Job description of HR inspector. Job responsibilities of a HR specialist Job descriptions of HR employees

The job description specifies the scope of duties and work that must be performed by a person holding a certain position. The job description in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation, or OKUD, OK 011-93 (approved by Gosstandart Resolution No. 299 of December 30, 1993) is classified as documentation on the organizational and regulatory regulation of the organization’s activities. The group of such documents, along with the job description, includes, in particular, internal labor regulations, regulations on the structural unit, and staffing.

Is a job description required?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige employers to draw up job descriptions. After all, an employment contract with an employee must always disclose his labor function (work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications or the specific type of work entrusted to him) (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, it is impossible to hold the employer liable for the lack of job descriptions.

At the same time, it is the job description that is usually the document in which the employee’s job function is specified. The instructions contain a list of the employee’s job responsibilities, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, the rights of the employee and his responsibilities (Letter of Rostrud dated November 30, 2009 No. 3520-6-1). Moreover, the job description usually not only reveals the employee’s job function, but also provides the qualification requirements that apply to the position held or the work performed (Letter of Rostrud dated November 24, 2008 No. 6234-TZ).

The presence of job descriptions simplifies the process of interaction between the employee and the employer on the content of the job function, the rights and responsibilities of the employee and the requirements placed on him. That is, all those issues that often arise in relationships with both existing employees and newly hired ones, as well as with applicants for a certain position.

Rostrud believes that a job description is necessary in the interests of both the employer and the employee. After all, having a job description will help (Letter of Rostrud dated 08/09/2007 No. 3042-6-0):

  • objectively evaluate the employee’s activities during the probationary period;
  • to reasonably refuse to hire (after all, the instructions may contain additional requirements related to the employee’s business qualities);
  • distribute labor functions among employees;
  • temporarily transfer the employee to another job;
  • assess the integrity and completeness of the employee’s performance of his or her job function.

That is why drawing up job descriptions in an organization is advisable.

Such instructions may be an annex to the employment contract or approved as an independent document.

How to draw up a job description

A job description is usually drawn up on the basis of qualification characteristics contained in qualification directories (for example, in the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated August 21, 1998 No. 37).

For workers who are hired by blue-collar professions, unified tariff and qualification directories of work and blue-collar professions for the relevant industries are used to determine their labor function. Instructions developed on the basis of such reference books are usually called production instructions. However, in order to unify and simplify internal documentation in an organization, instructions for blue-collar professions are often also called job descriptions.

Since the job description is an internal organizational and administrative document, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with it against signature when hiring him (before signing the employment contract) (

The formation of a personnel department at an enterprise begins with the approval of the Regulations on the structural unit, which contains a description of the personnel service:

  • how job responsibilities are distributed among employees;
  • what are the responsibilities of the HR department;
  • main functions of the unit;
  • the procedure for interaction with other structural divisions of the enterprise.

This document is non-binding. However, it is precisely this that allows the formation of a personnel service that meets the requirements of the enterprise and has a high level of job responsibility. For a standard regulation on the HR department at an enterprise, you can take the sample that is in Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 71 of the Federal Archive of Russia dated June 27, 2018. You can also use our sample.

What are the job responsibilities of the HR department?

Currently approved and put into effect. The professional standard contains a description and characteristics of the functions included in personnel management activities, on the basis of which job requirements for specific specialists can be formulated.

There is also a Qualification Directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (Resolution No. 37 dated August 21, 1998). It contains qualification characteristics intended for the correct selection, placement and use of employees, ensuring unity in determining the job functions of personnel officers and the qualification requirements for them.

These documents are the basis for defining the functions and job responsibilities of the human resources department and for determining the qualification requirements for service employees.

In general, job responsibilities can be divided into individual functions:

  1. Maintaining documentation for personnel accounting and movement:
    • registration of admission, transfers, dismissal, provision of leaves, assignments on business trips, bringing to disciplinary liability;
    • formation and maintenance of personal files of employees;
    • maintaining and storing work books;
    • maintaining time sheets;
    • accounting for the provision of staff leave, control over the preparation and compliance with regular leave schedules;
    • accounting, checking the correctness of registration of certificates of incapacity for work;
    • providing information about the current and past work activities of employees.
  2. Staffing activities:
    • collecting information about the company’s needs for employees;
    • search, attraction, selection and selection of personnel.
  3. Activities for assessment, certification and development of employees:
    • organizing and conducting assessment, certification and training of personnel;
    • organizing and conducting events to develop and build the professional career of employees.
  4. Formation and submission of established reports to the relevant authorities.
  5. Carrying out military registration and reservation of citizens in reserve.

