Osmanov Sergey Pavlovich. History of the institution. Construction of Zenit Arena - expert assessment

Systematic work on control in the construction sector was started by Peter I, by whose decree the “Office of Construction” was organized Systematic work on control in the construction sector was started by Peter I, by whose decree the “Office of Construction” was organized - a supervisory body that monitored buildings in cities and villages. Members of the Chancellery discussed the projects of the masters, after which the commission issued a conclusion, which only the emperor could approve.

At the beginning of the 19th century, management and control over construction, including all supervisory functions, in accordance with the Manifesto of Alexander I of September 9, 1802 “On the Establishment of Ministries,” was entrusted to the Minister of Internal Affairs, who was in charge of the construction and maintenance of all public buildings in the state .

The development of industry in Russia in the mid-19th century led to the realization of the need to create an influential management body for the construction industry. On April 6, 1865, by decision of the State Council, the Office of Buildings was transformed into the Technical and Construction Committee and transferred to the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Construction Charter was approved, establishing the Committee's responsibility for reviewing and examining projects before submitting them for approval to the Emperor. Also within the competence of the Committee was the design of structures under the jurisdiction of the Ministry and of national importance.

In the last decades of the 19th century, construction management was transferred to the jurisdiction of city administrations (zemstvos). Control over the quality of projects, construction and expenditure of funds decreased, which often led to accidents. Strict supervision over the quality of design and construction was maintained only in the state sphere, covering the laying of railways, the construction of track structures, military and government facilities, etc.

At the beginning of the 20th century, not the best times came for the establishment of the institution of examination: numerous projects for reforming the construction industry and examination remained unrealized. After the October Revolution, on December 5, 1917, by order of the Council of People's Commissars, a subdepartment of generally useful state structures was created under the Supreme Economic Council of the RSFSR, whose task is to manage the construction industry and carry out expert supervisory functions.

On May 9, 1918, the Main Committee of State Constructions (Glavkomgosoor) was established under the Supreme Economic Council of the RSFSR, whose competence includes the development of a state construction plan and the consideration of all projects submitted to the Supreme Economic Council and People's Commissariats.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council of May 9, 1950 and Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of June 10, 1950 No. 2434, the USSR State Construction Committee was formed, which, as a single industry management body, was entrusted with the tasks of not only coordinating all construction activities, but also ensuring technical progress in construction and the production of building materials - it became obvious that we need to start with a sharp increase in the quality of projects and estimates.

The Main Directorate of State Expertise, as an independent main board of the USSR State Construction Committee, was formed in 1962. The Main Directorate of State Expertise, as an independent main board of the USSR State Construction Committee, was formed in 1962. Before its appearance, the functions of examination were divided among the complex sectoral divisions of the Main Committee of State Constructions of the Supreme Council of National Economy, their functions also included work on organizing and monitoring technical regulation and standard design.

In 1963, the small Main Directorate of State Expertise under the USSR State Construction Committee was transformed into a powerful structure with industry departments. in subsequent years, divisions of the Glavgosexpertiza and independent organizations with the same functions appeared in the union and autonomous republics, territories and large cities.

In order to improve expert work, several documents were adopted, including the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On improving the examination of projects and estimates for the construction (reconstruction) of enterprises, buildings and structures dated May 4, 1973 No. 291. In pursuance of this resolution, measures were taken aimed at increasing the effectiveness of examination as a means of monitoring the quality of projects, the introduction of the latest scientific and technical achievements into production and the efficiency of capital investments.

On September 29, 1987, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 386, the Main Directorate of State Non-Departmental Expertise under the State Construction Committee of the RSFSR (Glavgosexpertiza of the RSFSR) was created. Glavgosexpertiza of the RSFSR and its regional departments constituted a system of expert bodies of the State Construction Committee of the RSFSR. The Glavgosexpertiza of the RSFSR was entrusted with responsibility for the organizational and methodological management of the work of all expert bodies of the RSFSR, summarizing the results of the examination of technical and economic calculations, justifications, projects and estimates, preparing proposals for improving the design and estimate department, its regulatory framework, disseminating best practices in design and construction .

