitamins are groups of heterogeneous chemical natures
substances that are not synthesized or synthesized in
insufficient quantities in the body, but necessary
for normal metabolism, growth,
development of the body and maintenance of health.
Vitamins are not direct sources of energy
and do not perform plastic functions.
Vitamins are constituent components of enzyme
systems and play the role of catalysts in metabolic processes.
Main sources of water-soluble vitamins
are food products of plant origin and
at least of animal origin.
Main sources of fat-soluble vitamins
are products of animal origin.
To meet the body's needs for vitamins
normal execution of processes matters
digestion and absorption of substances in the gastrointestinal tract
intestinal tract.

Energy Balance Equation

Energy equation
E = A + H + S
E is the total amount of energy received
the body with food;
A - external (useful) work;
H - heat transfer;
S - stored energy.

Physical calorimetry (“bomb”) Berthelot

Physical calorimetry
("bomb") Berthelot
1- food sample;
2 - camera,
3 - filled
4 - water;
5 - stirrer;
6 - thermometer.
E = A + H + S

E = A + H + S

E = A + H + S

Atwater - Benedict biocalorimeter E = A + H + S

Atwater - Benedict
E = A + H + S

body costs

Methods for assessing energy
body costs

Caloric equivalent of oxygen (CE02)

Caloric equivalent
oxygen (CE02)
The main source of energy for
processes in the body
life activity is biological
oxidation of nutrients. On this
Oxidation consumes oxygen. Hence,
measuring the amount consumed by the body
oxygen can be judged by the amount
energy consumption of the body during the measurement time.
Between the amount consumed per unit
time by the body of oxygen and the amount
the heat generated in it during the same time
there is a connection expressed through
caloric equivalent of oxygen (CE02).
KE02 amount of heat generated in
body when consuming 1 liter

Methods for assessing energy
body costs
Direct calorimetry is based on the measurement
amount of heat directly dissipated
body in a heat-insulated chamber.
Indirect calorimetry is based on
measuring the amount consumed by the body
oxygen and subsequent calculation of energy consumption with
using data on quantities
respiratory coefficient (RK) and ER02.
Respiratory quotient ratio
volume of carbon dioxide released to
volume of absorbed oxygen.
DC = Vco2/Vo2

Basic exchange -

Basic exchange
minimum level of energy consumption,
necessary to maintain
vital activity of the body in conditions
relatively complete physical,
emotional and mental peace.
The body's energy consumption increases during physical activity.
and mental work, psycho-emotional
tension, after eating, when low
ambient temperature.
For an adult man weighing 70 kg, the value
energy consumption is about 1700 kcal/day (7117
kJ), for women - about 1500 kcal/day.
Calculation of the proper basal metabolic rate in a person according to
tables of Harris and Benedict (taking into account gender, mass
body, height and age).


determined by direct or indirect methods
Normal values ​​of basal metabolic rate
an adult can be calculated by
Dreyer formula:
H = W/K A,
where W is body weight (g), A is age, K is a constant
(0.1015 for men and 0.1129 for women).
The amount of basal metabolism depends on the ratio in
processes of anabolism and catabolism in the body.
For each age group of people there are established and
accepted as standards for basal metabolic rate.
The intensity of basal metabolism in various organs and
tissues are not the same. As energy consumption decreases in
at rest they can be arranged in this order: internal
organs-muscles-adipose tissue.

Regulation of metabolism and energy

Regulation of metabolism and
meeting the body's needs for
energy and in various substances in
in accordance with the level of functional

It is multiparametric, i.e.
including regulatory systems
(centers) of many body functions
(respiration, circulation, excretion,
heat transfer, etc.).

Center for regulation of metabolism and energy

Metabolic regulatory center
substances and energy
The role of the metabolic regulatory center and
energy is played by the nuclei of the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus contains polysensory
neurons that respond to changes
concentrations of glucose, hydrogen ions,
body temperature, osmotic pressure, i.e.
the most important homeostatic constants
internal environment of the body.
Analysis is carried out in the nuclei of the hypothalamus
state of the internal environment and
control signals are generated,
control signals are generated
which through efferent systems
adapt the course of metabolism to
needs of the body.

