Whether letters of happiness are still being sent or not. Should traffic police fines be sent by mail? Why am I writing about this now?


Good afternoon. The offense charged is parking on the sidewalk, recorded by so-called public inspectors. I stood unloading cargo at the entrance of a residential building (there was no other place to stop, I work alone). I have documents for the cargo on that day. I’ll find out

Naturally, by chance, no letters. The deadline for appeal has passed. What should I do?

Alexander, Hello.

If violations were committed 1.5 years ago, and decisions were made only now, then it makes sense to challenge them.

If the decisions were made in 2017, but for some reason only reached you now, then in this case the deadlines for attraction have not been violated.

In general, to obtain more detailed information on the case, it makes sense to contact the department that issued these decisions. Only the staff knows why the letter was so delayed.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello. Tell me, should I pick up the notice at the post office about the fine if I have already paid it, since I received a notification from an application on my phone. What happens if you don’t pick it up and it goes back to the traffic police?

Egor, Hello.

If you are sure that this is the same fine, then you may not receive the letter. There will be no negative consequences in this case, because the fine has been paid.

Good luck on the roads!


Good evening. If I received a fine through the app and paid it immediately, will I receive a letter from the traffic police by mail?

Raphael, Hello.

It is possible that a letter will arrive. The letter is not sent if the car owner is registered on the government services portal and the decisions are sent electronically.

Good luck on the roads!


I found out late about the fine for allegedly repeatedly running a red light (video recording is not provided on the traffic police website). There are 2 days left before the 60 day period expires, so I want to pay to avoid doubling the amount. Is it possible to challenge the decision after paying the fine, although I do not agree with it: 1 - no evidence has been presented, 2 - a violation is possible, but in the first case there was another driver, so this cannot be a repeated violation. How does the traffic police even count repeated violations if they don’t know who was driving?


What does "by number" mean? I agree that it is better to pay now. There’s one thing I can’t understand: on what basis does the traffic police determine that the violation is repeated? After all, the violation is not committed by the car, but by the driver, and these can be different people in one or another case.


1. You can pay the fine and then try to challenge it. If the fine is canceled, the money will be returned to you; this is common practice.

2. For violations imposed by automatic cameras, the owner of the vehicle is held accountable by default. If another driver was driving, he must contact the traffic police and report that it was he who was driving. In this case, the fine will be “rewritten” on him.

3. If during the first violation there was another driver behind the wheel, then this issue had to be dealt with immediately. If the first fine was not disputed and was paid, then it is considered that you were driving.

Good luck on the roads!


How can I check a fine for driving without a license if I have never had one?

Maksim, in this case, all that remains is to contact the traffic police department to obtain information.

Good luck on the roads!

Tell me, I got into an accident, the culprit left the scene of the accident, 2 weeks later they called the traffic police and my husband was accused under Article 12.27 Part 2 without any evidence, the report at the scene of the accident was drawn up by the employees for me, later we found out that the report from the scene of the accident was changed, or rather my data They crossed out and wrote down my husband’s data without warning us about this. We won in court. The employees wrote appeals twice, but it was useless, and now, 4 months later, my husband received a fine for driving a car without a license. in the amount of 5 thousand, the protocol was issued on September 7, signed on top with a pen on December 13, tell me what to do

Olga, does your husband have a driver's license? And what does it have to do with the accident?

Hello, I had a question, I did not receive a letter at my place of actual residence and the fine did not arrive for 4 months, now I found a fine on the government services portal. I really violated and it was filmed on a phone camera, the person filming me was in a civilian car, I drove into the oncoming lane, because I didn’t notice any signs or markings that turned into solid (in this case, what can be done?


The situation is not entirely clear. Was the violation registered without your presence?

Good afternoon. Tell me, I received an SMS that the bailiffs have written off money from my bank card. I found out through the Internet that this was last year’s fine. But I didn’t know anything about it. On the state. services is not registered. I immediately paid the fine, but they did not take this into account and took extra money from the card. What should I do?

