Brown iron ore presentation. Presentation on the topic "hardware". With complex substances

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M BOU Secondary School No. 62, Tula, chemistry teacher Kiryukhina G.D. Iron

Questions for independent study (given in advance) 1. Using the structure of atoms as a guide, characterize the general properties of metals and their classifications. 2. “Almost a detective story...” December 18... Petersburg Report I bring to your attention that all the soldiers' tin buttons were lost in your military uniform warehouse. At first they darkened slightly, then lost their shine, and after a few days they crumbled into powder. Damaged buttons infected healthy people. Destruction spread like a plague. The culprit is not clear. We ask for help in investigating the crime. Signature and seal. 3. Metals A and B belong to the same period and group. Metal salts A are soluble in water. Solutions of all metal salts B, when added to hydrochloric acid, form an insoluble precipitate. Using the periodic system of chemistry. email DI. Mendeleev name both elements. 4. A chemical method for recognizing the poles of a direct current source is to apply the ends of the wires to purple litmus paper moistened with a salt solution. What kind of salts can you use? How will the color of the paper change? 5. How much platinum is in platinum? 6. What metal can be blamed for the extermination of an entire tribe?

4 period VIII group side subgroup +26 Fe 2ē, 8ē, 14ē, 2ē Characteristic oxidation states Fe +2 + 2 -1 +2 -1 FeCl 2 Fe(OH) 2 Fe +3 +3 -1 +3 -1 FeCl 3 Fe(OH) 3

Natural iron compounds - magnetite - hematite - limonite - pyrite The waters of many mineral springs contain iron bicarbonate Fe(HCO 3) 2 and some other iron salts. Further

Magnetite (magnetic iron ore) Fe 3 O 4 (Fe 2 O 3 · FeO) - contains up to 72% iron; - the most important deposits in Russia - the Southern Urals (Magnitogorsk), Kursk magnetic anomaly; - the name comes from the ancient city of Magnesia in Asia Minor.

Hematite (red iron ore, iron luster) Fe 2 O 3 - contains up to 65% iron; - the most important deposits in Russia - the Northern Urals, Eastern Transbaikalia; - the name comes from the Greek “heme” - blood, based on the color of the mineral.

Limonite (brown iron ore) - contains up to 60% iron; - the most important deposits in Russia - the Urals, Transbaikalia, Crimea; - the name comes from the Greek “meadow”, based on its location in damp places. Fe 2 O 3 n H 2 O

Pyrite (iron or sulfur pyrite) - contains up to 47% iron; - the most important deposits in Russia - the Urals; - the name comes from the Greek “stone that strikes fire.” return FeS 2

Physical properties - silvery-white metal, quickly tarnishes (rusts) in humid air or in water containing oxygen; - iron is ductile, easily forged and rolled, melting point - 1539°C; - iron density - 7.87 g/cm 3 - has strong magnetic properties (ferromagnetic), good thermal and electrical conductivity.

Obtaining iron 1. Aluminothermy. Fe 2 O 3 + 2 AI = AI 2 O 3 + 2 Fe 2. Direct reduction of iron from its oxides. Fe 2 O 3 + 3H 2 → 2Fe + 3H 2 O 1000 o C 3. Electrolysis of aqueous solutions of iron salts. FeCl 2 = Fe 2+ + 2Cl -

Chemical properties Formation of iron compounds 1. Interaction with non-metals Fe + S Fe +2 Fe +3 2. Interaction with oxygen (combustion) 3Fe + 2O 2 Fe 3 O 4 0 0 2 ē t FeS +2 -2 C iron (III) sulfide ) 2Fe + 3Cl 2 2FeCl 3 0 0 2 ē t +3 -1 Iron (III) chloride 0 0 6 ē t FeO Fe 2 O 3 Iron scale