Efferent links in metabolic regulation

Efferent links
regulation of metabolism
sympathetic and parasympathetic
departments of the autonomic nervous system.
endocrine system. Hormones
hypothalamus, pituitary gland and other endocrine
glands have a direct effect on growth,
reproduction, differentiation, development and
other cell functions.
The most important effector through which
has a regulatory effect on
metabolism and energy are
cells of organs and tissues.

In poikilotherms or cold-blooded animals
animals, body temperature is variable and
differs little from the ambient temperature
Heterothermic organisms
favorable living conditions
have the ability to be isothermic, and when
sudden drop in outside temperature
environment, lack of food and water become
Homeothermic or warm-blooded
organisms maintain body temperature
at a relatively constant level
regardless of temperature fluctuations

The main function of the thermoregulation system

Main function of the system
maintaining optimal
body metabolism temperature
1. temperature receptors that respond to
change in external and internal temperatures
2. thermoregulation center located in
3. effector (executive) link

Temperature of various areas of the human body

Temperature different
areas of the human body
at low (A) and
high (B)
Dark red field -
core area
painted with flowers
intensity by
as it decreases

Redistribution of part of the blood flow from the core of the body
into its shell to increase heat transfer
A - low heat transfer; B - high.

Endogenous thermoregulation

Endogenous thermoregulation

Heat production

The total heat production consists of
primary and secondary heat.
Level of heat generation in the body
depends on the amount of basal metabolism.
Contribution to the total heat production of the body
individual organs and tissues is unequal.
Contractile - due to contraction
Non-contractile - due to acceleration
brown fat metabolism.

Main effectors
mechanisms activated when
temperature increase:
1.Massive vasodilation in the skin
(vasomotor response);
3.Suppression of all mechanisms
heat generation.

Heat dissipation

heat conduction,
Thermal radiation – 60%
Evaporation (breathing)
and sweating) – 22%
Convection – 15%

Types of heat transfer

Types of heat transfer

Thermoregulation center

Thermoregulation center
located in the medial preoptic area
anterior hypothalamus and posterior hypothalamus
Groups of nerve cells:
thermosensitive neurons of the preoptic area;
cells that “set” the level of energy levels maintained in the body
body temperature in the anterior hypothalamus;
interneurons of the hypothalamus;
effector neurons in the posterior hypothalamus.
The thermoregulation system does not have its own
specific effector organs, it
uses effector pathways of others
physiological systems
(cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal
muscles, excretory, etc.).

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Presentation on anatomy on the topic: Metabolism - as the main property of a living system Completed by: Natalya Amineva, . Nizhny Novgorod 2015

2 slide

Slide description:

3 slide

Slide description:

The concept of metabolism Metabolism or metabolism is a set of chemical reactions that occur in a living organism to maintain life. These processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to environmental influences. Metabolism is usually divided into two stages: during catabolism, complex organic substances are degraded to simpler ones; In the processes of anabolism, substances such as proteins, sugars, lipids and nucleic acids are synthesized with energy expenditure.

4 slide

Slide description:

Metabolism and energy is a common property of all living things, which underlies the maintenance of life. Living organisms are capable of absorbing certain substances from the environment, transforming them, obtaining energy through these transformations, and releasing unnecessary residues of these substances back into the environment.

5 slide

Slide description:

All organisms are open systems that are stable only if they have continuous access to substances and energy from the outside.

6 slide

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7 slide

Slide description:

Metabolic conditions Availability of energy in the form of ATP. The presence of enzymes - biological catalysts. Functional activity of organelles responsible for carrying out oxidation and synthesis reactions. Clear control from the cell nucleus. Availability of starting materials.

