“Modern Girl” is a signature scene. Team business card - ideas for presentation Business card for March 8th for the team

A team’s business card is an individual thing, as it depends on the name.

Otherwise, the speakers are approximately the same, but they need to stand out.

Therefore, I am now giving you ideas for representing the team at the business card competition; it will be much easier to come up with a speech based on them than if there is a complete lack of options in your head))

As soon as you go through several positions of what I call “presentation format” and settle on the one that hooked you, consider it half the job done. Further – it’s easier. So,

Team business card – ideas for presentation,

or How to introduce a team

1. In interview format

It is as if the participants are being interviewed right there on the spot by a famous journalist, a popular presenter, a famous artist, an odious politician - and the degree of popularity of the interviewer can be both global and local.

Or just come up with it yourself and announce the “mega-popular video blogger in narrow circles” Konstantin Vizitkin, who interviews the team for his coolest YouTube channel))


2. In news format

For an example, look here on my website for the “School News” skit. Only there is news about the whole school, and you make a business card-news about your team, showing yourself from a different angle, rally or KVN.


3. In the form of different heroes of the same thing

A famous film, cartoon, browser game, fairy tale, literary work.

Not in the sense of staging, but as a message to the audience about which character is conventionally identical to whom and why.

Or - who and how is similar to the whole team (or the team is similar to him).


Conditional example of a business card on the musketeers


We have collected the best in ourselves. From Athos they took his wisdom and fearlessness, from Porthos - his cheerfulness, equanimity and love of tasty healthy food ( here you can show a picture of mild gluttony), from the Queen - love for diamonds... Oh, sorry, typo... Okay, later we’ll figure out what we have in common with the Queen... But clearly there must be something ( assumed a royal bearing)… They wanted to borrow cunning from Cardinal Richelieu, but then they decided - we are above this, we will act honestly. This decision was difficult for us, really... But we are also open to the world, like D’Artagnan, so we talk about everything honestly...


4. Business card in the format of one character, but in different ways:

From several different works, at different periods of life or under different life circumstances

  • Harry Potter in volume 1, 3 and 7;
  • Ball from Prostokvashino - sad at the very beginning and confident and businesslike after receiving the photo gun

Or – captains from different films and books.

Conditional example of a business card oncaptains

For example, say:

  • we are as smart and inventive as Captain Nemo
  • as brave and determined as the 15-year-old captain and the children of Captain Grant
  • purposeful and persistent, like both captains Kaverin
  • sometimes in class we imagine ourselves as superheroes - almost like Captain America
  • well, yes - from time to time we are as predictable as Captain Obvious
  • and the same... as Captain Fantastic ( replace the ellipsis with similar qualities).

You can also compare yourself in some ways with Captain Vrungel ( do not confuse with Wrangel - today is NOT about him), Captain Flint, Jack Sparrow...

And end the business card with a song (or a fragment from it) « Captain, captain, smile", preferably by remaking the song for your performance.


You see how many different famous captains there are! And these are just the ones I quickly remembered. I’m sure, after thinking calmly, you’ll remember more. And you will have a completely non-standard team business card. Regardless of what place you take at a competition or tourist rally, you will remain in the memory of fans and the jury as erudite, witty people who know how to make fun of themselves.

“Even though success is capricious, it chooses from those who can be the first to laugh at themselves!” (With)

Come up with a team name

in the same thread:

  • “All Captains”, “Captains and Nothing Extra”, “13 ( 5, 8, etc..) captains” - according to the number of team members
  • “10 captains and one beauty”, “7 captains and two smart girls” - if there are more boys, and girls do not claim the title of captain
  • “4 captains and two handsome guys”, “8 captains and one smart guy” - if there are more girls in the team, and they want to be called captains according to the business card ( Do NOT call them captains, this word means the captain’s wife)

5. By making a business card for a competition in style

“We are through the eyes of others”

That is, by talking about yourself, conveying the vision of the people around you.

Once upon a time, there was a picture “My Room” with 4 connected images floating around the Internet; it was even published somewhere on my website. There were signatures:

  1. This is how my mother sees my room (photo of the room in complete chaos)
  2. This is how my mother talks about it (photo of ruins)
  3. This is how I see my room (immaculate order)
  4. This is what it really looks like (moderate mess).

So you can make a story – or even a show – about yourself in a similar way.

For example:

we combine the presentation ideas from points 4 and 5, take the cat from “Shrek” and Puss in Boots, prepare large images of them on posters, or better yet, for display on the screen if there is a screen at the competition venue, and begin the team’s creative presentation.

