Child-parent project on patriotic education in kindergarten. Senior group. Child-parent project: “I am in the world of people Topics of parental projects in preschool

Child-parent project on patriotic education “We have someone to be proud of!”
Alexey Tikhonov - athlete from Samara

Patriotic education is one of the most pressing and complex problems that is being solved today by everyone involved with children. What we put into the child’s soul now will manifest itself later and become his life and ours too. Pride in one’s homeland, love for one’s native land, respect for traditions, understanding of the uniqueness of the culture of one’s people, veneration of its heroes - all this is included in the concept of patriotism.
By introducing children to the achievements of famous athletes, we develop patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to sports victories, introduce preschoolers to their values ​​and ideals, develop the best moral qualities inherent in athletes, promote a healthy lifestyle, and create the need for physical activity and physical improvement.
Objective of the project:
Formation of the foundations of patriotism in preschoolers through familiarization with the life of famous Samara athletes who glorified our country.
Project objectives:
- expand and activate vocabulary on the topic “Sport”;
- to develop interest in figure skating through joint active activities of children and parents;
- to form children’s primary ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
- develop the moral and volitional qualities of children, maintain determination;
- Develop children’s physical activity in independent and joint activities with peers.
- cultivate a sense of patriotism, love of sports and respect for the work of athletes.
Duration – the project is short-term.
Design – two weeks, implementation – one week.
Project participants:
Children of the older group, kindergarten staff, parents and social partners (young figure skaters of the Olympic reserve school; administration of the Ice Palace in the village of Mekhzavod, Krasnoglinsky district).
Project developers:
Physical education instructor Elena Vitalievna Nilova
Senior teacher Lavrusheva Elena Viktorovna
Teacher of the senior group Bylinina Larisa Petrovna
Musical director Ragozina Irina Evstakhievna
The target audience:
Pupils of the senior group
Expected Result:
- During the implementation of the project, children and parents will significantly expand their knowledge about Samara figure skaters and the values ​​of their sporting achievements.
- Joint active work of children and parents in this direction introduces them to a healthy lifestyle.

Project Implementation Plan
Days of the week:
Children's activities:
Communicative: Meeting and talking with a figure skating coach; with figure skating school students, graduates and kindergarten students.
Activities of the teacher: Organization of an information exhibition “Growing Healthy”; organizing a meeting.
Interaction with parents: Collecting information about a healthy lifestyle. Parent conference "Health is serious."
Cognitive and research:
Children's activities: View the presentation “Famous athletes of Samara. Figure skater Alexey Tikhonov."

Activities of the teacher: Preparation of materials for an electronic collection for the project “Famous Athletes of Samara. Figure skater Alexey Tikhonov.” Preparation of different types of skates.
Children's activities: Acquaintance with figure skates (the opportunity to put on, lace up correctly and walk around the gym in them, following safety rules).
Activities of the teacher: Preparing different types of skates.
Interaction with parents: Assistance in preparing skater equipment.
Children's activities: Didactic game “Lace up the skate.”
Activities of the teacher: Preparation of skates according to the number of children.
Interaction with parents: Help in choosing skates.
Children's activities
Motor:“Fun relay races” with summer sports equipment.
Activities of the teacher: Preparation of sports and gaming equipment.
Interaction with parents: Participation in relay races with children.
Children's activities: Watching and discussing videos of A. Tikhonov’s performances at competitions at various levels.
Activities of the teacher: Video recording of A. Tikhonov’s performances at competitions at various levels.
Interaction with parents: Watching videos of A. Tikhonov’s performances at competitions at various levels.
Children's activities: Learning P. Aedonitsky’s song “We are friends with sports”
Activities of the teacher: Preparation of musical material.
Interaction with parents:
Children's activities: Game relay race "Equipment of the athlete."
Activities of the teacher: Preparation of inventory.
Interaction with parents: Assistance in preparing inventory.

Children's activities: T.A. Sharygin "Sports Tales".
Activities of the teacher: Preparation of visual material.
Activities of the teacher: Purchasing a book.
Children's activities: Drawings on the topic “At the skating rink”
Activities of the teacher: preparing drawing supplies.
Interaction with parents: design of an exhibition of children's works.