New Russia

On July 14, 1992, Law of the Russian Federation No. 3295-1 “On the fundamentals of urban planning in the Russian Federation” was adopted - the first law in the history of new Russia regulating the activities of the construction industry.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 20, 1993 No. 585 “On the state examination of urban planning and design estimates documentation and approval of construction projects” determined that urban planning documentation, feasibility studies and projects for the construction, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of enterprises and buildings and structures in the Russian Federation, regardless of sources of financing, forms of ownership and affiliation, before their approval are subject to state examination in the Main Directorate of State Non-Departmental Expertise under the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation (Glavgosexpertiza of Russia), organizations of state non-departmental expertise in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, industry expert divisions ministries and departments and other specially authorized government bodies.

On May 7, 1998, Federal Law No. 73-FZ was adopted, which introduces the first Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation - a codified normative legal act regulating urban planning and certain related relations in the country.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2000 No. 1008 “On the procedure for conducting state examination and approval of urban planning, pre-design and design documentation” established the main goals of conducting state examination of urban planning, pre-design and design documentation.

On December 30, 2004, a new edition of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation comes into force. Like the previous version, it provides for mandatory state examination of design documentation for capital construction projects. But for the first time in Russia, the code established the need to adopt “rules of the game.”

On March 5, 2007, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 145 “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results” was adopted, adopted in pursuance of Part 11 of Article 49 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and changing the work of state examination and the country’s construction complex.

Glavgosexpertiza of Russia today

Head of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia Igor Manylov: “Our main goal is to avoid mistakes during the construction of capital construction projects.” Glavgosexpertiza of Russia is a non-profit organization created by the Russian Federation to perform work and provide services in the field of organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results, checking the reliability of determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects. The Federal Autonomous Institution “Main Directorate of State Expertise” was created by changing the organizational and legal form in accordance with the Federal Law of November 3, 2006 No. 174-FZ “On Autonomous Institutions”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2010 No. 539 “On Approval the procedure for the creation, reorganization, change of type and liquidation of federal state institutions, as well as approval of the charters of federal state institutions and amendments to them” and on the basis of order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2010 No. 795.

Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (2013 – 2018) Mikhail Men: “Today, when the task is set to effectively use public funds, the activities of the examination acquire a special – material – value, which is expressed in billions of rubles of saved budget funds.” (2016) The full official name is the Federal Autonomous Institution “Main Directorate of State Expertise”.

In the regions, Glavgosexpertiza of Russia is represented by twelve branches that review design documentation for capital construction projects, reconstruction or technical re-equipment (if such re-equipment is related to the construction or reconstruction of a capital construction project). Branches are located throughout the Russian Federation - from St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don to Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk and Sevastopol.

Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (2013 – 2018) Mikhail Men: “The work of construction expertise is one of the main state resources aimed at creating favorable living conditions for citizens and ensuring their safety. The contribution of experts to the formation of a modern, high-tech construction complex, the distinctive features of which are safety and reliability, is extremely important.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2015 No. 1330 became the beginning of a new era of state expertise: from September 1, 2016, design documentation and (or) engineering survey results prepared in relation to capital construction projects, the construction or reconstruction of which is carried out in whole or in part at the expense of funds from the federal budget, as well as other documents necessary for the state examination, must be submitted to the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia only in electronic form. The exception is cases when design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys contain information, access to which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

On July 3, 2016, Federal Law No. 369-FZ was adopted, amending the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On investment activities in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments.” Its goal is to create a modern regulatory legal and methodological framework in the field of pricing and cost estimate regulation in construction. Achieving the goal is expected through the implementation of the federal state information system for pricing in construction (FSIS CS). A natural continuation of this work was the vesting of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia with powers in the field of pricing, as well as the function of creating, operating and developing the FSIS CA.

Head of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia Igor Manylov: “We will continue the course of reforming the institution of examination: it should become not just a barrier and filter for erroneous and dangerous decisions, but also create the necessary conditions for a significant change in approaches to the implementation of new construction projects, significantly facilitating their design , cost estimation, and increase the economic efficiency of capital investments in general.” On September 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 368-FZ of July 3, 2016 came into force, which introduced significant changes to the provisions of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation related to the preparation of project documentation, the procedure for its examination and the subsequent storage of these documents and information about them. Its most important innovations are the creation of a Unified State Register of Expertise Conclusions on Design Documentation for Capital Construction Projects, the introduction of the Institute of Cost-Effective Design Documentation for Reuse, and a change in the Institute of Modification of Project Documentation.

Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Vladimir Yakushev: “We are faced with the task of optimizing and improving the institute. All institutions must work as efficiently as possible, without creating barriers to business development, this is the instruction the head of state gave to the Cabinet of Ministers. And in these conditions, the Institute of Construction Expertise plays an even more significant role.” Since 2017, documents for conducting a state examination of design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys, as well as checking the reliability of the determination of the estimated cost, are submitted to the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia and regional organizations of state examination only in electronic form, regardless of the source of construction financing, with the exception of those specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation of cases.

In connection with the adoption of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2017 No. 563, Glavgosexpertiza of Russia is empowered to conduct a technological and price audit of the justification of investments made in investment projects for the creation of capital construction projects, in respect of which it is planned to conclude contracts and the subject of which is simultaneously the implementation works on design, construction and commissioning of capital construction projects.

Heads of Glavgosexpertiza of Russia

Born in 1935 in Moscow. He graduated from the Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (1953-1958), mechanical engineering faculty, specialty - economics and organization of the mechanical engineering industry, as well as the political and economic faculty of the University of Marxism-Leninism under the Frunze Republic of the CPSU (1982-1983).

For more than thirty-five years, Yuri Borisovich Zhukovsky worked in the expert bodies of the USSR State Construction Committee and the Russian State Construction Committee. Working as an assistant to the Chairman of the USSR State Construction Committee, he oversaw issues of examination, design and estimate work, and technical regulation in construction.

since 1986, he headed the Glavgosexpertiza of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation, while simultaneously holding the position of Deputy Chairman of the State Construction Committee of the RSFSR. During all the years of his work as head of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, he was a member of the board of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation.

During his career at the State Construction Committee of the USSR and the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation, he carried out an examination of projects of the most significant national economic construction projects, and was the direct developer of more than ten government regulations on topical issues of capital construction, design estimates and project examination.

Yuri Borisovich made a great personal contribution to the creation of a system of state non-departmental examination bodies of the Russian Federation and other union republics of the former USSR, as well as to the creation of a normative and methodological base that ensures the effective functioning of the examination and contains about forty documents.

Initially, the principles and organizational forms of territorial construction of state non-departmental examination bodies laid down by him under the unified organizational and methodological leadership of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia confirmed the vitality and effectiveness of the created unified expert system in all critical situations of the transition period of the last decade in Russia.

Yuri Borisovich Zhukovsky is the author of many published works, including the “Expertise” sections of the Russian Architectural and Construction Encyclopedia and the Federal Directory of Construction, the books “Expertise in Construction” and “Expertise in the Investment Process of Germany,” as well as articles in periodicals.

Yuri Borisovich was a member of the expert council under the Government of the Russian Federation, a member of the Commission under the President of Russia for state awards in the field of science and technology, chairman of the Interstate Commission for Interstate Expertise of Projects of the CIS Countries, a member of the board of the ROIS, Honored Builder and Honorary Builder of Russia, as well as the owner of a number of government awards and certificates of honor.

Born in 1950.

He graduated from the Faculty of Naval Base Construction of the Higher Military Engineering and Technical School (1967-1972), receiving the specialty of a military civil engineer.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, worked in the examination system for more than twenty years, rising from an ordinary expert to the head of the main department.

Since 2001, he headed the Glavgosexpertiza under the Gosstroy of Russia. Under his leadership, since 2001, the restructuring of the country's expert bodies system began by creating separate divisions (branches) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as improving the legislative and regulatory framework for expert activities.

Vyacheslav Yurievich is the scientific director of the “Expertise” section in the Russian Architectural and Construction Encyclopedia. Leader of the scientific school “Conducting state examination of urban planning, pre-design and design documentation.”

Vyacheslav Yuryevich Leushin is the Chairman of the Commission for Interstate Expertise of Projects of the Intergovernmental Council for Cooperation in Construction Activities of the CIS Member States. Author of numerous publications and analytical articles on improving design work, methodology of expert activities, increasing the efficiency of investments in construction, etc.

Vyacheslav Yuryevich took an active part in the public life of the construction industry, being the chairman of the Union of Construction Experts of Russia and a member of the board of the Russian Society of Construction Engineers.

Born in 1955 in the Armenian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad University named after A.A. Zhdanov (1980) with a degree in Law.

After graduating from university, he worked in the Leningrad City Court and the city prosecutor's office.