Julia, Hello.

If money for the same fine was collected again, then it makes sense to contact the bailiffs to return the overpaid amount.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello! Yesterday I also received a message from Sberbank that they had withdrawn 500 rubles from me. For enforcement proceedings. Accounts were seized. I did not receive notifications about this fine either by mail or on the government services portal. About the fact that a case has been opened against me. Production too. How can I prove that I was not notified of the fine?

Catherine, Hello.

Go to the bailiffs, read the case materials. There should be information about how and when you were notified.

Good luck on the roads!

Please tell me if I pay the fine through government services, will the letter come to the post office or not?

Tasha, if the letter has already been sent, it will be sent by mail.

If the letter was not sent, then it is quite possible that it will not be sent.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon.

On 02/11/19, a notification arrived in the mailbox that a fine had arrived in the mail, it turned out to be a fine according to the resolution of 09/18/2018 with the payment of 2500 rubles. I think the question about the fact that I have already been deprived of discounts is no longer relevant. I paid the fine immediately.

On 04/15/19, a notice again arrived in my mailbox, containing a copy of the court decision in the case of an administrative offense, holding me administratively liable for 5,000 rubles for failure to pay on time exactly that fine dated 09/18/18.

The question is how to proceed?

In fact, the notification came after the deadline for paying the fine.

I paid the fine upon receipt of the decision in hand.

The sent copy of the court order dated April 15, 2019 contains errors - my date of birth and the date of the order are incorrectly indicated.

Anton, Hello.

If you have confirmation that you received the decision on February 11, 2019 (a mail document with a date), then it makes sense to challenge the fine for non-payment.

You received the decree on 02/11/2019, on 02/21/2019 the decree came into force, within 60 days you could pay the fine.

This issue is discussed in the article "".

Good luck on the roads!

Hello! On 11/15/18 we sold the car with a purchase and sale agreement filled out at home. In January 2019, we found out that the new buyer of the car did not re-register it in his name. We deregistered the car on January 29, 2019 at the traffic police, but they didn’t tell me about the presence of fines. And on 05/09/19 my accounts were seized due to a court order of 500 rubles. There were 300 rubles on the card, they went towards repayment, i.e. balance 200r. There was no fine for public services. Legal debts for public services appeared on May 10 - 2 pieces for 500 rubles. And today I discovered in government services that one resolution is no longer 500, but 1500. I didn’t even know about these fines, and now the enforcement fee has also increased. Is it possible not to pay these fines or at least pay only the fines without the enforcement fee?

Due to the sharp growth of photo-video recording systems, new problems suddenly appeared on the roads. People who have a car began to receive “letters of happiness” from the traffic police for violations that they simply did not commit.

What to do in this situation, where to go and what to do if you find yourself one of these “lucky ones”? The details were told to the RG correspondent in the capital's traffic police department. Actually, the whole thing started with the fact that some motorists of our newspaper showed me the “letters of happiness” that they had received. In the first of them, the photograph shows a car and its license plate. But the computer did not quite correctly read one of the digits of the number. As a result, the receipt did not go to the person who violated the rules, but to a completely different person, who has a car of a different brand.

The system of photo-video recording of offenses is quite new. It started working in Moscow only last year. At that time, only fifty cameras monitored the situation on the roads. And this year, 150 cameras began working in full force. As a result, the amount of processed materials has increased significantly. On average, about nine thousand materials pass through the photo-video recording center per day.

Now let's talk about how it all works. A camera installed on the road records the violation. Its peephole covers not just one lane, but all four or six lanes of the road.

