Analysis of the multimodal transport system. Analysis and assessment of the organization of multimodal transport. It should be noted that in recent years, transport, having a colossal strategic resource, performs a basic function in flow processes

In the processes of purchasing and delivering material resources, as well as distribution to consumers, a manufacturing company can use various transportation options, modes of transport, as well as various logistics partners (intermediaries) in organizing the delivery of products to specific points in the logistics chain. First of all, the logistics management of the company must decide whether to create its own fleet of vehicles or use hired transport (public or private). When choosing an alternative, they usually proceed from a certain system of criteria, which include:

  • - costs of creating and operating your own fleet of vehicles (renting, leasing of rolling stock);
  • - costs of paying for the services of transport, freight forwarding companies and other logistics intermediaries in transportation;
  • - speed (time) of transportation;
  • - quality of transportation (reliability of delivery, safety of cargo, etc.).

Creating your own fleet involves large capital investments in rolling stock, production and technical base for servicing and repairing vehicles, and transport infrastructure. Ultimately, it can be justified if there is a significant gain in the quality, reliability and cost of transportation with large sustainable volumes of transported goods. Typically this applies to a fleet of motor vehicles. However, in any case, the assessment of alternatives should be carried out comprehensively, taking into account as many criteria as possible.

In most cases, manufacturing companies resort to the services of specialized transport companies, so in the future we will consider this alternative.

Logistic selection procedures include:

  • - selection of the type of transportation (sometimes called in the specialized literature a method of transportation or a cargo delivery system);
  • - choice of type (or several types) of transport;
  • - selection of main and auxiliary logistics intermediaries in transportation.

All of these procedures are performed on the basis of one or a system of criteria, subject to specified restrictions. These limitations are determined either by the target functions of external logistics systems or by factors of the surrounding macro- and microeconomic environment. For example, in a distribution system, restrictions may be imposed on delivery time, transportation costs, cargo safety, location of warehouses in which cargo is stored or transshipped to another mode of transport, etc.

Unimodal (single-type) transportation is carried out by one type of transport, for example, road. Typically used when the starting and final transportation points of a logistics chain are specified without intermediate warehousing and cargo handling operations. The criteria for choosing the type of transport in such transportation are usually the type of cargo, volume of shipment, time of delivery of the cargo to the consumer, transportation costs. For example, for large-scale shipments and if there are access roads at the final delivery point, it is more advisable to use rail transport, for small-batch shipments over short distances - - automobile.

Due to this, the cargo owner is actually in a contractual relationship with both, and each of them makes payments to the cargo owner and bears financial responsibility for the safety of the cargo only on the corresponding section of the route.

Combined transportation differs from mixed transportation by the presence of more than two modes of transport. The use of mixed (combined) types of transportation is often determined by the structure of distribution channels (or logistics supply channels), when, for example, large quantities are sent from the manufacturer to the wholesale base by rail (in order to minimize costs), and distribution from the wholesale base to Retail trade points are carried out by road transport.

Lecture 5 Analysis of the level of development of multimodal transport in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The transport complex of the republic is represented by railway, river, sea, air, road, urban electric and pipeline modes of transport. Currently, there is a steady growth in the role of the transport complex in the economy of the republic.

The structure of the transport network of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of land and waterways, the length of which is more than 130 thousand km, including: railways 14251 km; paved roads 88045 km; main oil pipelines 6844 km; gas pipelines 10138 km; inland waterways 3456 km (as of 2005). Its share in the country's GDP is 12%.

Source: ARKS

Figure 1 - Transportation of goods by certain types of transport in January-December 2005. in% to the corresponding period of 2004.

For January-December 2005 1927.9 million tons of grams were transported by transport of the republic at call, which is 4.8% higher than the level of January-December 2004, cargo turnover for January-December 2005. amounted to 297.5 billion tkm (increased by 5.4% compared to January-December 2004). In the total volume of transported cargo, the share of road transport was 77.8%, railway 11.7%, pipeline d nogo 9.9%. The share of railways in freight turnover and transport 58.4%, pipeline 25.8%, automobile 15.7%.

In January 2006, 136.7 million tons of cargo were transported by the republic's transport, which is 4.4% higher than the level of January 2005, cargo turnover for this period from O delivered 24.6 billion tkm (increased by 6.8% compared to January 2005), transported e but 736.7 million passengers (4.3% more than in January 2005), passenger O turnover 7.9 billion pkm (increased by 4.3% compared to January 2005). In the total volume of transported goods, the share of road transport was 74.2%, railway 13.0%, pipeline d nogo 12.8%. The share of railways in freight turnover and transport 55.6%, pipeline 30.3%, automobile 14.0%.

Despite the general adaptation of transport to market conditions, the state of the transport system currently cannot be considered optimal, and the level of its development is not sufficient.

In the transport complex, the degree of wear and aging of fixed assets of the transport complex is 60%. By load O In the current transportation sector, the following trend is observed: an increase in cargo turnover O that on all types of transport; increasing the share of pipeline and auto O mobile transport in freight transportation with advanced technologies m pipeline development groin; decline in the share of railway and transport d transport in the total freight turnover while maintaining the leading role of railway e railway roads.

The unbalanced placement of the transport and communication network throughout the country hinders the development of a single economic space and the growth of population mobility. The industrially oriented network of railways and roads developed without taking into account the territorial borders of the former Soviet republics. The incompatibility of some technical parameters of transport infrastructure with international standards and systems of Kazakhstan’s existing trading partners is a significant obstacle to regional integration and the development of trade and transport links.

Significant unevenness in the development of the transport network hinders the economic development of the regions. About 2 thousand villages b sky settlements do not have year-round transport O communication. The provision of settlements with regular reports And it is 69.3%.

At the present stage of its development, the transport complex of the republic is characterized by the unsatisfactory state of fixed assets, outdated and underdeveloped infrastructure and technologies.

Share of transport costs in the cost of final products rel. O is very high and is at the level of 8% and 11%, respectively, for internal n including rail and road transport, in countries with developed s In the night economy this figure is 4-4.5%. In terms of g at Kazakhstan's economy is approximately 5 times less efficient. Thus, for each unit of GDP in dollar terms With leniya accounts for at least 9 ton-kilometers of transport work, and in the countries of the European Union the freight capacity is less than 1 ton-kilometer/dollar of GDP.

The growing demand for quality transport services has been met e is created incompletely due to the insufficient level of technical development h development of the transport system and lags in the field of transport technology x nology.

Significant growth in the volume of all transportation, including communications n with the export of coal, oil cargo, metal products, etc. about the production of chemicals and chemical and petrochemical industry, other cargo, is restrained by e sufficient throughput.

The possibilities of increasing the gross national product through the export of transport services are not fully realized, since the position of domestic carriers in the global transport services market does not correspond to their real capabilities and the transit potential of the republic is not fully used.

The basis of the republic's transport system israilway transport.Transportation of goods over long distances is carried out mainly by rail, which is characterized by high carrying capacity at a relatively low cost of transportation, large investments in the construction of railways, which pay off only with a significant attraction of traffic flows. As of 01/01/2005, the length of main roads, including the roads of the republic on the territory of Kazakhstan, was 14.3 thousand km, 34.7% of which were double-track and multi-track lines, 3.8 thousand km electrified. The density of railway lines in Kazakhstan is 5.2 km per 1000 km 2 territories. Railway transport carries out 11.7% of the total volume of transported goods and 57.7% of cargo turnover.

At the end of 2005, the republic had 1,711 locomotives, 1,922 passenger cars and 60,792 freight cars, of which 9.9% belonged to private companies and enterprises. But it should be noted that technically and morally outdated models of rolling stock, track equipment, worn-out track structures are used, and outdated technologies for the repair and maintenance of basic production assets are used.

The total volume of cargo transportation by the Joint Stock Company National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy in 2005 amounted to 224,773 thousand tons. The growth in transportation volumes compared to 2004 amounted to 8,001 thousand tons or 4%, including due to an increase in transportation in intra-republican traffic by 7,028 thousand tons (+6%), in import traffic by 2,264 thousand tons ( +18%) and in transit by 859 thousand tons (+11%). In export traffic, a decrease in cargo transportation is noted by 2,150 thousand tons (-3%).

Loading Joint Stock Company “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” in 2005 in export and intra-republican communications amounted to 200,936 thousand tons, cargo turnover 145,157 million ton-kilometers, average distance 722.4 km, income in the period under review 149,074 million tenge.

Loading in intra-republican messageamounted to 58.3% of the total volume of transportation, cargo turnover 45.3%, income 30.8%.