Participants take turns saying the explanatory part first:


Team card, introduction

(introduction - this or that - you will definitely need, no matter what presentation format you use)

It's always difficult to talk about yourself

Because we see ourselves subjectively, and therefore only in a good light ( A flashlight was lit over the head of the speaker, the speaker straightened his hair and made a frozen smiling face, as if for a photo. )

And in a bad light we don’t see at all ( The flashlight was extinguished, the last speaker with a frightened face and a cry - Where am I? - feels the space )

And sometimes we see, but we don’t recognize ourselves ( a conventionally late team member quickly goes to the others, on the way looks in a mirror held by one of the guys, is horrified at himself and with an exclamation “oh, who is this?!! jumps away in fear)

True, teachers and parents often don’t recognize us ( Then the pre-recorded voices of teachers/parents are heard - real or imitated by children. Or imitate it directly on stage into a microphone:

  • I simply don’t recognize my son - I took out the trash myself, without reminding him how the child was replaced!
  • 7-Ah, I don’t recognize you, you stopped being late for classes, what happened? Or – it’s not evening yet, right?

In general, it’s hard work to represent yourself.

So we'll tell you

And we'll even show you

How others see us

Perhaps this will be more objective.

And to make it clearer for you

Let's show it using cats as an example.

As they say, cats are in your feed ( This is a very popular phrase on Facebook that accompanies photos of cats or those who pass for them. If this expression is unknown in your environment, then, unfortunately, there is no point in using it - the jury and the audience will not understand what it is about ).


The introduction is over, let's go directly

Business card using cats as an example

Moms say that in general we are, of course, good, but sometimes we don’t react too politely to comments and fair criticism.

And they see us like this (photo 1 was shown. Please note: I combined the photos into a collage to save space on the page, but you only show one large photo at a time!)

Grandmothers don’t say anything, and for 10 (11-15, etc.) years now they have seen us still as three-year-old toddlers...

But WE can see from their faces - they are clearly worried that after their pies we won’t fit into any mirror (showed photo 2)

Our friends love us like this, and they don’t even imagine us any other way. (shown photo 3, with a guitar)

Teachers sometimes think we're lazy

Like that cat who doesn't catch mice at all (shown photo 4)

Some of the respected jury may think that, having made a mistake in the performance, we will ask with a pleading look not to deduct points (shown photo 5)

Our rivals, even if they don’t show it, deep down in their souls really hope that we will lie down, fold our paws, and give up without a fight (shown photo 6)

We plan to fight and win in a fair intellectual (sports) battle and intend to prove it today (shown photo 7)

Well, this is us after the performance)) (shown photo 8)


What do you think?

In my opinion, it turns out to be a pretty cool business card for the team. At the same time, mind you, it’s witty and almost truthful))


I have one

Another business card idea

the final one for today:

tell us about yourself in the now popular flash mob format

“10 facts about us, 2 of which are not true”

(Or: ...all of which are true).

But here, develop the idea yourself. Or - through "".

And please write to me in the comments which of my ideas today for representing the team at the business card competition did you like the most.

Will you use anything in your performance?

What other ideas and useful thoughts have I given you?

With the wish to leave a good impression Not only

on the team’s business card, but also under this article,

Your Evelina Shesternenko and the website “Holiday for Encore”.


performances of the 10th grade girls team at the competition,

The soundtrack of the song “River Witch” from the film “Sorcerers” is playing.

There is a cauldron on the stage.

Voice behind the scene: “And the year 2016 will come, and it will be the eve of the great spring holiday, and beautiful representatives of humanity will gather on Bald Mountain at the Secondary School 102 to answer the question: how to live forever and preserve youth and beauty?”

Phonogram “A Particle of the Devil in Us”

An aristocratic witch comes in with an arrogant step, speaking on the phone:

aristocratic witch:

- (on the phone) Who cares where I am? I'm going to the Sabbath, but, after all, can I take a vacation once a year? That's it, I'm switching off.

(to the audience) Ooh, again these goonies (witches, devils) are late! Why do I always arrive before everyone else? Well, I’ll ask them as soon as they deign to appear!

Allow me to introduce myself: Hereditary witch, fortuneteller,

Over 300 years of experience.

I know ancient rituals and conspiracies!

I’ll help you cheat on a test, make bad grades and comments in your diary invisible to parents, ensure that the network is inaccessible when the class teacher calls, establish contact with higher powers at the Unified State Exam, and convince you that the food in the cafeteria is delicious.

Phonogram “Stretch your furs, accordion”

Mashka-Yozhka flies in on a broom.

Masha-Yozhka :

Ugh, what kind of life is this? So what kind of life is this? There are these traffic jams everywhere, and air pockets, black holes, you can’t get through, honestly! Nobody cares about our roads. Oh, hello, I'm Masha the Hedgehog! (addresses the witch) Why are you dissatisfied again? After all, we’ve been waiting for our day today for a whole year! Smile, it’s disgusting to look at.

aristocratic witch:

By the way, punctuality is the key to success!

Masha-Yozhka :

Oh, first of all, we are girls, and we have the right to be late.

