The magic of how to quickly sell a product. Prayer to sell your stale goods. For success with a coin in your shoe

In life, it often happens that a person who is engaged in trade is faced with a depressing situation: a product is of high quality and inexpensive, but there are no buyers. In business you can't do without luck. A spell for good trading will help you grab luck by the tail.

Basic Rules

There are many prayers and conspiracies for the rapid sale of goods. But to apply them, you need to know and follow certain rules.

  1. It is advisable to read the spell for good trading during daylight hours.
  2. It is good that the moon is “old” (unless otherwise indicated).
  3. It’s a good idea to choose Wednesday or Saturday for rituals, unless the instructions for a specific practice indicate otherwise.
  4. You need to understand the words you speak. It’s pointless to not just ram them.
  5. It is necessary to believe in the positive outcome of magical actions. If a person does not believe in magic, then he does not need to do anything.

At home, conspiracies for successful trading are rarely read. As a rule, this happens at work: in a store or any other retail outlet.

Mandatory purchase spell

You need to collect some water in a white container and read the words of the spell over it:

“Lord of hosts, help the servant of God (name) in bargaining, help him in buying, help him in selling and exchanging. Protect me from envious eyes, from evil glances, from damage, from ruin and loss, from all feigned evil. As bees fly to sweet honey, so let the money buyers all come running to me, let them praise my goods, let others talk about them, let them turn to me more than once or twice, let them cross my threshold often. I lock my words and throw the key into the blue ocean. No one can open that lock, my conspiracy cannot be interrupted. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, spray all the corners in the room using the charmed water.

The ritual cannot be performed often. Once a week is enough. In this case, the day of the week, time of day, and which moon (waxing or waning) do not play a special role.

If the seller wants to prevent a potential buyer from leaving the store empty-handed, he can perform the ritual in front of this person. Only he should not see or hear anything, which is difficult.

Therefore, there is another version of the ritual.

As soon as a potential buyer enters the premises, greet him warmly and smile. Next, you need to rub your hands and say in a whisper (if the client cannot hear), or mentally, the following words:

“Take my product, Take it, it’s inexpensive, Take it, you need it, Take it, you want it. If you take my goods, you will give me your money. Take my goods, give me the money. Amen".

“Take it cheap!”

About myself:

“You’ll take what’s mine, give away yours. Amen".

Ritual with change

This will require money.

A strong conspiracy to trade is obtained when small money left by buyers is used. As a rule, people easily part with small change when purchasing.

For the ritual, it is small coins that are needed. During the day, the seller needs to collect coins in a separate bag and store it in a special place. You can't spend it.

“The month is full, the month is clear, the month is middle, the month is young. Give me the servant of God (name), a month, a whole treasure from one penny. Just as my mother, the servant of God (mother’s name), gave birth to me, just as she swaddled me in my first swaddling clothes, so I gird myself, not with a belt, but with a tie made of gold and silver. My will is strong, my word is strong, everything that I said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen .

The coin spell is repeated three times. Not less.

Then they put the change in their wallet and don’t spend it. This is a talisman. In theory, ritual is powerful. But often one cannot do without magical practice. A person must be able to handle energy. Therefore, for the best result, it is advisable to involve a specialist.

The second option is to train on your own for 3-5 days.

For success with a coin in your shoe

This is one of the powerful conspiracies for successful trading.

Take the highest denomination coin in your wallet.

Before the working day starts and you start trading, you need to say the magic text, and then put the charmed money under the right heel in your shoe.

Here are the words of the spell:

All the merchants came to me in the morning,

My product was praised

Clients were lured.

Buyers lined up

All my goods were dismantled.

The boxes are rich - the bins are full. Amen.

As soon as the work day is over, take out the coin and take it to church as a donation. This will be your payoff for performing a magical ritual. Have no doubt, your profits will begin to grow, and success in trading will come.

Ritual with a banknote

They spend it by choosing any of the days of the week, except Saturday, as well as those days on which the numbers fall: thirteen, twenty-two, twenty-seven.

In the evening you need to return to your store. No strangers should be nearby. Take a paper bill in your hands. The denomination may be small.

After this, take a red thread. Measure the length of a paper bill on it forty-nine times. Cut off the resulting length. Wrapping a red thread around your left wrist, read the following magic words:

“Money for me, trade for me, profit for me, luck for me, deal for me. And you get a deal, you get the goods, you get the change. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Conspiracy on church holidays

Although the church does not approve of such magical amusements, a conspiracy for successful trading is often read on major church holidays.

The seller, before going to sell the goods, should take the prosphora (purchased in advance specifically for the ceremony) in his left hand.

Then cross yourself with your right hand. Read the words for the ritual 12 times:

“Lord God, help Your servant (name). Just as it is true that there were twelve apostles, so it is true that I will sell all my goods. Just as your teaching is true, so is it true that I will receive a good profit. As Your Son Jesus Christ truly said, it is so true that my product is good, that the buyer will like it. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for good luck in wholesale sales

If you are a wholesaler, or your business is such that you sell a large number of items to each buyer, this ritual is for you.

You should have a container of holy water on hand. You need to cast a spell on the water:

“Deeds, Lord, are all done that are spoken by Your most pure lips. Without you, nothing can happen in this world; I believe in you alone, Lord, I trust in you alone. Help me, God, Your sinful servant (name). I live by trade alone, it gives me food and support for my family. Lord of Heaven, help me make transactions, help me make a profit, protect me from failure, protect me from damages and losses. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Spell for a successful deal

There is no need to worry about concluding a large-scale transaction if you read the following magic words above the financial documentation or above the entire product:

“Bright gold, bright gold, pour into me like peas in a bin, like barley on a threshing floor. Bright gold, you stick to my hands, like small flies to sweet honey, like night butterflies to the bright light, like green grass to the sun. Gold is bright. Pour into my pockets without counting, without any measure, in handfuls, and in large handfuls. Gold, you stay close to me. Like ice is always next to water, like a ringing nightingale is with warm spring, like earth is with grass.