The growth in transportation within the republic was ensured by the growth in transportation of coal (+2%), oil (+106%), petroleum products (+13%), ferrous metals (+26%), chemicals and soda (+5%), non-ferrous ore (+19%), grain (+19%), construction cargo (+4%), other cargo (+11%).

The main reason for the growth of traffic within the republic is the increase in production capacity of all industries of the Republic.

In accordance with the trends that developed in 2005, the indicators of previous years, as well as according to forecasts of volumes and directions of large shippers, cargo transportation in intra-republican traffic in 2006 is expected at the level of 134,110 thousand tons.

Transportation of goods inexport trafficamounted to 31.1% of the total volume of transportation, cargo turnover 37.6%, income 38%.

A decrease in cargo transportation in export traffic by 2,150 thousand tons or 3% occurred as a result of a reduction in transportation of iron ore (-12%), crude oil (-7%), ferrous metals (-9%), non-ferrous metals (-3% ), construction materials (-21%), grain (-35%), fertilizers (-51%) and non-ferrous ore (-10%).

Based on the results of 2005, as well as in accordance with the forecasts of large shippers, the volume of cargo transportation in export traffic in 2006 is expected to reach 70,883 thousand tons.

The main destination countries for export cargo flows in 2004 were: Russia (55% of the volume of export traffic), China (11%), Iran (5%), Switzerland (4%), Kyrgyzstan (3%), Uzbekistan (2%), Italy (1%), Ukraine (1%), Romania (1%), the Netherlands (1%), Tajikistan (2%), Turkey (1%), Finland (1%), other countries (12%).

Cargo transportation V import trafficamounted to 6.7% of the total volume of transportation, cargo turnover 8.8%, income 14.0%.

The growth in cargo transportation in import traffic in 2005 compared to 2004 was achieved due to the growth in transportation of the following cargo: ferrous metals (+42%), crude oil (no such transportation was carried out in 2004), construction cargo (+31%) , chemicals (+10%), fertilizers (+2%), grain (+79%), other cargo (+26%).

The main countries of departure of import cargo in the 1st quarter of 2005 were: Russia (67% of the volume of import traffic), China (7%), Ukraine (4%), Kyrgyzstan (4%), Uzbekistan (5%), Brazil (3% ), Poland (1%), Belarus (1%), Finland (0.7%), Lithuania (0.9%), USA (0.6%) other countries (5.8%).

Taking into account the current trends for each type of cargo in 2003 - 2005 and information presented in the media, the expected volume of imported cargo transportation in 2006 is 15,701 thousand tons.

Automobile transportcarries out although about 15% of the country's cargo turnover, transports 78% (according to 2004 data) of the total volume of cargo within the country.

Of the 88,045 km of public roads, 82,638 km with hard surface, of which 16.1% cement concrete and asphalt concrete, 47.7% black gravel, black highway and soil asphalt, 26.9% crushed stone and gravel without treatment with binders . Of the total length of paved roads, 27.5% are of republican significance. Public roads by technical categories consist of 812 km of roads of the 1st category, 4509 km II, 32430 km III, 42130 km IV, 2757 km V.

The density of public roads with hard surfaces in Kazakhstan is 30.3 kilometers per 1000 km 2 territories. the highest density of roads is in the North Kazakhstan region (71.5 km), the lowest in the Kyzylorda region (13.3 km).

It should be noted that the unsatisfactory condition of the road surface leads to a decrease in operating speeds, an increase in operating transportation costs, and an increase in accident rates. Wear and tear of the rolling stock of the vehicle fleet (about 30% of buses and 40% of trucks have a service life of more than 13 years) entails increased repair and operating costs, reduces the level of services and has a negative impact on the environment.

Car fleet of Kazakhstan as of January 1, 2005 totaled 1,532,257 units And nits (increased by 4.1%), of which: 224,872 trucks, 1,204,118 cars, 40,373 special vehicles and 62,894 buses.

In addition, in the republic in 2004 there were 45,782 car trailers, 17,554 semi-trailers for truck tractors, 64,391 mopeds and motorcycles.

Personal transport takes up 86.1% of the total number of vehicles in the republic and amounted to 1,319,427 units. At the beginning of 2005, the following were personally owned in Kazakhstan: 1,145,499 cars, 134,122 trucks O mobiles, 37,189 buses and 2,617 special vehicles.

In 2004, 22,167 enterprises of all types of activities operated 212,830 vehicles (13.9% of the total number of vehicles), of which 42.6% were at call, 27.6% - cars, 17.7% - special and 12.1% - buses. From 90750 cargo O There were 31,901 dump trucks, 21,487 on-board vehicles, 11,958 ci With turn, 12,121 vans, 6,900 tractor-trailers and 6,383 other vehicles and lei.

In the cargo fleet of the republic's enterprises, vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 3000 kg occupy 21.8%, from 3000 to 4999 kg 26.4%, from 5000 to 6999 kg 15.3%, from 7000 to 9999 kg 14.1%, from 10,000 to 14,999 kg 14.9%, from 15,000 to 20,000 kg 4.2%, over 20,000 kg 3.3%.

According to the time cars were in service in 2004, the distribution I were as follows.

The own cargo fleet of transport enterprises decreased by 457 units And prostrate (by 4.8%). This is due both to the financial condition of automobile enterprises (not h the ability to sufficiently renew the vehicle fleet, maintaining And keep it in good condition) and reduce the need for replenishment V parking (more and more cars are being rented). The growth trend continues And quality of machines exceeding standard service life. Over 13 years of operation A 45.2% of trucks are registered (in 2003 - 41.5%), 40.4% of special vehicles O mobiles (in 2003 - 39.1%), 34.0% of buses (in 2003 - 30.2%), and 9.4% of cars V cars (in 2003 - 8.8%).

With the expansion of the transport services market and the development of competition, it is impossible T Due to the relative “aging” of trucks, there is an increase in the efficiency of its use in enterprises with state and private ownership.

Air Transportis mainly important in passenger transportation. As of 01.01. In 2005, there were 44 air transport enterprises in Kazakhstan. In 2004, they transported 0.1% of cargo and cargo turnover amounted to 0.2% of total cargo turnover.

Based on world practice, a classical model of air transport has been created, within which air transportation is carried out in the interaction of three economically independent structures:

  • air carriers representing predominantly the private sector;
  • airports that are predominantly municipal and state owned;
  • unified air traffic organization and control service, which is state-owned.

Thus, the general state of air transport is as follows:

1. Of the 22 airports in the republic, 21 operate. Due to non-compliance with the technical standards of airfield complexes and due to the introduction of restrictions on types of aircraft, only 5 airports (in the cities of Astana, Almaty, Aktobe, Atyrau and Karaganda) can receive heavy aircraft without restrictions. The remaining airports are in need of reconstruction.

2. The outdated fleet of aircraft (672 units), which are not economical and do not meet international standards for noise and engine emissions, creates restrictions in servicing international airlines.

3. Due to insufficient capacity and non-compliance with technical standards, hub airports in Kazakhstan are forced to reduce the number of aircraft they receive and dispatch, along with the introduction of restrictions on the types of aircraft.

Sea transportrepresented by the port of Aktau. The share of sea transport in cargo turnover is 0.02%, in the total volume of transported cargo 0.1%. Further development of maritime transport in the Caspian Sea will increase foreign trade transportation.

River transportaccounts for 0.03% of cargo turnover and 0.03% of transported goods, and is of particular importance for ensuring transport links in intermodal transport in the eastern and western regions of the country.

The length of the internal shipping routes of the republic at the beginning year 2006 composition Vila 4032 km. The number of berths in ports and marinas increased by 1 in 2005 (the total length of berths increased And was calculated for 200 linear meters) and amounted to 17 units. The rolling stock in operation at the beginning of 2006 totaled 135 at dov, of which 127 are cargo (including tugs, pushers), 8 are passenger and cargo-passenger. Of the 127 cargo ships (including tugs, pushers), only 19 (15.0%) were built after 1990, the rest served for more than 15 years.

Despite the fact that the fleet of cargo ships increased over the year by e significantly by 2 units, cargo transportation by river transport e increased significantly. For 2005 translation e zeno 830.5 thousand tons of cargo, which is 22.6% more than the volume of 2004. As before, mainly mineral and construction cargo is transported (86.5% of the total volume of cargo). Passenger transfers h ki river transport are insignificant: the share of revenues from transportation is from pa With soot transportation is only 1.8%.

