Presentation on the topic of the fuel industry. Presentation on the topic of the Russian fuel industry. Uses and processed products

Fuel industry

Fuel industries: oil gas coal peat shale uranium

Oil industry Drilling rig on the river. Ukhta. 1868

Methods of oil production: fountain (cheaper) pumping

Reserves: 2nd place in the world after Saudi Arabia (20 billion tons - 13% of the world's total) Production: Maximum in 1987 - 560 million tons - 1st place in the world, 2004 - 459 million tons - 2 place in the world, 2007 – 491 million tons.

Oil production bases: West Siberian (70% of production in the country) - Samotlor (the largest in Russia in terms of production), Surgutskoye, Megionskoye, Mamontovskoye, Fedorovskoye, Ust-Balykskoye Volga-Ural (25% of production) - Romashkinskoye, Tuymazinskoye, Ishimbaevskoye, Mukhanovskoye Barents-Pechorskaya – Usinskoe

Gas industry Reserves: 1st place in the world (160 trillion m³ - 45% of the global total) Production: 1st place in the world 1991 - 643 billion m³ 1997 - 643 billion m³ 1999 - 591 billion m³ 2005 g – 598 billion m³ 2006 – 656 billion m³ Gas production bases: West Siberian (92% of production in the country) – Urengoyskoye (the largest in Russia in terms of production), Yamburgskoye, Gubkinskoye, Medvezhye, Bovanenkovskoye Orenburg-Astrakhan (6% of production ) – Orenburgskoye, Astrakhanskoye Timan-Pechorskaya (1% of production) – Ukhta, Shtokmanovskoye

Russia accounts for 37% of global natural gas exports Italy is supplied 28% with Russian gas Germany 33% Bulgaria 38% Hungary 50% Poland 60% Austria 75% Switzerland 100%

Coal industry Reserves: 1st place in the world (6.4 trillion tons - 23% of the world's total) Production: 1990 - 395 million tons 1997 - 244 million tons 2000 - 210 million tons 2007 – 314 million tons – 3rd place in the world after China, USA 60% of coal is mined by open pit mining

Coal basins: Kuznetsk (Kuzbass) - 1/3 of Russian production, Kansko-Achinsk - 13% of production, Donetsk (Donbass) - 9% of production, Pechora - 8% of production, Moscow Region, Irkutsk, South Yakutsk

Characteristics of the main coal basins Basin Share of underground mining, % Average depth of mining, m Average thickness of seams, m Calorific value of coal, thousand kcal/kg Production, million tons Kuzbass 58 185 1.85 0.88 98 Pechora 100 298 1, 53 0.8 22.7 Kansko-Achinsky - - 15-100 0.47 32.0

Practical work No. 1 “Characteristics of one of the oil production areas based on maps and statistical materials” Plan for comparative characteristics of oil bases Geographical location relative to consumers How the basins are explored Degree of basin development Method of production Oil quality Transportation conditions Ecological and economic problems and prospects for the development of oil fields Assignment: Using textbook text and a thematic map showing the location of the country's main energy bases, compare and give a brief description of two oil or gas basins:

Homework § 2 Mark nomenclature objects on the contour map

Fuel industry

fuel production





Composition of fuel and energy complex







Transfer of fuel and energy (via power lines)

Energy production

Fuel extraction

  • oil
  • gas
  • coal
  • peat
  • shale
  • TPP(thermal)
  • hydroelectric power station(on rivers)
  • NPP(on uranium)
  • WPP(wind)
  • SES(solar)
  • PES(tidal)
  • GeoTES(geothermal)


gas pipeline

Main industries

  • Oil
  • Gas
  • Coal

10% of world reserves, 2nd place in production

40% of world reserves, 1st place in production

50% of world reserves,

5th place in the world

  • EGP of the main basins, fields.
  • Reserves, production.
  • Conditions and methods of extraction.
  • Use and processed products.
  • Main methods of transportation.
  • The main Russian enterprises and companies in the industry.
  • Industry problems.
  • Development prospects.

