Procurement plan for budgetary institutions. Justification of the procurement plan and schedule plan. Time to draw up a procurement plan

An annual procurement plan is necessary for the effective operation of enterprises that cooperate with municipal institutions. It is created to rationally conduct the affairs of the company and monitor its financial activities. In 2017, the procurement plan will be provided by municipal organizations and companies of category 44FZ. These organizations should draw up a document in advance and publish it in the public domain in order to find suppliers and conclude profitable contracts. All organizations draw up a procurement plan according to a single principle.

Time to draw up a procurement plan

The procurement plan is formed for the next reporting year. It can also be planned two years in advance. When drawing up a schedule, federal authorities are based on the federal budget, and regional and municipal authorities are based on the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipality. Information about purchases made after the planning period is also included in the schedule.

In 2017, a special application will appear for drawing up procurement plans

Timing plays an important role in drawing up a procurement plan. According to the laws on the state budget, a package of procurement documents is submitted no later than ten days after the approval of the company’s financial activity plan. Government organizations must also take into account the time that firms devote to procurement. Company managers, for their part, cannot increase the period of implementation of the plan unless this is agreed with local authorities.

Adjustments to the procurement plan

It is allowed to make changes to the procurement schedule. Changes are accepted no later than ten days before information about the procurement itself and other commercial proposals appears on the government procurement website. In the case of purchasing a product that does not provide for the placement of accompanying documentation, the buyer counts from the day the contract is concluded. That is, such a procurement plan can be adjusted no later than ten days after signing the contract.

Regulatory documents provide the following reasons for adjusting the procurement schedule:

  • Refusal to purchase
  • Budget savings
  • Decree to the company management from regulatory authorities
  • Unseen circumstances
  • Changes to the general procurement plan
  • Change of price or volume of purchases
  • Changes to order parameters

What does a procurement plan look like?

Automatic scheduling

In 2017, a special application will appear for the convenience of users. It will allow you to draw up procurement plans under 44FZ automatically. With the help of this program it will be easier to find errors, perform optimizations and draw up graphs. To get acquainted with the innovation, install its demo version.

Approval of the procurement plan

For municipal organizations the following algorithm is provided:

  1. Draw up a schedule and familiarize a representative of the supplier company with it before July 1, 2016.
  2. Approve the plan no later than ten days after drawing up the financial and economic activity plan (PFAC).

Federal and municipal customers operate according to the following scheme:

  1. Draw up a procurement plan and introduce it to a representative of the supplier company no later than July 1, 2016 (for regional customers) and no later than August 1, 2016 (for municipal customers).
  2. Approve the plan within ten days after drawing up the PFHD.
  3. Release the schedule within three days.

The approval of the procurement plan for 2017 ended in the summer of 2016

The management of the supplier company and local authorities can expand the term for drawing up the schedule in order to draw up the necessary documents. The requirements for the publication of procurement plans are specified in Government Decree No. 1168 of October 29, 2015.

Since January 1, 2016, a unified rule has been in force for the preparation and publication of a procurement plan. The schedule must be published in the Unified Information System. The OTAKO code has been changed to the OKTMO code. The requirements for drawing up a procurement plan are becoming more stringent every year, and the time frame for creating a schedule is decreasing. To avoid problems with documentation and fines, enterprise management needs to monitor innovations in this area.

New regulations regarding the preparation of a procurement plan have been in effect since the beginning of 2017. The innovation applies to companies that fall into the categories of municipal or regional clients. On the website you can download a sample of filling out the procurement plan for 2017 and familiarize yourself with the updated list of requirements.

Who draws up the procurement plan?

This requirement applies to enterprises subject to Federal Law 44. Thanks to this, the Russian government provides open access to the public that are engaged in economic activities. Compliance with this requirement helps you find potential clients with lucrative contracts. The rules for filling out the procurement plan form for 2017 are the same for all organizations.

Drawing up and methods of correction

The document is drawn up only after the government of the Russian Federation approves the budget bill. Government services must submit documentation within 10 working days, which means you need to prepare reports within this period.

The plan can be adjusted if the data and proposal do not appear on the official government procurement portal. To make amendments, contact government services 10 days before publishing information on the portal.

