Presentation on the topic of environmental problems. Presentation on the topic of global environmental problems of humanity. Open pit mining

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 73, Ulyanovsk

Borsch by Elena Alexandrovna

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Back in the 40s. Academician Vernadsky wrote that human economic activity began to have an impact on the geographic environment no less powerful than the geological processes occurring in nature itself.

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The essence of the environmental problem

Deterioration of the environment and increasing environmental threats as a result of anthropogenic activities.

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Irrational use of natural resources in conditions of a sharp increase in “metabolism” between society and nature.

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Ecological problems

  • Changes in the global environmental environment
  • Thinning of the ozone layer and increased influx of ultraviolet radiation
  • Disruption of the natural circulation of substances and energy flows.
  • Pollution of the hydrosphere with petroleum products, heavy metals, etc.
  • Uncontrolled growth of the world population.
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    The destruction of the ozone layer leads to uncontrolled changes in the Earth's climate as a result of the influx of ultraviolet radiation.

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    Deforestation and degradation of forests, especially tropical rainforests.

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    Atmospheric pollution with CO2, CH4, etc., the threat of the greenhouse effect.

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    Soil erosion, salinization, waterlogging, desertification.

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    Radiation contamination of vast areas with tragic consequences.

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    The removal of huge masses of matter from the depths and a shortage of raw materials and fuel.

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    Toxication of fields with pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, etc.

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    Ecology is a global problem of our time

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    Ecology is the science of the interactions of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment. The term was first proposed by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1866 in his book General Morphology of Organisms.

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    Environmental pollution
    Environmental pollution

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    Atmospheric air
    one of the most important components of the environment

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    Atmospheric pollutants
    1. thermal power plants and heating plants that burn organic fuel. 2. motor transport. 3.ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. 4. mechanical engineering. 5.extraction and processing of mineral raw materials.
    The main sources of air pollution are:

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    Major air pollutants
    carbon monoxide (CO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) as well as oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, lead, mercury, aluminum and other metals
    A particular problem is created by the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere.

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    If in the middle of the 20th century. worldwide CO2 emissions were approximately 6 billion tons, but at the end of the century it exceeded 25 billion tons.
    You know that emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere threaten humanity with the so-called greenhouse effect and global warming. And the growing emission of chlorofluorocarbons (freons) has already led to the formation of huge “ozone holes” and partial destruction of the “ozone barrier”

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    The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 indicates that cases of radioactive contamination of the atmosphere also cannot be completely excluded.

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    Acid rain
    Sulfur dioxide is the main source of so-called acid rain, which is especially widespread in Europe and North America. Acid precipitation reduces crop yields, destroys forests and other vegetation, destroys life in river bodies, destroys buildings, and negatively affects human health.

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    Reduced oxygen reserves
    Year after year, the process of reducing oxygen reserves due to its consumption in transport and industry is increasing. For example, a modern passenger car burns the annual oxygen requirement of one person in 1 thousand kilometers. For an hour of flight, a modern airliner requires an hourly rate of oxygen of approximately 180 thousand people.

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    Water, like air, is a vital source for all known organisms.

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    Russia is one of the countries most endowed with water. However, the condition of its reservoirs cannot be called satisfactory. Anthropogenic activities lead to pollution of both surface and underground water sources.

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    The main sources of hydrosphere pollution are
    discharged wastewater, burial of radioactive waste in containers and containers, which after a certain period of time lose their tightness, accidents and catastrophes occurring on land and in water spaces, and others.

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    Sources of drinking water are annually and increasingly subject to contamination by xenobiotics of various natures, so the supply of drinking water to the population from surface sources is increasingly dangerous. About 50% of Russians are forced to use water for drinking that does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements for a number of indicators. The water quality of 75% of Russian water bodies does not meet regulatory requirements.

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    The burial problem
    An acute problem is the disposal of radioactive waste in the waters of the World Ocean. It has been established that seawater can corrode containers, and over time their contents will inevitably begin to spread in the water.

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    These substances can enter the human body from the soil as a result of various migration processes.
    Emissions from industrial enterprises and agricultural production facilities, dispersing over considerable distances and entering the soil, create new combinations of chemical elements.

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    The soil
    Soil is the habitat of numerous lower animals and...
    Microorganisms, its pollution undermines the lower levels of the food chain

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    Main soil pollutants
    exhaust gases from vehicles, emissions from industrial enterprises, thermal power plants, come from the atmosphere along with coarse and medium-disperse dust particles during leakage of oil or its refined products
    The main danger of soil pollution is associated with global air pollution.