1. EGP of the main basins, fields

  • West Siberian:

2/3 of oil production

Samotlor, Surgut

  • Volgo-Ural

1/4 of oil production



  • Offshore production

Caspian Sea

Barencevo sea

Sea of ​​Okhotsk

2. Reserves, production

3. Conditions and methods of production



4. Use and processed products

  • For the manufacture of plastics
  • Chemical fibers
  • Polymers

  • Petrol
  • Kerosene
  • Fuel
  • Diesel fuel
  • Fuel oil

5. Main methods of transportation

Oil pipelines


  • Length - 48,000 km.
  • Center of the oil pipeline system Almetyevsk

Textbook p. 101-102

6. Main Russian enterprises and companies in the industry

  • Refineries located in areas consuming petroleum products
  • 80% of refineries are in the European part of the country
  • Located in major cities of the country (Moscow, Ufa, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Perm, Saratov, Kirishi)

L angepas U paradise TO ogalymneft

  • Oil is a non-renewable mineral
  • Environmental pollution
  • Export of crude oil (not economically profitable)
  • Lack of modern equipment
  • Replacement of an outdated oil pipeline

8. Development prospects

Textbook P. 100

Today in the Russian Federation there are 36 universities , training professionals for the oil and gas industry, as well as 73 universities related areas or having petroleum faculties. 10 Top positions among them should be given to:

Gas – cheap type of fuel, least pollutes the environment

  • 1st place in the world
  • 160 trillion m³
  • 45% of world reserves

  • Ukraine
  • Belarus
  • Western Europe
  • Baltic countries
  • Türkiye

Gas bases:

  • Western Siberia:

90% of gas production



  • Orenburg - Astrakhan

6% of gas production



  • Timan-Pechorskaya

1% of gas production


Unified gas pipeline system

  • Length

- 150,000 km

  • Fuel for industry
  • TPP
  • Raw materials for ferrous metallurgy
  • Raw materials for the chemical industry

  • 2nd place – brown coal
  • 6th place – hard coal
  • 23% of world reserves
  • 6 trillion tons

The coal industry of the Russian Federation is a complex of industries for the extraction, enrichment and processing of coal

Type of coal

Extraction methods

  • Main pool
  • Reserves 725 billion tons
  • Disadvantage

  • Lignite basin
  • Low quality coal
  • Providing thermal power plants

  • Difficult climatic conditions
  • Expensive extraction

  • Largest in terms of reserves
  • There is no mining!!!

  • Expensive transportation
  • Equipment modernization required

Characteristics plan a) geographical location; b) the place of the basin among other basins in the country according to main indicators; c) development problems.



Share of underground mining, %


Average mining depth, m





Average thickness of layers, m


Calorific value of coal, thousand kcal/kg





Production (2003), million tons












  • § 2
  • Practical work
  • Map

Slide 1

“TEK. Fuel resources.”

Slide 2

Structure of the fuel and energy complex

Slide 3

Russia's share in the world

Slide 4

Dynamics of fuel production in Russia for 1990-2006

Slide 5

Geological section of the oil and gas province

Slide 6

Oil production in Russian regions, 2001

Slide 7

Oil characteristics

Oil is a flammable oily liquid. One of the most important characteristics is the density of oil: light, medium and heavy oil are distinguished. For specialists, indicators such as the initial boiling point (+28 degrees) and flash point (35-120 degrees) are also important.

Oil is classified according to its sulfur content into: low-sulfur (up to 0.5% S), sulfur (0.5 - 2% S) and high-sulfur (over 2%). By distillation, gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel fuel, and fuel oil are obtained from oil.

Slide 8

Oil refineries

The oil refining industry is a manufacturing industry that produces petroleum products from crude oil. Petroleum products are mixtures of hydrocarbons, as well as individual chemical compounds obtained from oil and petroleum gases. Used as fuels, lubricants and electrical insulating materials, solvents, road coatings, petrochemical raw materials, etc. Among the largest oil refineries in Russia is the Nizhnekamsk Oil Refinery.

Slide 9

Oil transportation

The length of Russian oil pipelines is 48 thousand km. The center of the oil pipeline system is Almetyevsk (the beginning of the Druzhba oil pipeline). Lines diverge from it to the east (to Angarsk), northwest (to St. Petersburg and Kirishi), west (to Brest), southwest (to Novorossiysk, a large oil loading port in Russia). The service life of the oil pipeline is 33 years. about 70% of oil pipelines are badly worn out, which leads to accidents on them. And this is unsafe for the environment and people.

Slide 10

Gas industry

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of gas reserves and production. More than 700 deposits have been explored. Main gas production bases: Western Siberia (north) - 92% of all production (only 6% of reserves have been extracted!) Orenburg-Astrakhan - 6% of all-Russian production, gas contains many impurities and needs purification. Large gas processing complexes have been built in production areas. Timan-Pechora basin – 1% of production.