Adjustments will be made if:

  • the company decided not to carry out the specified purchase;
  • funds were saved from the state budget;
  • the order was given by the control body;
  • an unforeseen situation has arisen;
  • delivery is not possible due to changed pricing policy or volume;
  • The basic terms of the order have changed.

Autofill form

Using a special program helps you avoid manually filling out the form. The application will build a graph and analyze the reporting for errors. The document is being created for 2017 and the next two financial years.

When creating an order schedule, be careful: federal organizations base their calculations on the federal budget, and municipal and regional organizations base their calculations on the budget of a municipality or constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Preparation of the procurement plan for 2017 in accordance with 44 Federal Laws

For reporting you will need the following documents:

  • form;
  • sample filling;
  • motivation for each item purchased.

The procurement plan must reflect goods, works and services that meet federal needs. Such information is entered into the reporting in two ways:

  • in a general manner, indicating data in each line for the procurement object;
  • one line for each budget classification code included in the procurement identification code.

According to Law No. 44-FZ, the last category includes:

  • medications;
  • goods, services or work with a total value of no more than 100,000 rubles;
  • goods, services or work with a total value of no more than 400,000 rubles;
  • services that are related to the employee’s business trip;
  • teaching services from individuals;
  • guide services (only if they are provided by an individual).

In the procurement plan for 2017, the total and final volume of financial support for each budget classification code is entered in a separate line.

This is one of the recent mandatory requirements of the Contract System Law (44-FZ). To justify means to confirm in a separate application that the planned procedure meets the intended objectives. This requirement is established in Article 18 44-FZ. The customer is required to justify two documents: an order plan and a schedule. This need arose because at the current stage of organizing the Unified Information System (UIS), the possibilities for monitoring, auditing and control in relation to procurement procedures are expanding. Based on the results of such checks, the purchase that the customer included in its plans may be considered unreasonable.

The rules by which the customer confirms needs are established by the government. Two tabular forms have been specially developed with several column names depending on the purpose of the plan (Government Decree No. 555). The first three columns in the forms are repeated.

Procurement rationale

Information on the justification for the purchase in the procurement plan is provided in the form of a separate document. In the table of explanations, the customer connects the object (objects) of the order with the goals under Art. 13 44-FZ or with the requirements under Art. 19 44-FZ. The customer links the rationale for the compliance of the object in the procurement plan in column 6 with a specific event of the state (municipal) program or an international treaty.

Let us give an example of justification for procurement when forming a procurement plan. The following wording is acceptable:

  • object (column 3) - “Supply of educational literature”;
  • state program or program of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal program (column 4) - “Development of education for 2017-2019”;
  • event of a state program or program of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal program (column 5) - “Measure 1.2.1 “Organization of the provision of publicly available and free primary general, basic general, secondary general education, creation of conditions for the provision of supervision and care for children in after-school groups and maintenance children in MBOU "Boarding School";
  • justification for the compliance of the object and (or) objects of the order with the measure of the state (municipal) program (column 6) - “Ensuring the activities of a general education institution in terms of implementing the organization of providing publicly available and free primary general, basic general, secondary general education, creating conditions for supervision and child care in extended day groups.”

Justification in graphics

When forming a schedule plan, the initial (maximum) contract price (ICP) and the method for determining the procedure are subject to justification.

At the same time, the approved forms of tables with explanations are in a sense generalized. Therefore, in its letter, the Ministry of Economic Development emphasized that the customer has the right to independently determine which commentary on the NMCC will be acceptable for presentation in the table (Letter dated October 26, 2016 No. D28i-2944).

Government Decree No. 555 proposes to separately consider the rules for explaining the purchase of medicines within the framework of a request for proposals (clause 7, part 2, article 83 44-FZ) and from a single supplier (clauses 4, 5, 26, 33, part 1, art. 93 44-FZ). In these cases, the filling rules are simpler. In relation to the indicated orders in the table of explanations to the schedule, columns 5, 6, 9, 10 will not need to be filled out. In the first case (medicines), the explanation is based on the decision of the medical commission. In the second, you need to comment on the total annual volume of orders when they relate to:

  • procedures with a certain size up to 100,000 or 400,000 rubles;
  • business trips, participation in cultural events;
  • list of business trips, events in accordance with invitations;
  • teaching services, guide services;
  • educational and excursion events.

It is important to remember that when making changes to planning documents, you must also make changes to individual forms of your explanations.