Chemical properties Formation of iron compounds Fe +2 Fe +3 3. Interaction with water 4. Interaction with salt 3Fe + 4H 2 O Fe 3 O 4 + 4H 2 +1 0 -2 +2 +3 -2 0 700-900 o C 8ē 0 +2 Fe + CuSO 4 → FeSO 4 + Cu -2 +2 -2 0 2ē

Chemical properties Formation of iron compounds Fe +2 Fe +3 5. Interaction with dilute solutions of acids Fe + 2H Cl → FeCl 2 + H 2 0 +1 0 -1 +2 -1 2ē Fe + H 2 SO 4 → FeSO 4 + H 2 0 +1 +2 0 2ē

Chemical properties Formation of iron compounds Fe +2 Fe +3 6. Interaction with concentrated acids 2Fe+6H 2 SO 4 →Fe 2 (SO 4) 3 +3SO 2 +6H 2 O +3 +4 +6 0 Fe+4HNO 3 → Fe(NO 3) 3 +NO+2H 2 O 0 +5 +3 +2 t t

Iron intake from food (daily requirement 10-20 mg) Absorption in the intestine (1-2 mg per day) Transferrin protein (iron transporter) Excreted 1-2 mg per day Other processes Ferritin is a protein that stores iron in the liver and other organs Bone brain: hemoglobin formation 75% 10-20% 5-15% Distribution of iron in the body Sources 3. Distribution of iron in the body (slide 15): 2. Video experiment with acids (slide 14): 1. Natural iron compounds (slides 4-7).



The history of iron production and use dates back to prehistory, most likely with the use of meteorite iron. Melting in a cheese furnace was used in the 12th century BC. e. in India, Anatolia and the Caucasus. The use of iron in smelting and making tools and tools is also noted in 1200 BC. e. in sub-Saharan Africa. Already in the first millennium BC. e. wrought iron was used.

Finding in nature

Iron is quite widespread in the earth's crust - it accounts for about 4.1% of the mass of the earth's crust (4th place among all elements, 2nd among metals). A large number of ores and minerals containing iron are known.

Iron is found in the form of various compounds: oxides, sulfides, silicates. Iron is found in its free form in meteorites; native iron (ferrite) is occasionally found in the earth's crust as a product of magma solidification .

red iron ore ( hematite -Fe 2 O 3 ; contains up to 70% Fe)

brown iron ore ( limonite -


contains up to 65%)

Greatest practical value of ores and minerals


magnetic iron ore ( magnetite -Fe 3 O 4 ;

contains 72.4% Fe),


Iron is a ductile, shiny, gray-white metal that can dissolve carbon and other elements, which creates conditions for the production of alloys based on it. Iron is easily forged in cold and heated states and is amenable to various methods of machining.


For pure iron at normal pressure, from the point of view of metallurgy, there are the following stable modifications: :

  • From absolute zero to 910 °C the α-modification with a body-centered cubic (bcc) crystal lattice is stable.
  • From 910 before 1400 °C the γ-modification with a face-centered cubic (fcc) crystal lattice is stable.
  • From 1400 before 1539 °C the δ modification with a body-centered cubic (bcc) crystal lattice is stable.


Element - non-metal

IV group main subgroup

6 in the periodic table


The basis of all living organisms

Allotropic modifications of carbon have an atomic crystal lattice.

Their structure





it is the hardest substance on Earth, refractory with a high refractive index

Applicable in:

  • Manufacturing industry
  • Electrical engineering
  • Mining industry
  • Jewelry production


it is a soft gray-black substance,

refractory, which is

semiconductor with a layered structure.

Applicable in:

  • Graphite rod electrodes
  • Production of heat-protective

material for missile warheads (heat resistance)

  • Receiving crucibles
  • Production of mineral paints
  • Pencil industry

Iron and steel production

In medicine (activated carbon)

For the manufacture of electrodes

Application of carbon

In the jewelry industry

Pencil industry


  • solid solution of carbon in α-iron.