Finally, in our spare time, we remembered an old friend,

Otherwise I live in the middle of an oak forest, collecting herbs and cooking all sorts of poisons.

When I found out about our meeting, I lost all the herbariums.

I miss you in the wilderness without a soul mate!..

To the song “And I’m a little byaka,” Kikimora appears and in a loud, nasty voice:


My disgusting girls, how glad I am, how glad I am, I kiss you on both cheeks! Have you noticed that I changed my color?

aristocratic witch:

What is covered in mold in your swamp?


What mold. Green is the color of hope. Now I’m draining the swamps and driving tourists out of the forest. Have you heard about ecology? I serve her now. And now my name is Miss Greenpeace, nicknamed Asya.

To the soundtrack of the song “We say baks...” a gypsy woman appears from the audience shouting: “Ay, dear, gild your pen,” etc.


« March through the window knock-knock-knock» .

Music is playing. Dancing, children enter the hall with flowers (dance "Congratulations" T. Kireeva).

Leading: Caulk, generous

As always, I have a slight cold

March appeared and drops

She banged on a light tambourine,

And a cheerful pipe

Flooded: There will be no winter!

Like, spring, spring, spring -

Wake up from your sleep!

Song « March through the window» . At the end of the song, children run up to their mothers, give them flowers and sit on "spectator" places, contestants in their places.

Leading: Dear children, dear adults, spring has really come, we congratulate our girls, mothers and grandmothers on the upcoming holiday March 8.

And today it’s not easy for us holiday, we have a competition today. In our spring competition, 3 tandem teams will compete "mother + daughter" (teams are called). Our tandems will be judged by a respected jury (presentation of the jury members).

Boys: 1. Our girls are the best

Smart girls and beauties

May they be successful in the competition

May everyone like them!

2. And I’ll tell you a secret

We won't offend you

There are no better girls than ours

We will protect you!

Leading: 1. First task for our teams "Business card". We invite the team first...teams take turns performing.

At the end of the teams' presentation "Business cards" suddenly, Baba Yaga appears to the accompaniment of suitable music.

Baba Yaga: - What do you have? What the holiday, why without me?

Leading: Baba Yaga we are today let's celebrate International Day 8 Martha! This holiday of all mothers, grandmothers and girls.

Baba Yaga: So this is holiday of all women? Why am I not a woman? By the way, I am also a grandmother, and my name is Granny Yagusenka. But you didn’t call me, you didn’t invite me to your holiday!

Leading: Well, please forgive us, but actually it’s not easy for us today. holiday- We have a competition today! We have teams competing. Our teams have just presented us with their business cards.

Baba Yaga: What cards?

Leading: Business cards, but this is the name of the first stage of the competition. Teams must introduce themselves and briefly tell about themselves.

Baba Yaga: I also want to participate in your competition, please take me!

Leading: But you didn’t prepare, how will you present yourself?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I’m always ready, well, take me to the competition, I really want to!

Leading: Guys, let's take Baba Yaga? (Yes) Will you help her, what if she can’t cope? (We'll help)

Baba Yaga: I am Granny Yagusenka, I know everything, I can do everything, I am both smart and beautiful, all the kids like me. There is a song about me too.

A song about Baba Yaga plays, the children start a round dance, dance with her and sing.

Leading: Well, well done Baba Yaga! We'll take you to the competition!

Leading: 2. The jury sums up the first results, and we invite all teams to the competition "Smart girls and smart girls".

The teams line up. The first tasks are for children, then more complex ones for mothers. Baba Yaga sometimes guesses incorrectly while guessing and tries to make children and adults laugh

Leading: 3. Our contestants proved that they are truly smart and clever! The jury sums up the results of the second competition, and we invite our teams for the next competition "Fashioners". Teams are offered a silhouette of a model with a proposal to come up with and draw a costume for her, and then tell what kind of costume it is and for what purpose it is used. Time no more than 5 minutes. I ask the jury to time it.

While our teams are completing the task, we invite children and their mothers to play. Children and their mothers are invited to a circle - a comic sedentary game "Boogie Woogie". Baba Yaga draws an unusual, funny costume, and can choose an assistant from adults or children.

Leading: 4. Next competition "Master Class". Our teams will make some kind of craft and teach us how to do it. While the teams are preparing, the children will delight their mothers and grandmothers with a song about their grandmother. Baba Yaga comes up with something funny.

The results of the 4th competition are summed up.

Leading: 5. The next task for our teams is to make a collage on a given topic. Time 5 minutes. To complete the task, paper, scissors, glue and magazines are provided.

While the teams complete the task, the children will delight their mothers and grandmothers with poems.

Leading: 6. Culinary competition. Our teams were given homework - to prepare a culinary dish and defend it. Baba Yaga offers her food - beetles, spiders, caterpillars, and plays up the presentation of her delicacy.