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    Soil pollution is causing a sharp decline in forests on the planet, which play a large role in maintaining the balance of nature. The result is shallowing of rivers and lakes, destructive floods, mudflows, soil erosion, and climate change.

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    Ways to solve environmental problems

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    First way
    A set of environmental measures involves the creation of various types of treatment facilities, including the use of low-sulfur fuel, destruction and recycling of waste, the construction of chimneys 200-300 m high or more, land reclamation, etc. However, even the most modern facilities do not provide complete purification.

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    Second way
    development and application of fundamentally new environmental (“clean”) production technology, in the transition to low-waste and waste-free production processes. Thus, the transition from direct-flow (river - enterprise - river) water supply to recycling, and even more so to “dry” technology, can ensure first a partial and then a complete cessation of wastewater discharge into rivers and reservoirs.

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    Third way
    deeply thought-out, most rational placement of so-called “dirty” industries that have a negative impact on the environment. The number of “dirty” industries primarily includes the chemical and petrochemical, metallurgical, pulp and paper industries, thermal energy, and production of building materials. When locating such enterprises, geographical expertise is especially necessary

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    Fourth way
    reuse of raw materials. In developed countries, reserves of secondary raw materials are equal to explored geological reserves. The centers for the procurement of recyclable materials are old industrial areas of Foreign Europe, the USA, Japan, and the European part of Russia.

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    Environmental protection, or applied ecology, is a set of measures designed to limit the negative impact of human activity on nature. Measures may include: Limiting emissions into the atmosphere and hydrosphere in order to improve the overall environmental situation. Creation of nature reserves and national parks for the purpose of preserving natural complexes. Limitation of fishing and hunting in order to preserve certain species. Restriction of unauthorized waste disposal. Using environmental logistics methods to completely clear the region of unauthorized waste.

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    Each of us, citizens of the 21st century, must always remember the conclusion reached at the Rio 92 Conference: “Planet Earth is in such danger as it has never been before.”

    Environmental problems of the World Prepared by 10th grade students of MBOU "Secondary School No. 21" in Vladimir Nikolaeva Kristina and Kuzmenko Daria Teacher: Fedorova M.V.

    What are environmental problems? Environmental problems are a number of factors that mean degradation of the natural environment. Most often they are caused by human activity: with the development of industry and technology, problems began to arise associated with the violation of balanced conditions in the ecological environment, which are very difficult to compensate. One of the most destructive factors of human activity is pollution. It manifests itself in increased levels of smog, the emergence of dead lakes, industrial water saturated with harmful elements and unsuitable for consumption, and is also associated with the extinction of some animal species.

    Main environmental problems Initially, environmental problems are divided according to scale conditions: they can be regional, local and global. An example of a local environmental problem is a factory that does not treat industrial wastewater before discharging it into a river. This leads to the death of fish and harms humans. As an example of a regional problem, we can take Chernobyl, or more precisely, the soils that are adjacent to it: they are radioactive and pose a threat to any biological organisms located in this territory.

    Citarum is a river in Indonesia. It is the dirtiest river in the world. It is actually the main source of water for agriculture and water supply for people.

    What is sustainable development? Sustainable development refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

    Concepts of sustainable development 1) Humanity is truly capable of making development sustainable and lasting so that it meets the needs of living people without depriving future generations of the opportunity to meet their needs. 2) The existing restrictions in the field of exploitation of natural resources are relative. They are associated with the current level of technology and social organization, as well as with the ability of the biosphere to cope with the consequences of human activity. 3) It is necessary to satisfy the basic needs of all people and provide everyone with the opportunity to realize their hopes for a more prosperous life. Without this, sustainable and long-term development is simply impossible. One of the main causes of environmental and other disasters is poverty, which has become commonplace in the world.

    4) It is necessary to reconcile the lifestyle of those who have large resources (monetary and material) with the environmental capabilities of the planet, in particular regarding energy consumption. 5) The size and rate of population growth must be consistent with the changing productive potential of the Earth's global ecosystem.