It can even control flows in opposite directions if it is configured to do so. As soon as its radar detects speeding, the image is sent to the information processing center. There, the computer reads the car number, finds its owner in the database, compares all this and sends it to the operator’s computer in a single document. Next comes work in manual mode. The operator of the photo-video recording center checks the information received. Is the car number legible, does the car shown in the photograph match the one to whose owner the decree will be sent. If nothing alerts him, he sends this information to the inspector. The inspector checks everything again and puts an electronic digital signature under the assigned punishment. After which the letter of “happiness” is sent to the addressee.

If the operator or inspector has questions about the number, or if the machine cannot be identified in the photograph, the material is thrown into the trash. However, as practice shows, not always.

Unfortunately, technology can make mistakes. One can be perceived as seven. Even a nine can become a seven if its middle part is covered with mud. There may be an error with the letters. "M" is not much different from "N", "O" can be mistaken for "S". It's human nature for a computer to make mistakes. This is why people sit in front of the monitor. But they are also human: after checking a thousand pictures, you will definitely be wrong on the 1001st. The eye blurs.

As a result, another colleague of mine received a “happiness” letter in the mail, where the car was not visible at all. Only the headlights in the photo. But definitely not his headlights. And in the number the first letter is not possible to accurately determine. The computer thought it was "H", although it could just as likely be "M". What should the car owner do in this case? How can you avoid paying a fine for another “uncle” without being guilty yourself?

The fact is that a fine not paid on time can play a bad joke. If the case ends up in the hands of bailiffs, problems may arise at the border. You will not be able to leave the country until you pay the fine.

In addition, an erroneous fine of even three hundred rubles will be an aggravating circumstance if you have committed a more serious violation that is being considered in court. For example, we drove into oncoming traffic. With a clean driving record, you will lose your license for 4 months, and with an unpaid fine, even if it is erroneous, you will be considered a repeat offender and will lose your license for six months.

How to challenge an erroneous fine? The Moscow traffic police told the RG correspondent what needs to be done for this. There are several ways. If the car owner does not agree with the decision, he can appeal it within 10 days from the date of delivery. The date of delivery is considered to be the date when a person came to the post office with a notification of a registered letter and received it in his hands against a personal signature. Such decisions are sent only with acknowledgment of delivery. As a rule, the envelope bears the stamp of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

If the owner does not agree with the violation charged to him, then he must submit a statement to the photo-video recording center.

It can be sent by mail (preferably with acknowledgment of delivery). For advanced users, an application can be submitted via the website 77.gibdd.ru. There, in the “reception of appeals” section, the person indicates that he received a decision on a violation recorded by a photo-video recording device, and explains what he does not agree with.

Those people who are comfortable personally participating in the analysis of this case can come to an appointment at the photo-video recording center. And write a statement on the spot.

In cases where it is inconvenient for a person to come to the traffic police in person, he must write in a written request: “I ask you to consider the application without my personal participation.” And then he will receive a response from the traffic police at the address indicated in the application.

As can be seen from all of the above, in any case, a person needs to write a statement and send it to the traffic police. By calling the phone number specified in the resolution, he will only be advised where he needs to go and what to do. That is, a person who is guilty only of having a car must justify himself for something he did not do. In the above cases, we are talking specifically about the mistakes of operators and inspectors who did not track down that the car in the photo was not the same, that the electronics incorrectly recognized the license plate. Maybe such cases should be solved much more simply? For example, use the telephone right. The car owner called and reported such an error, the inspector checked, made sure that there really was an error, and relieved the car owner of responsibility for this matter. But for this it is necessary to change the article in the Code of Administrative Offenses, which talks about appeal. The question for legislators is whether they are ready to solve a problem that will get worse. After all, the system of “electronic fines” will develop rapidly, which means the number of erroneous decisions about driving violations will increase sharply. Should a driver pay for other people's mistakes - with time, nerves and rubles?

By the way

A decree has been prepared by the Moscow government, according to which, from April 1, vehicle inspections in the capital will become more expensive.