8 slide

Slide description:

Receipt of nutrients and energy from the external environment 2 3 1 Transformation of these substances and energy within the body Use of positive components of these transformations by the body 4 Release of unnecessary components of transformations from the body into the external environment

Slide 9

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10 slide

Slide description:

Protein metabolism Proteins are high molecular weight polymeric nitrogen-containing substances. Proteins occupy a leading place among organic elements, accounting for more than 50% of the dry mass of the cell. The entire complex of metabolism in the body (respiration, digestion, excretion) is ensured by the activity of enzymes, which are proteins. All motor functions of the body are ensured by the interaction of contractile proteins - actin and myosin. Proteins are part of the cytoplasm, hemoglobin, blood plasma, many hormones, immune bodies, maintain the constancy of the body’s water-salt environment, and ensure its growth. Enzymes that are necessarily involved in all stages of metabolism are proteins. The entire complex of metabolism in the body (respiration, digestion, excretion) is ensured by the activity of enzymes, which are proteins. All motor functions of the body are ensured by the interaction of contractile proteins - actin and myosin.

11 slide

Slide description:

12 slide

Slide description:

The importance of lipids in the body Lipids are esters of glycerol and higher fatty acids. There is a lot of fat in the subcutaneous tissue, around some internal organs (for example, kidneys), as well as in the liver and muscles. Fats are part of cells (cytoplasm, nucleus, cell membranes), where their quantity is constant. Accumulations of fat can serve other functions. For example, subcutaneous fat prevents increased heat transfer, perinephric fat protects the kidney from bruises, etc. Fat is used by the body as a rich source of energy. The breakdown of 1 g of fat in the body releases more than twice as much energy (38.9 kJ) as the breakdown of the same amount of proteins or carbohydrates. A lack of fat in food disrupts the activity of the central nervous system and reproductive organs, and reduces endurance to various diseases. With fats, the body receives vitamins soluble in them (A, D, E, etc.), which are vitally important for humans.

Slide 13

Slide description:

The importance of carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, especially during intense muscle work. In adults, the body receives more than half of its energy from carbohydrates. The breakdown of carbohydrates with the release of energy can occur both in oxygen-free conditions and in the presence of oxygen. The end products of carbohydrate metabolism are carbon dioxide and water. Carbohydrates have the ability to quickly break down and oxidize. In case of severe fatigue or heavy physical exertion, taking a few grams of sugar improves the condition of the body.

Slide 14

Slide description:

15 slide

Slide description:

The importance of minerals Minerals, along with proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, are vital components of human food and are necessary for the construction of the chemical structures of living tissues and the implementation of biochemical and physiological processes that underlie the life of the body. The vast majority of all naturally occurring chemical elements (81) are found in the human body. 12 elements are called structural, because they make up 99% of the elemental composition of the human body (C, O, H, N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, S, P, F, Cl). The main building materials are four elements: nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. The remaining elements, being in the body in small quantities, play an important role, affecting the health and condition of our body.

16 slide

Metabolic process

This is a complex of chemical reactions of living organisms occurring in a certain order.

Metabolism is a constant process of a living cell.

The outstanding Russian physiologist I.M. Sechenov wrote: “An organism cannot exist without an environment that gives it energy.”

Catabolism (splitting reaction) is the process of breaking down organic substances rich in energy.

Anabolism (synthesis reaction) is the synthesis of various macromolecules using the energy of simple substances formed during the catabolic reaction, namely amino acids, monosaccharides, fatty acids, nitrogenous bases and ATP with NADP∙H

Diagram of metabolism in a cell

Cell macromolecules: proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, nucleic acids

Nutrients – sources of energy: carbohydrates, fats, proteins

Chemical energy: ATP, NADP



New molecules: amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, nitrogenous bases

Energy-poor decomposition substances: CO 2, H 2 O, NH 2

Energy metabolism of the cell, or respiration of the body.

ATP synthesis. Breathing and burning .

When substances combine with oxygen, the process occurs oxidation, during splitting – the process recovery. Such reactions of living organisms are called biological oxidation.

ATP. Breathing and burning.

If combustion organic substances with the participation of oxygen occurs in nature, That breathing process living organisms is carried out in mitochondria . The energy of the combustion process is released in the form of heat . The energy generated during breathing is used to maintain vital functions and maintain the activity of the body.