River transport occupies a small share in the total volume of transport work in the republic. In 2005, shipping transport transported 0.13% of all cargo transported in the republic and 0.004% of all passengers transported. Of the volumes of cargo and passenger transportation of shipping transport in 1991 (the year with the maximum volume of traffic), the figures for 2005 are 4.5% and 1.0%, respectively. Along with a decrease in indicators over a number of years, in 2005 the volume of cargo transportation increased by 9.6% compared to 2000. Domestic republican cargo transportation by shipping amounted to 488.8 thousand tons (98.6%). Among the transported goods, a significant volume of 432.8 thousand tons (87.3%) consists of construction materials.

The main limiting factor for the development of transportation by water (sea) transport is that most vessels in the inland water transport industry have reached 23 of their service life. The wear and tear of the state technical river fleet is 85%.

To develop multimodal transport in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to highlight the following main directions of state transport policy, which are equally important for each mode of transport:

development of container, multimodal transportation and creation of transport and logistics centers ensuring technological unity of various modes of transport;

improving the system of state regulation of transport activities;

formation and development of transport infrastructure;

development of the transport services market;

regional development of the transport system;

improving the safety of transport processes;

increasing the efficiency of using the transit potential of Kazakhstan;

innovative development in the field of transport;

increasing scientific and human resources potential in the field of transport.

Modeling, planning and optimization of multimodal transport

Ranjit Singh, Leading transport logistics expert at i2 CIS © LOGINFO

Thanks to IT, globalization is happening rapidly, and trade between different countries is growing at a rapid pace. The growth of commodity exchange is pushing transport and logistics operators to constantly improve and expand their portfolio of transport services.

In practice, complex transport problems in the transport logistics and supply chain industry are considered and effectively solved by modern specialized software tools such as TMS* (Transportation Management System). They allow you to develop an optimal transportation plan taking into account real business constraints, while minimizing transportation costs.

This article explores how pressing issues can be optimally addressed and the resources of multimodal (MM) networks can be efficiently utilized using a tactical TMS solution.

The development of transport corridors allows logistics operators to dynamically select available facilities that make up the transport network according to certain criteria, and use them rationally in order to minimize transport costs. At the same time, the complex tasks are: searching for more efficient options for the movement of goods via international communications, taking into account the imposed business restrictions, such as the operating schedule of facilities, time restrictions on delivery, accessibility of facilities, capacity of facilities, characteristics of the vehicle (vehicle) and rolling stock ). In addition, there are restrictions on transport distances, which also need to be taken into account when choosing the optimal transportation plan.

Functions of a 3pl logistics operator in international transport

For example, the work of a 3pl logistics operator specializing in international logistics services is based on factors such as:

  • selection of the type of vehicle, substation, with the appropriate carrying capacity and their accessibility zone;
  • determining available ports;
  • formation of accessible routes;
  • choice of tariffs;
  • identification of cross-docking sites;
  • selection of consolidation and deconsolidation criteria;
  • choosing a method for tracking vehicles and PS;
  • defining gates for loading/unloading operations;
  • selection of a certain number of vehicles and substations in accordance with availability restrictions or quotas;
  • determining the location of cargo in a container according to given rules;
  • selection of stacking scheme;
  • sorting cargo according to their compatibility and incompatibility.

Failure of at least one element or object of the MM transport and distribution network (TDN) for reasons beyond control leads to a disruption in supplies. As a result, this could potentially destroy the business relationship with the customer. As a rule, MM TRS are very complex, so the role and performance characteristics of each MM TRS object is ineffective to assess at the level of non-specialized programs.

In practice, to optimize the above factors, it is often necessary to use different tools that reduce the volume of computational operations. These operations become very cumbersome as the number of elements or objects of the MM TRS increases. Complex transport problems of developing an optimal transportation plan are almost impossible to solve using highly specialized software products, because as the problem becomes more complex, they cannot find an effective solution. However, modern specialized software tools such as TMS* (Transportation Management System) in the transport logistics and supply chain industry effectively solve complex transport problems, find transportation plans taking into account real business constraints and ways to reduce transport costs.

Let's consider how you can most effectively solve the above problems and rationally use the resources of MM networks using a tactical TMS solution. It is worth noting that the complete package of a tactical TMS solution allows you to model, plan and optimize TRS, as well as manage transport. It will be shown how using a tactical solution (one TMS module) you can reduce transport costs and improve the quality of service. There will also be an emphasis on modeling the MM TRS and on “what-if” scenario analysis, which allows you to see how much transport costs will decrease after optimization, taking into account existing business constraints. These business restrictions (see above) are determined by the specifics of the transport enterprise’s business. In the field of international transportation, the objects included in the TRS, or the operation of these objects, often change dynamically. A tactical solution allows you to take these changes into account in a matter of minutes and provides an optimal transportation plan, while minimizing transportation costs.

The value of TMS solutions

The value of TMS solutions can be demonstrated through modeling of a company's existing TMS MM and what-if scenario analysis. In the process of modeling and optimization according to various criteria (selection of the optimal route, consolidation and deconsolidation of cargo, vehicles and transport vehicles, formation of routes), it is possible to analyze various scenario transportation plans and make an economically sound decision on the best option.

Attention should be paid to the complexity of TRS, which significantly increases the modeling time and the cost of scenario analysis and its optimization. However, practice confirms that this quickly pays off. For example, for a company with a monthly turnover of $5 million, transportation costs make up 10% of the turnover. Analysis of the TPC model shows that the company can potentially reduce transport costs by 5-15%. In our case, the savings in transport costs are $25-75 thousand per month. This cost reduction pays for the cost of modeling and analysis within a few months.

“What-if” scenario analysis examines potential options for maintaining new objects: it allows you to turn on/off existing objects in the TRS, change the schedule and type of their work, and also dynamically select options from potentially given objects. This opportunity allows transport and logistics operators to effectively use the resources of the MM network, taking into account the above business restrictions.

In addition, through scenario analysis, it is possible to identify potential risks or weaknesses that can be detected and traced when modeling the existing TRS or its modifications. The tactical decision makes recommendations to eliminate potential risks: for example, what will happen if the order is not completed on time; if the truck arrived at an unusual time at the loading/unloading point, etc.

With the help of TMS solutions, such abnormal or emergency market situations can be assessed and resolved in the best way before the transportation plan is executed.

Below is a simplified business case in the field of MM transportation, which demonstrates the concept of how a tactical solution works, and also clearly illustrates the above points.

Business case

Let's consider a business case from the field of MM transportation. For example, a large 3pl operator is a shipper of products from a leading manufacturer (let’s call it “A”) of Indian tea raw materials in India. Company “A” is very popular and has a customer (let’s call him “B”) for tea raw materials in Russia. The Russian company “B” is located in Moscow and has a factory for packaging tea raw materials in Serpukhov. After packaging the tea raw materials into standard cardboard boxes, company “B” transports the finished products using the services of a 3pl operator to 40 regions of the Russian Federation. For convenience, we will now take a closer look at each business process involved in the supply chain (Fig. 1):

Table 1. The monthly volume of transportation on routes BP1-3 is 250,000 kg of tea raw materials.

Business Process I

Company “A” uses the services of a 3pl operator to export tea raw materials to Russia. To transport tea raw materials to Russia from India, the 3pl operator usually uses the following sea routes (Fig. 2):

Table 2. Used sea routes for transporting tea.

To carry out transportation along the 3pl sea channel, the operator uses 20 and 40-foot standard sea containers, in which tea is transported in bags weighing 50 kg. Approximately 220 and 440 tea bags can be loaded into 20ft and 40ft containers respectively. The average delivery time for tea raw materials is 30 calendar days along routes BP-1.1-1.4.

Business Process II

After the tea raw materials arrive at the ports of Kotka and St. Petersburg, the containers are moved from the ship to trucks with platforms of different carrying capacities. After customs operations, these trucks arrive at the warehouse of the tea company “B” in Serpukhov. Next, the raw materials undergo a series of technical processes at the tea factory, as a result of which finished products are formed for delivery to 40 regions of the Russian Federation. The average delivery time for tea raw materials along routes BP-2.1-2.2 is 10-15 calendar days. In business process II we use the following routes (Fig. 3):

Table 3. Route used in BP-2.

Business Process III

To meet demand, company “B” produces finished products under different brands with different classifications of tea: large-leaf, loose-leaf, medium-leaf, flavored (with fruit and berry flavors: lemon, blackcurrant, strawberry and raspberry). Delivery of a different range and volume of finished products is carried out by road and rail to 40 regions of the Russian Federation. Please note that the share of transportation by road is more than 90%, so we do not take rail transportation into account.

Company “B” does not have its own transport fleet and to deliver finished products, it again turns to the services of a 3pl operator, who delivers the finished product to 40 distribution centers throughout the Russian Federation. Let us list the names of some routes (Fig. 4):

Table 4. Location of distribution centers of company "B".