From 1991 to 1993, he headed the Legal Department of the KUGI of St. Petersburg.

From May 1996 to February 2000, he worked at PSB OJSC as director of the bank's legal directorate.

From March 2000 to 2004 - Vice President of CJSC Banking House St. Petersburg.

From 2006 to 2014, he headed the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia.

Thanks to his high professionalism, incredible efficiency, sensitive attitude to work, and outstanding personal qualities, Sergei Pavlovich aroused the constant respect of his colleagues.



Ministry of Construction changes construction rules
The Ministry proposes to change the regulation of construction sites, builders and regions are against
Source: http://www.vedomosti.ru/ realty/articles/2015/08/12/ 604429-minstroi-menyaet-pravila-stroiki

Mikhail Men expressed condolences to his family and colleagues in connection with the death of the head of the FAU "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia" Sergei Pavlovich Osmanov

At the age of 59, the head of the FAU "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia" Sergei Pavlovich Osmanov died. Minister Mikhail Men, on behalf of himself and the entire team of the Russian Ministry of Construction, expressed deep condolences to his family and colleagues in connection with his untimely death.

Sergei Pavlovich headed the FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia for eight years. He was a wonderful person and a talented leader. Thanks to his high human qualities and professionalism, the cooperation between the organization he headed and the Russian Ministry of Construction was successful and productive.

Over the course of a year of working together, Sergei Pavlovich became a reliable partner for us; his integrity in decision-making aroused respect and was infinitely valuable to us.

Irek Faizullin expressed his condolences to his family and colleagues in connection with the death of the head of the FAU "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia" Sergei Pavlovich Osmanov

At the age of 60, the head of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, Sergei Osmanov, passed away.

Osmanov Sergey Pavlovich, born in 1955, graduated in 1980. Leningrad State University named after. A.A. Zhdanov, majoring in jurisprudence. Since March 2006 - Head of the Federal State (later Autonomous) Institution "Main Directorate of State Expertise" (hereinafter - FAU "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia").

During the leadership of the institution, Sergei Pavlovich developed a fundamentally new policy for monitoring the activities of the institution, including operational (daily) and on-site control of the work of branches, electronic document management, providing for control of the work of each expert, and new approaches to quality control of work were introduced. Methodological work has also been raised to a new level; new methodological documents are constantly being developed to ensure expert work.

Being a highly qualified specialist who has deservedly received the status of a state expert, Sergei Pavlovich made a great contribution to ensuring the economic efficiency of construction, high quality architectural, urban planning and technical solutions, structural reliability and safety of buildings and structures.

Speaking about the work of the main expert of Russia in our republic, it is worth noting that thanks to the principled and responsible attitude of Sergei Osmanov to the work, design solutions for the construction of many objects in Tatarstan, including the objects of the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013, were completed efficiently and quickly.

Glavgosexpertiza gave a positive conclusion on the Taman port construction project

05/19/2014, Moscow 15:35:02 Glavgosexpertiza gave a positive conclusion on the Taman port construction project, reports the general designer of the project, JSC Lenmorniiproekt.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20140519153502.shtml#xtor=AL-[ internal_traffic]—-[ lenta_body]-

GazEnergoStroy received a positive conclusion from the state examination on the Kudepstinskaya TPP project in Sochi.

“The main work on reviewing the project documentation began on March 1, immediately after the meeting with the Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev and thanks to the constructive position he took,” the message states. The management of Gazenergostroy expresses gratitude to the Minister of Regional Development and the Head of the FAU Glavgosexpertiza Sergei Osmanov for the fruitful cooperation.
link: http://advis.ru/php/view_news. php

The head of Glavgosexpertiza Sergei Osmanov visited TANECO

Yesterday, the head of Glavgosexpertiza, Sergei Osmanov, visited TANECO OJSC. The purpose of the working visit is to get acquainted with the progress of the TANECO project. Accompanied by the General Director of OJSC TANECO, Khamza Bagmanov, the head of Glavgosexpertiza inspected the facilities of the first stage of the complex of oil refineries and petrochemical plants.
link: http://www.tatar-inform.ru/ news/2011/11/18/293888/

Osmanov appointed head of Glavgosexpertiza

The head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of Russia /Rosstroy/ Sergei Kruglik, by order dated March 24, appointed Sergei Osmanov to the position of head of the Main State Expertise of Russia. The press service of Rosstroi reported this on March 31.
link: http://viperson.ru/wind.php? ID=593183