Characterized by low values ​​of hardness and strength and high ductility


  • solid solution of carbon in γ-iron
  • highly ductile, but harder than ferrite


  • chemical compound of iron and carbon (iron carbide) Fe 3 C

The hardest and most brittle component of iron-carbon alloys .


  • mechanical mixture of ferrite and cementite.

It has high strength, hardness and increases the mechanical properties of the alloy.


  • mechanical mixture of austenite and cementite.

Has high hardness and great brittleness .


  • free carbon located in the bulk of the metal in the form of plates or grains .

Microstructure of cast iron with different forms of graphite: a - lamellar graphite in gray cast iron, b - nodular graphite in high-strength cast iron,

c – flake graphite in malleable cast iron


  • an alloy of iron and carbon with a carbon content of up to 2 %.


  • an alloy of iron and carbon containing more 2% carbon .

Excerpt from “Poem on the Periodic Law”, V. Polovnyak: Thunder-like peals And a hot trace in the sky: A new stone fell to the ground And a man was horrified But the gift of heaven was rare It was only the lucky one who possessed it.

Most likely, man first became acquainted with meteorite iron. The fact that ancient people initially used iron of meteorite origin is evidenced by the widespread myths among some peoples about gods or demons dropping iron objects from the sky, as well as the very name of this element: translated from ancient Egyptian, the name of iron meant “Heavenly Iron”, with ancient Greek - “Star”, “Heavenly body”

Purpose of the lesson: To get acquainted with the element of the secondary subgroup - iron: atomic structure, physical and chemical properties, occurrence in nature. Application Characteristics of a metal according to its position in the P.S. Biological role Obtaining Fe in nature Chemical properties Atomic structure Physical properties

1. CHARACTERISTICS OF IRON BY POSITION IN P.S. 1. Chemical sign. 2. Serial number. Relative atomic mass. Period. Group. Subgroup. 3. Simple substance (metal, non-metal) 4. Number of protons, electrons, neutrons. 5. Diagram of the structure of an atom. 6. Electronic formula. 7. Exhibits reducing or oxidizing properties. What caused the difficulty?

Periodic table of chemical elements by D.I. Mendeleev Groups of elements IV VI V VII VIII Rows 1 I H Hydrogen 1 1.008 II III Li 3 6.941 Periods 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lithium Na Sodium K Potassium Cu Medb Rb Rubidium Ag Silver Cs Cesium 79 196.99 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 9.012 Be Beryllium Mg Lithium Ca Calcium 12 24.305 20 40.078 11 22.9898 19 39.098 29 63.546 Zn Zinc 37 85.47 Sr 30 65.37 3 8 87.62 Strontium V Vore Al Aluminum Sc Scandium Ga Gallium Y Yttrium 7 14.0067 O Oxygen 5 10.811 C 6 12.011 N Nitrogen 28.086 P 14 Carbon Si Silicon 13 26.981 21 44.956 Ti 22 47.90 15 30.974 S Phosphorus V Vanadium Sulfur 50.942 Cr Chrome 23 31 69.72 Titanium Ge Germanium 39 83.906 Zr Zirconium 32 72.61 As Arsenic 40 91.22 Nb Niobium 33 74.922 Se Selenium 92.906 Mo 41 8 15.999 F 16 Fluorine 32.064 Cl Chlorine 51.996 Mn 24 Manganese 34 78.96 Br Bromine 25 54.938 35 79.904 95.94 Te 42 97.9064 Ru 43 Molybdenum Technetium 47 107.87 Cd Cadmium 48 112.41 In 49 114.82 Sn Tin 50 116.71 Sb 51 121.75 Te 52 127.60 I 53 126.90 Antimony 55 132.91 Ba 56 137.33 Indium 57 138.905 Barium 8 0 200.59 *La 72 178.49 Hf Hafnium 73 180.95 Ta Tantalum Lanthanum Au Gold Hg Tl 81 204.37 Pb 207.2 Bi 82 83 208.98 Po 208.99 At 85 209.99 Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Ponyite 87 Fr France 223.02 Ra Radium 88 226.03 89 227.03 *Ac Actinium Rf 104 261.1 1 Rutherfordium 105 262.11 Db Dubnium 106 263.12 Sg Seaborgium Tellurium 74 183.85 W Tungsten 84 Iodine 75 186.207 Re Rhenium Astatine 107 262.12 Bh Bohrium Helium 18.998 Ne Neon 9 2 4.003 3 20.179 17 35.453 Ar 18 39.948 sp d 36 83.80 Argon 26 Fe 55.847 Co Iron Kr Krypton 44 101.07 Rh Ruthenium Xe Xenon 76 Os 190.2 Ir Osmium Rn Radon 108 Hs 265.132 Mt Hassius 86 (222) Rhodium 54 131.30 27 58.933 Ni 28 58.71 Cobalt Nickel 45 102.91 Pd 46 106.4 Palladium 77 192.22 Pt 7 8,195.09 Iridium Platinum 109,266.14 Meitnerium 9