Transportation of finished products to 40 regions is carried out in trucks with a carrying capacity of 20 tons. Next, each distribution center serves its own region and independently uses the services of local regional carriers to deliver products to the end consumer. In this work, we do not touch upon the issue of product delivery within each region, but the principle of its operation is almost no different from the principle of transportation from the point of departure (Serpukhov) to delivery points in forty regions of the Russian Federation.

Problems of modeling, planning, optimization of international transportation

Suppose we have a large 3pl operator that has been working in the field of logistics services for more than 20 years and has a reputation as a reliable partner in the MM transportation sector for more than 15 years. Over the past decade, the 3pl operator has been gradually expanding its portfolio of services and specializing in the provision of MM transportation services, turning them into a priority area of ​​its activities. The portfolio of services provided is gradually growing, as a result of which the list of carriers, vehicle and substation units, the number of tariffs, distribution centers, cross-docking sites, consolidation and deconsolidation criteria is increasing, the work schedule is changing, the list of available transport routes, etc. We note that that in this business case the operator does not have his own vehicles, substation, vessel, containers, warehouses, etc.

A practical problem that a 3pl operator often faces when performing MM transportation is the cumbersome number of computational operations and their optimization. These above business processes and the complex interactions between their various participants can be effectively addressed through tactical TMS solution module.

For a visual representation, let’s consider several stages of modeling and planning business processes:

Modeling of BP I-III MM TRS companies should be carried out taking into account real business restrictions and solve problems on which the cost of cargo transportation directly depends:

A tactical decision allows you to “play” several options for the development of a business process. When modeling MM TRS, the degree of influence of individual parameters on the cost of cargo transportation is traced. A comprehensive change in these parameters allows you to reduce costs by 5-15%, thus choosing the optimal solutions and transportation plans.

Main stages of MM TRS modeling

For clarity, we will describe a brief summary of the input and output (optimized) data blocks that are included in the main stages of modeling:

  1. Orders– here you enter transportation orders and also dimensions, number of boxes, product code, etc.
  2. Location of objects– here they enter data on the physical location of ports and distribution centers and hubs, i.e. longitude, latitude, etc.
  3. Hub– the role of each hub is determined, i.e. unloading and loading process. In our case, these are the ports of Kotka and St. Petersburg.
  4. Gates– here the number of gates of each facility (distribution center, port and warehouse), their attachment to specific cargo, etc. is recorded.
  5. Transport shoulders– enter a list of available transport routes for each vehicle and substation, gradation by tonnage, etc.
  6. Containers– the number of available containers, their carrying capacity and dimensions are noted.
  7. Product incompatibility– here the incompatibility of imported goods in one vehicle or PS is indicated.
  8. Service– here it is indicated what transport services the carriers provide: monomodal or multimodal, cross-docking services, etc.
  9. Operating hours of objects– here the work schedule of each object is described in detail, i.e. distribution center, hub, ports, etc.
  10. Product code– each product is assigned a product code.
  11. Consolidation class– product codes are determined for which consolidation is possible during the optimization process.
  12. Merging of goods in transit– enter the names of goods that are consolidated if it is important for the end user to receive them in one vehicle or PS.
  13. Rates– tariffs are introduced for the use of vehicles and substations. The tariff can be calculated for mileage, idling, unit of goods, cross-docking operation, etc.
  14. Product grouping– the grouping of cargo is specified taking into account the order of their unloading.
  15. TS– here you enter the names of each vehicle and substation, the number of available vehicles and substation units, their carrying capacity, dimensions of the vehicle and substation, work schedule, service radius of the vehicle and substation, etc.
  16. Generated optimized orders (Loads)– a list of optimized orders, including orders that do not meet the loopback criteria (see below and also Fig. 3).
  17. Generated trips (Trips)– a list of optimized orders that meet the loopback criteria (see below and also Fig. 2).
  18. Graphical representation– each order (before and after optimization) and flight can be analyzed on the network graph (Fig. 3) and on the road map.

Rice. 2. Representation of loop or flight formation

Rice. 3. Optimized order fulfillment network graph (Loads)

The modeling and planning procedure ends after filling out the main blocks. Next are determined optimization criteria.

In our business case, the optimization criteria are as follows.

  • For BP1, containers are fully loaded, so cargo consolidation is not required for this business process. However, choosing a suitable container among a huge number of suppliers (based on minimum tariffs, dimensions, permitted transport distances and their availability schedule) is a complex task and can be solved by enabling the appropriate optimization function.
  • For BP2, containers are moved from ports on trucks with platforms of different carrying capacity. Consolidation in this case will again not be required, but it is necessary to coordinate the time of the vessel's arrival at the port with the availability schedules of trucks of the corresponding carrying capacity. This problem can also be solved by enabling the appropriate optimization function.
  • For BP3, this business is very relevant, since the range of goods (tea) is large, and each region will place the order in different proportions. Therefore, in this case, consolidation criteria and the function of forming looped flights should be included.

The role of the criterion for consolidation and formation of looped flights for BP3

Every 3pl operator wants to use trucks efficiently. For example, after delivering goods along the route Serpukhov - St. Petersburg, an empty truck on the way back is used to deliver goods to other customers. In a tactical decision, these criteria and the formation of loops are modeled as follows (Fig. 2):

  • minimize units of vehicles and PS to meet the demand for delivery of goods;
  • minimize total empty mileage;
  • rational use of vehicles and PS after unloading at the destination;
  • empty mileage for a distance of no more than 50 km in one trip is not included in the tariff;
  • the first consolidation takes place at the warehouse in Serpukhov; and the second consolidation - in the zone of 40 regions;
  • It is allowed to release a truck within a radius of no more than 350 km from the point of departure;
  • the minimum total distance with cargo on a flight is 1000 km;
  • The maximum load capacity of the truck is 20 tons.

Modeling allows you to integrally consider all power supply units and dynamically change MM TRS objects, which, accordingly, makes it possible to evaluate the contribution of each network object as a whole. Analysis of the model shows that the company can potentially reduce transportation costs by 5-15%. As already noted, this cost reduction pays for the cost of modeling and analysis within a few months.

Benefits of a Tactical TMS Solution

In conclusion, we can briefly list some of the benefits of a tactical TMS solution, which potentially include:

  • reduction of transport costs, demonstrated using “what-if” scenario analysis of the existing MM TRS before and after its optimization;
  • identifying weaknesses in the existing MM TRS and developing recommendations for their elimination;
  • the most rational use of existing MM TRS facilities, taking into account the imposed business restrictions;
  • service improvement;
  • increasing the safety of imported goods;
  • transparency MM TRS.

*The TMS transport planning and management system has three planning horizons:

  • strategic planning: planning horizon from months to years;
  • tactical planning: planning horizon from weeks to months;
  • operational planning: planning horizon from minutes to days.

Strategic planning considers global issues, such as choosing the optimal location for opening a new warehouse terminal or a new production unit under existing business constraints, thereby minimizing investment and increasing service levels.

Tactical planning is the modeling of the transport and distribution network and conducting “what-if” analyses, i.e. playing business scenarios using various optimization algorithms, when the values ​​of the specified parameters are changed in order to select action tactics with minimal transportation costs.

Operational planning is the modeling of the implementation of the selected planning tactics at the operational level. The optimal scenario is played out in real time. With the interaction of various participants, such as cargo carriers, shippers, consignees, the delivery of products from door to door is tracked.

1.3 Analysis of the prospects for organizing international multimodal and intermodal transportation by an airline.

Now in Russia there are about 350 airlines, of various forms of ownership, that emerged from the once united Aeroflot. Currently, most of the traffic in Russia is carried out by so-called regional airlines. Most of the regional airlines appeared on the site of the former territorial civil aviation departments. Many of them still own airports, as they did during the days of the unified air squadrons. Having gained independence, many airlines were not ready to accept the burden of full responsibility, because in the days of a unified Aeroflot, even aircraft schedules were compiled centrally. And companies were forced to solve all problems on their own.

What planes should we fly on? This is a question many airline executives are asking today. Of course, civil aviation is going through difficult times now. The main indicator of the current situation is the decline in traffic volumes on domestic airlines. Many airlines have reduced their transportation by more than 3 times. The equipment is idle, the period of its operation is a continuous process, and even if it flies little, at a certain moment it is time to write it off. An analysis of the age of the aircraft fleet currently in operation shows that by approximately the beginning of 2000, airlines will no longer be able to cope with existing traffic volumes if they do not take care of upgrading the existing aircraft fleet.