    What is environmental sustainability? Ecological sustainability is the ability of an ecological system to maintain its properties and regime parameters under conditions of existing internal and external disturbances. Environmental sustainability is often seen as synonymous with stability. The stability of ecosystems cannot be preserved and ensured if the law of internal dynamic equilibrium is violated. Not only the quality of the natural environment will be under threat, but also the existence of the entire complex of natural components in the foreseeable future. . The essence of this law is that a natural system has internal energy, matter, information and dynamic quality, so interconnected that any change in one of these indicators causes in others or in the same, but in a different place or at a different time, accompanying functional-quantitative changes that preserve the sum of material-energy, information and dynamic indicators of the entire natural system. This provides the system with such properties as maintaining balance, closing the cycle in the system and its “self-healing”, “self-cleaning”.

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    Presentation on the topic: Ecological problems

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    The interaction between man and nature is so close that his every, even the smallest, action is reflected in the state of the environment that surrounds him. Unfortunately, recently people have begun to interfere more actively in the measured life of the nature around them. In this regard, humanity is faced with environmental problems of our time. They require an immediate solution. Their scale is so large that it affects not just one country, but the whole world.

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    Atmospheric pollution One of the most pressing environmental problems nowadays is environmental pollution. In the early stages of the development of the biosphere, the air was polluted only by volcanic eruptions and forest fires, but as soon as a person lit his first fire, the anthropogenic impact on the atmosphere began. Back at the beginning of the 20th century. the biosphere coped with the combustion products of coal and liquid fuels that entered the air. It was enough to drive a few kilometers away from industrial enterprises to feel the clean air.

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    However, later the rapid development of industry and transport led to a sharp deterioration in the state of the atmosphere. Currently, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), chlorofluorocarbons, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, methane (CH4) and other hydrocarbons enter the atmosphere as a result of human activity. The sources of these pollution are the combustion of natural fuels, forest burning, emissions from industrial enterprises and exhaust gases from cars and other vehicles. However, later the rapid development of industry and transport led to a sharp deterioration in the state of the atmosphere. Currently, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), chlorofluorocarbons, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, methane (CH4) and other hydrocarbons enter the atmosphere as a result of human activity. The sources of these pollution are the combustion of natural fuels, forest burning, emissions from industrial enterprises and exhaust gases from cars and other vehicles.

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    Greenhouse effect An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere creates the so-called greenhouse effect. These gases allow sunlight to pass through, but partially block reflected thermal radiation from the Earth's surface. Over the past 100 years, the relative concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by 20%, and methane by 100%, leading to an average global temperature increase of 0.5 °C.

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    If the concentration of these gases increases at the same rate in the coming years, by 2050 the Earth will warm by another 2-5 °C. Such warming could lead to the melting of glaciers and a rise in sea levels by almost 1.5 m, which will cause flooding of many populated coastal areas.

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    Acid rain Near copper smelters, there is a high concentration of sulfur dioxide in the air, which causes the destruction of chlorophyll, underdevelopment of pollen, and drying of needles. Dissolving in droplets of atmospheric moisture, sulfur and nitrogen dioxides are converted into corresponding acids and fall to the ground with rain. The soil becomes acidic and the amount of mineral salts in it decreases. When acidic precipitation gets on the leaves, it destroys the protective wax film, which leads to the development of plant diseases.

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    Small aquatic animals and eggs are especially sensitive to changes in acidity, so acid rain causes maximum harm to aquatic ecosystems. In the most developed industrial areas, acid rain destroys the surface of buildings and spoils monuments of sculpture and architecture.

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    Smog Substances contained in car exhaust gases, when exposed to sunlight, enter into complex chemical reactions, forming toxic compounds. Together with water droplets, they form a toxic fog - smog, which has a harmful effect on the human body and plants.

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    Ozone holes At an altitude of more than 20 km above the Earth's surface there is an ozone layer (03), which protects all living things from excess ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation of a certain wavelength is beneficial for humans because it causes the formation of vitamin D. However, excessive exposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer.

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    Substances that are used as refrigerants in refrigerators and solvents in aerosols - chlorofluorocarbons - rise into the stratosphere, where, under the influence of solar radiation, they decompose to release chlorine and fluorine. The resulting gases cause the conversion of ozone into oxygen, destroying the protective shell of the Earth.

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    Water Pollution Freshwater accounts for less than 1% of the world's total water supply, and humanity is wasting and polluting this priceless resource. Population growth, improvement of living conditions, development of industry and irrigated agriculture have led to the fact that excessive water consumption has become one of the global environmental problems of our time. In most cases, freshwater pollution remains invisible because the pollutants are dissolved in the water. But there are exceptions: foaming detergents, as well as oil products floating on the surface and raw sewage. There are several natural pollutants. Aluminum compounds found in the ground enter the fresh water system as a result of chemical reactions. Floods wash out magnesium compounds from the soil of meadows, which cause enormous damage to fish stocks.