Breathing can be described like this:

C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 → 6CO 2 +6H 2 O+2881 kJ/mol

Glycolysis process

The process of breaking down glucose with the help of enzymes, accompanied by the release of part of the energy accumulated in the glucose molecule, is called glycolysis.

The process of breaking down glucose is divided into three stages:

  • Glycolysis
  • Conversion of citric acid
  • Electron transport chain

Glycolysis consists of three stages: preparatory, oxygen-free, oxygen.

Preparatory stage of glycolysis

Here, organic substances rich in energy are broken down into simple substances under the influence of special enzymes. For example, polysaccharides are broken down into monosaccharides, fats into fatty acids and glycerol, nucleic acids into nucleotides, proteins into amino acids.

Oxygen-free stage of glycolysis .

Consists of 13 sequential reactions occurring under the influence of enzymes. The initial product of the reaction is 1 mol C6H12O6 (glucose), as a result of the reaction 2 mol C 3 H 6 O 3 (lactic acid) and 2 mol ATP are formed. Oxygen does not participate in this reaction at all, which is why this stage is called oxygen-free. Pay attention to the reaction equation:

C6H12O6+2H3PO4+2 ADP → 2C3H6O3+2 ATP +2H2O

As a result of the reaction, 200 kJ of energy is produced, of which 40%, or 80 kJ, is stored in two ATP molecules, 120 kJ of energy, or 60%, is stored in the cell.

Oxygen stage of glycolysis

This reaction differs from oxygen-free cleavage by the participation of oxygen and the complete breakdown of glucose with the formation of the final products CO2 and H2O. The initial reaction product involves 2 moles of C3H6O3 (lactic acid); As a result, 36 moles of ATP are synthesized.

2C3H6O3+6O2+36H3PO4+36 ADP → 6CO2+36 ATP +42H2O

This means that the main source of energy is formed during the oxygen stage of glycolysis (2600 kJ)

Of the 2600 kJ of energy obtained as a result of the aerobic process of glycolysis, 1440 kJ, or 54%, is used for the chemical bonds of ATP.

The overall equation for the reaction of anoxic and oxygenic breakdown of glucose looks like this:

C6H12O6+6O2+38H3PO4+38 ADP → 6CO3+38 ATP +44H2O

The energy generated in the process of oxygen-free and oxygen splitting of 80 kJ + 1440 kJ = 1520 kJ, or 55%, is stored in the form of potential energy, used for the life processes of the cell, and 45% is used in the form of heat energy.

  • Energy is released through combustion and respiration. The combustion reaction occurs in nature, and the respiration reaction occurs in the mitochondria of the cell.
  • The energy used for the life processes of the cell is stored in the form of ATP.
  • The ATP molecule is synthesized during oxygenic and oxygen-free breakdown of glucose.
  • The energy generated during glycolysis is stored 55% as potential energy, and 45% is converted into heat energy.


Photosynthesis occurs in plant chloroplasts. They contain pigment chlorophyll, giving green color to plants. The pigment chlorophyll, absorbing blue and red rays, is reflected green and gives the corresponding color to plants.

Photosynthesis has two phases - light and dark . In the light phase, reactions with a false mechanism occur using the energy of sunlight. These include: ATP synthesis, NADP∙H formation, water photolysis

Photosynthesis plays an important role in converting the energy of the sun in the form of ATP into the energy of chemical bonds, which can be seen in the diagram:


Solar energy ATP Organic matter

Growth, development, movement, etc.

During photosynthesis, plants store energy from the sun in the form of organic compounds; when they respire, nutrient molecules are broken down, releasing energy. These phenomena provide the energy necessary for ATP synthesis.

Dark phase of photosynthesis

In the dark phase of photosynthesis, CO2 (carbon monoxide) is of great importance. Monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides are synthesized using the energy of ATP, NADP∙H. Since the synthesis of these organic substances does not use light energy, these organic substances do not use light energy, this process is called the dark phase of photosynthesis.

In the dark phase, a five-carbon carbohydrate (C5) participates as the initial reaction product. The formation of a three-carbon compound (C 3) is called WITH 3 – cycle, or Calvin cycle .