Children's activities: View the presentation “What skates used to be like.”
Activities of the teacher: Preparing the presentation.
Interaction with parents: assistance in collecting information.
Cognitive and research
Children's activities: Collecting information and writing a story about other famous Samara figure skaters.
Activities of the teacher: Systematization of material on the topic.
Interaction with parents: Helping children gather information.
Reading fiction
Children's activities: Acquaintance with the book “Ice Princess” by E. Yartseva.
Activities of the teacher: Preparing questions for a conversation on the topic.
Interaction with parents: Buying a book and reading together.
Children's activities:"Fun Starts"
Activities of the teacher: Preparation of preschool teams, sports equipment for competitions
Interaction with parents: Purchasing prizes and awards for competition participants
Children's activities: Didactic game "Figure skating"
Activities of the teacher: Composing a game, selecting story pictures.
Reading fiction
Children's activities:"Riddles about sports."
Activities of the teacher: Selection of riddles.
Children's activities: Figure skating coach master class “Little Skaters”.
Activities of the teacher: Organizing a meeting.
Interaction with parents: Participation in a master class.
Cognitive and research
Children's activities: Sports lounge "Skater's regime and nutrition".
Activities of the teacher: Consultations for parents.
Interaction with parents: Preparing the skater's menu.
Final event “Be an athlete!
Reading poems about sports
Visiting competitions of young figure skaters, including preschool students, at the Ice Palace in the village of Mekhzavod.
Photo and film report from parents about the event.
Congratulations to little athletes, preschool students.
Mass skating for all project participants at the Ice Palace in the Mekhzavod village.
Design of an exhibition of photographs of young athletes, pupils of the preschool educational institution “We have someone to be proud of!”

1. Timofeeva L.L. "A small door to the magical world of mysteries." M.; Bustard, 2010.
2. Timofeeva L.L., Derkunskaya V.A., Korneicheva E.E., Gracheva N.I. “Planning educational activities in the summer”; LLC "Center for Pedagogical Education", 2014.
3. Filippova S.O., Volosnikova T.V. “Olympic education for preschoolers”; Methodological manual, St. Petersburg; "Childhood-Press", 2007.
4. Ivanova E.V. "Project activities in kindergarten." Sports social project. Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2014.
5. Filatova N. “Figure skating and I”, M.; publishing house Grief and Co.; 2007.
6. Lavryashina Y. “Hot Ice”; M.; All-Russian Exhibition Center, 2008.

Download Child-parent project on patriotic education “We have someone to be proud of!”

“Rules of conduct in the music hall”: child-parent project at a preschool educational institution

The material is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions (music directors, educators, physical education instructors). Contains a map of the project and the results of its implementation in the preschool educational institution. The project is aimed at creating conditions for achieving higher results in the musical and social-personal development of preschool students.

Project developer: Kurkina Irina Sergeevna, music director of MADOU-kindergarten No. 106, Yekaterinburg.

Children have insufficiently formed ideas about: a) the rules of safe behavior during educational activities on musical development; b) the value of a friendly attitude towards others; c) the importance of positive interaction.

Target: ensure the social adequacy and success of children’s behavior and their relationships with adults and peers based on the rules established by the children themselves; create conditions for the prevention of injuries, safety of gaming and educational activities, emotional well-being and psychological comfort.

Project objectives:
- determine guidelines for children’s behavior and their interaction with adults and peers within the framework of gaming and educational activities conducted in the music room;
- ensure the full social development of children through enriching the positive experience of interpersonal communication;
- develop children’s initiative, the ability to express an opinion on actions in a specific situation (what is possible, what is not, why);
- develop the ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships in educational and gaming situations;
- develop independence, understanding the importance of correct behavior to protect one’s life and health, cultivate a sense of responsibility for safe behavior;
- teach children to monitor their own behavior, evaluate it from the point of view of safety and ethics;
- promote the assimilation of norms and rules of behavior, the formation of an idea of ​​ethical standards in relation to universal human values; develop the ability to regulate one’s behavior in accordance with accepted norms;
- teach how to establish relationships with peers in accordance with the rules and norms accepted in society and this kindergarten group; promote volitional regulation of behavior, overcoming immediate desires if they contradict established norms, a given word, a promise;
- promote the education and manifestation of goodwill in communication with adults and peers, the desire for positive interaction, the development of emotional responsiveness;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards manuals and musical instruments, and the work of adults;
- contribute to the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity (the ability to work according to rules and patterns, listen to the speech of an adult and carry out his tasks, evaluate and control one’s own activities and be aware of its methods);
- involve parents in the educational process: jointly develop the design of pictograms indicating accepted rules and norms of behavior to facilitate their solid assimilation.