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    For centuries, groundwater washed out cavities in the bowels of the earth, a kind of underground reservoirs. Numerous springs feeding rivers and lakes are places where groundwater comes to the surface. Excessive consumption of groundwater reduces the number of springs and causes a gradual lowering of the land surface, the so-called subsidence. The soil falls into the resulting underground voids, and if this happens suddenly, it leads to catastrophic consequences.

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    Discharges from industrial enterprises and surface runoff from landfills are often contaminated with heavy metals and synthetic organic substances. Lead occurs in fresh water in dissolved form. One source of lead contamination is fishing weights, which are constantly thrown away when the fishing line gets tangled. Swans suffer greatly from lead, swallowing sinkers along with algae. It remains in the birds' stomachs, gradually dissolving and causing their death. A "broken neck" (when the muscles cannot support the bird's long neck, causing it to slowly starve to death) is a sign of lead poisoning. Another heavy metal, cadmium, penetrates the freshwater environment, affects fish, and through them enters the human body.

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    Soil pollution and depletion. Fertile soil is one of humanity's most important resources for food production. The top fertile layer of soil is formed over a long period of time, but can be destroyed very quickly. Every year, along with the harvest, a huge amount of mineral compounds - the main components of plant nutrition - are removed from the soil. If you do not apply fertilizers, complete depletion of the soil may occur within 50-100 years.

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    Soil pollution and depletion currently represent a special type of land resource degradation. At the same time, there are two main reasons for such negative changes. The first is natural. The composition and structure of soil can change as a result of global natural phenomena. For example, due to the movement of lithospheric plates, constant exposure to significant air masses or water elements. In connection with all of the above reasons for natural destruction, the solid shell of the Earth is gradually changing its appearance. The second factor that results in soil pollution and depletion is anthropogenic impact. Currently, this is what causes the most damage. Let's take a closer look at this destructive factor.

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    Human activity as a cause of soil degradation Negative anthropogenic impacts often arise as a result of agricultural activities, the operation of large industrial facilities, the construction of buildings and structures, transport communications, as well as the domestic needs and needs of humanity. All of the above are the causes of negative processes called “Soil Pollution and Depletion”. Among the consequences of the impact of anthropogenic factors on land resources are the following: erosion, acidification, destruction of structure and changes in composition, degradation of the mineral base, waterlogging or, conversely, drying out, and so on.

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    Agriculture Perhaps this type of anthropogenic activity can be considered key to the question of what causes soil pollution and depletion. The reasons for such processes are often interconnected. For example, first there is intensive land development. As a result, deflation develops. In turn, plowing can activate water erosion processes. Even additional irrigation is considered a negative impact factor, since it is what causes salinization of land resources. In addition, soil pollution and depletion can occur due to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers, unsystematic grazing of farm animals, destruction of vegetation cover, and so on.

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    Chemical pollution The planet's soil resources are significantly influenced by industry and transport. It is these two directions of development of human activity that lead to the pollution of the earth with all kinds of chemical elements and compounds. Heavy metals, petroleum products and other complex organic substances are considered especially dangerous. The appearance of all of the above compounds in the environment is associated with the operation of industrial enterprises and internal combustion engines, which are installed in most vehicles.

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    Problems of Mother Earth

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    We think about what will happen tomorrow, We say with excitement at this hour: We have one Earth, and it’s true, We have one Earth, like life!

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    The international community strongly believes that we need to develop, through education, the values, behaviors and lifestyles needed for a sustainable future. UNESCO Draft international implementation scheme.

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    We are a part of nature, take care of both the tree and the bird!
    How scary it is - the dying of a race, one and all, every last one, when devastated nature is no longer able to do anything. And leprosy and desolation will creep in. And the threads of water will dry up. And the birds will die out. And the plants will fall. And the beast will not escape its misfortune. And no matter how much self-interest there is, don’t look for it, No matter what excuse you have, the Earth requires protection. Protection. She asks people for salvation.