I am not a huckster, I am not a blinker, I am a fine merchant, I sell with honor, I hang with excess, I measure with powder, I cut with extra, I pour with the rest. Let there be a treasure, a treasure, and a golden warehouse in my barn. May I have ergot in everything, may there be no loss or ruin in anything. There will be no waste or burnout during all the days of my trade and bazaar. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual with prayer to Seraphim of Sarov

This spell for good luck in trading is considered ancient and effective. It consists of two stages:

you need to read a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov (there are many prayers to this saint, you can choose the one you like best);

It is important to follow the rule here. When you read a prayer, you must sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, imagine how your cherished desire comes true. You dream of trading being successful, don’t you? You shouldn’t dream about something extraneous at this moment. Then the ritual will not work. You need to focus only on great trading and nothing else. As soon as you pray to Seraphim of Sarov, start reading the plot:

“The Lord’s deeds, His most pure lips will pray for me, servant (name). My Lord, God, help my soul with faith, increase my business in trade: in buying and changing, and in everything that an honest merchant lives by, how he earns bread for himself and his family. In Your name, Lord, my bargaining is going on. Your protection will be for me and my work. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Hex on salt

The salt spell is used to ensure that there is no end to buyers.

While at home, take all the salt that is in the salt shaker. In the morning, before you open your store (or outlet), hold it in your hands. Pronounce:

On foot, on wheels, come here, everyone.

Here you have a place, food and water

I need your money, and you have my goods.

As soon as you open a store, give up the price to the first person who wants to buy your product.

For sugar

One of the most powerful conspiracies that need to be read for good luck in trading and any business related to sales is known from Vanga’s book. You need to read for sugar. Preferably on Wednesday. Repeat the next day.

A sugar spell is cast in a store or in a sales tent.

To perform a magical ritual for trading from Vanga, you will need red clothing. It could also be an accessory. The main thing is that you wear something red. It is no coincidence that in old images you can see merchants in red shirts or boots. It is the color red that literally attracts money. Vanga advised people engaged in trade to always wear red clothes.

So, you should choose a red item. Even using a small handkerchief is allowed. You need to sew a piece of sugar into it using red threads. Bring it to the store and say:

I sew, I sew, I sew good luck!

Good luck will always be sewn with me,

In summer and winter, let it not dry out, let it not break out,

It will be useful to me everywhere, in business and trade,

I should not share with anyone, but be proud of my trade!

Let it be so! Amen!

The next day, repeat the spell, and then carry the enchanted item with you every day.

Ritual with poppy

Lay the scarf out on the counter. Sprinkle poppy seeds on it. And say 9 times:

How immeasurably and countlessly there are poppies,

So there will be so many buyers for my product.

All those who step on scattered poppy seeds,

They will definitely buy my product for themselves and their friends.

I exchange goods for money at a profit and glorify God.

Then, every day until the full moon before the start of the working day, you should scatter poppy seeds near your outlet. You need to “sow” where customers go. People, when they walk along the enchanted poppy, will begin to show increased attention to your product and will not leave without purchasing. So the number of your clients will increase significantly!

For bread

When there is a need to sell all the goods in the shortest possible time and with a large profit, you must proceed as follows.

You need to take rye bread with you (1 piece). As soon as you arrive at the place where you sell the goods, say magic words on the bread for excellent trade (3 times).

The grain fell into the ground, grew into a sprout,

It turned golden like an ear and turned into a piece of bread.

Just as there is plenty of grain in the fields, I have money to the sky.

Just as the grain grows and heads, so my money grows and increases.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After this, eat the bread.

To holy water

A spell for water that has been blessed is read at a trading place if you are sure that there is an evil eye or damage to it. And that white magic is necessary for trading to be successful.

Take a glass. Pour water into it. Throw in a coin of any denomination (previously they always used a nickel), and read the following spell for holy water:

Show the teacher's abstinence to your flock as things are true,

For this reason you have acquired high humility,

Rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas,

Pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls

O great intercessor, Bishop of God, Blessed Nicholas,

Like the sunflower shining miracles,

those who call upon you are a quick hearer,

You always anticipate them, save them, and deliver them,

And you take away all sorts of troubles,

God has given these miracles and gifts of grace! Amen.

Installing protection from competitors

Successful trading is often helped by a conspiracy against competitors. When an entrepreneur is doing well, there will definitely be someone who envy someone else's success. This is how it has always been and will always be. Competitors can simply “burn” with envy, or they can seriously mischief by using certain magical actions.

Therefore, you need to be able to protect yourself. In this case, they use not just a conspiracy, but the making of a talisman against damage and the evil eye in trade.

You will need: a handkerchief, a pin and a comb. The main thing is that these items are not used, that is, they must be new. You must say the following words to them:

"Oh my God,

I stand before You

I ask you to keep me tight,

protect with this amulet.

I ask the holy army

Protect me from evil spirits:

Ivan the Long-Sufferer,

Ivan Bogoslov,

Ivan Postitel,

Ivan the Baptist,

Ivan the Headless,

Michael the Archangel,

Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Archangel Gabriel,

Praskovya the Great Martyr.

Faith, Hope, Love

and their Mother Sophia.

I stand under your protection,

For you to defend me.

In the Name of the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

From the evil eye in trade

Do you want to always have a queue of people wanting to buy your product, and for your customers to become regulars? You need to protect yourself from envy and the evil eye.