However, this process carries many problems. It requires large material costs, which not all air carriers can afford. Solving the problem associated with fleet renewal means maintaining the competitiveness of domestic air carriers, both in the global and domestic markets.

What is our aircraft fleet now? Approximately 1650 mainline aircraft. At the same time, 80% of long-haul transportation is carried out on aircraft that operate beyond the originally assigned resources. In 1996, 12% were written off, and by 2002 more than half of mainline aircraft will have to be written off. About 20% of all transportation is carried out on “modern” domestically produced airliners: Il-86, Tu-154M and Yak-42, which have been in operation for more than 10 years and are morally outdated. Our air fleet consists of several thousand local aircraft, most of them An-2. The serviceability of the aircraft does not meet the standards. For example, the serviceability of the Il-86 fleet is just over 50%, while the norm is 66%. Currently, 65% of all civil aircraft are in disrepair. As a result, only a quarter of our aircraft are in service, while others are laid up, rotting in hangars. The general condition of domestic aviation can be characterized by one figure: 85% of physical wear and tear.

Thus, in 1996, there were 725 incidents related to equipment failure in the air, of which 8 could actually result in plane crashes.

A scientific and technical council held at the Department of Air Transport came to the conclusion that of the 162 Tu-154 type aircraft tested, 135 require structural improvements. Considering that this plane is the main mode of travel for most passengers in Russia, there is something to be afraid of.

The annual flight time of one mainline aircraft is barely more than one and a half thousand hours. The best local aircraft, L-410, is idle due to lack of spare parts. The main types of aircraft that should replace the existing ones were determined a long time ago: on long-distance airlines - Il-96 (modifications - 300 and M), on medium-sized Tu-204, Tu-214 and An-218, on short-haul airlines Yak -242, Tu-334-100 and Il-114M, in the cargo class An-70T and Tu-330, five-ton MiG-110 and Tu-130 aircraft, as well as cargo versions of the Il-96T and Tu-204S. But so far only four types of aircraft have entered regular airline service: Tu-204 (Vnukovo Airlines, Kavminvodyavia and Perm Airlines and its cargo version Tu-204S at Aeroflot), Il-96-300 (Aeroflot) and Domodedovo Airlines"), Il-114 ("Uzbek Airlines"), as well as the An-38, which received registration in one of the airlines in Khabarovsk. The first two types are equipped with the PS-90 engine, which has proven itself poorly. Its modifications are currently underway There are variants of these aircraft with Western engines. Thus, the Tu-204 is equipped with Rolls Royce engines (England), and the Il-9bM/T is equipped with a PW2337 engine from Pratt Whitney (USA). The prospects for obtaining these aircraft in the near future are vague. Currently, there are project proposals for dozens of aircraft for business travel, general purpose, various classes of cargo capacity, but their promotion to the market is limited by the issue of financing.There are options for re-equipping existing aircraft with more fuel-efficient Western-made engines. For example, in 1993, various airlines and enterprises in Russia bought 182 aircraft: 71 airplanes and 111 helicopters for a total of 250 billion rubles. A little more than 10% of this amount comes from government investments, the rest comes from enterprise funds and local funding sources. Sixty percent of all aircraft, including 12 Tu-154M aircraft, were purchased by non-state enterprises for the purpose of operation, rental or resale. And already in 1996, only 25 aircraft were ordered (13 Tu-204 for Kato Group and 12 Tu-154M for Iranian airlines). It is also worth emphasizing the fact that such aircraft as the Il-96, Tu-214, Yak-42 and An-38 generally remained unclaimed (see Table 1). There is a project to equip Yak-40 aircraft with two Lacoming engines.

Table 1 Plan for the production of passenger aircraft in Russia in 1996

Aircraft type Production plan Ordered Customer
Il-96-300 9 0
Tu-204 (Ulyanovsk) 12 13 Kato group
Tu-214 (Kazan) 2 0
Tu-154M 20 12 Iranian airline
Yak-42 8 0
An-38 5 0
Total 56 25

At the same time, many airlines do not have the money to get their planes back after repairs. At the end of 1993, there were 50 airplanes and 80 helicopters at aircraft repair plants. They were repaired, but not bought back: the total debt to aircraft repairmen then amounted to 12 billion rubles.

The choice to purchase domestically produced aircraft, the prices of which are constantly growing and are already approaching the prices of Western aircraft, or to lease Western-made aircraft remains fundamental when forming a new fleet.

What should an aircraft be like in market conditions?

With the advent of market relations, our operators were left alone with this problem. We felt the difference between the level of domestic and Western technology with the advent of these relations. For example, in engine production we are 15-20 years behind Western competitors. In the former Soviet Union, this provision had no significance, since there was no competition.

Equipment manufacturers were interested in producing new aircraft models rather than refining existing ones. In terms of the number of different types of aircraft, we were confidently ahead of the entire planet. Yes, and, for example, many of our passenger aircraft came from military aviation (Tu-104, Tu-114 and others). This was the state policy... Experts have calculated that for the normal operation of our air transport, only three or four aircraft models are enough, which must be constantly modified. Until recently, not a single plant or design bureau in our country had certificates for its products. After all, just yesterday, when releasing the aircraft, the manufacturers accompanied it with a long list of necessary modifications - for eliminating each of them they received decent money from the state.

Nowadays, extending the service life of used equipment has generally become a formality. In order to save money, factories decided to limit themselves to simple unsubscribes. The manufacturer gives the right to the operators themselves to decide whether the device will fly or not. This situation is reminiscent of the traditional Russian “maybe it will fly.”

The main requirement for a new aircraft currently remains high fuel efficiency, since it can significantly reduce aviation fuel costs in both absolute and relative terms. The next most important requirement is the reliability and safety, resource and efficiency of methods and means of monitoring the condition of equipment in operation, because this set of characteristics determines the possibility of achieving a high level of capital investment turnover and preventing potential losses from aircraft accidents and incidents.

The most important condition is the creation of a system of after-sales support by the airline manufacturer, including training of crews and technical personnel, equipping maintenance bases with the necessary equipment, uninterrupted supply of spare parts and, of course, reasonable prices and payment terms.

Many airlines were left without the financial resources to purchase new airliners. And those who purchased domestically produced aircraft are not satisfied with the results of their operation. Thus, in 1995, Aeroflot, at its own expense, was forced to replace 31 failed PS-90 engines on a fleet of five Il-96-300 aircraft - an average of 6.2 engines replaced per four-engine aircraft per year. This is an unsatisfactory result, given that the airline invested more than 200 billion rubles in the Russian aviation industry, and as a result received a “crude” aircraft. The solution is seen in leasing foreign equipment. It has already become common to see abbreviations for aircraft from Douglas, Airbus industry and Boeing companies in schedules.

A very important circumstance is the appearance on our domestic market of foreign aircraft leased by some of our airlines. This indicates the beginning of a fundamentally new stage in the development of Russian civil aviation - real competition between domestic and foreign aircraft in the domestic market. And this needs to be taken seriously.

The fact is that the prices for manufactured aircraft are very close to their Western counterparts. Thus, the cost of the Tu-204-200 is about 30 million US dollars. At the same time, as evidenced by the Western press, more than eighty used DC-9 aircraft of various modifications are now offered for sale or lease at prices ranging from 750 thousand US dollars (DS-9-10/-20) to 6.2 million dollars (DS-9-50), that is, two to three million on average. Then, with an average monthly rent of about one percent of the price of the aircraft, airlines would pay 20-30 thousand dollars a month for rent. Increasing it by one and a half times to take into account the cost of spare parts, since the aircraft are not new, we get 30-40 thousand dollars per month, including periodic maintenance.

There is something for our business leaders to think about. Before the financial crisis, at the existing levels of tariffs for passenger and cargo transportation, profitable operation of these aircraft was quite possible. And their advantages in fuel efficiency (25 g/pkm compared to 30 g/pkm for the most economical among domestic aircraft Tu-154M), reliability, the ability to provide flight hours of six to ten hours a day, a well-functioning technical support system, and so on, made These aircraft are very attractive for Russian airlines. The operation of the DC-9 aircraft opens the way for newer and completely new aircraft such as the MD-82/-88 and MD-91/-95, which are now offered at prices ranging from 15 to 24 million US dollars. The costs of some aircraft are presented in table. 2.

Table 2.