Leading: 7. Completes our holiday competition"My mom is a fashion model". Girls will transform their mothers into fashion models in 5 minutes. While the teams complete the task, the children try to transform Baba Yaga.

Summarizing. Rewarding. Gifts for all girls.


1. Flowers - gifts for mothers.

2. Prepared tasks for the competition "Smart girls and smart girls"

3. Poems for children, texts and melodies of songs, dances.

4. Fashion designer competition - silhouettes of models, felt-tip pens.

5. For a master class – find out in advance from your parents.

6. For collage - paper, scissors, glue, napkins, magazines according to the number of teams.

7. Costume and attributes of Baba Yaga.

8. "My mom is a fashion model" attributes brought by the contestants in advance.

9. For awards - ribbons with inscriptions, prizes, certificates for mothers.

10. Gifts for all girls.

Dear Grigorieva Anastasia Leonidovna!

We invite you and your daughter Diana to take part in a competition dedicated to International Women's Day. The competition will take place early Martha, the exact date and time will be determined later.

In addition to you, Inna Yakusheva and Yana Danilova are expected to participate.

You will be offered 7 tasks, 2 of them are homework, others require some homework.

1. Homework: The name of your mini team is a tandem (daughter + mother, emblem, performance. In it you can briefly tell about yourself, or about your family, or about hobbies, hobbies. It is advisable to approach this creatively, for example, in poetry, another creative option. The child must represent the team, the mother can only help a little, say a few phrases, and of course come up with it all. Everything must be clearly rehearsed, and strictly limited in time - no more than 5 minutes.

2. Homework: "Culinary competition". It invites you to prepare a simple culinary dish at home, always with your child, and protect him - creatively, for example, in poetry. Time is limited to no more than 5 minutes. Protecting the dish is the main focus (for example, recite a poem) do it on your daughter.

3. Competition "Master Class". You are invited to make some kind of craft in front of the audience within 5 - 7 minutes. You can prepare some crafts at home to save time. The craft should not be very complicated, something that a 5-7 year old child can do, with some help from an adult. Accordingly, you make a craft in front of the audience together with your daughter. When presenting your craft, you need to say a few phrases or a short poem; a kind of defense is the presentation of your work.

4. Competition "My mom is a fashion model". The essence of the competition is that the child does his mother’s hair without her help. For this competition you need to bring cosmetics, pins, rubber bands, scarves, and other toiletries from home.

Other competitions do not require home preparation.

We are looking forward to seeing you. Teachers of the senior group.

Riddles for children:

He loves to lie by the stove,

Loves to bask on the porch

Or sitting at the gate.

Did you guess it? This…


What are the names of the needles?

Pines and fir trees? (needles)

He is both slender and handsome,

He has a thick mane!

He clatters his hooves!

Take me for a ride buddy!


Sweet, but not sugar,

Sticky, but not glue,

Tasty but not candy. (honey)

The outfit is all green. What kind of forest animal

It is cut into salad. Stood up like a pillar under a pine tree

Finally, it is salted. And stands among the grass

What's the name? (cucumber) Are your ears bigger than your head?

We stood there all summer and waited for winter.

When the time was right, we rushed down the mountain.


Jumps along the path

How will he find the crumbs?

Chick-chirp calls the children

Brave dad...

Rounder and redder than everyone else,

It tastes best in a salad,

And guys from a long time ago

They love it very much...

Riddles for adults:

A violinist lives in the meadow,

He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.


What is not eaten raw?

Do they throw away the cooked ones?

(Bay leaf)

Neither beast nor bird,

The hordes groan from her,

The nobles tremble

Whoever kills her will shed his blood.


I don’t eat myself, but I feed people


When it is needed, it is thrown away,

and when not needed, they raise it.


No meat, no bones,

But they still have 5 fingers.


I'm sitting astride, I don't know who,

I’ll meet an acquaintance, jump off and greet you.


There were 6 sparrows sitting in the garden bed.

4 more arrived to join them.

The cat crept up and grabbed 1 sparrow.

How many sparrows are left in the garden?

(not how many - they all flew away)


Festive competition program “Come on, girls!” - by March 8.

The script was developed by: Nikiforova Inna Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, MAOU "Lyceum No. 121", Kazan

Goal: uniting the class team

Objectives: identify knowledge, skills and abilities, develop cognitive abilities, broaden horizons; cultivate aesthetic feelings and moral qualities;

Cultivate love, respect, care for mother, grandmother, woman.

Equipment: musical accompaniment; wall newspaper for March 8 with flowers for mothers, costumes for boys - ditties; attributes for competitions: nesting dolls with pockets, spoons, peas, cups; balls, glue, colored paper, scarves; hoops; galoshes, cones, sheets of clean white paper; fan tokens, certificates, medals, greeting cards; paper flowers made by students.