This trade amulet should be done on the 19th of the month. To do this you need to have an ordinary nickel. If you follow this simple step, rest assured: you are not afraid of the evil eye and damage, and there will be no end to buyers!

Take a nickel in your palm. Cross yourself with it. After this, cross all the goods and the counter. Then read a powerful conspiracy for successful trading that will protect you from the negative influence of others:

“I’ll go to an open field,

I will pray to the Lord God.

There are 3 roads on the way,

On which the holy Apostle treads.

How evil doesn’t touch him,

Doesn't touch the body or face

Neither to the point nor to the word,

Not at the holy feet

So that no one touches my money:

Neither people are evil nor

envious eyes.

So that they don’t ooh and ahh over them,

No matter what they asked, I was not judged,

Like the holy Apostle,

God blessed.

Endowed with holy power,

So, God, grant me three holy powers:

One near, one behind,

And the third force is ahead.

In the name of the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Getting rid of trade stagnation

If you are worried about the lack of customers, you need to take a large bill. Then find the seller who has no shortage of people wanting to buy his product.

Approach this person and ask him to exchange this bill for small ones. As soon as he starts to change, say to yourself:

I change the emptiness, I exchange the toil. Take away the stagnation, but my product is not simple, but my product is golden, everyone likes it, everything is going well for me. All with my goods, and I with the profit and gain. Amen.

Important! Make sure that the “exchange of stagnation” is carried out from a seller whose product is the same as yours. For example, you sell clothes, which means you can exchange banknotes from the same seller. The ritual will not be valid if you are selling food, but exchanged a banknote from someone who sells non-food products.

Another nuance: you need to change the banknote from the same seller no more than once a month. If you change with the same person all the time, you can take on not only his trading success, but also troubles. Therefore, for at least one month, try to “change stagnation” with different traders.

Talisman bag for brisk trade

If your goal is to sell out the goods in a short time, you need to read 3 times while at home before going to the store (or retail outlet):

I'm going to trade, sell goods. And you come up to me, take my goods, pay with money. Whoever comes to me will not leave without shopping. I'm going with the goods, I'll return with the gain. Truly so.

Then find a green bag. Put there: 5 whispers of mint, 10 whispers of basil, 3 whispers of salt (coarse).

You must take three apples. Clear them. Dry and chop the peel. Place it in a bag. “Send” there: 1 white metal coin and 3 copper coins. You must say the following words on the bag:

Things are behind, things are ahead, profits are in the middle.

You need to make sure that the bag hangs in the place where the trading process takes place. As soon as the week begins, you need to take the bag in your palms, squeezing what is inside it with your fingers, and repeat the words of the spell. You already know them.

Coin-amulet from financial collapse

Do you have a desire for financial success in the future? Then proceed as follows. You need to purchase a green candle. Light it up. Take a bowl (it doesn’t have to be deep) and pour water into it. Throw a copper coin there. Drops of wax should fall on a coin lying in the water. As you do this, say the following words:

How soft turns into hard,

thus my wealth will be established and increased.

From day to day, from week to week,

from year to year, from this minute until the end of time.

Afterwards, pour the charmed water onto the ground and put the coin in your wallet. It will protect you from financial troubles.

Nutmeg beads to increase company profits

Do you want your company to have a constant supply of clients and to be happy with the profits? Then take three nutmegs. Drill holes in them. You need to string them on a green thread. Tie the ends together by making a triple knot. The resulting necklace should be hung on the door of your organization. The consequences will be most favorable.

Incense for personal shopping charm

Entrepreneurs whose personal charm and sociability influence their business would do well to perform the following ritual.

It is necessary to heat dark honey (a small amount) over low heat. Then you need to add 3-5 pinches of chopped basil leaves to it. If you don’t have leaves on hand, use basil essential oil.

When you take a bath, add 1 spoon of the resulting product to the water.

There is another version of this ritual.

Basil, bergamot oil, sandalwood should be combined in a 1:1 ratio.

You need to drop this mixture onto the door handle of your office, (shop, institution). When people take hold of the doorknob, they will be “charged” with your magical impulse. Then your partners will not refuse you to conclude deals, relations will be friendly, and cooperation will be fruitful. Buyers will definitely not leave empty-handed.

Just don’t forget, after you drop the oil on the door handle, wipe it with a cloth so that it is not greasy. Don’t worry: the magical properties will not disappear from this.

Do not be afraid of the negative consequences of the conspiracy on trade. If you do not damage other sellers and do not sell obviously low-quality goods, they will not be there.

Spells, prayers, affirmations, mantras create special energy using the vibration of the sound of the voice. These vibrations are able to penetrate the energy-information field of the subtle world and activate the corresponding mental layers.

If your field of activity is related to sales, then this article will come in handy. Here you will find more than one effective conspiracy for successful trading.

How to attract cash flow into your life:

Basic Rules

  • unconditional belief in strength and effectiveness. If there is even the slightest doubt that the ritual may not work, first make sure: you believe in what you are doing;
  • love for your business and for your customers. If you don’t love your business, hate trading and curse customers, and do it only for profit, no magic will help you;
  • it is necessary to carry out an appropriate ritual or ceremony;
  • It is better to read any conspiracy for good trading in a calm whisper from memory, and not from paper or the screen of an electronic device (copy the text you like with your own hand and remember it);
  • after pronouncing the right words and performing the ritual, fill your inner state with the energy of gratitude
  • It is advisable to read conspiracies for successful trading on Wednesday or Saturday, preferably early in the morning on the waxing moon.