For the discovery of this cycle, the American biochemist M. Calvin was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Protein biosynthesis, a complex, multi-step process, involves DNA, mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes, ATP and various enzymes.

The system of recording genetic information in DNA (mRNA) in the form of a specific sequence of nucleotides is called genetic code

Transcription (literally “rewriting”) proceeds as a matrix synthesis reaction. On a DNA chain, as on a template, according to the principle of complementarity, an mRNA chain is synthesized, which in its nucleotide sequence exactly copies (complementary) the sequence of nucleotides of the matrix - the polynucleotide chain of DNA, and thymine in DNA corresponds to uracil in RNA.


The next step in protein biosynthesis is broadcast(Latin for “transfer”) is the translation of a nucleotide sequence in an mRNA molecule into a sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain.

  • Maintaining a constant internal state.
  • One of the most important properties of the body.
  • Metabolism of substances and energy occurs at all levels of the body.

Lecture for 2nd year students
Art. teacher Medvedeva G.A.


1. General characteristics of exchange
substances. Plastic and energy
the role of nutrients.
2. Protein metabolism. Nitrogen balance
3. Fat metabolism.
4. Carbohydrate metabolism.

METABOLISM – totality
changes that are undergoing
substances from the moment they enter
digestive tract,
until the final products are formed

Metabolic stages:

1. Substances entering the body
(nutrition and breathing);
2. Metabolism (anabolism - enzymatic synthesis, catabolism - enzymatic
breakdown of nutrients);
3. Removal of final products

Law of energy conservation


Metabolism is a set of physical, chemical and physiological processes that ensure the receipt and delivery of energy from energy to cells.

Metabolism - totality
physical, chemical and
physiological processes,
ensuring receipt and
delivery of energy to cells from exo- and
endogenous sources, providing
plastic needs for the purpose
updating structures and removing from
body metabolic products.

Intermediate metabolism is a set of chemical transformations of nutrients from the moment they enter the blood until the beginning of excretion

Intermediate metabolism
– a set of chemicals
nutritional transformations
substances from the moment of their receipt
into the blood before excretion begins
final products
vital activity from the body.


Anabolism/plastic metabolism –
enzymatic synthesis from simple
complex organic molecules
cellular components.
Proceeds with the absorption of energy.
Catabolism/energy metabolism –
enzymatic breakdown of large
organic molecules into simpler ones.
Proceeds with the release of energy.


Functions of proteins:

Plastic / structural
Energy (1 g protein – 17.6 kJ
Regulatory (hormone proteins)
Protective (immunoglobulins, hemostasis)
Transport (ion channel, hemoglobin,
Motor/contractile (actin,
Receptor (rhodopsin)
Rheological (blood viscosity)

Conversion of proteins in the body

1 – way – food proteins are used for
synthesis of specific proteins and other
Path 2 – endogenous protein hydrolysis,
which is aimed at protein renewal

Types of protein synthesis

Growth synthesis associated with the development of the organism
Stabilizing synthesis, determine-
Regenerative synthesis manifested
"Functional synthesis" - education
generally. It ends around 25
years, that is, by the time physiological growth ceases.
repairing proteins lost in the process of dissimilation and underlying their self-renewal on
throughout life.
during the recovery period after protein depletion,
blood loss, etc.
proteins that perform specific functions:
enzymes, hormones, immunoglobulins, etc.

Ways of using amino acids after their absorption (participation
in the synthesis of components of certain types of metabolism)
participation in the synthesis of the following metabolic components
and purines:
- proteins
- peptides
-other amino acids
-purines and
- urea
- -keto acids
- heme
- cytochromes
and coenzymes:
- choline
- creatine
- catecholamines
- thyroxine
- ammonia

Protein half-life 80 days

Muscle proteins – 180 days
Plasma proteins – 10 days
Proteins – hormones – several. minutes

PROTEINS – biological polymers consisting of amino acids

Glutamic acid
Aspartic acid
Arginine (in adults)
Histidine (in adults)
Arginine (in children)
Histidine (in children)

Daily protein requirement

80 – 100 g
(physiological optimum –
1 g per 1 kg body weight)
During physical activity -
up to 150 g

Nitrogen balance is the difference between the amount of nitrogen received from food and released with metabolic products.