The progress of the holiday

Teacher. Good afternoon, mothers and grandmothers, girls and boys! Today we congratulate all grandmothers, mothers and girls on International Women's Day!

March 8 is the most amazing, most tender holiday of spring. Today we dedicate our smiles, songs, poems, dances to you, dear mothers, grandmothers and girls!

We are starting the “Come on, girls!” competition, in which the beautiful half of our class, our lovely girls, are taking part. So, our beauties! Meet!

All girls are divided into 4 teams and seated at their tables.

U. For you, dear girls, congratulations from your classmates!


Long live girls

With or without braids!

Let the sun smile

They're from the blue heavens!

Long live the skinny ones,

Long live the fatties

Those with earrings

And there are freckles on my nose.

We congratulate you all

And please don't be angry:

Not everyone succeeds

To be born boys!


Gathering all my will into a ball,

Red, as if from frost,

I give you a flower -

Yellow mimosa.

I'm burning on the vine.

The desk burns its knees,

But I give you a flower

On the eighth of March.

I will give and become again

Pale and gloomy.

Are you talking about love-carrots?

Don't think anything!


On this holiday, you will forgive us for everything and you will accept these gifts from us. If you have a grudge against us, please don’t show it.

We often pulled your pigtails not out of anger, but out of habit. On this holiday, forgive us for everything and accept these flowers from the boys.

We are all bullies, you know it yourself, But we won’t offend you anymore. The boy will immediately become better if he congratulates the girl today.


We are funny guys

Congratulations, girls,

Happy holiday of Spring, Tenderness and Beauty!

We read and count

Sometimes we get bad marks.

We only wish you “high five”

Receive in lessons!


We are all accustomed to order:

In the morning we do exercises,

To grow strong

If necessary, save you.

We all respect our elders

We don't offend girls.

We want to be friends with you,

Treasure this friendship!


We dressed up today

Shoes are burning with flame: Congratulations on March 8. We gathered as if for a parade!

We iron all shirts

And we'll iron our pants

Let's go around the puddles today

And we won't fight.


WE don't walk upside down,

We don't LYE on the floor,

We don't sit on top of each other

And we don’t smear ourselves in chalk.

Today we are like princes

In front of you at the blackboard,

But girls are more beautiful than you

We didn't anyway!

You are beautiful like the stars

And the eyes burn with fire,

And your sweet smiles

Outshine the sun during the day!


You are so nice to us!

You girls are simply awesome!

And that's why we want

To be, in no way, worse than you!

We wish you only happiness,

And we'll tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

There is simply no one in the whole school!


Let the storms and bad weather disappear, let them go forever into the shadows. We wish you only happiness

On your kindest, brightest day!

Let the first snowdrop

Will give you tenderness!

The spring sun will bring warmth!

And the March wind will give hope,


And happiness, and joy, and only goodness!

Dear girls, kind, faithful!

Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!

Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,

Cherished, purest happiness!

Lots of affection, warmth, kindness to you - May your dreams come true!


The month of March is a joyful and clear month.

Gentlemen! Our ladies are beautiful! (names of girls class) –

Forget-me-nots, violets, tulips.

Who is beautiful in his outfit, who is himself -

Most are beautiful at heart.

Every girl has a piece of sun in her.

We love you all very much in the spring

Competition 1. “Business card”

Presentation of teams (name, motto).

U. The jury will monitor your progress. Each task is worth 3 points

Boy fans - earn tokens and, at the end of the game, give them to the team you supported.

Construction. Greetings from the teams.

2nd competition. "Flower Rainbow".

(Flower experts come out one by one from the team.)

"Auction" of flower names. Who can name the most flower names? The last one to call is the winner.

3rd competition. "Merry Cooks"

Write as many different dishes as possible in one minute.

U. The artists have arrived. Let's take a look at their performances.

1. Ditties

2. Song 3.


4th competition. "Loves"

And now, we invite you to take part in the comic competition “Loves”

I have balls in my hands. Using glue and colored paper, draw the girl’s face and put a scarf on her.

At that timefans guessriddles-jokes. (APPENDIX)

5th competition. "Peas for Matryoshka"

We offer the following competition. You have to feed the nesting doll with peas. (There are 4 nesting dolls on the board, under each is an empty cup. Participants scoop peas from the plate with a spoon, run to their matryoshka and pour it into her cup)

The team that finishes it faster wins.

6th competition. “I’m spinning like a squirrel in a wheel”

(one person per team).

Condition: you need to spin the hoop as long as possible.

7th competition. "Grandma's Galoshes"

(all team members participate).

One by one, they put on their galoshes, run to the chair and return to the team, etc. The team that finishes it faster wins.

Teacher: On the eve of the holiday, all women are told beautiful, affectionate words. The bigger, the better. And what kind, good words did our boys have in store?

Boys: Dear girls! Always be beautiful, gentle, amazing, kind, affectionate, mysterious, happy, healthy. (For each word-token)

Teacher: Boys, thank you! Use these beautiful holiday words often.