The structure of the iron atom is secondary Atomic structure: +26 Ordinal number: 26 Period: 4 Group: VIII Subgroup: Iron can donate not only 2 electrons from the last 4th level - showing s.o. +2, but also 1 more electron from the penultimate 3d sublevel, exhibiting s.o. +3 2 8 14 2 3p6 3s2 3d6 2p6 1s2 2s2 4s2 d – element

2.PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF IRON. Laboratory work 1. Examine an iron plate. 2. Determine the state of aggregation of the substance. 3. What color is the plate? 4. Determine whether the given plate has a shine 5. Lower the plate ¼ of its length into a glass with Remove the plate from the water, wipe the plate? hot water for 10-15 seconds. a napkin and determine whether iron has thermal conductivity? Determine whether iron has ductility? 7. Place an iron plate in a glass of cold water and turn it several times. Is iron dissolving observed? 6. Take the iron wire in your hands.

observations according to plan: 2. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF IRON. Laboratory work 8. Briefly write down your - state of aggregation, - color, - shine, - thermal conductivity, - ductility, - solubility in water. In addition, like any metal, iron has electrical conductivity. But iron has another very interesting feature.

Physical properties of iron Iron is a silver-gray, shiny, ductile metal. Iron is one of the seven metals of antiquity. It is very plastic, therefore it is easy to process, forge, roll, stamp. At a temperature of 1539°C iron melts, and at 2740°C it boils. Iron has the ability to be magnetized and demagnetized.

Chemical properties of iron With simple substances Interaction with simple substances with oxygen with sulfur with chlorine video video video video video video

REMEMBER! Iron with halogens (group 7A) forms halides in which iron has a d.o. +3 (except iodine). 2Fe + 3Cl2 = 2FeCl3 Iron forms compounds with other non-metals. +2. Fe + S = FeS Iron burns in oxygen with the formation of iron scale (a mixture of oxides of 2- and 3-valent iron) 3Fe + 2O2 Fe→ 3O4

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF IRON With complex substances 1. With water. Iron interacts with water vapor: Fe + H2O = FeO + H2

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF IRON What happens to an iron nail if it is left outside? In humid air, iron becomes covered with rust - a mixture of oxidation products. 4Fe + 6H2O + 3O2 = 4Fe(OH)3

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF IRON With complex substances 1. With acids With the exception of (conc.) HNO3 and H2SO4 (conc.), which passivate iron. But when heated, a reaction between iron and these acids is possible, in which case the iron will exhibit s.o. in the resulting salt. +3. With solutions of other acids, iron is oxidized to d.o. +2

PERFORMANCE OF LABORATORY Labor safety rules when WORKING chemical experiments: 1. Substances can only be poured over a special tray. 2. For the experiment, you should take a small amount of the substance. 3. If solutions of acids or alkalis come into contact with the skin, wash them off under a strong stream of cold water.