Probably, some figures will be of interest to car owners in other regions. The maximum cost of technical inspection for a passenger car will be 720 rubles (still 690 rubles). Inspection of trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons will be 770 rubles (now 790), 3.5-12 tons - 1510 rubles (now 1060), over 12 tons - 1630 rubles (now 1140). Inspection of buses weighing up to 5 tons will increase from 910 rubles to 1290, over 5 tons - from 1100 to 1560 rubles. Motorcycle inspection will cost 240 rubles (currently 230).

Let us remind you that inspection points can set their own price for this service, but not higher than that set by the regional government.

Motorists who did not receive a fine on time due to problems have to spend a lot of time in traffic police departments to regain their legal right to a discount. Now, after the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses have come into force, it is possible to restore the grace period much easier and faster. However, it turned out that some traffic police inspectors had not heard about the new changes.

A resident of Chelyabinsk, Alexey Nikolaev (name changed at the request of the hero of the article), found himself in such a situation this spring. Filmed a motorist while he was driving through the city in violation of traffic rules. According to Part 3 of Art. 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, for driving at an excess speed of 40 to 60 km/h, he received a fine of 1 thousand rubles. The notice of the decision was delivered by mail: Nikolaev picked up the letter the next day, but it turned out that it was sent 37 days ago. This meant that it was no longer possible to pay the fine at a discount - according to the Administrative Code, 20 days are allocated for this from the date of the decision.

The motorist was not satisfied with this state of affairs, and he went to the local Center for Automated Recording of Administrative Offenses (CAFVP). At an appointment with a specialist, he presented an envelope with a stamped date of receipt and a resolution. There he asked to be reinstated with the required discount, since the letter was late through no fault of his. However, he received a categorical refusal. The traffic police inspectors, according to the driver, convinced him that there was no reason to launch a new report. And they advised me to pay the fine in full as soon as possible. Then the driver turned to a specialist for help.

Leading lawyer of the European Legal Service Orest Matsala, who represented the interests of the driver, said that the motorist initially had the right to restore the grace period for paying the fine. He recalled that the Constitutional Court (CC), examining a similar case back in 2017, allowed the 20-day period allocated for payment of an administrative fine to be extended.

Photo: Victoria Demidova / Photobank Lori

The reason for this verdict was a complaint from motorist Yuri Reinhimmel. In Moscow, he received a fine from a photo-video recording camera for minimal speeding - 500 rubles. The letter with the fine arrived too late for him. To prove his right to a discount, the driver had to go to the Constitutional Court. In his statement, he complained about the unconstitutionality of applying such a rule to him. After all, he did not receive the letter for reasons beyond his control. Accordingly, he was unable to protect his rights. The court not only ruled in favor of the motorist, but also issued an order to amend the Code of Administrative Offenses, allowing drivers to restore their right to the benefit. Also in its decision, the Constitutional Court demanded that lower courts be guided by the Constitution and not refuse drivers to consider such complaints.

But until the end of 2018, the courts perceived the verdict of the Constitutional Court as advisory: the lawyers interviewed by the site admitted that completely different decisions were made in similar cases and that no unambiguous practice had developed. However, as Matsala explained, the changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses required by the Constitutional Court came into force on December 27, 2018 - with the advent of this norm, the life of drivers has become significantly easier.

So, according to the new part 1.3. Art. 32.2. Code of Administrative Offenses “Execution of the resolution on the imposition of an administrative fine”, in the event “if a copy of the resolution on the imposition of an administrative fine, sent to a person held administratively liable by registered mail, arrived at his address after the expiration of twenty days from the date of such resolution, indicated the term is subject to restoration by the judge, body, official who made such a decision, at the request of the person brought to administrative responsibility.”

