Project activities in elementary school. Presentation on the topic “project activity in elementary school” What is project activity

  • Introduction is the part in which it is necessary to indicate the topic, purpose and objectives, hypothesis and methods of testing it.
  • The main part is a description of the step-by-step solution of problems.
  • Conclusion is the part in which you need to summarize the work, listing what was successful and what was not, draw conclusions, and formulate recommendations.

Stages of work on the project

  • ability to think critically.

Project classification

  • Research,
  • creative,
  • adventure games,
  • informational,
  • Practice-oriented
  • These are practical and laboratory work, reports, speeches, observation diaries, etc.
  • The form of presentation of the results can be different (product, video, expedition, report, wall newspaper, holiday script, theatrical performance, poster, school magazine of interesting things, etc. )


  • Requires a lot of preparatory work. Decision making is carried out in a game situation.
  • Be sure to outline the problem and goals of the project. It is not always possible to outline the results at the beginning of the work; they can only be determined at the end of the project, but reflection of the participants and correlation of the results obtained with the goal are necessary.
  • These can be literary characters or fictional heroes, imitating social or business relationships with invented participants and situations.
  • Students study and use various methods of obtaining information (literature, library collections, media, databases, including electronic ones, methods of questioning and interviewing), processing it (analysis, generalization, comparison with known facts, reasoned conclusions) and presentation (report, publication, posting on the Internet or local networks, teleconference).
  • The project ends with a discussion and presentation of the results, formulation of conclusions and identification of problems for further research.
  • They involve argumentation of the relevance of the topic, definition of the problem, subject, object, goals and objectives of the study. It is necessary to put forward a research hypothesis, designate research methods and conduct an experiment. The project ends with a discussion and presentation of the results, formulation of conclusions and identification of problems for further research.

Practice-oriented projects

  • This result must necessarily be focused on the social interests of the participants themselves.
  • This project requires a well-thought-out structure, which can be presented in the form of a script, defining the functions of each student and the participation of each of them in the design of the final result.
  • It is advisable to conduct stage-by-stage discussions to coordinate the joint activities of the participants.

Work plan development stage

Project implementation

Completion of the project


  • individual;
  • group.

By duration

  • short-term (4-6 lessons);
  • mid-term;
  • long-term.
  • video film;
  • exhibition;
  • newspaper, magazine;
  • a game;
  • collection;
  • costume;
  • model;
  • musical composition;
  • multimedia product;
  • office design;
  • staging;
  • holiday;
  • forecast;
  • directory;
  • tutorial

success criteria

  • The final result has been achieved.

Project activities contribute to the formation of key competencies of students, preparing them for real life conditions.

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“project activities in elementary school. presentation for parents' meeting"

Project. Project activities in elementary school.

Parent meeting .

Veretennikova Lyudmila Borisovna

Primary school teacher

State educational institution "Berezovskaya school"

"The illiterate man of tomorrow it won't be the one who can't read, but the one who has not learned to learn.”

A. Toffler.

  • Project- this is a set of actions specially organized by the teacher and independently performed by students, with a presentation of its implementation, a description of research, a statement of conclusions and recommendations.
  • Purpose project activity is the general development and formation of the qualities of a creative personality.
  • Project method- this is a joint educational, cognitive, creative or gaming activity of a teacher, parent and students.

  • Introduction is the part in which it is necessary to indicate the topic, purpose and objectives, hypothesis and methods for testing it.
  • The main part is a description of the step-by-step solution of problems.
  • Conclusion is the part in which you need to summarize the work, listing what was successful and what was not, draw conclusions, and formulate recommendations.

Stages of work on the project :

  • - motivational (the teacher states the general meaning, creates a positive motivational mood; students discuss, offer their own ideas);
  • - planning (the topic and goals of the project are determined, objectives are formulated, an action plan is developed, criteria for evaluating results are established);
  • - information and operational (collection of materials, research work);
  • - reflective - evaluative (presentation of work, assessment of performance results; tasks for the future).

  • development of cognitive skills of students
  • ability to navigate the information space
  • the ability to independently construct one’s knowledge
  • ability to integrate knowledge from various fields of science
  • ability to think critically.