Seven proven conspiracies


So, a ritual and a strong conspiracy to trade. It is recommended to read the necessary words on the water. In order to sell the goods as quickly as possible, we need buyers who activate the energy of money. It will spin, spin and attract even more monetary energy. For this ritual, pour some water into a saucer and place your ring in the water: a wedding ring or any other ring, preferably gold. Place your finger in the ring and twist it around yourself and at the same time around the saucer clockwise, while saying:

After performing the magical ritual, the ring should be returned to the finger on which you usually wear it and try not to remove it for at least a week, but the longer, the more effective. Flush the water down the toilet.


A proven conspiracy for good trading, which you can read with salt. Prepare a pinch of salt, preferably regular coarse, non-iodized salt. Say salt nine times to the waxing moon:

After you repeat the necessary words nine times, take the charmed salt with your right hand and throw it with a flourish over your left shoulder in the very place where you are selling the goods. This ritual can be performed once a month, especially when you notice that there are fewer buyers than usual.


Such a plot for successful trading is usually read using honey dissolved in water. It will help you sell your product quickly and profitably. Take honey - one teaspoon is enough, dissolve it in a glass of water, whisper the honey water:

Half a glass of water in which honey is dissolved should be drunk before breakfast, on an empty stomach, and the rest should be sprinkled discreetly at the point of sale.


Ritual with honey, grass and banknotes.

Pick a regular blade of grass, not dry, it should be green. It must be lightly greased with honey and glued to a banknote of any denomination, then whisper:

This money with a blade of grass should be bent in half so that the leaf of grass is hidden inside and put in a wallet or bag that you use all the time at a retail outlet.


  • buy a poppy;
  • spread a new scarf on the table, and sprinkle a handful of poppy seeds in the center;
  • cross the poppy with your finger, saying:

After performing this ritual from Vanga, the enchanted poppy in a handkerchief should be tied into a knot and kept away from prying eyes at home in a secret place. Money will begin to flow often and easily, business will go smoothly, cash receipts from buyers will literally flow like a river.


A strong conspiracy to trade from Vanga. Read on flowers. Buy or pick a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Alternatively, you can use potted flowers. Only condition: you must really like them. Place them where you trade. Come early, while no one is there yet, and whisper the necessary words to the flowers:

When the bouquet withers, place a new one, not forgetting to say the spell from Vanga again.


This trading conspiracy must be read for sugar. If business is going poorly, and in addition, you suddenly discover grains of salt that you did not leave at the place where the goods were sold, a suspicion arises that competitors or enemies made the so-called “sprinkling”. To neutralize the negative effect of the “sprinkle”, it is recommended to read the sugar plot and carry out the appropriate ritual.

It is necessary to sweep everything thoroughly, and then wipe the floors with a dry cloth. After which, throw away all garbage and rags, including.

Take sugar in crystals; powder or cubes will not work.

Concentrate on the energy of abundance, mentally bless your product, customers and yourself, scatter sugar around, saying:

To ensure that the number of buyers arrives and does not change, early in the morning any coins (as many as you don’t mind using for the ritual) need to be scattered at the place of trade. Exactly one day later (the next morning), sweep them into one pile towards the middle of the room from the entrance or from the place where customers usually are. When you sweep, say in a whisper:

Spiritual and personal development, motivation and good mood. Get answers to your questions from experts

We all periodically become participants in the buying and selling process. However, every now and then we find ourselves on opposite sides of the barricades, that is, we play the role of either a seller or a buyer. However, it often happens that the actual demand for your product does not meet expectations, that is, the product simply does not sell. What to do in this case, if there is neither desire nor opportunity to wait for a sale? Magic, namely a conspiracy to sell, will help you understand this issue. Let's find out who can read such spells, how to correctly read such spells at home.

What is the essence of the ritual?

Speaking of selling, a picture appears in your head - you put an item up for sale, a buyer immediately appears, you receive a certain amount of money, and he leaves with the item he needs. However, in practice everything is not so simple. This is explained by the fact that the supply on the market is quite wide. That is, if you sell a bicycle, stroller or fur coat, you must understand that you are not the only one offering this product, you have many competitors. Magic can help speed up the process of finding a buyer and completing a deal.

It is very important to decide on the key and purpose for which you want to resort to magic, it could be:

  • A guarantee of a fair transaction, that is, you can protect yourself from deception and scams
  • Obtaining maximum profit, increasing revenue
  • Fastest sale of goods
  • Increased competitiveness if you are not selling a unique product

Also, magical techniques for sale are used to secure a preliminary agreement on the sale. For example, if we are talking about the sale of an apartment, house or car, that is, an expensive product, the transaction is not completed in one day. There is a high probability that the buyer may change his mind before giving the deposit, which naturally works against you. This factor is also taken into account in many quick sale conspiracies.

Now let’s move on to the most powerful and effective sales conspiracies, which have been actively used for decades and have only positive reviews.

Help in selling real estate

Despite the fact that real estate transactions are supported by experienced realtors, you should not rely only on their help; use simple magical rituals that will accompany the success of selling and buying a home.

A simple spell to sell an apartment

This version of the plot for the sale of real estate is suitable for the sale of any product, but is most often used during real estate transactions. For a quick sale plot, you will need several grains of wheat. They need to be placed in all corners of the house or apartment for sale. After that, start reading the magic words:

“I scatter the grains and say goodbye to the goods. Let the buyer be found faster, let him be happy here. Merchant, merchant, I’m calling you.”

After the last word has been said, collect all the grains and bury them near the object for sale as seedlings for the garden. This will significantly speed up the selling process and help you find a responsible buyer.

How to sell an apartment faster

We all don't like to wait, especially when it comes to receiving money. There is a way to significantly speed up the desired transaction. To do this, you need to carry out the following activities:

  • If we are talking about real estate, you need to do a thorough cleaning of your house or apartment. You cannot miss a single corner; the quality of cleaning must be maximum.
  • When you start wet cleaning, you need to make sure that the water does not change as you move from room to room.
  • When the cleaning ritual is completed, say the following words loudly, looking at the used water:

“I’m turning to you, brownie. We lived with you side by side, I didn’t offend you, brownie, and you were nice to me. Help sell housing, brownie, attract a merchant here. And don’t play dirty tricks here, let him be in charge from now on.”