Children dance "Boogie-Woogie".

The jury sums up the results of the competitions and takes into account fan tokens, awards participants with medals:


Team names and mottos:


You can't take us with your bare hands!


Aurora knows

Aurora is beating

Aurora will always achieve victory!


Always shine

Shine everywhere

And help friends in need!


Our motto is four words!

If you saved yourself, save someone else!

"5th element"

We are the 5th element

8th wonder of the world,

We are the best of the best!

Everyone will know about it!


Maximum strength

Maximum - laughter,

This way we will achieve success faster!


        What does half an apple look like? (for his other half)

        Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, he can't talk)

        How many peas can fit into an ordinary glass? (they don’t know how to walk themselves)

        What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)

        Why does a goose swim? (on water)

        Who speaks all languages? (echo)

        What is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (same).

        In which month do we eat less? (in February)

        What is yours, but others use it more than you? (Name)

        Which tap doesn't draw water from? (From the lift.)

        Under what tree does a hare sit in the forest when it rains? (Under the wet.)

        Under what bush does a hare sit in the forest when it rains? (Under the wet.)

        Where are cities without houses, rivers without water and forests without trees? (On a geographical map.)

        Who has to whistle on the mountain for something impossible to happen? (cancer)

        What berry is a very good, free life compared to? (raspberries)

        What predatory fish became the heroine of a Russian folk tale? (pike)

        What kind of milk has no one drank? (bird)

        How does the magpie bring news? (on the tail)

        Who is called Toptygin in fairy tales? (bear)

        Why do birds fly? (Across the sky)

        Where do you wear a hat? (On the head)

        Why is the dog running? (On the ground)

        Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway)

        How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months)

        The more you pick, the bigger it gets? (Hole)

        What's the first thing we do in the morning? (Wake up)

        What will happen to the crow when she is 3 years old? (She will be 4 years old)

        Where can you see both a polar bear and a penguin on the same day? (In zoo

        What is the name of the first woman in the world to fly an aircraft? (B. Yaga)


            We need to sing ditties

    Oh guys, in my ear

When I was a child, I was attacked by a bear.

    I won't sing! - Me too!

    I'm shy! - I'm afraid!

    Let's sing together

    Let them laugh!

    1. It's not easy being a girl

You need to get up earlier than everyone else

Every morning half an hour

Braids need to be braided.

We envy the girls

They love to play

And for this, guys,

I need to buy dolls.

    While mom is at work,

To decorate your face,

Her red lipstick

You can paint your lips.

4. And also in my mother’s closet

Can I take her shoes?

And secretly from my mother at school

Show off your heels.

          Our girls are offended

We won't give it today

Not even anyone else's

We won't let them get close to them.

We sang ditties for you,

Don't be offended

Clap your hands louder

Smile wider

It is held between teams of girls of the same parallel (grades 3, 4).

5 girls from each class participate.

Fans support their teams in the hall.

Homework for teams (given in advance):

  • 1. Business card. Team name, choose a team captain, come up with distinctive features of the team (emblems, clothing details, etc.), motto, greetings to opponents, jury...
  • 2. Prepare posters, slogans, balloons, chants, etc. for fans.
  • 3. Ikebana (name where it can be used).
  • 4. Think over 1 hairstyle for a girl, a name, where you can go with such a hairstyle; Bring with you the necessary props (comb, hairpins, hairpins, flowers, elastic bands, etc.).
  • 5. Come up with 1 suit (business, beach, festive, etc.), a name where you can go (bring everything you need with you).
  • 6. Prepare 1 ditty about school life or for March 8th.

Equipment: 6 tables with 5 chairs each, signs with classes, a table for the jury with a sign “jury”, portraits of mothers, wall newspapers, an inscription made of cardboard colored letters “Come on, girls!”, balloons, 3 certificates and 3 balloons for 1-3 places, chocolates for all participants, postcards for active fans, medals with titles (Miss Charm, Miss Elegance, Miss Audience Choice, Miss Jury Sympathy, Miss Charming Smile, Miss Stylish, Miss Beauty, etc.), inscriptions with quotes.


  • Don't drink water from your face (Proverb).
  • First of all, don't lose your self-respect (Pythagoras).
  • They greet you by their clothes, and they see them off by their minds (Folk saying).
  • The closest thing to greatness is honesty. (V. Hugo).
  • Girls need to be taught more respect for themselves, for their feminine pride (A.S. Makarenko).
  • A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles (P. Beranger).
  • A child without a mother is like a table without a tablecloth.
  • A mother's anger is like spring snow: a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.
  • No one can replace your own mother.
  • For a mother, a child is a child up to a hundred years old.
  • Mother's affection knows no end.
  • Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero. All the joy in the world comes from mothers. (M. Gorky)
  • Failure is the mother of success (Korean proverb)

Progress of the event:

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! I sincerely congratulate the most beautiful half of humanity - our teachers and girls on the upcoming International Women's Day!