  • research,
  • creative,
  • adventure games,
  • informational,
  • practice-oriented

  • one of the most common forms of this type of activity.
  • have a clear, well-thought-out structure that practically coincides with the structure of real scientific research: relevance of the topic; problem, subject and object of research; purpose, hypothesis and ensuing research objectives; research methods: observation, experiments, experiments; discussion of results, conclusions and recommendations.
  • These are practical and laboratory work, reports, speeches, observation diaries, etc.

  • assumes the most free author's approach to solving the problem.
  • do not have a detailed structure of students’ joint activities - it is only outlined and further developed in accordance with the requirements for the form and genre of the final result.
  • The form of presentation of the results can be different (product, video, expedition, report, wall newspaper, holiday script, theatrical performance, poster, school magazine of interesting things, etc. )

  • require a lot of preparatory work. Decision making is carried out in a game situation.
  • The problem and goals of the project must be outlined. It is not always possible to outline the results at the beginning of the work; they can only be determined at the end of the project, but reflection of the participants and correlation of the results obtained with the goal are necessary.
  • these can be literary characters or fictional heroes imitating social or business relationships with invented participants and situations.

  • are aimed at collecting information about any object or phenomenon.
  • students study and use various methods of obtaining information (literature, library collections, media, databases, including electronic ones, methods of questioning and interviewing), processing it (analysis, generalization, comparison with known facts, reasoned conclusions) and presentation (report, publication, posting on the Internet or local networks, teleconference).
  • The project ends with a discussion and presentation of the results, formulation of conclusions and identification of problems for further research.

  • have a structure close to genuine scientific research.
  • they involve argumentation of the relevance of the topic, definition of the problem, subject, object, goals and objectives of the study. It is necessary to put forward a research hypothesis, designate research methods and conduct an experiment. The project ends with a discussion and presentation of the results, formulation of conclusions and identification of problems for further research.

  • distinguished by the clearly defined from the very beginning nature of the result of the activities of its participants.
  • this result must necessarily be focused on the social interests of the participants themselves.
  • This project requires a well-thought-out structure, which can be presented in the form of a script, defining the functions of each student and the participation of each of them in the design of the final result.
  • It is advisable to conduct stage-by-stage discussions to coordinate the joint activities of the participants.

  • - Determining the timing of the project, drawing up a plan and schedule for interim reporting.
  • - Selection of means and methods of implementation.
  • - Discussion of criteria for assessing the quality of the project and the evaluation method.
  • - Choosing a way to present the results and a presentation script.
  • - Selecting the form of work (individual, group), distribution of responsibilities.

  • - Collection, analysis and synthesis of information from various sources.
  • - Conducting research, performing calculations,
  • - Preparation of visual and graphic material (graphs, diagrams, tables, diagrams, photographs, videos, etc.).
  • - Preparation of materials for presentation (conclusion, article, report, computer presentation, exhibition, etc.)
  • - Monitoring and correction of intermediate results.

  • - Public presentation of the project.
  • - Examination of the project in accordance with specified criteria.
  • - Reflection: discussion of the process and results of work, group and personal achievements.

  • By the number of project participants :
  • individual;
  • group.
  • By duration
  • mini-projects (fit into 1 lesson);
  • short-term (4-6 lessons);
  • mid-term;
  • long-term.

  • video film;
  • exhibition;
  • newspaper, magazine;
  • a game;
  • collection;
  • costume;
  • model;
  • musical composition;
  • multimedia product;
  • office design;
  • staging;
  • holiday;
  • forecast;
  • school self-government system;
  • directory;
  • training manual, etc.

  • The final result has been achieved.
  • An active team of project participants has been created, capable of continuing work in the future.
  • The result of the project can be used by other teams.
  • Information about the project is widely distributed.
  • Enjoyed your activities.

  • Project activities contribute to the formation of key competencies of students, preparing them for real life conditions.

Thank you for your attention.

History of the emergence of the project method The project method originated in the second half of the 19th century in US agricultural schools and was based on the theoretical concepts of “pragmatic pedagogy”, the founder of which was the American idealist philosopher John Dewey (). According to his views, only what is true and valuable is what is useful to people, what gives practical results and is aimed at the benefit of the whole society. The principle of pragmatic pedagogy: “learning through doing”

The project method is ways of organizing students’ independent activities to achieve a certain result. It is focused on interest, on the creative self-realization of the student’s developing personality, the development of his intellectual and physical capabilities, strong-willed qualities and creative abilities in the process of solving any problem that interests him.