Now you need to pour the used dirty water into the street, since it has absorbed all the negativity that could arise during the transaction process.

If any other product is being sold, you need to perform a similar ritual with washing the item. For example, if you need to sell furniture, wipe it with a damp cloth, then read the above plot for a quick sale.

How to make a sale successful

In order for a transaction with a real estate buyer to go “without a hitch,” that is, successfully, you can apply an appropriate strong conspiracy for the sale. It is read strictly at dawn, when the sun just rises in the sky. First, let's turn to God by reading the Lord's Prayer three times. After this, you need to say directly to the words of a strong conspiracy to sell.

“Silk thresholds, silver windows, smooth walls, malachite things - I offer everything to you, merchant. I’m waiting for money from you so I can sell everything to you.”

It is very important to choose the right time for the ritual. Good Friday and the waxing moon are considered ideal if the ritual is performed at home. Remember, no one should stop you.

How to speed up the sale of land

Land is a commodity that will always have a price. The fact is that when purchasing land, you yourself will decide what will be built on the purchased plot. Since this is an expensive purchase, both the buyer and the seller want to make the sale process as secure as possible.

For this purpose, in magic there is a separate conspiracy for a profitable sale, which is outlined below:

“I’m selling a piece of land, black and noble. Let the buyer come and dispose of it. Let him bring money and not deceive me. I’m looking forward to seeing you, don’t go to another seller.”

Now you can sleep peacefully, the buyer will not look for another seller and will not refuse to complete the transaction at the last moment.

Conspiracy to sell any product

Of course, sales assistance is needed not only during real estate transactions, but also during the sale of any other product. It could be a painting, clothes, shoes, flowers, vegetables, meat, milk, food and so on, it doesn't matter. How to make sure that the buyer turns his attention to you and purchases what you offer? In such cases, special sales conspiracies are used, which play into the hands of the seller.

Ritual with a coin

This ritual must be performed strictly on the waxing moon, this will have a positive effect on the outcome of the ritual. You need to take a silver coin and generously dip it in tea tree essential oil. In this case, you need to say the following words:

“I give away the goods and expect a coin in return. I accept your gift, I give away my goods. I'm expecting good luck here. Amen".

After this, you need to go to the nearest store and spend the coin to buy any product. The moment you give the coin to the seller, quietly say the word “I pay.”

Whisper about the item being sold

In this case, you need to stand next to the product being sold; if possible, pick it up. Now start reading the words of the conspiracy for a quick sale:

“I, (your name), conscientiously sell goods, I expect the same from you who come to my doorstep. The first, second, third will come and take the purchase.”

In just a few days, the sale plot will take effect, a real buyer will respond to the sale advertisement, all that remains is to wait for a call or message.

The strongest conspiracy

This is one of the most powerful conspiracies for the successful sale of the item being sold; it is also called the water spell for sale. To carry it out, you need to find a black piece of fabric and take a wide container with table salt. Lightly dampen a rag in plain water, then roll it generously in salt until it's covered in salt. Now say the following words:

“Black is the color of sadness and melancholy. However, I will not be sad, since I sell the goods from the heart. I’m waiting for you, my customer, I’ll just open the door for you.”

In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules of the ceremony. Thus, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol on the eve of the ritual, and you must also make every effort to avoid quarreling with anyone the day before and after the ritual. If all conditions are met, the sale will be completed as soon as possible.

Conspiracies to speed up sales

Regardless of what exactly you plan to sell, you want to do it as quickly as possible. In order for the desired to come true, there are several spells and whispers in magic that will bring the deadline of the transaction as close as possible and make it urgent.

Popular conspiracy to sell quickly

Here is a version of a quick sale plot, which can be found in the book of spells by Natalya Stepanova. To conduct it, you will need an item for sale and a large denomination paper banknote. Place or place the product in front of you, take the money in your left hand and use it to fan the item being sold. In this case, money should play the role of a kind of financial magic fan that will attract good luck to your home.

You need to say the following words:

“I sell, I sell, I invite everyone to the fair! Everything you want is right here, come quickly, friend.”

Conspiracy for aroma

Aromas and smells are powerful conductors of magical energy. For this reason, fragrances are often one of the ingredients in love spells and conspiracies for successful sales. To increase your success in trading and attract buyers, you need to use the scent of lavender. You need to purchase incense sticks with the appropriate scent, then fumigate the item you are selling with this smoke. At this time, say these words:

“I hear the coppers ringing, the smoke goes away, the buyer comes.”

The sale plot should take effect in the near future.

We increase trade in the market

This is where sales really boil, in the market and bazaar. Thousands of monetary transactions are carried out here in just one day. The same thing happens in hairdressing salons, cosmetology, similar services, for example, in the food environment, and so on. How do sellers manage to withstand competition, because, for example, only milk is sold by about 20 people in one row? Let's learn about the features of bazaar magic, what conspiracies are used by sellers.



Ritual for selling property.

How to deal with bad trading

Magic is publicly available, everyone can use it. For this reason, there is a high probability that the seller standing to your left or right has such a profit not because his cottage cheese tastes better or his strawberries are fresher, but because he cast a spell on good trade and attracting customers.

There is no need to worry only if:

  • Your products do not compete with each other
  • If you are selling a product that people need on a daily basis. That is, you will be able to sell it sooner or later during the day
  • If your neighbor’s product is still different from yours, preferably for the worse

In all other cases, you are likely to fail and go home without earnings. To prevent this from happening, you need to find an effective sales plot that will be stronger than what your competitor has cast. This can only be done by trial and error, there is no other way.