Today in this hall we will hold a competition “Come on, girls!” I invite our competition participants to take their places! Music!

Any cheerful music sounds. The contestants enter and sit at their tables. Spectators greet the competition participants.

Leading. Allow me to introduce the members of our esteemed jury!

Names the jury members


Attention attention! Friends!

I am announcing the first competition.

1.Competition "Business Card". Each team introduces itself: name, motto, greetings to opponents, jury, etc.

For example:

Our team: "Girls".

We are funny girls

And we don't like to be bored.

We are with you with pleasure

We will (in chorus) play competitions.

Let's not talk about our rivals

We never do bad things.

If they win, we'll be happy

Because (in unison) we are friends!

Jury evaluates.

2. Competition of ditties (order by class - a, b, ..).


The girls prepared their homework.

We are looking forward to the performances

They will sing ditties for you.

Based on the audience's applause, we will determine whose performance you liked best.

3. Flower arrangement competition (ikeban). Display and commentary (order by class).


There is nothing more beautiful and tender on earth than flowers. Flowers decorate every holiday. With the help of flowers we express our feelings to people dear to us.

After the performance, the vases are placed in front of the stage in a semicircle.

The girls are preparing for the fashion show (2 people each go into a separate room to change clothes).

4. Competition “Someone started it, you continue!” (for the remaining 3 people).

Complete the poem.

Many people believe that cows do not fly...

Assignment for fans (at the same time).

Leading. I am reading you a legend about a flower, and you, having guessed which flower we are talking about, can raise your hand at any time and answer. For the correct answer, a point is awarded to your team. And the person who answers gets a prize.

Legends about flowers(afterwards an illustration of a flower is shown).

An old Slavic legend tells: the daring Sadko was loved by the water queen Volkhova. One day, in the moonlight, she saw her lover in the arms of the earthly girl Lyubava. The proud queen turned away and walked away, and tears rolled from her beautiful blue eyes. And only the moon witnessed how these pure tears turned into delicate flowers, studded with magic pearls. Since then, this flower has been considered a symbol of pure and tender love. What is it called?(Lily of the valley).

This is how the Greeks explain the origin of this flower. One day, returning after an unsuccessful hunt, the goddess Diana met a little shepherd. He played the pipe merrily. The indignant Diana shouted to the boy: “Are you the one who scared away all my animals and birds?” In vain did the little shepherd want to justify himself, in vain did he ask for forgiveness. Goddess Diana rushed to him and tore out both eyes, and when she realized the extent of her cruelty, it was already too late. The boy's eyes rolled across the grass, and at the same moment flowers grew. With their color they resembled innocently shed blood, and with yellow spots in the middle of the cup they resembled a human pupil. This is the sad legend that tells about this flower. What is it called? (Carnation).

The Latin name of this flower "galactus" comes from the Greek words "gala" (milk) and "actus" (flower), that is, a milky white flower. Legend has it that when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily and Eve was cold. Then, in order to somehow calm her down and warm her, several snowflakes turned into flowers. Therefore, this flower symbolizes hope. What is it called? (Snowdrop).

This is a sweet, charming flower: it looks at us like trusting children's eyes. According to folk legend, this flower grows where a star falls from the sky. It is usually accompanied by the epithets "modest". "field". It is difficult to do without it when weaving a wreath or collecting a bouquet of wildflowers. This flower also has other names: nivyanitsa, popovnik, ramonok. What is the name of this flower? (Chamomile).

According to folk legend, this flower arose from pieces of the sky that fell to the ground. Its Latin name is Scylla, which means “sea onion” because its color resembles the blue of the sea. Many peoples believe that this flower heals the sick. It is considered a flower of cheerful mood. Its stem is thin and fragile, and the flower itself evokes tender and touching feelings. What is the name of this flower? (Blues).

According to one legend, Hercules mortally wounded the ruler of the underworld, Pluto. And the young doctor healed the ruler’s wounds with the roots of this plant, which was later named after the doctor. This flower is considered the king of flowers and a symbol of longevity. What is it called?(Peony).

("PedSovet + CHIC" December 2006)

5. Competition "Model Show"


Now let's get down to business! We invite fashion designers! So that you dress us well, there is a new competition - “Model Show”.

Friends! Our participants prepared various costumes. Let's take a look and rate these models! I ask our participants to take the stage.

The music starts and the girls go on stage. Costumes are shown and commented on (2 people each).

Leading. I ask you to make two circles around the hall to the music and show your models. Music!

Music plays and the girls show off their costumes. The audience and jury members applaud.


I must tell you: It's time to start the captain competition!

6. Captains competition

I ask the team captains to come to me. They draw lots. Ready?