Slide 11

Gas transportation

A unified gas pipeline system has been created in Russia, through which gas is transferred from Urengoy and Orenburg (the main centers) to consumers. Gas pipelines: “Shine of the North” - through the north of Russia to the CIS countries in the west; "Blue Stream" - through the Black Sea to Turkey. Projects for gas transportation from the Irkutsk region are being developed. to Mongolia, Japan, China, South Korea. During the extraction process, a lot of gas is burned (see photo), which gives additional carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Gas flares over Western Siberia are visible even from space.

Slide 12

Industry problems.

The bulk of fuel resources are concentrated in the east of Russia, while consumers are in the west. The main oil and gas basins are Western Siberia and the Ural-Volga region. The industry is characterized by high costs of fuel production. More than 50% of produced oil and about 70% of gas are exported. Meanwhile, it is more profitable to export not raw materials, but finished products - for example, petroleum products. Existing oil refineries in Russia require reconstruction, since their equipment is old, so the depth of oil refining is only 72%, and the quality of oil products does not meet international standards. Fuel industry enterprises are strong polluters of the environment, so it is necessary to review environmental policies in mining areas.

Slide 13

World reserves of some types of minerals.

Slide 19

The presentation was made by

Chugainov Maxim. Kanyukov Sergey.

Oil industry Drilling rig on the river. Ukhta

Oil production bases: West Siberian (70% of production in the country) - Samotlor (the largest in Russia in terms of production), Surgutskoye, Megionskoye, Mamontovskoye, Fedorovskoye, Ust-Balykskoye Volga-Ural (25% of production) - Romashkinskoye, Tuymazinskoye, Ishimbaevskoye, Mukhanovskoye Barents-Pechorskaya – Usinskoe

Gas industry Reserves: 1st place in the world (160 trillion m³ - 45% of the world's total) Production: 1st place in the world 1991 - 643 billion m³ 1997 - 643 billion m³ 1999 - 591 billion m³ 2005 - 598 billion m³ 2006 – 656 billion m³ Gas production bases: West Siberian (92% of production in the country) – Urengoyskoye (the largest in Russia in terms of production), Yamburgskoye, Gubkinskoye, Medvezhye, Bovanenkovskoye Orenburg-Astrakhan (6% of production) – Orenburgskoye, Astrakhanskoye Timan-Pechorskaya (1% of production) – Ukhta, Shtokmanovskoye

Coal industry Reserves: 1st place in the world (6.4 trillion tons - 23% of the world's total) Production: 1990 - 395 million tons - 244 million tons - 210 million tons - 314 million t. – 3rd place in the world after China, USA 60% of coal is mined by open pit mining

Characteristics of the main coal basins Basin Share of underground mining, % Average depth of mining, m Average thickness of seams, m Calorific value of coal, thousand kcal/kg Production, million tons Kuzbass, 850.8898 Pechora, 530.822.7 Kansko-Achinsky, 4732 .0

Practical work 1 “Characteristics of one of the oil production areas based on maps and statistical materials” Plan for comparative characteristics of oil bases 1. Geographical location relative to consumers 2. How the basins are explored 3. Degree of development of the basin 4. Production method 5. Oil quality 6. Transportation conditions 7 Ecological and economic problems and prospects for the development of oil fields Assignment: Using the text of the textbook and a thematic map showing the location of the main energy bases of the country, compare and give a brief description of two oil or gas basins:

The fuel industry of Russia in the presentation on geography of the 9th grade is discussed very vividly and in detail. The author of the material is Elena Nikolaevna Volodina, who works at the Novovolkovskaya secondary school in the Moscow region. Excellent material for a geography lesson in 9th grade, which is one of the links in studying the topic of the Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia, which includes both the fuel industry and the electric power industry. In general, lessons are conducted separately, and therefore, on the fuel industry, a geography teacher also needs separate material to convey all the intricacies of this industry to 9th grade students.

Fuel industry presentation

For 9th grade students studying the population and economy of Russia, this material will be quite useful, since in the lessons it is necessary to use additional sources of information, which we include powerpoint presentations, which can be downloaded for free on our website world of geography, where a difficult fate has brought you. It’s simple, because a geography teacher needs materials for his lessons, and this gives us reason to say that we need to download them for free from the Internet.
From an economic point of view, it is very important not only because it brings income to the country, but also because we live in the northern zone, and therefore fuel is doubly important for us. In addition, the fuel industry is the basis for the development of all other sectors of the economy.