We increase the demand for stale items

All products can be roughly divided into those that sell best and those that lie around for a long time without movement. This can happen for many reasons, for example, sales are influenced by the time of year, exchange rates, and so on. Do not despair, there is always the opportunity to bypass all obstacles and still sell the stale goods. To do this, choose the right time, namely the full moon, and read these words while looking at the moon:

“The moon shines in the sky, full as an orange. Cover my product, attract people. Holy, holy will be the place where I trade. It’s better here, let them come here.”

It’s good if, while reading the plot, the thing that needs to be sold is nearby.

Selling an unpopular product

Another way that will increase your chances of selling stale unpopular goods. To carry it out, you need to place or supply goods that need to be sold between those that are in regular demand. After this say the words:

“There was a cow, giving milk, but they didn’t take the milk, and it turned sour. Let this not happen to this product, let there be someone who needs it. Amen".

Help in selling a car

Selling a car is a fairly common type of financial relationship between people. People, and especially men, change cars quite often. After buying a new car, you naturally need to sell the old one in order to justify at least part of the money spent. For the ceremony, you need to meet with a potential buyer, you need to behave good-naturedly and friendly. During the trip you should say the following words several times:

“I’m going to a meeting to sell you. Are you going to give a ride to a new person? The lights are flashing, the steering wheel is turning, may my transaction be successful.”

A very important detail - the car must be turned so that the hood faces east.

Other conspiracies for selling cars

A person selling a personal vehicle can apply any of the spells he likes to sell a car. The main thing is that it pleases you and does not go against your inner feelings. As additional magical items, you can use blessed water, salt, sugar, candles, keys (spells to sell keys), coins, paper bills, and so on.

However, men tend to choose those rituals that do not require anything extra, that is, the so-called “dry conspiracies.” One of these rituals is the ritual of selling a car with a mandatory walk around the car.

You need to arrive at the meeting place with a potential buyer, then get out of the car. Walk around your vehicle counterclockwise, making one circle. As you do this, say these words to yourself:

“I’m going around, doing things. Bring in a new owner. Let him carry the money."

How to sell a business profitably

Having your own business or a business in which so much money and effort has been invested is probably one of the most valuable goods that money can buy. Of course, the buyer is interested in making sure that the transaction is profitable for you and that there are no pitfalls.

Such transactions are usually made in the most comfortable conditions - over a cup of coffee, in a cozy cafe or restaurant. However, despite this, this is a risky operation, so you need to be on the alert, and, if possible, increase the degree of success with the help of a magic spell.

On the eve of the transaction, you should stand in front of the mirror, pick up your wallet and say the following words:

“My flesh and blood, my work, I sell you into other hands. You were mine, you will become a stranger. Let the payment for this be worthy and the new owner not deceive me. Work for the benefit of another person, bring him benefits, as you once brought me.”

You have become familiar with many conspiracies that are often used in one case or another when you need to sell something. A special combination of words can become your assistant and guarantee that the transaction will be successful. Stay honest with yourself and the buyer, practice the magic wisely and then the sale will be 100% successful and easy.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will explain to you how to correctly perform independent rituals for the successful sale of goods, so that it really becomes such. By following my advice, you will be able to help yourself in simple everyday situations when there is no need for professional magical intervention.

In the magic of money there are strong rituals, complex and to some extent dangerous, not recommended in, just as there are a huge number of effective conspiracies for good sales of goods - simple, but quite effective.

Some conspiracies have a ritual part, others do not, but it should be noted that magicians very often use simple conspiracies for the successful sale of things in order to enhance the main effect. In other words, in order for the result of the work to be good and more or less stable, the work must always be carried out in a comprehensive manner.

A strong conspiracy to sell quickly - how to attract customers

Conspiracies to quickly and successfully sell your product turn out to be useful, no matter in what field of activity you apply your efforts and skills. Whether you are trading food or industrial goods, selling cars, land or real estate, or selling services - the same product, but non-property, money magic will help you. But proven, effective conspiracies for quick successful sale of goods must be performed in full confidence that you are right, with faith in their positive result. If there are doubts about the magical ritual for good luck in sales, what kind of success can we talk about?

The best option is to perform a witchcraft ritual for the profitable sale of goods in a comprehensive manner. This is a professional approach. Rituals are performed systematically for money, successful trading, and general well-being. Runes combine perfectly with black magic. There are very good formulas and bets for wealth, goodness and prosperity. In combination with runic magic for money and success, black magic conspiracies to quickly sell things will be even more effective.
If you have no experience working with runic egregor, this should not stop you. Experience comes in the process of witchcraft practice, during the process of application. The good thing about runes for successful sales is that they work for beginners too. Of course, not in the same volume and not with the same power of influence that the masters achieve, but still, there is a result. Good results can be achieved without involving other Forces, working only with unclean spirits or with a cemetery egregor. In black magic rituals there is conspiracies to sell goods, which are easy to do yourself. Naturally, observing all the rules of magical work.

The most powerful rituals for a profitable sale need to be done in a complex.

Plus constant repetition - monthly in the waxing moon phase. The ideal period for conspiracies to attract customers and increase product sales is the new moon. Yes, it’s also worth saying that technically simple spells for good luck in sales can turn out to be very powerful in practice. It all depends on how much effort you put into an independent ritual for good luck and attracting money into your life. This will be the return.

Let's return for a minute to the issue of runic magic in complex work with black rituals and conspiracies for good sales. If you don’t want or are afraid to use runes, then you should pay attention to magical talismans for success. Money talismans and amulets also work very, very well, provided that you have configured them correctly for yourself.