What are the responsibilities of a HR employee?

The definition of what a personnel officer does, the duties assigned to him to perform, determine the requirements for applicants. To implement the professional activities of the HR department at an enterprise, it is possible to distribute job responsibilities between employees according to a functional principle, that is, the responsibilities of a HR employee at an enterprise correspond to a specific function.

Or the employee is assigned all personnel work in a certain area.

The effective operation of the HR department largely depends on the correct distribution of work among its specialists, which is the responsibility of the head of the HR department.

Qualification requirements, which are the responsibilities of an organization’s personnel officer, rights and responsibilities are determined in job descriptions developed for each specialist. When developing job descriptions for each specialist, the list of works is specified and the requirements for the necessary special training are established.

How to determine the size of the HR department

What is done in the HR department, whose responsibilities may vary, affects the staffing and structure of the department. Current modern standards do not contain instructions on calculating the number of personnel in the HR department at an enterprise, but you can use the Decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor dated November 14, 1991 No. 78 “On the approval of inter-industry integrated time standards for staffing and personnel accounting work.” The employer has the right to independently determine its number, based on the number of personnel of the enterprise, as well as the scope of functions assigned to the department.

Separately, there are standards for employees who carry out military registration in organizations (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719):

  • 1 part-time employee - for 500 personnel units;
  • 1 exempt employee - for the number of employees from 500 to 2000;
  • 2 employees for numbers from 2000 to 4000 and beyond - for every subsequent 3000 plus one more employee for this area.

Rights and responsibilities

The basic rights of a personnel employee include:

  • submitting proposals for improvement of work to the manager for consideration;
  • obtaining information and documents necessary to perform job functions.

The HR officer is responsible for causing material damage to the employer's property, for disclosing personal data of employees, non-compliance with internal labor regulations, as well as failure to perform or improper performance of those actions, the execution of which is included in the functionality of the HR employee.

The company's personnel records are handled by a personnel department inspector, in other words, a personnel inspector or personnel officer. A resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated August 21, 1998 outlined in detail his daily duties. At the same time, a specialized unified directory of qualifications indicates about 15 professions, focusing on the job description of a personnel officer. It clearly defines the boundaries of interaction with personnel, the main responsibilities, requirements and functions, as well as the rules and procedures for maintaining documentation. Despite the fact that this is his main and fundamental task, he can also participate in solving other tasks in employee management. It all depends on the requirements that the particular organization in which he carries out his work activities puts forward to the specialist.

Job requirements for a personnel officer

A HR specialist can be called a specialist in the HR department, a HR inspector, the head of the HR department, and also, to one degree or another, associate a dozen other professions with this name. But despite the general focus in working with personnel documents, there are significant differences. Let's look at them.

Requirements for a calving personnel specialist

The job description of a HR specialist is developed by the head of the HR department. And it is approved by the top management of the organization. It clearly states the job responsibilities, powers, functions of the specialist, and indicates the internal regulations of the organization. A person who has sufficient professional training, one year of work experience and the necessary education can become a specialist.

Since this specialty provides access to confidential information, the employee is responsible for his actions. And if his actions caused damage to the company, he will be held accountable in accordance with current legislation.

The HR specialist solves the following tasks:

  • Preparation of documentation when hiring or dismissing personnel, transferring them to other staff units in accordance with the labor code and orders of managers.
  • Accounting for work and changing any data of employees at all levels in accordance with documentary standards, and introducing these changes into personnel databases.
  • Collection of data for certification or to improve the level of qualifications.
  • Management of the reward and punishment mechanism.
  • Maintaining personal files of employees, collecting personal information.
  • Preparation of work books and contracts.
  • Development of a schedule and monitoring of its implementation.
  • Determination of vacation periods and monitoring their implementation.
  • Maintaining documentation for the archive.

Requirements for a HR inspector

Job responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining documentation on the hiring and dismissal of employees, changes in positions.
  • Maintaining personal files of staff, making changes and additional data.
  • Registration of work books and their storage.
  • Work with sick leave, vacations and benefits payments. Monitoring their compliance.
  • Processing of documentation for calculating pensions, labor benefits and compensation.
  • Making changes to personnel data in the database.
  • Identification of possible problems in the team and reasons for staff turnover.
  • Working with the archive.

At first glance, there are few differences between the profession “HR inspector” and the profession “HR specialist”. But they exist: a person with secondary education can be hired for this position. Work experience is not one of the main requirements and may not be taken into account at all.