16 g nitrogen – 100 g protein
1 g nitrogen – 6.25 g protein
Nitrogen balance - quantity
Positive nitrogen balance –
Negative nitrogen balance –
nitrogen input = nitrogen output.
the amount of nitrogen supplied is greater than the amount released.
the amount of nitrogen released is greater than that received.

Nitrogen balance

Food nitrogen
(parish N)
Urine nitrogen
+Sweat nitrogen
(flow N)
Nitrogen ratio
nitrogen balance
nitrogen balance

Rubner wear coefficient

- minimal amount of protein,
constantly disintegrating into
0.028 – 0.065 g nitrogen
per 1 kg of body weight

Regulation of protein metabolism

Protein synthesis
hormones (deficiency)
Glucocorticoids (in
Protein breakdown
hormones (excess)
(in tissues)


Functions of lipids:

Plastic/structural (component
Energy (1 g lipids – 38.9 kJ)
Source of endogenous water (100 g fat - 107 g
Thermoregulatory (thermal insulation)
Regulatory (steroid hormones)
Mechanical (layers between organs,
Transport (transport of fat-soluble
Insulating (myelin sheaths of nerves)
Adaptation to stress


Higher fatty acids

(do not contain double
(contain double
Included in
solid fats
Included in liquid

The role of unsaturated fatty acids:

Regulate growth and development
Activate enzymes;
Affect the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
Regulate the synthesis of prostaglandins
and sex hormones;
Participate in the formation of membranes
brain cells.

Total cholesterol pool:

Exogenous cholesterol (400 mg/day)
Endogenous cholesterol (1000 mg/day)

Formation of atherosclerotic plaque

Daily fat requirement

70 – 125 g
70% animal: 30% plant
(physiological optimum –
1 – 5 g per 1 kg of body weight)
The total amount of fat in
body – 10-20%,
maximum permissible limit - 25%

Proper body weight and obesity

Excess body weight, compared to proper, for
given gender, height and age by 20% or more
considered obese.
Proper body weight can be calculated
according to the following formula:
proper body weight = height (in cm) – 100 + 2 kg each
every 10 years after 20 years
In women, the proper body weight can be 5
kg more than calculated according to the above

Cause and conditions for the development of nutritional obesity

hereditary factors
what features
cues and social influences

Nutritional obesity as a risk factor for various diseases

heart disease
digestive tract
musculoskeletal diseases

Nervous regulation of fat metabolism

loss of appetite,
kernels - increase
appetite, obesity.
lateral nucleus -
NS – slows down
enhances them
kaya NS –
fat deposition.

Humoral regulation of fat metabolism

Strengthen mobilization
Somatotropic hormone;


Functions of carbohydrates:

Plastic / structural
nucleotides, biomembranes, cartilage and connective tissue)
Energy (1 g carbohydrates –
17.6 kJ)
Storage (glycogen)
Protective (bronchial mucus, gastrointestinal tract)

The main pathways of glucose metabolism in the body

deposition in
body in
aerobic oxidation cycle
Krebs and to a lesser extent through the pentose
cycle to CO2
turning into
loose fat
acids and deposits
in the form of triacylglycerols
glycolysis with
and lactate
release from
cells in shape
free glucose

Metabolism of glucose in the body

glycogen synthetase
Krebs cycle

Daily requirement for carbohydrates

500 g
(physiological optimum –
5 – 7 g per 1 kg of body weight)
minimum limit – 100–150 g

Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism is determined by maintaining blood glucose levels (3.3 – 5.55 mmol/l)

Nervous regulation:
(bottom of the fourth ventricle)
blood glucose
Humoral regulation:
a) decrease in level
blood glucose:
b) increase in level
blood glucose:
Somatotropic hormone

Integration of protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism

fatty acid
amino acids
oxidation through cycle
tricarboxylic acids
synthesis of fatty


Lecture 21 prof. Mukhina I.V. Medical Faculty


Exchange, or metabolic, processes during which specific elements of the body are synthesized from absorbed foods are called anabolism.