Residual value of some types of Western-made aircraft

(millions of US dollars)

Aircraft type Year of issue 1996 2001 2006 2011
A-320-200 1992 33,1 28,4 24,5 20,8
B-727-200 1978 2,5 1,8 1,3 0,6
B-737-300 1990 23,9 18,0 15,4 12,4
B-747-400 1993 111,2 104,5 90,3 76,9
B-767-300 1993 70,6 68,9 60,3 50,9
MD-11 1993 85,1 77,7 67,0 56,9

The situation is also the same with the Boeing-737 and Boeing-757/-767 family aircraft. For example, the Transaero airline, having started operating used B-737-200s, is now gradually switching to a newer modification of this aircraft, the B-737-700. The airline did the same with the B-757-200 aircraft it took over several years ago. The fact is that, having mastered an aircraft of this type, pilots can: operate a more capacious B-767 aircraft, thanks to similar on-board equipment. So, in 1998, the airline leased a B-767-300, an aircraft that any of our airlines could envy. Of course, we should not forget about the not so successful experience of operating leasing equipment, this happened in the case of the A-310-300 of Almazy Sakha Airlines, the Boeing 757-200 of Baikal and the DS-10-ZO of Krasair. The main thing, of course, is effective demand for transportation and a clearly defined scope of work, and not just simple equipment, as was the case with the DS-10-30 Krasair. And the state, in the case of Krasair, “triggered” the domestic air carrier. Almost a year after the import of the first aircraft, the State Customs Committee issued an explanation on the application of preferential conditions for the “temporary import” of transport equipment. DC-10 aircraft registered under this category did not fall under these preferential conditions and customs already “retroactively” charged full customs duty on them. From the date of import (approximately 3% of the cost of the aircraft per month, or 36% of 20 million US dollars per year) plus, of course, late fees. A possible way out of this situation may be the creation of an effective leasing mechanism (financial or operational) for domestic aircraft. Of course, we are talking about new types of aircraft, such as Tu-204, Il-96. Using this technique, the airline needs to separate the aircraft and the engine. Moreover, rather than purchasing an engine, but making payments to the Perm Engine Plant for a “serviceable flight hour,” Krasair decided to take this route.

Unhealthy competition and the monopoly of certain privileged airlines have led to the fact that while the total volume of air transportation has decreased by an average of 2.5 times, the accident rate in air transport has increased by more than 5 times.

In order to maintain their own profitability, airlines are transporting “left” tonnage. For many of them this is the main source of income. At the same time, for the sake of obtaining the so-called “black cash”, managers neglect the safety of passengers and members of their own crews.

So, for example, on 08/10/96 at the Yakutsk airport, an inspection check of the Il-76 discovered almost 24 tons of unaccounted weight on board the cargo Il-76, while taking into account the weight of the fuel, the take-off weight of the aircraft would have been as much as 210 tons, which significantly exceeds the maximum take-off weight , the mass for which an aircraft of this type is designed. During the investigation, it turned out that the plane belonged to Samara Airlines, but was operated by the Moscow Vityaz Airlines, whose license was terminated back in 1993, and the Il-76 itself was not at all in the register of operators. Everyone already knows what such “overloads” lead to. So on January 8, 1996, the crash of an overloaded Vnukovo Airlines An-32 into a busy area of ​​Kinshasa led to the death of 297 people. Another example occurred in Kamchatka in April 1996, when an Il-76 crashed short of reaching the airport due to a lack of fuel in the fuel tanks.

The drop in traffic volumes in 1998, caused by the onset of the crisis, had the least impact on charter carriers, while scheduled airlines lost from 15 to 25% of their passengers. Many regional airlines had to abandon the operation of international airlines, for example, Krasair, which planned to organize flights to the United States, was forced to abandon this project, because the entry of airlines into the international market now requires significant financial resources. But the decline in work volumes among regional airlines was not observed everywhere. For example, the volume of work among airlines of the interregional territorial administration of the Central regions increased by 30.3%, in the North-Eastern region by 55% and in the Krasnoyarsk International Transport Transport Authority by 11%. However, in the country as a whole, this figure decreased by 10.9%. The leaders in reducing traffic among the regions in 1998 were the East Siberian MTU, Sakha (Yakutsk) MTU and Komi MTU.

In the current situation, it is difficult to judge what are the prospects for the further development of our airlines and aviation in general. Among the ways out of this situation, it seems to me possible to merge or combine several airlines into one. In developed Western countries there are several large airlines, the competition between which is quite high. In turn, many of them were formed through mergers or acquisitions. One can give an example of the American "United airlines" and "US airways", the English "British airways" and the interstate "SAS". I think a series of bankruptcies will push airlines to merge. Even in the former USSR there were regional associations - regional civil aviation departments that united several air squadrons on a geographical basis. Entering the international market alone seems murky. Thus, there are many examples of unsuccessful attempts by our airlines to stay in the market, although, as research shows, international transportation is now the most promising, and especially charter tourist flights. For example, many airlines in Spain specialize only in charter flights (VSM, LTE and Futura and others), and for some, the experience of charter flights helped them enter the regular flight market (Spainair and Air Europa) ).

The pricing policy of regional carriers depends mainly on competition on the lines they operate and on the territorial characteristics of the region. Airlines behave differently in different environments. For example, Saratov Airlines is a monopolist on the Saratov-Moscow line, offering flights to Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports, thereby making convenient connections with flights to the eastern part of the country and international lines, but the presence of direct railway connections does not allow the airline to use its exclusive right on this line to the fullest and introduce higher tariffs. On the other hand, Sakha Aviation, in the absence of a railway connection and being a monopolist on the Yakutsk-St. Petersburg line, can afford to operate flights on this line with a 14% profitability and a tariff of 2,400 rubles. Moreover, on an airline of approximately the same length to Moscow, the airline maintains a fare of 1,700 rubles, while having zero profitability. The difference is that on the Yakutsk-Moscow route there is fierce competition with two other airlines - Domodedovo Airlines and Diamond Sakha, and the tariff for transportation on this airline is the same for all airlines.

In the current situation after the events of August 17, and the subsequent decline in traffic volumes, many airlines have found themselves in an extremely difficult situation. After all, even an increase in tariffs by 10% could lead, according to FAS leaders, to a proportional decrease in traffic volumes, which could be irreversible for many airlines. Therefore, many regional airlines were forced to independently choose their future pricing strategy. So, some simply raised prices for all flights, while reducing unprofitable ones, while others left fares at the same level. Some airlines have reduced prices in an attempt to retain passengers, introduced various benefits for different groups of the population, such as Domodedovo Airlines, or increased free baggage allowance. Other airlines have organized additional services to attract passengers to their flights. Thus, Siberia Airlines continues to surprise passengers; it has introduced a new rather unusual service: right in flight on a number of airlines, such as Moscow-Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg-Novosibirsk and international lines, you can order a taxi at a reduced rate from the airline’s home airport - "Tolmachevo" to Novosibirsk and throughout the Siberian region. This became possible after concluding an agreement with the Grand-Auto taxi company. Good service and a moderate pricing policy yield good results for the airline. But still, for the industry as a whole, the increase in tariffs in 1998 was approximately 6.9%, which is lower than 24.8% in 1997.

If we consider the cost structure of a typical airline (see Table 3), we can see that costs in 1998, compared to 1997, for fuels and lubricants, airport expenses and maintenance and repairs (constituting more than 50% of all expenses ) remained almost unchanged or decreased, expenses for wages and depreciation decreased, only leasing expenses and other expenses increased. The latter indicates the withdrawal of a certain share of fixed assets (aircraft, etc.) from circulation and the involvement of third-party aircraft for operation.

Table 3.

Airline cost structure, %

Expenses 1997 1998
Salary with deductions 9,1 8,88
Fuels and lubricants 23,05 21,5
Airport 15,55 15,0
Maintenance and repair 16,21 16,21
Air navigation support 5,94 5,4
Depreciation 5,85 4,93
Leasing and rental 4,65 6,68
Others 19,7 22,4
Total 100 100

It would seem that airlines should go bankrupt and there are a lot of reasons for this. During 1998, 50 airlines ceased to exist, of which 11 were merged into five larger ones. And this process will continue, and the separatism that was at the beginning of the reforms is gradually being replaced by consolidation and unification into more powerful enterprises, especially since it is easier to “survive” together, as we know. But I think that for the 30 main airlines in Russia, this process of bankruptcy will not be something inevitable. And the currently 77 regional airlines may be merged into more powerful territorial organizations. This process may also affect 93 local carriers, which may subsequently merge into several regional ones.

Russian air carriers must actively participate in conducting market research and shaping the volume of work to optimally meet the demand for transportation. Explore and open new airlines using the existing aircraft fleet more efficiently. At the same time, airline managers must compare financial capabilities with needs, and, of course, they should not rely on any “financial gifts” from the state. You need to find solutions yourself and think not only about your ambitions, but also about the prospects for further growth and development of the airline as a whole.