LABORATORY WORK: “CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF IRON.” 3. Interaction with acids. Place iron in a test tube and add sulfuric acid solution. What's happening? Write down the reaction equation. Fe + H2SO4(dil) = FeSO4 + H2 4. With salts. Place iron in 2 test tubes; add copper sulfate solution to one test tube; sodium sulfate solution to the other. Explain the results obtained. Write down the reaction equations. Fe + CuSO4 = FeSO4 + Cu↓ What rule do the last 2 reactions obey?

Iron in nature is brown iron ore (limonite Fe2O3 * nH2O; contains up to 65% Fe) The most common red iron ore (hematite Fe2O3; contains up to 70% Fe) and mined ores and minerals iron spar (siderite - FeCO3 contains up to 48% Fe) magnetic iron ore (magnetite Fe3O4; contains up to 72.4% Fe), sulfur pyrite pyrite – FeS contains up to 47% Fe

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of iron ore reserves. On the territory of Russia there are 3 metallurgical bases for the production of iron: Ural, Central, Siberian.

PRODUCTION Iron is obtained in the form of an alloy by reduction from its compounds at high temperatures in blast furnaces. FeO + H2 = Fe + H2O Fe2O3 + 2Al = 2Fe + Al2O3

Iron in the human body The role of the chemical element in iron in the vital functions of living organisms is very great. It is the composition of hemoglobin in the blood. The main role of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and in the opposite direction - carbon dioxide. Insufficient iron content leads to headaches and fatigue. For and animals human leads

Lesson about hardware

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Urmara secondary school No. 1. Teacher Ivanova Natalya Ivanovna. The use of information technology in the educational process using the example of the discipline of “chemistry”. The use of ICT allows us to solve the following problems: Conditions are created for students in the lesson for: The teacher has the opportunity to: Create multimedia lesson scenarios. HCl. HBr. Using a computer as a cinema. Watch videos and animations while learning new material. ICT in testing the conceptual apparatus. Ions are... Topic: "Electrolytic dissociation." Chemical dictation. - Iron.ppt

Lesson Iron

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Iron compounds. Purpose: study of iron compounds. Diesterweg. Experiment is the basis of knowledge. Laboratory experiment No. 1. Preparation and study of the properties of iron (II) and (III) hydroxides. Conclusion from laboratory experience: Fe(OH)2 – basic properties, interacts with acids. Lesson plan. 2. Qualitative reactions to Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions. (L/O). “There is no art as difficult as the art of observation.” Laboratory experiment No. 2. Qualitative reactions to Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions. Laboratory Experience: Lesson Plan. 3. The importance of iron compounds in nature and in human life (message). The role of iron compounds in the life of living organisms. - Lesson Iron.ppt

Chemistry of iron

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Physical and chemical properties of iron. Most widely used in modern industry. Important from a biological point of view. Dependence of properties on structure. The structure of the atom. The structure of simple matter. Properties of matter. Crystal cell. Chemical bond. 1. Write out a diagram of the structure of the iron atom. 1. Arrange the oxidation states of the elements: FeCl2, Fe2O3, FeCl3, FeS, FeO. Chemical properties of metal. Metal. Attitude to simple substances. Attitude to complex substances. To non-metals. To the water. To acids. To salt solutions. Interaction of iron with simple substances. Interaction of iron with complex substances. - Chemistry of iron.ppt

Iron metal

Slides: 11 Words: 473 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

Iron. A. E. Fersman. Methodological development of the lesson. The structure of the iron atom. Being in nature. Chalcopyrite with quartz inclusions Primorsky Krai. Pyrite. Magnetic iron ore magnetite Fe3O4. Red iron ore hematite Fe2O3. Brown iron ore Limonite 2 Fe2O3 3H2O. Iron or sulfur pyrite (pyrite) FeS2. Physical properties. Iron is a relatively soft, malleable, silver-gray metal. Chemical properties of iron. 1 – reducing agent, oxidation process 1 – oxidizing agent, reduction process. Check yourself! 2. Iron reacts with acids. 3. Reacts with solutions of metal salts according to the electrochemical series of metal voltages. - Iron metal.ppt