The essence of project-based learning is that the student, in the process of working on an educational project, comprehends real processes and objects. It involves the student living through specific situations of overcoming difficulties; introducing him to penetration into the depths of phenomena and processes.

Requirements for an educational project It is necessary to have a socially significant task (problem) - research, information, practical. Project implementation begins with planning actions to resolve the problem, in other words, with the design of the project itself, in particular, with determining the type of product and the form of presentation. The most important part of the plan is the operational development of the project, which contains a list of specific actions indicating outputs, deadlines and responsibilities. Each project necessarily requires student research. Thus, a distinctive feature of project activity is the search for information, which will then be processed, comprehended and presented to the participants of the project team. The result of work on the project, in other words, the output of the project, is the product.

Research projects Research projects have a clear, well-thought-out structure, which practically coincides with the structure of real scientific research: relevance of the topic, problem, subject and object of research; research methods; purpose, hypothesis and ensuing research objectives; research methods, discussion of results, conclusions and recommendations. Research projects are one of the most common forms of this type of activity.

Creative projects Creative projects do not have a detailed structure of students’ joint activities - it is only outlined and further developed in accordance with the requirements for the form and genre of the final result. This could be a wall newspaper, a holiday script, a video film, a school printed almanac, a children's conference, etc.

Adventure and gaming projects Adventure and gaming projects require a lot of preparatory work. Decision making occurs in a game situation. Participants choose specific roles for themselves. The results of such projects often emerge only at the end of the activity.

Information projects Information projects are aimed at collecting information about any object or phenomenon, familiarizing project participants with this information, analyzing it and summarizing the facts. Thanks to the development of digital technologies, new teaching tools have come into educational practice. The spread of computers and mobile technologies makes it possible to include various open areas outside the school walls in the educational process. Parks, squares and city streets are now becoming classrooms, where the latest technology can be used to extract and use data as you walk and travel. Mastering new tools not only leads to the fact that we can solve new problems. New tools are gradually changing our worldview, allowing us to see the world from a new point of view.

Practice-oriented projects Practice-oriented projects are distinguished by the nature of the result of the activities of its participants, which is clearly defined from the very beginning. This result must necessarily be focused on the social interests of the participants themselves. This project requires a clearly thought-out structure, which can be presented in the form of a script, defining the functions of each participant and the participation of each of them in the design of the final result. It is advisable to conduct stage-by-stage discussions to coordinate the joint activities of the participants.

Personal or group projects Advantages of personal projects: the work plan for the project can be built and tracked with maximum accuracy; the student develops a sense of responsibility, since the completion of the project depends only on him; the student gains experience at all stages of the project without exception - from the birth of the idea to the final reflection; the formation of the student’s most important general educational skills (research, presentation, evaluation) turns out to be a completely manageable process;

Advantages of group projects: collaboration skills are developed in the project group; the project can be carried out in the most profound and versatile way; At each stage of work on a project, as a rule, there is a situational leader; Subgroups can be formed within the project group.

Forms of products of project activities video film; exhibition; newspaper, magazine; a game; collection; costume; model; musical composition; multimedia product; office design; staging; holiday; forecast; school self-government system; directory; tutorial; excursion.

What are the criteria for success of the project? The final result has been achieved. An active team of project participants has been created, capable of continuing work in the future. The result of the project can be used by other teams. Information about the project is widely distributed. Enjoyed your activities.

General approaches to structuring a project: 1. You should always start with choosing the topic of the project, its type, and the number of participants. 2. Next, the teacher needs to think through possible options for problems that are important to explore within the framework of the intended topic. The problems themselves are put forward by students at the suggestion of the teacher (leading questions, situations that help identify problems, a video series with the same purpose, etc.). A brainstorming session followed by a group discussion is appropriate here. 3. Distribution of tasks into groups, discussion of possible research methods, information search, creative solutions.

4. Independent work of project participants on their individual or group research and creative tasks. 5. Intermediate discussions of the obtained data in groups (in lessons or in classes in a scientific society, in group work in the library, etc.). 6. Project protection, opposition. 7. Collective discussion, examination, results of external assessment, conclusions.