Another way out of this situation is the development of multimodal and intermodal transport.

Since the pickup and delivery of cargo from airports is carried out by cars, almost all air freight transport is intermodal. However, there is another reason to consider a significant portion of air transport as intermodal. The fact is that air transportation is carried out mainly over long and ultra-long distances. Thus, the average distance for transporting one ton of cargo by Russian air transport in 1999 was more than 3 thousand km. In this case, if the cargo was transported by land, it would be intermodal transportation. With long-haul air-ground transportation, the client receives a double benefit: part of the route the cargo travels at high speed, which is provided by air transport, and the other part of the route the cargo is transported at significantly lower tariffs for ground transportation. As a result, the shipper can receive the cargo “just in time”, and even save money. Mixed air-sea transportation developed in the 60-70s. An example of the use of cargo delivery in standard 20-foot containers is their transportation by sea between Yokohama and Nakhodka, and then by air in IL-76 aircraft between the airports Artem (Primorsky Territory, delivery by road from Nakhodka to Artem) and Luxembourg. The most economical way is to use unloaded aviation routes with cargo transshipment at intermediate airports from standard 20- and 40-foot containers delivered by sea to aviation ones. Examples of such transport schemes are transportation of household electrical appliances, office equipment, spare parts, etc. in the direction: Japan - Vancouver (sea); Vancouver – Montreal (railway); Montreal – European airports (air transport). Another example: Hong Kong - Dubai (Sharjah) - by sea, and then to European airports (air transport).

There is an increase in air freight traffic both in absolute and relative terms compared to the growth in passenger traffic. Thus, the volume of cargo transported by air in international traffic in 1999 amounted to 16.8 million tons. In perspective for 2003. their volume should increase by almost a third and amount to 20.7 million tons.

The significant increase in the volume of cargo transportation by air is explained by the advantages that air transportation gives the client compared to other modes of transport. The main advantages are lower insurance premiums, since the likelihood of theft, loss and damage is less than with land transport; the cost of containers and packaging is also lower. The reduction in costs for containers and packaging is explained by the fact that transportation by plane, especially compared to sea transportation, causes virtually no damage to the cargo due to its short duration and the absence of shocks and pitching.

In table Figure 4 shows a typical analysis of the cost of transporting industrial equipment by different modes of transport. The data presented in the table shows that if the transport as a whole is analyzed across all its door-to-door elements, the client can achieve significant cost savings, despite the higher air freight tariff.

Table 4.

Structure of the cost of transporting industrial equipment by mode of transport

(in British pounds sterling)

Types of expenses Kind of transport
Railway Nautical Aviation


Downtime and other expenses

Agency costs

Port dues

Customs clearance

Container and packaging

Total: 347,10 334,16 251,36

In addition, cost savings are possible due to a decrease in the level of inventory in an enterprise served by air transport. In turn, reducing inventory speeds up inventory turnover and reduces storage costs per unit of production.

Each national airline has its own hub. So, for Air France it is Paris, for KLM it is Amsterdam, for Lufthansa it is Frankfurt am Main. Cargo is delivered to hubs by smaller-capacity aircraft serving radial routes, where they connect with larger-capacity mainline aircraft. This transportation system, called "hub and spoke", has spread to other modes of transport, in particular to combined rail-road transport. From airports, most of the cargo, as already noted, is exported or delivered to airports by road. Road transport is used for the delivery of goods in intermodal air-ground communication, because Compared to other modes of transport, it is easier to adapt to the schedule of departure and arrival of aircraft. In turn, each airline strives to capture the intermodal transportation market, for this purpose it provides the necessary frequency of flights, flexibility of routes and, for its part, strives to link cargo transportation with traffic on other modes of transport in order to ensure a given delivery time.

As with other modes of transport, containerization of transportation is carried out by air. It became possible with the advent of wide-body aircraft such as the Boeing 747. Since then, the volume of non-containerized shipments in individual places has noticeably decreased. So, according to the American Air Transport Association (ATA), back in the early 80s. more than 40% of the volume of cargo transported by air was in containers. For air transportation, standard (ISO) containers for land transportation, for example, sea transportation, measuring 8x8x20 feet are used; aviation containers of the same size (the tare weight is 2 times lower than the tare weight of standard 20-foot containers); special aviation containers called “Igloos”, American ones - types A-1; A-2; international (IATA) – types 3, 5, etc., Fig.__. However, end-to-end container air-land transportation in standard containers (8x8x20 feet) is poorly developed, although there are examples of such transportation, for example, in the USA. One of these end-to-end schemes involved 2 clients, 2 airlines, a shipping company and a leasing company. Thus, in San Juan (Puerto Rico), 2 standard 20-foot containers with computer components were loaded onto an American Airlines plane for a plant in Boston. There, the cargo was unloaded from the containers, and they were loaded onto computers and to another plant of the same company located in Tokyo. From Boston, these containers loaded with computers were sent by car to New York, from where they were carried by Japan Airlines.

Rice.__. Special aviation containers "Igloo":

a) type 3 (IATA); b) type 5 (IATA).

After unloading in Tokyo, the containers were loaded with Olympus cameras and headed to the United States. The cargo traveled on a Maersk Line ocean-going vessel to Long Beach, then by road to Los Angeles Airport, from where one of the containers traveled by American Airlines to Chicago and the other to New York. After the cameras were delivered to these two points, both containers were loaded by forwarders with passing general cargo and sent to the point from where they began their movement - San Juan.

However, such transportation using standard containers along the entire route is quite rare, since it is expensive for airlines due to the significant mass of the container.

Thus, the tare weight of sea 20-foot containers is 5 thousand pounds (2.27 tons). However, since the fittings of these containers do not allow them to be secured inside the aircraft, the containers are secured to pallets with slings and this increases the total tare weight by another 800 pounds (360 kg). In addition, the use of standard containers does not fully utilize the volume of the aircraft space, since they are 8 feet high, while, for example, in a Boeing 747 aircraft, cargo can be stacked to a height of 10 feet. True, in this case it would be possible to use special high-capacity containers with a height of 10 feet, but they are inconvenient for intermodal transport. When transported on some types of aircraft, for example DC-10, the side space on both sides of the container is not used. Considering that one unit of fuel is consumed per four units of mass of transported cargo (or container), the use of containers can negatively affect the economic efficiency of air transport. Their use is thus limited to large aircraft on long-haul routes.

Some companies use a transportation scheme that eliminates these difficulties. Thus, the American company Sea Tigers transports electronic household appliances from the Far East in sea containers, which travel by sea to the port of Los Angeles, then are transported by road to the Flying Tigers terminal at Los Angeles International Airport. Here the cargo is transferred into air containers or onto pallets and travels to destinations in Europe, the USA or South America on Boeing 747 cargo aircraft. The delivery time under this arrangement is approximately half that of sea and then land bridge, and the cost – half the cost of delivery by pure air transport.

As for special aviation containers, they can be divided into two types: aviation-ground containers measuring 8x8x20, adapted for the Boeing 747 aircraft and various types of ground equipment, and aviation “Igloos”, adapted to a specific type of aircraft and not corresponding to another type of aircraft and dimensions ground vehicles. Due to the fact that aircraft of different designs and types have different sizes, incompatibility problems may arise when transferring containers from one type of aircraft to another. Therefore, the shipper, when sending cargo on a pallet or in a container, must know what type of aircraft it is, on what deck the cargo will be located, otherwise he may have difficulties accepting it for transportation on a given flight or transshipping it to another aircraft, since the container may not match a specific aircraft type. Air-land containers can also be called intermodal because they can accommodate end-to-end shipments. The tare weight of such containers is only 2200 pounds (about 1 ton), i.e. 2 times less than standard sea containers.

Practice has shown that the average size of general cargo shipments by air is significantly less than by other modes of transport. Air shipments are small shipments and are similar to LTL or LCL shipments (less than the carrying capacity of a trailer or container when transported by land). Even consolidated shipments arranged by air freight forwarders are smaller in size than similar shipments via land. Therefore, most air containers are smaller than 8x8x20 feet, i.e. the size of intermodal air containers, and are poorly suited for intermodal transport. Igloo aviation containers, meeting International Air Transport Association (IATA) standards, are designed specifically for the upper, main or lower deck of an aircraft and provide maximum use of the width and other dimensions of the aircraft. Attempts have been made to find a use for standard intermodal air-ground containers, taking into account the small-scale nature of cargo shipments. Thus, the Boeing company implemented the idea of ​​“intermodal modules” - a family of durable, lightweight, inexpensive, standard-sized boxes in which goods can be transported by any mode of transport and which are easily reloaded from one mode of transport to another, including air, road, water and railway.