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    Ecological calendar

    February 2 - World Wetlands Day February 19 - World Marine Mammal Day March 22 - World Water Day April 1 - International Bird Day April 22 - Earth Day June 5 - World Environment Day June 17 - World Wildlife Day desertification and drought September 16 - International Ozone Day September 29 - World Maritime Day October 4 - World Animal Day October 14 - International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction December 29 - International Day for Biological Diversity

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    About our planet Earth
    Russia - Russians, Earth - earthlings. Who are the earthlings? All people living on Earth. Earth is our home. Our Earth is in our hands. The Earth is the daughter of the Sun, and we are the children of the Sun and Earth. Earth is the most beautiful planet.
    There is one planet - a garden, In this cold space, Only here the forests rustle with birds, calling migrating birds. Only on it you will see - Lilies of the valley in the green grass, And dragonflies only here They look into the river in surprise. Take care of your planet, because there is no other planet in the world.

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    About our planet Earth
    Astronauts say that our planet is blue and the most beautiful. On Earth it is neither hot nor cold, there is water and oxygen, therefore there is life. Our planet has a satellite called the Moon. A year lasts 365 days. During this time, the Earth makes a full revolution around the sun. This movement leads to the change of seasons. The movement that leads to the change of day and night is made by the Earth in a day - 24 hours, this is a movement around its axis. Let's look at the structure of the Earth using an apricot: by cutting it and calling on your imagination, you can see the globe in cross-section. The skin is the earth's crust, the pulp is the earth's mantle, and the pit is the core. Let's make a model of the Earth from natural material, Operation “Och. Skillful Hands”, we will present the models at the presentation of the project.
    I look at the globe - the globe. And suddenly he sighed as if alive. And the continents whisper to me: “Take care of us, take care.” I look at the globe - the globe, So beautiful and dear. And the lips whisper: “I won’t lie! I will save you, I will save you!”

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    Water protection problem
    Sources of water pollution: 1. Factory wastewater 2. Oil spills, washing cars near water bodies 3. Garbage, waste 4. Pesticides, fertilizers. The pollution of the Volga is of great concern in our country. There are quite a lot of problems with the main river of Russia, the Volga, and its tributaries. The main difficulty in protecting the waters of the Volga is that it flows through six regions and republics. Somewhere a lot is done, somewhere nothing is done, and as a result the whole river suffers. Therefore, our task is not only to identify problems, but also to figure out who and what can do to eliminate them.
    The deep river is sad, losing its banks. And we hear the voice of the river: “Take care of us, take care of us.”

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    Environmental problems of the Earth

    The photo shows an abandoned fishing boat in the place where the Aral Sea once was.
    Let the rivers on Earth not die, Let their misfortune pass them by. May the icy and delicious water of V. Ognetsvet remain pure in them forever

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    Environmental problems of the Earth
    According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, near the port "Kavkaz" in the Kerch Strait on Sunday 12.11.2007 at 4.50 Moscow time, the tanker "Volgoneft-139", on board which was 4.8 thousand tons of fuel oil, broke into two parts. 13 crew members were taken to the port. About a thousand tons of fuel oil spilled into the sea. At 10.25 in the same area, the bulk carrier Volnogorsk sank, carrying more than 2.6 thousand tons of sulfur. The crew of eight people left the ship on a life raft and managed to land on the Tuzla Spit. Massive deaths of birds have been recorded. This problem could turn into a problem for several years.

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    Water protection problem
    All animals, plants, people cannot do without water. The norm for human consumption of drinking water is 3-5 liters per day. But people spend a lot more. It is estimated that on average a person spends 300-400 liters per day for drinking and household needs, and taking into account consumption in industry and agriculture, these figures are even higher, about 5000 liters. But fresh water reserves are very small, 97% of the planet’s water is It's ocean and only 3% is fresh water. Since 1994, March 22 has been declared World Water Day. Thrift is a moral trait. If each of us learns to use water carefully and economically, does not ignore violations, but stops people who are careless about water, its protection, and saving, we will save and preserve the wealth that nature gives people - water, and therefore life on Earth. Water is a precious gift of nature to people, we must save it. All living things die without water. Thrift is a trait that commands respect for a person.
    Without it, we can’t wash ourselves, we can’t eat, we can’t get drunk! We dare to report to you - We cannot live without water. “Without water, we can’t go there, and we can’t go here.”