The inspector’s responsibilities include selecting personnel for open vacancies in accordance with the established professional requirements.

Requirements for the head of the HR department

It is possible to occupy a leadership position only if you have a higher education and at least three years of experience in a similar position. A person is appointed to the position of chief by order of a senior leader. After which he remains accountable directly only to the head of the company. Its activities take place strictly within the framework of the organization’s internal charter, labor code, civil law and other regulatory documents, based on the job description.

Job responsibilities:

  • Development and monitoring of compliance with the organization’s personnel policy.
  • Monitoring the need to update working personnel.
  • Management of staff units according to available authorities.
  • Carrying out certification and analysis of its results.
  • Improving existing mechanisms for dismissal, hiring or transfer of personnel to other positions.
  • Improving the system of interaction between personnel.
  • Monitoring the performance of HR department employees of their duties.
  • Monitoring the implementation of awards and incentives.
  • Implementation of measures to establish labor discipline and increase the level of motivation of employees for their direct work activities.

The head of the human resources department prepares and reviews proprietary information that is intended for senior management. It is also within his competence to conduct consultations in accordance with the direction of his position. The high level of training of the head of the HR department is evidenced by his knowledge of the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, various methods for assessing the work of personnel, understanding of the structure of the organization, knowledge of the requirements for filling out and processing documentation, and existing labor standards. The instructions, which spell out all the job responsibilities of the head of the personnel department, inspector and specialist in working with personnel, are drawn up according to the model for each category. And signed during the job application process.

In order to apply for a HR position, you must:

  • Provide all necessary documents, depending on the chosen position, including: a diploma of the necessary education, documents confirming work experience, etc.
  • Completed application according to the sample.

According to the general sample job description, a personnel officer is a specialist. His appointment or dismissal from his position occurs on the basis of an order from the general director of the organization on the recommendation of his immediate superior.

Earlier in the article, we reviewed the requirements for applicants for each possible position. Depending on the category (inspector, specialist or supervisor), when hiring, the immediate supervisor monitors their compliance.

In the event that a personnel officer is temporarily unable to perform his duties, they will be performed by his replacement.

The HR person should know the following:

  • Legal and legislative documents in any way related to the labor process, the process of maintaining and managing personal files of employees, registration of pensions, maintaining work books and concluding employment contracts.
  • The structure of the company and the ways in which personnel interact within it.
  • Current labor legislation.
  • Rules for working with personnel and preparing reports.
  • Rules for maintaining personal data of employees.
  • The procedure for maintaining pensions, vacations, accrual of benefits, compensation, etc.

In accordance with the legislation, the Regulations on the personnel department of the immediate organization itself, its charters, internal regulations, orders of management and job descriptions, the activities of a personnel officer are carried out.

In accordance with the existing and established basic responsibilities and rights prescribed in the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of August 21, 1998, the organization draws up job descriptions for the positions held. It may contain additional clauses on processing or vacation conditions, schedule, additional requirements and other important conditions.

The development of instructions is carried out by the top management of the organization, their deputies or immediate superiors of personnel officers. During the process, it is agreed upon with lawyers, signed and comes into force.

Here is an example of a sample job description, on the basis of which an organization can draw up its own version:

As can be seen from the instructions, a personnel specialist must not only engage in the selection and placement of workers, but also other types of activities.

An equally important point that must be indicated in the instructions is the rights of the employee.

And an equally important section is the responsibility of the specialist, since he works mediocre with personal affairs and has confidential information.

Rights of a HR specialist

When drawing up instructions, this is an important point that absolutely cannot be omitted. Despite the fact that coordination of the compiled job description with representative bodies for personnel protection is not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, approval usually takes place with the legal department in order to avoid violation of the rights of employees.

The personnel officer has the following rights:

  • Get acquainted with existing documentation and decisions of company managers directly related to its activities.
  • Have access to information that is necessary to perform his job duties.
  • Make proposals for improving work and conditions directly related to the performance of its activities.
  • Receive fully high-quality organization of technical and informational conditions for the performance of duties.

Responsibilities of the HR specialist

The personnel officer is responsible in accordance with Russian legislation for violation of his direct duties:

  • In case of non-fulfillment or poor quality of performance of their immediate duties.
  • In case of violation of instructions and orders of the organization, labor regulations and due discipline.
  • In case of violation of trade secrets or disclosure of personal data of personnel.