Element iron

Slides: 22 Words: 992 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Iron. Iron is one of the seven metals of antiquity. Meteorite. Mars. Iron is the second most abundant metal on the planet. Iron is in the fourth period. Physical properties. Iron has two crystalline modifications. Getting iron. Chemical properties. Iron is in the middle of the electrochemical voltage series of metals. At ordinary temperatures, iron does not react with concentrated sulfuric acid. Iron displaces metals from salt solutions. Iron oxide. Iron hydroxide. Iron reacts with dilute sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. Metallic iron. - Element iron.ppt

Characteristics of iron

Slides: 31 Words: 1184 Sounds: 0 Effects: 153

Aluminum. Metals. A very important metal. Answer the riddle. Physical and chemical properties. Position of iron in PSCE. Iron. The structure of the iron atom. Oxidation states of iron. Being in nature. Hematite. Application. Physical properties. Chemical properties of iron. Iron reacts with acids. Reacts with solutions of metal salts. Chemical properties. Biological role of iron. Catalog of minerals. Oxidation states. Valence. Genetic series of iron. Basic connections. Genetic series of iron compounds. Basic properties. Reaction equations. Amphoteric properties. - Characteristics of iron.ppt

Iron and steel

Slides: 12 Words: 1646 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Iron Facts and Legends. The work is intended for self-education of teachers on the topic: Iron. Beginning of the Iron Age. In Europe, the Iron Age proper began 1000 BC. But still, the first meeting of people with iron occurred in prehistoric times. Only with the invention of the cheese furnace did it become possible to obtain iron from ores. Iron beats bronze. La Tène culture is associated with the Celtic tribe. The Celts created new technological processes for processing iron. Subsequently, the development of methods for processing iron continued to occur. The Vikings perfected the making of iron bolts and nails for their ships. - Iron and steel.ppt

Properties of iron

Slides: 24 Words: 816 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Iron. Third wheel. Check yourself. Position of iron in the Periodic Table. Filling. The structure of the iron atom. Normal state of the iron atom. Oxidation states of iron. Physical properties. Properties of iron. Chemical properties of iron. Chemical properties. Catch the mistake. Arrange the coefficients. Iron compounds. Laboratory work. Iron in nature. Text construction. Genetic series. Qualitative reaction. Reagent. Formula. - Properties of iron.pptx

Iron compounds

Slides: 12 Words: 635 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Relative atomic mass – 56. Atomic structure: +26)2)8)14)2. Electronic formula for the structure of an atom: 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s. Therefore, iron belongs to the d-elements and exhibits variable valency (II) and (III). The iron content in the earth's crust is 5% (mass). Naturally, mineral waters contain iron in the form of sulfate and bicarbonate. Physical properties: Pure iron is a silvery-white ductile metal. By donating electrons from the outer level, iron is oxidized to an oxidation state of +2. To an oxidation state of +2, iron is oxidized by interacting with weak oxidizing agents. - Iron connections.pptx

Iron and its compounds

Slides: 18 Words: 710 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Denoted by the symbol Fe (Latin Ferrum). One of the most common metals in the earth's crust (second place after aluminum). In practice, alloys of iron and carbon are more often used. Steel. Cast iron. The abundance of iron in the earth's crust is 4.65% (4th place after O, Si, Al). Iron is also believed to make up most of the earth's core. In the mantle and crust, iron is concentrated mainly in silicates. The content in sea water is 1·10?5-1·10?8%. Geochemistry of iron. The iron content in the earth's crust is 5%, and in the mantle about 12%. Of the metals, iron is second only to aluminum in abundance in the bark. - Iron and its compounds.pptx