A strong conspiracy to sell a product - a reading for trading with a candle

When you want to quickly sell your product and make good money from it, you need a conspiracy to quickly and successfully sell the product. Take a wax candle and, without lighting it, tap on the thing you want to sell, and read the following words 7 times:

“Ride on horseback, walk on foot, and come to my market, and keep an eye on my goods, whoever catches your eye, he will leave with peace, at night he will be drawn to this thing, during the day he will show up for it, he will not consider the money, he will be stupefied by this thing, will part with the money, just stare at the thing, the money is uncounted, but given for this thing, then the spell is demonic, the spell is black, it is gold for the merchant, but it is a headache for the people, the candle is a witness, if it blazes with fire, then everything will be done, in a word it will be fulfilled, yes my wallet will be filled with money. Amen".

Read the plot to quickly sell things seven times, then burn the candle entirely.

Do it 3 days in a row. The item will be sold soon. Do it on the waxing moon - to attract customers to the store. The ritual is suitable not only for selling things, but also for selling real estate. If you are selling a house or apartment, it is not at all necessary to knock a candle on the walls. All you have to do is tap on the photo of your property or the BTI plan. Reviews about the plot for a successful sale are good, the magical ritual is effective and efficient. Helpers need a payoff. On the third day, at the crossroads, at the end of the witchcraft ritual to attract good luck and money into life.

If there is negativity on the performer, there will most likely be no result. Magical negativity can be of various types:

  • evil eye,
  • damage,
  • stealer,
  • closing the tracks,
  • interception of luck,
  • generational curse.

Therefore, before read a spell for successful trading in a store or at the market, do a diagnosis, figure out what kind of negativity is affecting you, and then select the most effective cleaning. This is the only way the most powerful sales conspiracies will be effective; Money magic has its own immutable rules.

After a home plot for the profitable sale of a product gives the desired result, do not brag, do not tell everyone about your luck, to no one at all, remain silent, never tell anyone why you were lucky, not drunk or sober, otherwise it will be bad, in will leave you a hundredfold. And I want to brag! Especially for a newbie. But, we must learn to remain silent. Silence is the most important condition for planned business and strong home rituals for good luck in trading.
The magical ritual is effective and working, read the conspiracy for the urgent sale of goods for 3 days in a row, give time to the witchcraft ritual to promote (in most cases, the result begins to appear the next day, but not for everyone), wait until it has completely worked out and goes down in your history practice, give yourself time to analyze your work.

Effective conspiracies to quickly sell goods in a store

A good conspiracy for a profitable sale, which I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, now want to offer you, has a simple ritual part. The words of a spell are spoken for trade, for a product, or a separate thing that needs to be sold. Read effective quick sales plot With this plan you can use it at any time of the day. But it’s better in the morning, before you start trading in the store.

While reading this powerful conspiracy to sell a product, hold a nickel in your left hand. Place your hand with the coin on the item that needs to be sold urgently. And then throw this nickel at a pedestrian intersection. It is he who will pay the ransom.

“I persuade with force, I persuade with ancient persuasion, with strong words. I rule, I magnify, I bestow this success on my trade: dark-looking demons, we will be assistants, in the dark guarantors. Help and assist so that whenever someone, be it old, be it small, be female, or be male, when he sees a thing in me, he will not be able to resist this feeling, his gaze will sparkle with desire, like the sun, like a patched robe. If the thing was dear to him, everyone would be seduced by it, and the greyhounds would admire it, their hands would be drawn to my things, their fingers would interlock with my things. They paid us in gold and silver, and quickly left the yard. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Summary: this home plot to sell things at a profit works. One note: the power of the magic spell lasts for 1 day, but it lasts well. Perhaps it will last longer for some. But, there is a calculation to read daily. Every day you bring the payment - a nickel to the intersection. While reading effectively conspiracy for a quick and successful sale property, you may feel an energy release - from slight dizziness to nausea. Here it is important to follow all the rules of the witchcraft ritual for success in trading, and, of course, you must be protected.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

An effective conspiracy to make a profitable sale using white magic

The question is the following: your product is expensive, one-piece, you need to sell it, naturally, at a profit, and the buyer “matures” for a long time, thinks. How to hurry him up, how to push him to make a decision? Try to make an effective plot to sell an expensive item at a profit. It's very simple:

“The plowman plows, the blacksmith forges, the merchant sells goods. The reaper is walking into the field, the buyer is carrying money. The reaper in the field reaps, the buyer (name the product you are selling) will take it for himself. Amen".

And although white rituals and conspiracies for successful sales are often criticized, this particular one turned out to be a very good spell for good luck in selling an expensive item. It is simply read for the product, but in a magical ritual, visualization plays a special role.

A strong conspiracy for good sales - rituals of practical money magic

When washing your face before trading, read yourself to make the words of a conspiracy to sell stale goods. Then wipe your face with a new handkerchief and take it with you to trade.

There are times when the desired profit in a store is needed faster than usual. A conspiracy to sell a product will help you, which should be read according to special rules.

Rules for a successful sales conspiracy

For the ceremony to be successful, certain rules must be followed.

  • All rituals performed independently should be done alone, so that no one sees, otherwise nothing will work.
  • Always remember that no one should know how it was sold.
  • The consequence of failure to comply with this point will be a rapid loss of finances.
  • When carrying out the ritual, you need a strong faith in success, then all the positive energy of magic will be directed in the right direction.
  • We perform rituals according to the lunar calendar; it is best to perform magical rituals or

Existing slander

Conspiracies to sell goods using visualization are effective and quickly bring results. Don't neglect your imagination; our ability to materialize thoughts is unique. If we constantly think about an object and mentally imagine it for some time, then we will get it in reality.