An educational project from the student’s point of view is an opportunity to do something interesting independently, in a group or by yourself, making the most of your capabilities; This is an activity that allows you to express yourself, try your hand, apply your knowledge, bring benefit and publicly show the results achieved; This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem, formulated by the students themselves in the form of a goal and task, when the result of this activity - the found way to solve the problem - is practical in nature, has important applied significance and, most importantly, is interesting and significant for the discoverers themselves.

From the teacher’s point of view, an educational project is a didactic tool that allows you to teach design, i.e. purposeful activity to find a way to solve a problem by solving problems arising from this problem when considering it in a certain situation.

An educational project is both a task for students, formulated in the form of a problem, and their purposeful activity, and a form of organizing the interaction of students with the teacher and students among themselves, and the result of the activity as a way they found to solve the project problem.

The structure of the activity of the teacher and student when using the project method: StudentTeacher Determines the goal of the activity Helps determine the goal of the activity Discovers new knowledge Recommends sources of information Experiments Reveals possible forms of work Selects solutions Helps predict results Active Creates conditions for the student’s activity Subject of learning Student’s partner Bears responsibility for his activities Helps evaluate obtained result, identify shortcomings

Several groups of skills that are most influenced by project activities: a) research (generate ideas, choose the best solution); b) social interaction (cooperate in the process of educational activities, provide assistance to friends and accept their help, monitor the progress of joint work and direct it in the right direction); c) evaluative (evaluate the progress and results of one’s activities and the activities of others); d) informational (independently search for the necessary information, identify what information or skills are missing); e) presentational (speaking in front of an audience, answering unplanned questions, using various visual aids, demonstrating artistic capabilities); f) reflexive (answer the questions: “What have I learned?”, “What do I need to learn?”, adequately choose one’s role in a collective endeavor); g) managerial (design a process, plan activities, time, resources; make decisions; distribute responsibilities when performing a collective task).

Features and options for organizing the project method with children of primary school age. It is better to choose topics for children's project work from the content of academic subjects or from areas close to them. The problem of a project or research that provides motivation for schoolchildren to engage in independent activities should be in the area of ​​students’ cognitive interests in the zone of their immediate development.

The process of comprehension, purposeful acquisition and application by schoolchildren of the knowledge necessary in a particular project also requires a lot of attention from the teacher. In this case, a special tact and delicacy is required from the teacher, so as not to “impose” information on the students, but to direct them to an independent search. During the process of working on a project, it is advisable to conduct excursions, walks and observations with younger schoolchildren.

The final stage of project activity—the presentation (defense) of the project—requires special attention. Project defense is often carried out in the form of an exhibition of the products that students have created. To do this, they prepare a short presentation with a story about their project. A very important issue is the evaluation of completed projects, which in elementary school should be stimulating. Schoolchildren who have achieved special results in completing a project can be awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts, while in primary school every student who completed a project should be rewarded. The presentation should not be turned into a project competition with awards for places. It’s better to highlight several nominations and try to make sure that each project wins in some category.

When organizing project activities in elementary schools, it is necessary to take into account the age and psychological and physiological characteristics of younger schoolchildren. An essential condition for a teacher to choose the most effective methods that optimize teaching is knowledge of the real capabilities of students, the development of their intellect, will, and motives. It is necessary to be systematic in the use of active methods, a gradual increase in the degree of children's independence in educational and cognitive activities and a decrease in various types of teacher assistance.

Conclusion: project activities contribute to the formation of key competencies of students, preparing them for real life conditions. It takes the process of learning and education out of the walls of the school and into the outside world. The motto of this activity can be the words of the outstanding German playwright and philosopher G.E. Lessing: “Argue, be mistaken, make mistakes, but for God’s sake, think, and although crookedly, do it yourself.”

General rules for teachers - project managers. Try to approach everything creatively, fight with banal solutions. Focus on the research process, not just the outcome. Strive to discover and develop in each child his individual inclinations and abilities. Try to do less instruction, help children act independently. When assessing, remember - it is better to praise ten times for nothing than to criticize once for nothing. Remember the main pedagogical result - do not do for the student what he can do on his own. Don't hold back your children's initiatives. Teach children to act independently, teach them the skills of original problem solving, independent searches and analysis of situations. Teach the ability to obtain information, and not swallow it ready-made. Try to teach schoolchildren the skills to analyze, synthesize, and classify the information they receive.