The dimensions of the intermodal modules are shown in Table 5.

Table 5.

Dimensions of intermodal modules.

Intermodal modules have the following advantages:

1. They are lighter and cheaper than standard airline containers.

2. They allow repeated use because... are multi-turn.

3. They can be folded if they are empty.

4. The lid is equipped with a locking device and the ability to seal the load.

5. They can be moved by forklifts.

6. In terms of their dimensions, they correspond to the dimensions of trailers used both in the USA and in Europe. Their dimensions are also multiples of the 8x8x20 foot intermodal containers.

7. Since cargo operations are completed quite quickly, the use of intermodal modules reduces unproductive vehicle downtime during the removal and delivery of goods compared to transportation at separate locations.

8. They are convenient for collecting cargo shipments from various small customers before mainline air transportation and delivering them to various consumers after such transportation.

Despite numerous advantages, the use of intermodal modules has not found any significant spread, perhaps due to the fact that the modules are not as durable as metal or plastic pallets, or conventional containers.

As already noted, weight loads have a great influence on the cost of transportation by air, therefore, along with containers, transportation of cargo on pallets (pallets) has also become widespread. The weight of pallets is significantly less than the weight of the container. At the same time, pallets are also a means of consolidating cargo, like containers, and also facilitate loading and unloading operations.

As a result of the ever-increasing volume of cargo transported by air, entire “cargo cities” have emerged around major airports. Container stations have appeared on their territory, where containers are assembled and disassembled. The same work can be carried out at the airport's cargo terminal, but it usually cannot cope with peak loads. Given that most of the cargo gravitating toward air transport is in the form of individual packages, each destined for hundreds or more consumers at the transshipment point, airlines, as well as freight forwarders and other intermediaries, often use the services of container freight stations. Rates for work performed at container freight yards are usually lower than the discounts that airlines provide for moving containers, so it is beneficial for shippers or consignees to pay the container station for this work and then receive a rate discount from the airline.

... ; land issue; the interdependence of the development of airports and other elements of the air transport system; modern trends and draft concepts for the development of airport activities. State of the airport and airfield network: The system-wide crisis in Russian civil aviation led to a reduction in the volume of air transport work in the industry from 86.0 million passengers in 1991 to 20 million in 1993...

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The use of logistics achievements in transport is the key to increasing the efficiency of the domestic transport complex and enhancing its integration into the global transport system.

It should be noted that in recent years, transport, having a colossal strategic resource, performs a basic function in flow processes.

Today, more than ever, the tasks of increasing transportation volumes and increasing the economic efficiency of the activities of numerous domestic freight and passenger carriers and forwarders are urgent. And not only on domestic lines. As foreign experience shows, a qualitative “leap” in the transport sector can only be achieved through the use of new technologies to ensure transportation processes that meet modern requirements and high international standards, in particular, through expanding the development of logistics thinking and logistics principles. Indeed, at its core, transport logistics as a new methodology for optimizing and organizing rational cargo flows, and processing in specialized logistics centers makes it possible to increase the efficiency of such flows, reduce unproductive costs and expenses, and for transport workers to be modern, to best meet the needs of increasingly demanding clients and the market . You are convinced of this when you analyze the work of leading domestic companies - “Russian Terminal”, “Sheremetyevo Cargo”, etc.

In the future, logistics will provide an opportunity for many domestic transport enterprises to improve their financial affairs in the domestic and foreign markets, increase their ratings, increase transportation volumes and, finally, get rid of the humiliating role of subcontractors of leading foreign companies where their capabilities are much higher.

Indeed, today the share of Russian carriers in the total volume of transportation carried out by domestic and foreign organizations and firms, according to ASMAP, is at the level of 30-35%, which does not correspond to their real potential.

Thus, the relevance of developing and improving transport logistics chains and, in particular, multimodal chains is increasing.

The purpose of this work is to consider the optimization of the region's transport system based on a logistics approach to management. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

Analyze the state of the modern multimodal transportation market;

Consider the features of the multimodal organization of the logistics chain;

Analyze the transport system of the Delta-M company

The structure of this work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Analysis of the modern multimodal transportation market

Features of the multimodal organization of the supply chain

Modern logistics transportation practice is associated with the increasing expansion of transportation carried out by one forwarder (operator) from one dispatch center and according to a single transport document (multimodal, intermodal, transmodal, A-modal, combined, segmented, etc.).

During intermodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into an agreement for the entire route with one person (operator). The operator can be, for example, a forwarding company, which, operating along the entire route of cargo transportation by various modes of transport, frees the cargo owner from the need to enter into contractual relations with other transport companies. Signs of intermodal (multimodal) transportation are:

presence of a delivery operator from the initial to the final point of the logistics chain (channel);

single through freight rate;

single transport document;

single responsibility for the cargo and execution of the contract of carriage.

The basic principles of the functioning of intermodal and multimodal transportation systems are the following:

uniform commercial legal regime;

an integrated approach to solving financial and economic issues of organizing transportation,

maximum use of telecommunication networks and electronic document management systems;

a unified organizational and technological principle of transportation management and coordination of the actions of all logistics intermediaries involved in transportation;

cooperation of logistics intermediaries;

comprehensive development of transportation infrastructure by various modes of transport.

When carrying out multimodal transportation outside the country (during export-import operations), customs procedures for registration (“clearing”) of cargo, as well as transport legislation and commercial and legal aspects of transportation in those countries through which the cargo route passes, become essential. transportation, the principle of uniformity of the commercial legal regime provides.

unification of physical distribution units in terms of transportation;

simplification of customs formalities;

implementation of standard commercial cargo and transport documents of international standard.

Information and computer support for the transport process is of great importance in multi- and intermodal transportation. To integrate our country into the global information space (including in the field of transportation), it is necessary to use modern international standards for electronic data interchange EDI, EDIFACT, and the development of paperless electronic document management. A key role for transportation is played by international telecommunication networks, both commercial (CompuServe, America Online, Relcom) and non-commercial (Internet), satellite communication and navigation systems for vehicles (Inmarsat-C, GPS, etc.).

In recent years, transportation technology, especially for multi- and intermodal transport, has been associated with the use of freight terminals and terminal complexes in logistics chains and channels. Therefore, the corresponding transportations are called terminal transportations.

The choice of mode of transportation, mode of transport and logistics intermediaries is made based on a system of criteria. The main criteria when choosing a method of transportation and type of transport include

minimal transportation costs,

specified transit time (cargo delivery);

maximum reliability and safety;

minimal costs (damage) associated with inventories in transit;

capacity and availability of the mode of transport;

product differentiation.

Transportation costs include both direct transport tariffs for transporting a certain volume of cargo (performing a certain volume of transport work), and costs associated with forwarding operations, loading, unloading, packaging, reloading, sorting, etc., etc. e. logistics operations of physical distribution accompanying the transportation of goods. As a rule, transport costs (along with delivery time) are the main criterion for choosing the mode of transport and method of transportation.

Delivery time (transit time) is, like costs, a priority indicator in an alternative choice, as it determines modern logistics concepts JIT, QR, DDT and others, where time plays a key role. On the other hand, delivery of cargo on time indicates (other things being equal) the reliability of the chosen transportation scheme (carrier and other logistics intermediaries). In addition, reducing delivery time often gives a firm a significant competitive advantage in the SOE market, providing the opportunity to implement a product differentiation strategy.

When choosing the appropriate mode of transport, the logistics manager must take into account indicators of capacity and accessibility in terms of transportation capabilities, technical and operational indicators and spatial accessibility of transport.

Finally, an important condition for the choice is to ensure the safety of the cargo in transit, the requirements of cargo quality standards, and international environmental requirements.

The complexity of the multicriteria approach to the selection problem under consideration lies in the multidirectionality of the criteria, different dimensions, and the qualitative nature of many indicators.

The central place among many logistics decision-making procedures for transportation is the procedure for selecting a carrier (or several carriers). Often this procedure is entrusted by the logistics manager to a freight forwarding company with which the cargo owner has a long-standing established business relationship. In this case, the forwarder is given certain characteristics of the cargo, criteria and restrictions listed above.

In cases where the logistics manager independently solves the problem of choosing a carrier, he must be based on a specific selection scheme, the algorithm of which is similar to the procedure for selecting a supplier. If the type of transport is determined, then an analysis of the specific transport services market must be carried out, in which, as a rule, there are a fairly large number of carriers with different organizational and legal forms.