The head of the company or the head of the human resources department, whose task is to regulate the activities of the human resources department, may be held liable for:

  • Lack of formalized contracts with employees.
  • Lack of personal matters.
  • Lack of a vacation schedule.
  • Lack of documentation on labor protection.

Peculiarities of the profession that a personnel officer encounters

A personnel officer, despite the extensive list of his responsibilities, is primarily involved in maintaining documentation in a particular organization. These are orders, employment contracts, regulations, employee statements, maintaining military records, pensions, benefits, etc.

What special features does a specialist occupying this position face?

The positive ones include:

  • Working hours. In rare cases, overtime may occur. Basically, this is a standard schedule with fixed usual days off (Saturday and Sunday), as well as non-working days on public holidays. Most often, work is from 9:00 to 18:00, including a lunch break.
  • A stable social package that includes all necessary payments.

In small organizations, the rights of employees may be violated, there may be no social package or official registration. Therefore, when applying for a job, you should give preference only to trusted companies that care about their employees.

  • Paper work without much mobility.
  • Opportunity for career growth and high salaries.
  • Office work.

The negative ones include the following:

  • In addition to direct responsibilities, there is a large amount of additional responsibilities, not always directly related to the specialty.
  • Being between employees and management. This can be a disadvantage when you have to resolve negative situations.
  • For some, paperwork in the office will seem like a minus.
  • Monotone.
  • Possible emergence of disagreements in working with accounting department.
  • Responsibility in case of dishonesty of the hired employee.

An HR employee constantly encounters new people and must have communication skills, be able to organize people and his work, be friendly and at the same time master modern methods of personnel assessment. He must have the skills of mutual understanding and base his work on mutual cooperation. In addition, in his activities, the personnel officer constantly encounters interactions with third-party organizations. Such as the Pension Fund, State Labor Inspectorate and others).

The competence of a specialist in this field also depends on his ability to use technology and automation tools.


To summarize, we can say that the profession of a personnel officer is significant and important in the current modern world. He deals not only with personnel selection for the company, but also with a large amount of documentation. Basically, this work is related to it: maintaining an archive, personal files, documenting the hiring, dismissal and movement of employees to other positions, military registration, registration of pensions, vacations and schedules. This profession is suitable for those who like inactive work in a cozy office.

Despite this, the position of a specialist in the HR department implies the following skills: communication skills, goodwill, organizational skills, good knowledge of the legislation, which to one degree or another relates to labor records management.

The HR department also has a choice of vacancies: inspector, specialist and chief. Each assumes its own level of certain skills and qualities. For example, only an applicant who has a higher education and work experience in a similar position can become a boss. Without experience, you can become an inspector and then move up the career ladder.

As for any other specialty, for a personnel officer there is an established sample job description, on the basis of which various organizations approve theirs. At the same time, they indicate additional conditions depending on the details of the company, requirements for the profession and obligations. They also spell out all the employee’s rights, responsibilities and terms of cooperation.

In this video you can get acquainted with the features of the profession of a personnel specialist, and perhaps learn something new for yourself that was not discussed in the article:

Sample job description for HR specialist

The sample job description is compiled taking into account the professional standard

1. General Provisions

1.1. The following person is hired for the position of HR specialist:

1) having secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists;

2) having additional professional education under professional retraining programs and advanced training programs.

1.2. A HR specialist should know:

1) regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the rights and obligations of government bodies, trade unions and other representative bodies of workers to provide accounting documentation;

2) legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data;

3) the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of personnel documents;

4) the procedure for recording the movement of personnel and drawing up established reporting;

5) basics of document flow and documentation support;

6) technologies, methods and techniques for analyzing and systematizing documents and information;

7) the procedure for calculating length of service, benefits, compensation, and registration of pensions for employees;

8) structure of the organization;

9) the basics of archival legislation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regarding the maintenance of personnel documentation;

10) local regulations of the organization regulating the procedure for drawing up administrative and organizational documents for personnel;

11) standards of ethics and business communication;

12) basic principles of computer science, structural construction of information systems and features of working with them;

13) labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms;

14) Internal labor regulations;

15) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;

16) ……… (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.3. A HR specialist must be able to:

1) develop draft organizational and administrative documents for personnel;

2) draw up personnel documents in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations of the organization;

3) keep records and register documents in information systems and on tangible media;

4) organize the storage of documents in accordance with the requirements of labor and archival legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations of the organization;

5) analyze personnel documents and transfer information to databases and reports;

6) identify errors, inaccuracies, corrections and inaccurate information in documents, determine the legitimacy of documents;