Experimental work on the development and implementation of a complex creative project “Festival of Russian Folk Tales” Stages: The preparatory stage includes the development of a creative complex project, introducing students and parents to the project technology; The main stage involves the implementation of a project with primary school students and identifying the level of development of communicative, informational competencies and problem-solving competence in project activities; The control stage involves determining the dynamics of students’ progress and analyzing the results of their work.

Project passport. Topic: “Festival of Russian folk tales.” Objectives: to introduce students to the principle of an integrated approach in creating a creative product of project activity; involve each student in an active creative process; cultivate interest in folk culture and oral folk art.

Stage 2. Planning (selection of projects). use the children's drawings to create an exhibition; dramatize the fairy tale “Teremok”: - distribute roles; - choose costumes; - rehearse a fairy tale on stage; draw up a holiday script; - select numbers to participate in the holiday; - learn poems, riddles, songs; - rehearse on stage.

Stages of project activity Possible actions of parents Initial ideas are put forward. Help your child come up with as many ideas as possible by writing them down on a piece of paper. Let the ideas be the most diverse and daring. The more ideas, the more choice. The topic of the project work is selected and formulated. Help choose the best idea and justify the choice. The project task is formulated. May need help getting the wording right. A project implementation plan is being developed. Help plan work taking into account your child’s busy schedule. Possible results of work on the project topic are discussed. Discuss possible outcomes with your child. Educational tasks are determined and deadlines are set for their completion. Break the amount of work into small parts and determine the deadline for completing each. Responsibilities are distributed among project team members. Clarification of responsibilities may be required. The role of parents at the stages of the project When helping a child, remember: the main character is your child! You are only an assistant, consultant, technical secretary of the project!

Sources and literature on the topic of the project are studied. Facilitate a visit to the library. Information on the problem is collected and processed. Help your child find a variety of sources of information. Conclusions are prepared and compared with the objectives of the project activities. Help in preparing conclusions, grammatical and stylistic control may be required. The results of the work are compiled and a report is prepared. Tell me the basic rules for preparing documents. The project is being prepared for presentation. Help rehearse the speech. Public presentation of project work. Be present at the defense. Support your child, you have a reason to be proud of him. The work done during the project period is analyzed. Discuss your work together, think about what could have been done differently.

To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:

Stages of work on the project Preparatory 1. Selecting a topic (title) of the project 2. Determining the purpose of the work. 3. Formulation of a hypothesis (proposal). 4. Defining tasks that will help achieve the goal. 5. Drawing up a work plan.

Main Search and study of literature on the topic of work. 2. Selection of materials. 3. Do your own research. 4. Preparation of a conclusion on the work done. 5. Design of work.

Final Presentation of project results, defense of the project.

Types of educational research By number of participants: individual (independent) group collective

By place of manifestation: on a regular basis outside of school hours

By time: short-term long-term

On topic: subject free

Evaluation criteria for the quality of work on the topic with independence of work on the project artistry and expressiveness of speech ability to answer questions

Where to collect information in books, encyclopedias, reference books, and ask others on the Internet in created folders in the classroom

Who can help? the teacher has parents

Types of product a atlas in an ideo film a cartoon a newspaper a magazine a collection a publication a reference book a program a book

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Memo for the teacher - head of the student educational institution. Stages of work on the project.

Work on the project includes four stages: - planning; - analytical stage; - stage of summarizing information; - stage of presenting the results of work on the project (presentation)....

Design and research activities of junior schoolchildren. Stages of work on the project.

Design and research activities of junior schoolchildren. Stages of work on the project. Algorithm for preparing students' research works....

"Stages of working on a project in elementary school"

The main idea of ​​design and research activities is the focus of educational and cognitive activities on the result that is obtained by solving practical, theoretical, but always personal...

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Project method in elementary school

Shpotakovskaya Elena Ivanovna primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 8, Spasskoye village, Spassky district, Primorsky Territory

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One of the leading methods in school lessons is the project method. It is widely used not only in middle and high schools, but also in elementary schools. Project methods are based on the idea of ​​focusing students' educational and cognitive activities on the result that is obtained when solving a particular problem. It is important for the teacher to remember that the choice of problems for projects should be taken only from life. Thanks to the use of the project method, the creative activity of schoolchildren increases, theory and practice are combined, and independence develops.