To make a successful purchase and sale transaction, you should take the necessary things in your hands and look at them carefully, remember the smallest details. Build a dialogue with a potential buyer. Then you need to mentally visualize how you make a profit from the sale.

During the period of visualization of the magical ritual, you need to be alone and tune in only to a successful sale.

At the end of the ritual of imagination, you need to cross the item for sale and say the words out loud:

“Let your plans come true.”

Ritual with keys

To make a quick change, use the key ritual. Typically, a conspiracy to quickly sell goods is read during transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate and land. The key symbolizes openness and success. To perform the ceremony, you will need:

  • bunch of keys;
  • well water;
  • iron bowl;
  • soup plate.

For the ritual, choose a day according to the lunar calendar; the full moon is ideal. Pour water into a bowl and bring to a boil. Throw the keys into boiling water and quickly start reading the magic words 7 times. The words of the conspiracy sound like this:

“It is impossible to open a lock without a suitable key, it is impossible to live a day without my (name of product). As soon as the keys open the lock, (name of product) will be sold. Just as a person cannot live without water, so he cannot live without my (name of product). I firmly conjure my word, I don’t let it go to waste. Amen".

The water in the bowl should cool down, take out the keys and hide them so that no one will find them. We filter the water through cheesecloth into a deep plate. You should sprinkle the goods with water and wash your hands in it up to the elbows. This procedure speeds up the sales process and helps quickly persuade doubting buyers.

Enchanted keys can be used as a talisman and carried with you for transactions involving large investments.

To sell a certain product

If you cannot sell the remaining goods for a long time, you can read a conspiracy to sell goods in a store, which will require:

  • arriving at work earlier than usual;
  • cup;
  • water, preferably from the store.

Pour water into the bowl and read the plot 9 times:

“Voditsa, voditsa, the collarbone is clean. The goods are sold, money is made.”

We put the cup in a secluded corner in the store, pour the water into the ground at the end of the day, with the words:

“I’m giving away the full cup, tomorrow I’ll get even more.”

Another quick-acting ritual will help sell stale goods. For the ritual, you need to take money from the first buyer in the store, preferably a man, because male energy is stronger than female energy. You need to take them in your left hand and move them over the product, which has been standing on the shelves for a long time, with the words:

“The money came with a light hand.”

If a certain type of product has been lying on the shelf for a long time and is not being sold, you should stand facing the shelf and read the words with your eyes closed:

“Just as I easily close my eyes, I easily make things happen. She sealed it with words, closed it with seven locks. Sales will come, they will bring me profit.”

Self-made items for sale

To benefit from something made with your own hands, you should carry out rituals in advance so that subsequent trading is successful. Even during the manufacture of the item, you should prepare a ritual coin.

On the first day of the rising moon, you should put five kopecks on the windowsill and leave them there for 6 days with the words:

“As the moon rises, so does the profit for my sewing come. She created with her own hands and received money for it. The nickel is charging and preparing for profit. A nickel and a nickel, he looks like a simpleton, he brings money for the goods, he won’t ask for anything for himself.”

Put the nickel in your wallet and always carry it with you.

There is another ritual to sell handmade goods. You need to bow to the handmade thing and ask:

“Sell yourself quickly, serve people with faith and truth.”

A handmade item should be given a price that is acceptable to everyone, and the sale should be made from the heart and with love.

Magic according to the lunar calendar

The plot is read to sell a product that is causing losses and has been lying on the shelf for a long time. Stand by the window after midnight and turn to the moon:

“Magic Moon, as you decline, you take away unnecessary goods from the shelves.”

Waning moon rituals cannot be used to sell food or animals.

To the rising moon

In order for the rising moon to occur, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • different denominations;
  • a large bill, starting from a hundred;
  • own shoe.

You need to go outside during the rising moon, unfasten your wallet so that all the internal sections are visible, take coins and put one in each section, saying the words:

“I put coins - I’ll soon get rich, I’ll multiply them a thousand times.”

Take out one of the coins and wrap it in a pre-prepared bill, put it on the ground and quietly step on your shoes with the words:

“They save hundreds of pennies, my money will come to my feet. I’ll collect them with my own hands and put them in my wallet.”

Magic for the full moon

You need to go outside on a full moon and take with you one or two things that you would like to realize. It is necessary to expose them to the moonlight and whisper:

“Sister Moon, bless the sale.”

A conspiracy to sell water

Spring water spells for a successful sale have a quick effect. A huge number of rituals performed on water in order to sell goods have been known since ancient times. To sell the desired item, take clean spring water and whisper a spell over it 5 times, and then spray it on the item being sold.

The words of the conspiracy sound like this:

“The market is full of everything - there are fabrics, food, and furs. Show me the thing - I’ll sell it, a buyer will find what he wants, he gets it. Amen".

Ritual using a coin

An excellent conspiracy to make quick profits is a ritual for water with a coin. For the ritual you will need:

  • coin of any denomination;
  • liter of water from a well;
  • glass vessel;
  • a handful of sand.

The ritual should be performed on the rising moon; you need to take a coin and place it on the windowsill for the whole night. The next day, you need to take a charged coin and throw it into a vessel filled with water, again place it overnight near the window. In the morning you need to throw a handful of sand into the vessel and read the spell:

“My infused talisman, soaked in moonlight, bring me quick and rich profits.”

You need to place the vessel for another day near the window, and in the morning, express the water and wash your hands in it up to the elbows with the words:

“I wash my hands and wash my money.”

You should carry the coin with you in your pocket, like a talisman. If you urgently need to implement something, read the spell-appeal to the coin:

“My talisman is money, I ask you for help. Help with sales of (product name).”

Rub the coin on your left hand.