Project participants: children of all age groups and their parents, music director.
Project implementation period: (from August 01 to September 30, 2014)
Project type: creative
By composition of participants: child-parent
By duration: short

Expected results:
- ideas about the rules of behavior in the music hall during gaming and educational activities have been formed;
- gained experience in joint analysis of behavior in situations of interpersonal communication with adults and peers;
- an understanding of the importance of correct behavior for protecting one’s life and health has been formed;
- a positive attitude towards the manifestation of a positive value attitude within the framework of interpersonal relationships has been formed.
- gained experience in joint creative activities with children and teachers;
- uniform requirements for the child during his presence in the music hall were approved and agreed upon (absence of dangerous objects, prevention of the use of sweets and chewing gum during educational and play activities);
- the motivation of parents to ensure the safety of the child is formed.
Musical director:
- experience in organizing educational activities using project technology has been expanded;
- conditions have been created for positive socialization, stabilization of the atmosphere of psychological comfort, emotional well-being;
- conditions have been created to increase the effectiveness of educational activities.

Project implementation stages
Thematic activity plan

Rules of behavior in the music room, defined and established during discussions of gaming and educational situations with children of all age groups:

- Take care of your voice.
- Maintain correct posture.
- Follow the rules of the games.
- Be careful while moving (running during outdoor games).
- Be friendly with adults and peers.
- Smile! Be an active participant.
- Take care of musical instruments and manuals.
- Listen carefully to the adult and complete tasks accurately.
- Leave toys in the group or in a specially designated place in the hall
- Don’t come with sweets or chewing gum.
- Do not put foreign objects in your mouth.
- Don't bring dangerous objects.
- Don't make noise while listening to music.

A set of pictograms made and designed according to a design developed jointly with the students’ parents:

Project objectives: selection and testing of active forms of interaction with parents of preschool children for effective cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families; create conditions for creative self-expression and self-realization of subjects of the educational process through joint child-parent events; analyze the results, identify the effectiveness and possibilities of transferring this experience.

The topic of the project was not chosen by chance. At the present stage, kindergarten is gradually turning into an open educational system: the pedagogical process of a preschool institution is becoming more free, flexible, differentiated, where teachers focus on cooperation and interaction with parents.

Working with parents is one of the most important aspects of the activities of preschool educational institutions. The forms of interaction with the family used by the teaching staff of the Solnyshko Kindergarten show positive results. But the characteristics of a modern parent force us to look for more and more new forms of active interaction with the family to involve them in the educational activities of a preschool institution. Therefore, the conceptual idea of ​​project activity is closely related to the radical restructuring of work with families in preschool educational institutions: the transition from monological traditional forms of work to dialogue, reflection, and the involvement of parents in a variety of joint activities with children.

We assume that this approach will make teachers like-minded people, raise the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, and also allow kindergarten teachers to use innovative forms of active interaction with the family in their work.

The problem of interaction between kindergarten and family has always been relevant. Relevant because the participation of parents in the lives of their children helps them see a lot, and also because all parents are different, they, like children, need a special approach.

Based on the observations of teachers, as well as from conversations with parents, we made the following conclusions: you don’t often see parents at informational events; more parents are attracted to entertainment events. Basically, they are only interested in the child’s nutrition; they believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after children while parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason.

Another feature is the psychological aspect. Reduced free time for parents and overload at work lead to increased irritability, fatigue, and stress. Parents transfer their emotions to their children. The child finds himself in a situation of complete dependence on the mood, emotions and reactions of his parents, which affects his mental health.

Realizing this helped identify the problem:
- one of the main reasons for the lack of activity of the kindergarten in involving parents in the educational process is the lack of a model of activity that includes mutually interesting forms of cooperation, involving parents in the educational process, as well as a space where parents could realize their capabilities.

Traditional forms of work do not always bring positive results. Under existing conditions that are adequate for organizing cooperation with parents, active forms of work that allow increasing the pedagogical competence of parents are not sufficiently used. Therefore, we need to look for new forms and fill them with pedagogically effective content.