7) work with information systems and databases for maintaining statistical and reporting information on personnel;

8) develop draft personnel documents;

9) develop a plan for adjusting the established procedure for processing personnel documents and implement the adopted changes;

10) control the presence of employees at the workplace;

11) draw up accounting documents submitted to state bodies, trade unions and other representative bodies of workers;

12) analyze the rules, procedures and procedures governing the rights and responsibilities of government bodies and organizations regarding the exchange of personnel documentation;

13) conduct business correspondence;

14) comply with the ethical standards of business communication;

15) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.4. A HR specialist in his activities is guided by:

1) ……… (name of the constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations regulating labor functions by position)

1.5. The HR specialist reports directly to ……… (name of the manager’s position)

1.6. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Documentation support for work with personnel:

1) maintaining organizational and administrative documentation for personnel;

2) maintaining documentation on accounting and movement of personnel;

3) administration of processes and document flow for accounting and movement of personnel, submission of personnel documents to government bodies.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The HR Specialist performs the following duties:

3.1.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) processes and analyzes incoming personnel documentation;

2) develops and prepares personnel documentation (primary, accounting, planning, social security, organizational, administrative);

3) carries out registration, accounting and current storage of organizational and administrative documentation for personnel.

3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) prepares draft documents on personnel management procedures, accounting and personnel movement;

2) organizes a system for the movement of documents for personnel;

3) collects and checks personal documents of employees;

4) prepares and prepares, at the request of employees and officials, copies, extracts from personnel documents, certificates, information about length of service, benefits, guarantees, compensation and other information about employees;

5) issues personnel documents to the employee regarding his work activities;

6) brings to the attention of personnel organizational, administrative and personnel documents of the organization;

7) keeps records of employees’ working hours;

8) carries out registration, accounting, prompt storage of personnel documents, preparation for their submission to the archive.

3.1.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) organizes the document flow for accounting and personnel movement;

2) organizes the document flow for the submission of personnel documents to government bodies;

3) registers the organization with government agencies;

4) prepares:

At the request of government bodies, trade unions and other representative bodies of employees, originals, extracts, copies of documents;

Notifications, reporting and statistical information on personnel;

Information on the conclusion of an employment or civil contract for the performance of work (provision of services) with a citizen who held positions in the state or municipal service, the list of which is established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3.1.4. As part of the performance of his job functions, he carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. ……… (other duties)

3.2. ……… (other provisions on job responsibilities)

4. Rights

A HR specialist has the right to:

4.1. Participate in discussions of draft decisions, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Request clarifications and clarifications from your immediate supervisor regarding these instructions and assigned tasks.

4.3. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information and documents necessary to carry out the assignment.

4.4. Get acquainted with draft decisions of management relating to the function he performs, with documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of his labor functions.

4.5. Submit proposals for the organization of work within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

4.6. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed.

4.7. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The HR specialist is held accountable for:

For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and accounting legislation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of the Professional Standard "", approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 06.10.2015 N 691n, taking into account ……… (details of local regulations of the organization)

6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by ……… (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions)

The job description of the HR inspector performs the function of an addition to the employment contract, which explains its main provisions. Despite the fact that existing legislation does not require the mandatory preparation of instructions, they are widely used in business practice, labor proceedings and related litigation. The standard instruction consists of four parts, which employers can supplement as necessary.

Sample job description for HR inspector

1. Main section

  1. The HR inspector is hired and fired by the director of the organization, on the recommendation of the head of the personnel department.
  2. The HR inspector reports to the head of the HR department.
  3. A candidate for this position must meet the following standards:
    • specialized secondary specialized education;
    • 1 year of experience working in HR departments.
  4. During the absence of a specialist (business trip, vacation, treatment of illness), his work duties are performed by another specialist from the personnel department.
  5. A specialist in this position is required to have knowledge of the following issues:
    • current labor legislation and features of its use;
    • industry standards and regulations;
    • HR standards;
    • the procedure for drawing up documentation on employees for regulatory authorities;
    • standards for accounting for personnel changes in the organization;
    • the main personnel of the organization and its management structure;
    • methodology for conducting certification of current personnel;
    • applied indicators for assessing employee performance (KPI);
    • the procedure for obtaining appropriate benefits, additional payments, and salaries to employees;
    • theoretical foundations of personnel affairs;
    • best HR practices;
    • main parameters of the organization’s labor policy;
    • methodology for filling out employee databases;
    • labor discipline standards and work schedule rules;
    • rules for using computers, office equipment and related software.
  6. The HR inspector is guided by:
    • labor legislation;
    • industry norms and standards;
    • documents of the organization;
    • sections of this manual.