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Studies have shown that a person remembers only 10% of what he reads, 20% of what he hears, 30% of what he sees. 50% is remembered from what we see and hear, watching films, visiting exhibitions and excursions. We remember 70% of what we say when participating in discussions. And only when we speak and participate in real activities, make decisions ourselves, draw conclusions and predict future activities, only then do we remember 90%. A person can be compared to an iceberg, which only 1/8 protrudes above the water, and 7/8 of which is hidden under water. Most ships sailing in the oceans most often crash on this invisible part of the iceberg. Most of the failures of teachers happen because they forget about the feelings and emotions of the student.

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Organizing in an elementary school such a complex type of work with students as completing projects is not an easy task, requiring effort, considerable time, enthusiasm, etc. Properly organized project activities make it possible to fully justify these costs and provide a tangible pedagogical effect, associated primarily with the personal development of students.

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Pedagogical goals, the achievement of which is facilitated by project activities: -Making independent decisions; -Ability to set tasks and ask questions; -Skill to work in team; -Search for non-standard, original solutions; -The ability to attract and interest others in the chosen topic; -Unlocking individual potential.

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The requirements, in general, are the simplest, and the main one is “start from the child” - an old, but sometimes forgotten rule. All topics proposed as “project” topics must be within the child’s understanding. The smaller the child, the simpler the project. Young children are only able to complete very simple projects and plan their work for the day and even only for a few hours. Hence the conclusion: projects in primary school are uncomplicated and simple. It is important that the choice of project is preceded by a “flash of interest” as a motivating event. The child must be interested in the project.

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The following components can be distinguished in a project: - problem (task) - planning actions to solve the problem (designing the project itself) - searching for information (student research work) - product (result of work on the project, project output) - presentation of the product - portfolio (folder, which contains all the working materials of the project)

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Stages of work on the project

Collection and processing of information

“Immersion” in the problem (selection and awareness of the problem)

Developing your own solution to the problem: relevance and importance; information analysis; action program; development of a program version

Implementation of the action plan (project)

Project presentation

Preparation for project defense (students are divided into groups) present the project, prepare a poster presentation, develop an electronic presentation

Reflection (Self-analysis and self-evaluation of the work done, your impressions)

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What do we expect from the project activities of students in the lower grades? We believe that well-organized project activities will give a tangible pedagogical effect, associated, first of all, with the personal development of students. Work on the project helps to educate students: significant universal values ​​(social partnership, tolerance, dialogue); sense of responsibility, self-discipline; abilities for methodological work and self-organization. Project activities develop: research and creative abilities of the individual. The essence and value of educational projects is to teach children to design their own trajectory when solving a particular sociocultural issue.

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Traffic Laws

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Relevance and practical significance of the project:

Every day in Russia, an average of 75 children are involved in road traffic accidents, dying and receiving injuries of varying severity. Many remain disabled.

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Objective of the project:

formation of safe behavior of schoolchildren on the road, education of polite pedestrians, development of attention and memory of students.

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Fundamental Question

Do we need traffic rules?

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How to avoid becoming a victim on the road? How to protect yourself from an accident on the roadway?

Questions of the educational topic (problematic)

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About the project Problems (topics) of independent research Project deadlines Forms for students to present research results Criteria for evaluating results Student research Student creativity Information resources

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The world. Fine Arts Technology Extracurricular activities.

Academic subjects

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What is transport? What is a traffic light? What do road signs mean? What dangers await a pedestrian on the road? Causes of road accidents.

Problems (topics) of independent research

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Project objectives:

teach your child to behave safely and navigate correctly in traffic situations; cultivate a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules.

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Project timing

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Presentation Performance “Visiting the traffic light”

Forms for students to present research results

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Ivanov A.M. ABC of security. M., - Education, 2003. Our friend is the traffic light. Traffic Laws. M., 1996. Three traffic lights. M., - Education, 2002.

Informational resources

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Completed by: students of grade 3 “B” of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 8

Traffic school

Road Safety

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Create a reference book, a desktop guide for safely crossing the road.