Metabolic, or metabolic, processes during which specific elements of the body or absorbed foods undergo breakdown are called catabolism.

Metabolism and energy represents a set of processes of transformation of substances and energy in living systems, as well as the exchange of substances and energy between the organism and the external environment.

Consists of three stages:

1. The entry of substances into various cells (enzymatic breakdown of substances, absorption, supply of oxygen to the body, transport of substances);

2. Nutrient utilization by cells;

3. Removal of metabolic end products into the environment.


Nutrientsare called food components that are assimilated during metabolism in the body. These include proteins fats carbohydrates,

vitamins, minerals and water.

Physiological task is a quantitative assessment of metabolism, for which they study the entry into the body

proteins, fats and carbohydrates and their consumption.

Protein metabolism

Plastic (structure, regeneration)

Regulatory (enzymes, hormones, receptors)

Homeostatic (oncotic pressure, blood viscosity, blood buffer systems)

Protective (antibodies, hemostasis)



Biological value:

Proteins have different amino acid compositions, and therefore the possibility of their use by the body varies. Of the 20 amino acids, 12 are synthesized in the body, and8 – essential amino acids (leucine,

isoleucine, valine, methionine, lysine, threonine, phenylalanine, tryptophan).

In this regard, there is a distinctionbiologically valuable proteins


Food must contain at least 30% proteins with high biological value , mainly of animal origin. The coefficient of conversion of animal proteins from plant proteins is 0,6-0,7%.

Daily requirement:

To fully satisfy the body's protein needs, a person must receive 80-100 g of protein, including 30 g of animal origin, and during physical activity - 130-150 g.

Physiological optimum of protein– 1 g/kg body weight.

When 1 g of proteins is oxidized, 4.0 kcal = 16.7 J is released.

Interconversion of nutrients:

Rubner's isodynamic rule - the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates is interconnected. Nutrients can be interchanged in accordance with their energy value, since there are intermediate metabolites, for example, acetyl coenzyme A, with the help of which all types of metabolism are reduced to a common path - tricarboxylic acid cycle. However, proteins, due to their plastic function and inability to be deposited, cannot be replaced by either fats or carbohydrates.

Nitrogen balance

Nitrogen balance- the difference between the amount of nitrogen entering the body with food and the amount of nitrogen excreted from the body in the form of final metabolites.

16 g nitrogen corresponds to 100 g protein(1 g of nitrogen corresponds to 6.25 g of protein).

If the amount of nitrogen supplied is equal to the amount released, then we can talk aboutnitrogen balance. To maintain nitrogen balance in the body, 30-45 g/day of animal protein is required.

The condition in which the amount of nitrogen taken in exceeds the amount released is calledpositive nitrogen balance.

The condition in which the amount of nitrogen excreted exceeds that supplied is callednegative nitrogen balance.

The minimum amount of protein that is constantly broken down in the body is calledwear coefficient (Rubner). It is approximately 0.028-0.075 g nitrogen/kg per day. Thus, protein loss in a person weighing 70 kg is 23 g/day. Intake of protein into the body in smaller quantities leads to a negative nitrogen balance, which does not satisfy the plastic and energy needs of the body.

Regulation of protein metabolism:

Anabolism – somatotropin (adenohypophysis hormone), insulin (pancreas), androgen (male sex glands).

Catabolism - thyroxine and triiodothyronine (thyroid gland), glucocorticoids (stimulate synthesis in the liver) and adrenaline (adrenal glands).

Lipid metabolism

Lipids: neutral fats (triglycerides), phospholipids, cholesterol, fatty acids.

Plastic (phospholipids, cholesterol);


Source of formation of energy reserves and endogenous water (in women, depot 20-25% of body weight, in men – 12-14%);

Regulatory (conversion of male sex hormones into female ones in adipose tissue).