3. Explanatory note.
This project is aimed at changing the very philosophy of interaction between kindergarten and family: on the one hand, kindergarten becomes an institution of comprehensive support and promotion of the development of parental competence, on the other hand, cooperation between parents and preschool institution is considered as a prerequisite for ensuring the full development of the child. In the process of implementing the project, there is a transition from the concept of “working with parents” to the concept of “interaction”; there is a search for a common language of contact and mutual understanding, recognition of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out through constructive communication. Preschool institutions and families should strive to create a single space for the comprehensive development of the child.

The novelty of the project lies in the creation of a model of effective interaction between the institution and the child’s family and the involvement of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten as full subjects of activity.

A feature of this project is an integral part of the teacher’s activity in introducing innovative forms of activity within the framework of the work of a preschool educational institution, in which the nature of parent-child relationships is revealed, problems and tasks are identified, and ways of implementing these tasks in a variety of activities with children are built.

Project type: short-term, practice-oriented, collective.

The goal of the project: to create and introduce into the educational process of a preschool institution a model of interaction between teachers and families of pupils, involving them in a single educational space as full-fledged subjects of activity.

Project objectives:

  • selection and testing of active forms of interaction with parents of preschool children for effective cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families;
  • create conditions for creative self-expression and self-realization of subjects of the educational process through joint child-parent events;
  • analyze the results, identify the effectiveness and possibilities of transferring this experience.

Project participants: students and their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff of the educational institution.

Conditions for the implementation of the project: interest of children and parents, regularity and systematic work.

Project implementation period: January 2018 - March 2018.

Basic principles of organizing work with families:

  • openness of the kindergarten to the family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);
  • cooperation between teachers and parents in raising children;
  • creation of an active developmental environment that provides unified approaches to personal development in the family and children's team;
  • establishing trust and partnerships with parents;
  • differentiated approach to different families, taking into account their individual characteristics.

The project is being implemented in two main areas of interaction with families:

  1. Increasing the level of pedagogical competence of parents through parent meetings, oral journals, parent corners, moving folders, group consultations, individual conversations, coaching sessions, parent living rooms, round tables.
  2. Involving parents in the work of the kindergarten through the organization of leisure activities using non-traditional forms.

Predicted results and criteria for their evaluation:
The main criterion for evaluating results is parental feedback; “feedback”, exhibitions. Possible risks: not all parents will be active.

In the process of implementing project activities, the following results are expected:

  • the joint work of the team of the Solnyshko Kindergarten with the family will contribute to the creation of a unified educational space for all participants in the project activities;
  • openness and accessibility of preschool educational institutions for parents and the public;
  • parents will turn from “observers” into active participants in the educational process;
  • increasing the level of pedagogical competence of parents in matters of education and development of preschool children through visual and informational support for the family;
  • creation of a modern model of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families.

Thus, the creation of a new model of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families, based on the introduction of innovative methods and forms into the activities of the institution, will help achieve high results in working with all subjects of the educational process.

Work on interaction between the teacher and the family should contribute to: creating a positive emotional environment of communication between children, parents and teachers; activation and enrichment of pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents; improving the psychological, pedagogical and legal culture of parents; development of versatile abilities of children and parents in joint activities; establishing continuous connections with children of preschool institutions and their parents.

For the full text of the material Project "Open kindergarten - open parents" see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.

Relevance of the project topic: The project is aimed at solving issues of patriotic education of children in accordance with the basic educational program. The content has been expanded to include the tasks of pedagogical education of parents, the involvement of parents in the educational process, increasing the role of the family in modern society, specifying tasks in local history, the use of regional and partial programs for raising children based on the cultural traditions of their hometown - Zelenogorsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Project goals: creating conditions that reveal the creative and intellectual potential of preschool children, focused on dialogical interaction between children, parents and teachers and promoting self-understanding and self-development of all participants in the pedagogical process based on introducing children to the traditional culture of their hometown and region.

Dates: September – May

Project participants: children 3-5 years old, MBDOU teachers, parents.

Achieving this goal is possible if you solve the following tasks:

  • Expand children's understanding of themselves, their family and social environment.
  • Give an idea of ​​the role of the hometown in the economic development of the country; introduce various social objects, their relationships and significance for city life.
  • Create conditions for parental participation in the educational process.
  • To form a positive, respectful attitude towards your kindergarten, the work of its employees, your hometown, and its residents.
  • Introduce children and attract parents to the historical and cultural heritage of their native land.
  • To develop the creative abilities of children and parents in productive and musical activities using local material.