An example of justification for a procurement schedule plan

An example based on an excerpt from a real document posted in the EIS.

An example of justification for a procurement plan for 2019

As an example, we also took a real document posted in the Unified Information System.

The end of the financial period poses new procurement challenges for companies and government agencies. And in light of the entry into force of changes in legislation, you should first understand the nuances of the new procurement system.

Who should think about a procurement plan today?

Primarily concerns companies belonging to the category of clients of municipal and regional significance. The type of activity in this matter does not matter, which means that now download the procurement plan form for 2017 according to 44 Federal Laws and it would be useful to read the instructions for filling it out. The changes are noteworthy in relation to two key points: the outline of the plan itself has expanded, and a number of new positions have appeared in the form itself.

Regarding the purpose of introducing such innovations, they are as follows:

Question about timing

The starting point for drafting documents is the introduction of bills on the upcoming budget. On the question of when to post a procurement plan for 2017, The government sets the following limiting periods:

  • Planning must occur within the time frames set by local governments and agency leaders;
  • For public services, the deadline for submitting procurement documentation is set at 10 days (banking days) from the moment the economic and financial plan is approved.

All procurement documentation must be published on the official Internet resource no later than The last day of 2016 is December 31.

Features of the development and preparation of documentation support

Before starting to work on the planning process, it is important to understand what should be included in the documentation in the first place, and what is included in the category of additional information and data. To avoid errors and the need for corrections, it is recommended to review example of filling out a procurement plan for 2017, which will provide a more detailed understanding of the features of working with documentation and ensure accuracy of registration.

Thus, the documentation support must necessarily contain an information block about the counterparty and the features of its activities:

  • Purposes and reasons for acquisitions;
  • Consumer details;
  • Names and quantitative indicators of objects;
  • Timing of first acquisitions;
  • Procurement identification numbers;
  • Units of measurement used in calculations;
  • Staged urgency of contract implementation;
  • The day of approval of the documentation support and the details of its compiler.

Another key point in preparing a set of documentation support is its justification. Because of this, it would be useful to look example of justification for the procurement plan for 2017, which will allow you to understand procurement issues in detail.

Moments of adjustments and other features

The need to change already submitted information and compiled documents does not always arise because they are erroneous; sometimes the reason is current changes in the company’s work or unforeseen circumstances. The possibility of correction is provided within 10 days until the official publication. Changes can be made by calling or using the feedback options.

A number of requirements and conditions apply to the adjustments themselves:

Generally, to understand the general view of what the output document should look like, you should see sample completed procurement plan for 2017. To facilitate planning work, it is allowed to use special electronic resources - programs for drawing up procurement plans.

The transition period in procurement planning is already ending. For 2017, you need to draw up a schedule according to completely different, more complex rules. Let's compare how a schedule is drawn up and maintained today and how it will need to be done in the very near future.

From this article you will learn:

  • what regulatory documents to use when creating a schedule for 2017;
  • new rules for making changes to the schedule;
  • from 2017, it is necessary to justify each procurement item in the application;
  • it is necessary to indicate the planned completion date of the contract;
  • information on purchases from a single supplier will become more detailed.

There will be more information for making changes to the schedule

To identify a supplier, contractor or contractor, you first need to plan electronic procedures. Get an electronic signature. Select the platform that best suits your organization and register. Next, generate documentation and notices, carry out procedures and identify a supplier and conclude a contract, taking into account the characteristics of each procurement method.
See solutions for each electronic method: auction, competition, request for quotations, request for proposals.

It is necessary to indicate the planned completion date of the contract

Now the customer indicates in column 12 (Table 2) the contract execution period (sub-sub-clause “m”, sub-clause 2, clause 5 of the Peculiarities of Order No. 182/7n). According to the new rules, he will be required to indicate the planned completion date of the contract, including the month and year (subparagraph “g”, paragraph 1 of the Requirements of Resolution No. 553). In our opinion, this is more convenient for the customer, since the definition of the concept of “completion of execution” has been worked out in more detail. After all, it is now not entirely clear what meaning is given in Order No. 182/7n to the concept of “contract performance period”. Is this the deadline within which the supplier fulfills its obligations under the contract or the deadline for the fulfillment of obligations by both parties? That is, does this also include the period of examination, acceptance, execution of documents, as well as the period within which the customer makes payment in full? Now you can more confidently lean toward the second option.