Organic iron compounds

Slides: 22 Words: 652 Sounds: 0 Effects: 9

Metals. Why our century can be called the Iron Age. Iron compounds. Familiarize yourself with iron compounds. Determine the oxidation state of iron. Natural iron compounds. Genetic series of iron. Green sediment. Receipt. Brown sediment. Qualitative reaction. Qualitative reaction to Fe3+ ion. Reagent. Technical significance of iron compounds. Application of steel. Bulat. Content of metals and non-metals in the human body. Hemoglobin molecule. Century. Essay. - Organic iron compounds.ppt

The effect of iron on the body

Slides: 15 Words: 508 Sounds: 0 Effects: 19

The influence of iron on the vital functions of the human body. Iron is not only the basis of the whole world, the most important metal. Iron is the most important microelement. Biological role of iron. Functions of iron. Necessary for the growth processes of the body. How much iron does a person need? Iron in plant foods. Iron in animal products. Lack of iron in the body. Nervous disorders. Excess iron negatively affects human health. Increased sensitivity to cold. -

I am a very ancient metal, I lost count of the centuries. I was immodest beyond measure, Thousands of years BC. And for the shine that flickered with cold, People there paid in gold!

I've been in the name of the century for a long time, In the human body. They call me character Almost all of me is a tractor. Apple is very beneficial And my name is...

Position in PSHE DI. Mendeleev

Physical properties

Chemical properties of iron


Being in nature

Role in the life of humans and animals

  • Serial number
  • Period
  • Group
  • Subgroup
  • Fourth
  • VIII
  • Side

Structure of the iron atom

  • Number of protons
  • Number of neutrons
  • Number of electrons
  • Arrangement of electrons by energy levels:


  • Complete the electronic formula

1s 2 2 s 2 2p 6 3 s 2 3p 6 ….

1s 2 2 s 2 2р 6 3 s 2 3р 6 3d 6 4 s 2

Which electrons for elements of the main subgroups are valence?

And which electrons for elements of side subgroups are valence?


A peculiarity of the electronic structure of elements of side subgroups is that electrons fill not the last, but the penultimate level.

  • Most widely used in modern industry.
  • Its prevalence in nature is great.
  • Important from a biological point of view.

Physical properties of iron:

  • Silver white
  • Brilliant
  • Very plastic, easy to forge, roll, stamp
  • Magnetized and demagnetized
  • 1539 0 WITH
  • Solid
  • Color
  • Shine
  • Plastic
  • Magnetic properties
  • Melting temperature
  • Hardness

Iron has two main oxidation states: +2, +3 .

Fe 0 –2e = Fe +2

Fe 0 –3e = Fe +3

+ 3

S, Cu 2+ , p.HCI,

Fe 3 O 4 (FeO Fe 2 O 3)" width="640"

Chemical properties of iron

Interaction with simple substances - non-metals

1) With oxygen.

0 0 +2 , +3 -2 +2 -2 +3 -2

3 Fe+2O 2 -Fe 3 O 4 ( FeO Fe 2 O 3 )

Chemical properties of iron

Interaction with simple substances - non-metals.

2) With sulfur and chlorine.

Write down the reaction equation

Fe 3 O 4 + 4H 2 0 at t =700 0 - 900 0" width="640"

Chemical properties of iron

Interaction with complex substances

1) with water.

3 Fe 0 + 4H 2 O -Fe 3 O 4 + 4H 2 0

at t =700 0 - 900 0

  • “Interaction of iron with solutions of acids and salts”

Equipment: Fe, solution HCl, solution CuSO 4 , stand, test tubes.

Safety regulations.

Use caution when working with acid solutions.

Chemical properties of iron

2) with acids .

EXPERIMENT: carry out the reaction between iron and hydrochloric acid.

In what cases are reactions between a metal and an acid possible?

Write an equation for the reaction.

Draw a conclusion.

FeCl 2 + H 2 1. The metal is in the activity series of metals up to hydrogen. 2. You should get soluble salt. 3. The reaction is typical for acid solutions. 4. Metal + acid → salt + hydrogen Metals interact with acids if: "width="640"

Fe + 2HCl -FeCl 2 +H 2

1. The metal is in the activity series of metals up to hydrogen.

2. You should get soluble salt.

3. The reaction is typical for solutions acids

4. Metal + acid → salt + hydrogen



with acids


Chemical properties of iron

3) With salts.