Predicted result:

  • Expanding children's knowledge about themselves, their kindergarten, and the work of its employees.
  • Expanding the knowledge of children and parents about their hometown, its customs, culture, forming on this basis a spiritual, environmental, moral and personal attitude to reality.
  • Expanding ties between MBDOU and society.
  • Improving work on interaction with parents, enhancing the position of parents as participants in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten.

Thematic work plan

Project stages Main content, timing
Analytical Study of literature, selection of materials, questioning of parents (September, October)
"That's who I am" Formation of children's ideas about different degrees of human development (infant, preschool child, adult); that every person has a name; about the similarities and differences in the structure of the body, figure, etc. of a person; develop interest and a friendly attitude towards peers.

: Communication, cognition, artistic creativity, reading literature, health, safety, socialization.

Forms of work: examining photographs: a baby, a child - preschooler, an adult, pictures depicting children of different ages, heights, appearances, conversations, compiling a photo album “I am growing” (November)

"Me and my mom" To develop in children a kind attitude and love for their mother, to form children’s ideas about the work and professions of their mothers, to cultivate a sense of gratitude for care.

Integration of educational areas: Communication, cognition, artistic creativity, music, reading HL.

Forms of work: conversations, reading and learning poems, songs about mom, ADHD thematic nature, drawing “My beloved mommy!” (november)

Final event: Entertainment dedicated to Mother's Day (November)

"Me and my dad" To instill in children a good attitude towards their dad, to clarify children’s ideas about the profession of dads, to evoke a sense of pride in the noble deeds of a loved one.

Integration of educational areas : Communication, cognition, artistic creativity, music, reading literature, physical education, health, safety.

Forms of work: conversations, reading and learning poems, songs about dad, ADHD thematic nature, application, manual work “Gift for Dad” (February)

Final event: Sports festival “Mom, Dad, Me – we are a sports family” (February)

"Me and my whole family" Teach children to name family members. To know that everyone in the family cares and loves each other. Understand the roles of adults and children in the family. Make the child happy and proud that he has a family.

(drawing up a family tree and family coat of arms)

Integration of educational areas : Communication, cognition, artistic creativity, music, reading CL, ADHD thematic nature.

Forms of work: conversations, reading poems and stories about the family, reading stories, drawing “Portrait of a Family”,

application, handmade: “Let’s congratulate our beloved mother and grandmother on March 8th”, compiling a family tree, photo album “Me and my family” (March)

"Our favorite kindergarten" Teach children to navigate in group space and kindergarten space. Form ideas about kindergarten employees (nanny, janitor, music director, laundress, cook, nurse, etc.), about the labor processes performed by each of them, and tools; develop children’s cognitive interest in the work of adults in kindergarten; cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults, a desire to provide all possible assistance.

Integration of educational areas: Communication, cognition, artistic creativity, reading, culture, health, work, ADHD of a thematic nature.

Forms of work: sightseeing tours of the kindergarten, its territory, conversations, drawing: “Our beautiful group”; “My Favorite Toys” (December)

"My friends" Teach children to treat children and adults kindly in kindergarten, develop a sense of self-confidence, and a sense of teamwork. Develop emotional responsiveness. Improve yourself as a person through communication with people.

Integration of educational areas: Communication, cognition, artistic creativity, reading literature, socialization.

Forms of work: conversations, games aimed at bringing children closer to each other, album design: “My Best Friend”, applique, manual labor: “Gift for a Friend” (December)

Final event : Thematic day “What is good and what is bad”

"Our city Zelenogorsk" Introduce the concept of “city”, learn to know the name of the city, its attractions, customs and culture.

Integration of educational areas: Communication, cognition, artistic creativity, music, reading literature, physical education, health, safety, socialization.

Forms of work : sightseeing tours of the city, targeted walks to monuments; viewing photographs and illustrations about Zelenogorsk. Children and their parents visiting the Museum and Exhibition Center and writing stories about what they saw or presenting a video.