Then, girls,

I'm announcing a competition "Cooks".

You need to take turns naming dishes that can be prepared from potatoes. If the response is delayed by more than 5 seconds, you are eliminated from the competition.

7. Competition "Black Box". ("Pedagogical Council" No. 3 2002)

Leading. Determine from the text what object is in the black box.

Probably even primitive man was interested in what he looked like, and for this he used a puddle of water. Then they came up with a small bronze circle, which was polished on one side. The modern appearance of this item was invented by the masters of ancient Venice. The method of its manufacture was kept in the strictest confidence; even the craftsmen lived on an island where outsiders could not enter. Anyone who left the island faced death. This item was used to decorate rich palaces and houses, but the poor could not afford it, as it was very expensive. Now this item is in every home. What is it about? (Mirror)

8. Competition "Oh, how beautiful I am!" (1 person each, draw lots).

Leading. Remember A.S. Pushkin: “Am I the cutest in the world...?”

Each participant is given a mirror in turn. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and praise yourself. Whoever does it best is the winner.

Leading. The concept of femininity is associated not only with the physical characteristics of a girl. Of course, appearance is the starting point of this concept. They associate with it both a certain manner of behavior and the moral character of a person. It is appropriate to mention gait and grace.

Along with femininity, girls are also valued for their intelligence and intelligence.

We invite literate people to an abstruse undertaking. Come on, dear literate man, sit and sweat!

9.Competition "Typesetter". The word "femininity" is given.

In a given time, make up as many other words as possible from the letters of a given word. Each word must be composed only of the letters that make up the chosen word. You cannot write proper names.

After completing the task, you submit your notes to the jury.

10. Competition "Stylist" (at the same time).

To conduct this competition, we need one stylist and a girl with long hair from each team. All the necessary details are at your disposal. While the music is playing, you need to create a festive hairstyle under the motto “March 8th”. Music!

Props: comb, hairpins, elastic bands, barrettes, artificial flowers, hairspray.

A game for fans (the host conducts it at the same time).


I have one game called "He - She".

He is an elephant - she is...an elephant. He is a moose - she is...a moose. He is a cat - she is... Well, of course, she is a cat! Well, you were a little mistaken. So let's play again, I want to beat you! He is a walrus - she is...a walrus, He is a hare - she is...a hare, He is a bull - she... Is everyone familiar with this word? Yes! Yes! She's a cow!


Feel free to answer my questions and earn points for your team.

Quiz for fans.

The order of the answer is determined by the raised hand. For the correct answer, the student receives a token. The collected tokens at the end of the quiz determine the winner.

  • Where is it more convenient for a hare to run: downhill or uphill? Why? (Uphill. A hare’s front legs are short and its hind legs are long. Therefore, a hare runs uphill easily, but from a steep mountain it flies head over heels, over its head).
  • Why does a horse start to snort when scared of something? (The horse has a very acute sense of smell. By snorting, it clears its nose and can quickly determine what is threatening it and from which side).
  • Where are there rivers without water, and cities without houses? (On the map).
  • A child of one father and one mother, but a son of no one. (Daughter).
  • In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)
  • Name the fairy-tale heroine - the first female pilot (Baba Yaga)
  • What question cannot be answered positively? (Are you sleeping?)
  • Why does a person look back? (He has no eyes at the back)
  • How to make four sticks out of three without breaking them? (Add them to number 4)
  • Can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, the rooster can't talk).
  • How will you reach the sky? (with a glance)
  • Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth)
  • When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet).
  • What kind of fabric can you not make a shirt from? (From the railway station)
  • What kind of utensils should you not eat from? (Out of empty)
  • What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

Leading.(Evaluation of hairstyles).

So, the competition is over. Let's appreciate the work of each stylist with your applause.

Thank you, you did a great job with this task as well.


Talk less, work more. It's time to sum it up.

The jury fails competition results. Awards ceremony for the winners and all participants. Assignment of participant titles m.


The competition is over, the meeting is over, the hour of parting has come. We were all a little tired, But we were warmed by the smiles and sparkle of your eyes. Goodbye, friends! See you again!

Happy upcoming first SPRING holiday, dear girls and teachers!

A song about spring sounds.


  • 1. Cool watch. 4th grade. II half of the year./Comp. M.A. Fisenko. - Volgograd: ITD "Corypheus", 2005.
  • 2. Newspapers "Pedovet" (No. 3/2002, etc.)
  • 3. Newspaper "Pedovet + CHIC" (December 2006).

For the JURY (6 teams, maximum 6 points - 1st place; at the discretion of the jury)


3" A»

3" B»

3" G»

3" D»

3" E»

3" AND



"Business card"


Flower competition


Writing poetry.


"Legends about flowers"

Model show

Captains' Competition "Cooks"

Competition "Black Box"

Competition “Oh, how beautiful I am!”