EXPERIMENT: carry out the reaction between iron and chloride solution copper(II).

In what cases are reactions between a metal and salt solutions possible?

Write an equation for the reaction.

Draw a conclusion.

FeCl 2 + Cu Metals interact with salt solutions if: 1. Each metal displaces from salt solutions all other metals located to the right of it in the stress series. 2. Both salts (both the reacting one and the one formed as a result of the reaction) must be soluble." width="640"

Fe + CuCl 2 - FeCl 2 + Cu


interact with salt solutions


1. Each metal displaces from salt solutions all other metals located to the right of it in the stress series.

2. Both salts (both the reacting one and the one formed as a result of the reaction) must be soluble .


for water,

oil and gas


stations and supports

power lines

Iron today





Other items

  • “Acquaintance with samples of natural iron compounds”
  • Equipment: natural samples, water, glass, glass rod.

  • Fe 3 O 4 – magnetic iron To
  • Fe 2 O 3 – red iron ore (hematite)
  • 2 Fe 2 O 3 * 3 H 2 O – brown iron ore
  • FeS 2 – iron pyrite

  • reduction of iron from its oxide with carbon monoxide or hydrogen;
  • Fe 2 O 3 + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO 2
  • reduction of iron from its oxide by aluminothermic method;
  • Fe 2 O 3 + 2 Al → Al 2 O 3 + 2 Fe
  • electrolysis of aqueous solutions of iron salts

Iron in the form of ions is present in the bodies of all animals and, of course, humans.

The main biological function of iron is participation in the transport of oxygen to all organs and oxidative processes.

The human body weighing approximately 70 kg contains 4.2 g of iron, and 1 liter of blood contains 450 mg.

With a lack of iron in the body, glandular anemia develops.

The transfer of iron in the body is carried out by the most important protein – hemoglobin, which contains more than half of the body’s total iron.



white cabbage


wholemeal bread

and black bread

beans and dried apricots


chicken meat


Be attentive to your health: having a sufficient amount of hemoglobin is our life!!!

For anemia (lack of hemoglobin), increase the amount of lean beef and liver, red caviar, and egg yolks in your diet.

As experiments have shown, preparing and boiling the sauce for 20 minutes in such a container helps increase the amount of iron by 9 times.

People with low hemoglobin need to spend more time in the fresh air.

Final test. Mark with a “+” sign the number of the position that is considered correct

Option 1.

Option 2.

  • 1/ Iron is a reactive alkali metal.
  • 2/ Iron is easy to forge.
  • 3/ Iron is part of the bronze alloy.
  • 4/ The outer energy level of the iron atom has 2 electrons.
  • 5/ Iron reacts with dilute acids.
  • 6/ With halogens it forms halides with an oxidation state of +2.
  • 7/ Iron does not interact with oxygen.
  • 8/ Iron can be obtained by electrolysis of molten iron salt.
  • 1/ Iron is a silvery-white metal.
  • 2\ Iron does not have the ability to be magnetized.
  • 3\ Iron atoms exhibit oxidizing properties.
  • 4\ There is 1 electron in the outer energy level of the iron atom.
  • 5\ Iron displaces copper from solutions of its salts.
  • 6\ With halogens it forms compounds with an oxidation state of +3.
  • 7\ With a solution of sulfuric acid it forms iron (II) sulfate.
  • 8\ Iron does not corrode.


  • Option 2.
  • Option 1.

Marking criteria:

5” – 0 errors,

4” – 1-2 errors,

3” – 3-4 errors,

2” – 5 or more errors.

  • Today I realized that……….
  • The main thing in the lesson for me was………
  • What I remember most is………….

  • Homework: paragraph 14,
  • question 5 page 82 (remember redox reactions, electron balance equation )