2. Functions

The HR Inspector is responsible for the following issues:

  1. Maintaining current records of the organization's personnel.
  2. Interaction with colleagues regarding the maintenance of personnel documentation.
  3. Ensuring documentation of personnel changes in the organization.
  4. Preparation of events for professional certification of employees of the organization.
  5. Participation in planning the organization's labor policy.
  6. Consulting managers and employees of the organization on issues of documentary support for personnel activities.
  7. Maintaining personal files of employees and entering the necessary information into the organization’s databases.
  8. Preparation of necessary personnel documentation for regulatory authorities.
  9. Participation in the preparation of analytical reports on staffing issues of the organization.
  10. Accounting for vacation schedules, sick leave, and business trips.
  11. Preparation of labor documentation and certificates for personnel.
  12. Preparation of personnel documentation for archiving, as well as ensuring its ongoing storage.
  13. Documentary support for the transfer of bonuses, additional payments, and benefits provided to employees.
  14. Carrying out ongoing monitoring of compliance with work schedules and labor discipline.
  15. Interaction with employees of inspection authorities on personnel issues of the organization.

3. Responsibility

The HR inspector is held accountable:

  1. For material damage caused to the employer due to inappropriate actions - in accordance with labor law standards.
  2. For the disclosure of internal information of the organization - within the limits prescribed by law.
  3. For improper performance of labor functions - within the limits specified in labor legislation.
  4. For offenses that were committed in the workplace - in accordance with sections of administrative, labor and criminal law.

4. Rights

The HR inspector has the rights:

  1. Propose to the organization’s management measures to improve the situation in their area of ​​competence.
  2. Participate in HR department meetings on HR development issues.
  3. Request from employees of the organization information necessary in their work activities.
  4. Receive bonus payments as the targets specified in the relevant documents are met.
  5. Require the management of the organization to maintain optimal conditions for the effective performance of their work activities.


Key points in writing a document

Current legislation does not contain instructions on the parameters for creating job descriptions. As a result, employers can confidently create documents tailored to their needs. In practice, they use modifications of standard instructions using certain business document flow standards. These standards relate to the form of the document, its design and content. Thus, the structure of the instructions includes 4 sections, which set out the main parameters of the specialist’s activities:

  • A common part.
  • Responsibilities of the employee.
  • His responsibility.
  • His rights.

To these parts you can add several more, which describe working conditions, parameters for assessing an employee or requirements for his qualifications. These sections are especially popular with large employers who deal with numerous employees performing a variety of tasks.

When drawing up an instruction, the standards require the application of the basic attributes of a business document to it: decoding signatures, the presence of organizational details, etc.

The main requirement for the content of the instruction is that it does not contradict the employment contract and current legislation.

Attention! The employee has the right to receive a copy of the instructions in paper form. He can also be given access to it on the local network. In this case, you must first remove all personal data from it.

Common parameters

The basics of an employee's activities are described here:

  • Which executive hires and fires him.
  • To whom is he accountable in his activities?
  • What should guide him in his work?
  • What qualification standards must he meet?
  • What skills does the employer need?

A special role is played by the list of skills that should ensure the performance of the functions enshrined in the next part. Depending on the characteristics of the employer, this list may vary from company to company.

Attention! For a number of professions, the instructions may use suitable professional standards or a qualification directory of professions (EKS).


This part differs the most among different companies. In companies of different sizes, legal forms, and specializations, even the same specialists can perform different functions, especially secondary ones. The main limitation is that these differences fall within the parameters of the employment contract. It is also not recommended to load a specialist with additional functions, since such a load can distract him from his main activity.


Here is a description of the main situations when an employee may be punished. The description is given in general terms, since specific penalties can only be determined during administrative proceedings and legal procedures.


The section lists several basic employee rights: to make proposals to management, participate in employee meetings, etc. Depending on the specifics of the employer’s personnel policy, additional rights can be added. For example, to receive a company car or to receive partial compensation from the employer for cellular communications expenses.

After the initial drafting of the instructions, it must be shown to a lawyer, an employee of the personnel department and the employee’s immediate supervisor. After these specialists approve its text, the instructions are sent for approval to the head of the enterprise. The final signal of its entry into force is the signing of the instruction by all involved persons: the director, the employee himself, as well as other managers, if their signatures are required by the rules of corporate document flow.