YABLOKO leader demanded from Glavgosexpertiza an opinion on the construction of a thermal power plant in Kudepsta

The leader of the YABLOKO party, Sergei Mitrokhin, turned to the head of the FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, Sergei Osmanov, with a request to submit a conclusion on the construction of a gas-piston thermal power plant (TPP) in Kudepsta. The reason was the flooding of the site where the thermal power plant is supposed to be built.
link: http://www.yabloko.ru/ Krasnodar/2013/03/14_0

S. Osmanov was appointed head of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia.

By order of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services dated March 24, 2006. N7-kp Sergei Osmanov was appointed head of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia.

S. Osmanov, born in 1955, graduated from the Polytechnic Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering, Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University. From 1981 to 1989 - Senior Assistant Prosecutor, Prosecutor of the General Supervision Department of the Leningrad City Prosecutor's Office. From 1991 to 1993 — Headed the legal department of the State Property Committee (Kugi) of the St. Petersburg City Hall. From 1993 to 1996 - Director for Organization of Legal Support of JSC Law Firm "NOVEX", St. Petersburg. From 1996 to 2000 - Head of the Legal Department of Promstroybank OJSC, St. Petersburg. From 2000 to 2004 - Vice-President of CJSC Banking House St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg. From 2004 - 2006 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of OJSC Promstroybank, St. Petersburg, reports a correspondent of ABN (www.abnews.ru).
link: http://news.starogo.net/news. php?id=3409

Construction of Zenit Arena - expert assessment

Sergei Osmanov, head of Glavgosexpertiza, promised that experts would be able to make a decision on this project within three weeks from the time the necessary documentation was received.
link: http://www.lobzikov.ru/news/stroitelstvo-zenit-areny-ocenka-ekspertov-912

The project surfaced without an architect. Mariinsky-2 passed the state examination

In many large Russian companies, especially state-owned, rich and large ones, Putin’s henchmen from “PZhiV” have been appointed as managers.

How did this happen, do these proteges deserve to occupy these places, probably have a lot of experience in this area with the appropriate education? The Labor Code is observed, there is respect for its employees, and professionals are appointed by these managers to key positions.

If you thought so, I hasten to disappoint you with the example of one very well-known state organization in the Russian Federation, without which many large construction projects in the Russian Federation cannot be done; the design organizations where I worked and was illegally fired are well known. This is a Federal Government Institution - FAU (FGU) Glavgosexpertiza of Russia. Boss Osmanov Sergey Pavlovich.

Before Osmanov came to FGU, friendship and respect reigned in the departments, people with specialized education (construction) were appointed to serious positions, such as heads of departments, deputy heads, there were very good social packages - various bonuses, vacation pay, for anniversaries, compensation for food and travel and even excellent monthly pension supplements for former employees.

With the arrival of Osmanov. CM. everything changed dramatically - all the deputy chiefs and even their drivers were fired for far-fetched reasons, and social packages were cut. The unwanted survived.

But Mr. Osmanov took his deputies with people with inappropriate specialized education and even without such education. Deputy Chief Natalya Viktorovna Bogomolova - lawyer, Assistant Svetlana Vladimirovna Yasinskaya - ??, Assistant Ksenia Vladimirovna Ryabukhina - one of the former waitresses. The first two are from St. Petersburg, people close to Osmanov. And this is in an organization that deals with the examination of state-scale projects - nuclear power plants, bridges, terminals, factories.

Mr. Osmanov S.P. himself work experience and education do not correspond to the profile of the organization - he graduated from Leningrad State University with a degree in lawyer, worked in the Leningrad prosecutor's office, in the Leningrad city court, then worked in a bank. Suddenly, in the 2000s, as follows from open sources, the Polytechnic University graduated in absentia. Institute in St. Petersburg. Questions also arise.

Looking ahead, I will say that after my speeches at the court hearings of the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow, where I touched upon the personnel arrangement of the leadership of the Glavka GGE, the above characters were transferred within a week to other divisions of the organization. Yasinskaya was transferred to the personnel department, Ryabukhin - to the documentation support department. Bogomolova remained in her place.

And this is a widespread phenomenon.

Well, I continue to fight in the courts, to defend my right.

I think you know such cases too.