“Drivers finally have a clear mechanism for action,” Matsala said. — Guided by this new norm, we drew up a petition addressed to the person who issued the fine and his immediate superior. The appeal indicated all the circumstances: when the fine was issued, when the notification of a registered letter arrived, and copies of the stamped envelope were attached. And they asked to restore the deadline for paying the fine at a discount. In this situation, it is important that the driver behaved in good faith - he did not shy away from receiving the letter, came to the post office, and presented the notice. If such a “chain letter” were simply returned, it would look as if the driver ignored the notice. But in our situation everything was obvious. As a result, the very next day the car owner’s request was granted.”

The lawyer admits that the Chelyabinsk driver was lucky - the traffic police could have issued a ruling to refuse the application. Then such a refusal could be appealed in court within 10 days. “Drivers faced with such a situation can appeal to a higher-ranking official at the traffic police or to the district court. With the updated legislation, the courts will be more willing to accommodate drivers halfway. The main thing is to prove that you did not avoid receiving the letter and behaved in good faith.”

The lawyer also believes that the arguments of traffic police officers about the need to use special programs and applications for tracking fines cannot serve as a reason for refusing to restore the payment period with benefits. Because the Code of Administrative Offenses very specifically describes an example of a registered letter that did not arrive on time.

Photo: Anton Belitsky / Global Look Press

“The Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia does not provide for the mandatory installation of special applications,” says the expert. — It’s good that such methods exist, but not all car owners are active. However, it cannot be ruled out that paper chain letters may disappear in the future. This innovation may affect buyers of new vehicles that will be registered in the future. For example, now in Russia they are introducing electronic vehicle passports - it is quite possible that not only information about maintenance, repairs, accidents, but also about fines will be linked to them. And car owners will be asked to check their personal accounts without fail, rather than wait for paper fines.”

At the end of 11 months of 2018, State Traffic Inspectorate employees issued 122.2 million decisions to impose administrative fines. 119.7 million of them could be paid at a discount, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs said. As a result, taking into account the discount, which is valid for 20 days from the date of the decision, motorists paid 78.7 million fines, or 65.7% of all decisions (for the same period last year, this figure was 61.3%).

You can obtain information about administrative offenses in the field of road traffic on the State Services Portal of the Russian Federation, on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate (GIBDD.RF) in the online service “Checking Fines”, as well as on the Unified Portal of State Services. With a discount, it is not possible to pay fines imposed for repeated violations of the rules, as well as for drunk driving or refusal of a medical examination.

1. If the chain letter contains no coordinates of the location of the violation at all.

1.1. You can challenge the protocol! There must be a date, time and place where the offense was committed.

2. My phone number is 89773203866. Did you receive a letter of happiness from the Home Money company?

2.1. And what? You probably took money from them and didn’t repay it all? Or did they just send it to you))?

2.2. Most likely they are scammers! Probably something like “...your number has been selected...”.

2.3. Aliya, well, be happy if you received a letter of happiness :)
If you took out a loan and did not pay it back, they have the right to go to court. If this happens, contact a lawyer for protection.

3. If you did not receive a letter of happiness during the fine for platon, you will receive it a month later.

3.1. And what’s the question, I’m not a fortune teller.

3.2. If you receive a decision late to impose liability in the form of a fine, you are not deprived of the right to appeal such a decision.
Thus, by virtue of Part 1 of Article 30.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a complaint against a resolution on an administrative offense can be filed within 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the resolution. For example, if you received a copy of the decision on March 20, the last day of appeal will be April 1, 2019: counting from March 21, including March 21, 10 calendar days, it turns out to be March 30, but since this is a day off, the last day of appeal is postponed to the first working day - Monday, April 1st.

4. I lost my phone and they charged me 400 rubles (megaphone) and sent me a letter of happiness.

4.1. If you have not applied to block your SIM card, it will be difficult for you to prove that you did not use it.
in any case, write a statement about blocking the SIM card and that it is not your fault. If you refuse to pay voluntarily, the operator will go to court and issue a court order, which can be canceled.
After which they can file a claim, and in court you will be required to prove that you did not use this SIM card. It can be done, but it requires cost and time. If you are ready, write.