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Finding myself in a big and noisy city, I got lost. I was lost... Not knowing the traffic lights. Almost got hit by a car! There are cars and trams all around, Then suddenly a bus is on the way... To be honest, I don’t know, Where should I cross the road? Guys! Help me! And, if possible, tell me how to cross the road so as not to get run over by a tram!

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Project activities in elementary school.

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Relevance of the topic.
The innovative search for new means has led teachers to the understanding that activity-based, group, game, role-playing, practice-oriented, problem-based, reflective and other forms and methods of teaching and learning are needed. The leading place among such methods discovered in the arsenal of world and domestic pedagogical practice belongs today to the project method (the founder is the American idealist philosopher John Dewey). The project method is based on the idea of ​​​​orienting the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren to the result that is obtained when solving a problem or other practically or theoretically significant problem. The external result can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real practical activities. The internal result - the experience of activity - becomes an invaluable asset of the student, combining knowledge and skills, competencies and values.

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Basic concepts.
The project literally translated from Latin means “thrown forward.” In dictionaries - a plan, plan, text or drawing of something that precedes its creation. A project is a prototype, a prototype of an object, type of activity, etc., and design turns into the process of creating a project.

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The educational project is:
a task for students formulated in the form of a problem; purposeful activities of children; form of organizing interaction between students and teachers and students among themselves; the result of the activity as a way they found to solve the project problem.

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At the heart of every project is a problem. We start from the problem by initiating activity. The problem of the project determines the motive for the activities aimed at solving it. The goal of project activity is to find ways to solve a problem, and the project task is formulated as the task of achieving a goal under certain conditions
The problem of the project “Why?” Relevance of the problem - (this is important for me personally) motivation Purpose of the project “Why?” Goal setting (we are doing a project) Project objectives “What?” Setting goals (this is what we do) Methods and methods “How?” Choosing methods and (we can do this) methods, planning Result “What happened?” Expected result (as a solution to the problem)

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The project is the “five Ps”:
1. Problem
The sixth “P” of a project is its Portfolio,
4. Product
3. Search for information
2. Design (planning)
5. Presentation.

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Stages of work using the project method.
Teacher Students
Stage 1 – immersion in the project.
Formulates: Implement: 1) the project problem; 1) personal assignment of the project; 2) plot situation; 2) getting used to the situation; 3)goal and objectives. 3) acceptance and clarification of goals and objectives.
Stage 2 – organization of activities.
Organizes activities - suggests: Carry out: 4) organize groups; 4) division into groups; 5) distribute roles in groups; 5) distribution of roles in the group; 6) plan activities for 6) work planning; solving project problems; 7) choosing a form and method 7) choosing possible forms of presentation of the proposed presentation of the results. results.

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Stage 3 – implementation of activities.
Does not participate, but: Work independently: 8)consults students; 8) each in accordance with his own 9) unobtrusively controls; role and together; 10) provides new knowledge on 9) consults as necessary; necessity; 11) rehearses with students 10) “extract” the necessary presentation of knowledge results 11) prepare a presentation
Stage 4 - presentation
Accepts the report: Demonstrates: 12) generalizes and summarizes 12) understanding of the problem, goals and results obtained; tasks; 13) sums up; 13) ability to plan and 14) evaluates skills: communicate, carry out work; listen, justify your 14) found solution, opinion, tolerance. Problems; 15) focuses attention on 15) give mutual assessment of the educational moment. activities and their effectiveness.

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A set of methods and forms used in project activities
scientific method
search engines
discussions, heuristic conversations
role-playing games

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Project typology
Dominant activities in the project: - research, search, creative, role-playing, applied (practice-oriented), orientation, etc. (research project, game, practice-oriented, creative); Subject-content area: mono-project (within one area of ​​knowledge); interdisciplinary project. The nature of contacts between participants: - intraclass; - intra-school; - regional; - interregional; international Project duration: - short-term (to solve a small problem or part of a larger problem). Such small projects can be developed in one or two lessons; - average duration (from a week to a month); - long-term (from a month to several months).

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Rules for successful project activities
There are no leaders in the team. All team members are equal. Teams do not compete. All team members should enjoy communication with each other, a sense of self-confidence and the fact that they are completing a project task together. Everyone must be active and contribute to the common cause. There should be no so-called “sleeping partners”. All team members performing the project task are responsible for the final result.