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    Practical research work “Learning to be thrifty.” Monitoring water consumption in the gymnasium.
    Goal: to find out whether water is used economically in the gymnasium, to establish the reasons why water flows in vain. Conclusions: Water flows from the taps in the dining room in vain every day. We urgently need to take action! The attendants wet a rag and are washing the board, the tap is not closed! The water is flowing in a strong stream! The tap in the boys' toilet on the 2nd floor is not working. (Replace urgently!) Suggestions: The canteen attendants should be required to monitor the taps. Conduct briefing. Carry out preventive work among students. Encourage high school students to save water! Reflect the results of observations in the newspaper.
    For what purposes is water used in our country?

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    Come to your senses, come to your senses, man!
    Come to your senses, come to your senses, man! You are indebted to nature, And may your life be glorious, like fragrant grass in a meadow. And the trill of cheerful, ringing birds, And the noisy splash of a spring, And clusters of thin mountain ash, And the blue eye of a cornflower, And the fresh aroma of herbs, And the noise of groves, and oak forests...

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    The problem of plant and animal protection
    Based on the information collected, we created the project “Problem of plant and animal protection”, in which we divided the following sections: Hiking in the forest “On the ecological trail”. Everyone should know this! Forest Aibolit. Let's live in harmony with nature! Drawing up a memo “Do not harm nature!” Prohibition signs to protect plants and animals.
    Like a page from a fairy tale book, the forest opened up, ringing with leaves. I understand both the beast and the bird, and they understand me.
    Don't you dare ruin your nest! Don't touch the birds' nests! Children: We will not ruin! Here's the word from all the guys. Let the bird songs ring again in our forest.

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    The problem of plant and animal protection.
    A letter from the forester - Leshy. Hey, friends - fourth graders, Restless people! Get ready for an unusual hike soon! Forest secrets await you. The path calls into the distance. Get ready for a hike soon! Unusual routes await you, interesting, simply excellent: What grows in the forest? Who lives in the forest?

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    Rules of behavior in the forest.
    Know how to behave in the forest: don’t shout, don’t scare birds and animals. If you want to listen to the sound of the forest, then shut up and don’t shout. There are plenty of animals and birds around, there’s no reason to scare them. Don’t pick the flowers, hundreds of people will follow you, they will also be pleased to see their beauty. If you pick a flower. If he picks a flower. If everyone, both he and you, pick flowers on the ground, then both the trees and bushes will be empty. And there will be no beauty. Do not break trees, do not cut them, this will kill them. Everything in the forest is as damaged as after the days of war. There is no surviving spruce or pine here. A birch tree was stabbed with a knife by some kind of crook. It seems to me that her tears are flowing from under the bark. My soul hurts from this callousness of people. It’s not the wind that’s moaning under the crippled oak tree, it’s me! Do not catch butterflies, ants and other animals for fun, do not destroy bird nests. The most important thing is not to touch or offend anyone. After all, everyone in the world is needed! And midges are no less necessary than elephants. We need everyone - who makes honey and who makes poison. You can't do without absurd monsters. And even without evil and ferocious predators! Don't litter in the forest. Pick up trash and glassware after yourself. A fire in a forest can also start from a thrown piece of glass. Flood the fire, and cover all the garbage with a bury and turf. By leaving dirt, we spoil the forest, And the forest is our life!
    There are so many rare animals and birds protected by the Red Book, so that the multifaceted expanse can survive for the sake of the light of the coming lightning. So that the deserts do not dare to come, So that souls do not become empty, Animals are protected, Snakes are protected, Even flowers are protected.

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    Children's appeal to all adults!!!
    “We want to say that many adults are immersed in their problems, in their worries, without paying any attention to the nature that surrounds us. They believe that they have already achieved everything and there is no point in paying attention to what surrounds them. Children, unlike adults, are more attentive and kind to everyone, so they take care of and protect the environment. Therefore, we want to say that sometimes you need to look at small children or even learn simple things, for example, to love the world, maybe then our world will become cleaner, and we will learn to take care of the most precious thing we have, our Earth! .."

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    What did the project give to the students? The opportunity to maximize the creative potential of each student. Allowed me to express myself individually and in a group. Opportunity to publicly demonstrate the achieved results. The result of the activity is practical, interesting and meaningful for students. Children acted as ecologists, journalists, writers, historians, artists, landscapers, scientists, i.e. got to know different professions
    We have worked, friends, We are working on a very important project, But our efforts were not in vain - We learned a lot of new things.
    The problems did not frighten us, We looked for topics in books, on the Internet, in dictionaries for answers to assignments.
    Our project gave us a chance to show our talent, and therefore, friends, we will always be the first!