4.2. I lost my phone and they charged me 400 rubles (megaphone) and sent me a letter of happiness.
Hello, you should file a police report about your lost or stolen phone.

4.3. Hello, Vyacheslav! Unfortunately, if you have not blocked your SIM card, then the mobile operator has grounds to collect the amount of debt from you.
Sincerely, LAW FIRM "ZAKON".

5. I received this letter of happiness. What to do and how to behave in this situation?

5.1. This is an offer to voluntarily pay a debt. If refused, the creditor actually has the right to recover through the court, and then through the bailiffs. No one will deprive you of legal protection; if the statute of limitations has expired, you can report it. Art. 196 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Therefore, you can either pay the debt, but specify the details of the creditor, or wait for them to go to court.

5.2. Hello Anton! Don't worry, the truth is on your side, just like the law. I’m ready to help you get rid of your loan legally, without going bankrupt. As confirmation, I can throw out court decisions in favor of the borrowers.

6. A letter of happiness has arrived, but it does not indicate a 50% discount. The question is why?

6.1. Such “LETTERS” do not indicate the deadline for paying the fine; this is provided for by the current legislation, so if 20 days have not expired, you have the right to pay 50% of such a fine.

7. What needs to be done to ensure that letters of happiness are sent to an address other than your registered address?

7.1. Everything is very simple. You need to change your registration address. This can be done in relation to any city in which you are located.

7.2. Hello, chain letters will definitely arrive only at your place of registration, you can write an application to have them sent to you at another address, but they will still arrive at your place of registration. There will also be an option to write an application at the post office to forward mail correspondence to another address. Such an application is written once a year.

7.3. ☼ Hello,
Letters of happiness will always arrive only at the place of your permanent registration, there will be no other way
I wish you good luck and all the best!

7.4. Good afternoon, dear Olga
To do this, you need to change your registration and then they will come to your place of residence

Good luck to you and your loved ones!

8. I received a letter of happiness for stopping in the coverage area of ​​sign 3.28 from the Parkon system, but according to the rules, stopping is not prohibited this time, and secondly, there was no sign there, what to do.

8.1. Hello.
You can appeal the decision within 10 days from the date of its receipt in accordance with Chapter 30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

9. The violation took place on July 23, 19, the letter of “happiness” did not arrive, and today, November 23, 19, a court order arrived on what to do, where to complain about this mess.

9.1. Hello.
For what reason?

10. Today a “letter of happiness” arrived; the time was 7:40 in the morning. At this moment I was at home, as I had to work at 9:00

10.1. File a complaint with the head of the traffic police at the place where the decision was made or in court.

11. 07.10.2019 I violated the speed limit of the traffic rules. I received a “letter of happiness” by mail, which indicated the date of consideration and adoption of the decision - November 13, 2019. Has the deadline for issuing a decision been violated?
Thank you.

11.1. The statute of limitations is 2 months. The deadline has not been violated.

12. Yesterday I received two letters of happiness, a parking fine of 2500, and twice at different times... There was a sign on the windshield allowing parking for a disabled person. Since all the disabled seats were occupied, we were placed in a place where there was no “disabled person” sign and went to the hospital.
Question: are the fines legal, is it possible to appeal, is it worth going to court? Are there any chances to win?

12.1. There is no chance for you, you stood twice in different places not intended for disabled people.

13. I have overdue fines for drinking alcohol in the wrong place, I want to pay but I lost them, letters of chain “how can I pay them now and what punishment can I face?

13.1. Hello, Alexey.
According to Part 1 of Art. 20.25 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

1. Failure to pay an administrative fine within the period provided for by this Code -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand rubles, or administrative arrest for a term of up to fifteen days, or compulsory labor for a term of up to fifty hours.
You can find out about the fines imposed from the body (official) that brought you to administrative responsibility. However, it is better to do this in your personal account on the government services website or on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation in the debt section (if enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you).
If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please contact me via private message.