Learning with children the games of the peoples of Siberia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Production by parents of attributes for outdoor games. Placing games of the peoples of Siberia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory in a mobile folder. (April May)

Final event: Holiday: “Earth Day” (May)

Summing up the project. (June)




Many parents, due to their workload and problems, believe that children's creativity is not so important for the child's development. They say that what is more important is the knowledge and skills that he accumulates before entering school. But the value of childhood lies in play. Play is a freely developing activity undertaken for the sake of pleasure from the process itself, and not from the result. The game is characterized by a creative, improvisational, active character. You can play different games: story games, board and printed ones, but only theatrical games add variety to a child’s life and give him joy. Theatrical play is one of the most democratic types of activity accessible to children; it allows solving current problems of pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of personal communicative qualities, the development of memory, imagination, thinking, fantasy, initiative, etc. By creating this project, I would like to convey to parents the importance of theatrical games in a child’s life and the importance of joint creativity between children and parents.

Problem. Superficial attitude of parents and children towards theater and theatrical activities.

The novelty of the child-parent project “Wonderland”.

If we talk about what is fundamentally new in the content of this project, then it is the obligation of its compliance with the principles stated in the FGT - the principle of integration of educational areas. Also, the main thread in the project is directly working with parents.

In this project, you can trace the connection between educational areas in preparation for a puppet show:

Safety – behavior in public places; When making dolls, children use cutting and sharp tools.

Labor and artistic creativity - creating collections, albums, little books.

Communication - enriching knowledge about social reality involves direct communication between adults and children in society.

Reading fiction is an integral part of preparing for a puppet show.

Music – at this time, a lot of children’s songs have appeared that develop the child’s horizons; if you wish, you can select songs based on the principle of comprehensive thematic planning.

Socialization and cognition - every literary work or fairy tale always has a moral orientation; thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns about the world in all its relationships.

The project is also built on a complex thematic principle: you can learn and play out dialogues according to the themes of the week.

Target: Expand interaction with parents of students by creating joint parent-child performances.


Creating conditions for creative activity of children and parents.
Consistent introduction of children and parents to types of theater.
Improving the artistic skills of children and parents.
Work on speech and intonation.

Main stages:

Stage I cumulative. Target : develop a project.

Content: Studying literature on this topic, collecting and analyzing information on the Internet about methods of making dolls from waste material, diagnostic examination of children, contacting the team of the city puppet theater “Tirlyamy”. Development of activities for a social and pedagogical project to communicate with society, creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

Stage II – creative. Target:

Content: implementation of planned activities.

Stage III – result. Target: Uniting children, parents and teachers in the process of active cooperation.

Content: Competition-workshop “Wonderland”; analysis of the activities carried out, determination of further prospects for this project.

Expected Result.

Children:Developing interest in theatrical activities, increasing knowledge of the techniques of making and managing puppets, together with parents, finding original solutions for playing puppet shows.

Parents:Creating favorable conditions in the family for the development of the child, taking into account the children’s experience acquired in kindergarten; development of joint creativity of parents and children.

Future prospects:

Demonstration of the parent-child puppet show “Wonderland” for kindergarten children.

Target. Development of children's horizons, successful socialization of children in the team and society,

Project participants. Speech group teachers, children 5-6 years old, parents.

Implementation period. 2 months

Project Implementation Plan

Stage I – preparatory.

Target: project development.




2 weeks

Studying literature on this topic, collecting and analyzing information on the Internet about methods of making dolls from waste material, diagnostic examination of children, contacting the team of the city puppet theater "Tirlyamy". Development of activities for a social and pedagogical project to communicate with society, creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

Replenishment of methodological literature. Presentation design. Identifying problems and opportunities to resolve them. A system of activities for interaction with children, society, and parents.

Stage II is the main one.

Target: implementation of the project into educational practice.

Deadlines 5 weeks

Forms of work

Interaction of teachers in the group

Interaction with children

Interaction with parents

    Presentation for parents “Dolls made from waste material”

Learning dialogues in verse:

The theme of the week is “Our Pets” - “Why are you guarding the cat?”; theme “Animals of the Baikal region” - “Why are you so prickly, hedgehog?”; theme “New Year” - “Where are you going, bear?”; theme “Siberia in winter” - “Bear, bear, what’s wrong with you?”

Parents learning and showing the puppet show “Zayushkina’s Hut”

    Design of the photo newspaper “We are playing theater”

Drawing up reference diagrams of dialogues.

Design of little books for Russian folk tales chosen at the request of the children.

Exhibition of dolls made from waste material by children with their parents

Connection with society

Joint visits to puppet shows at the Bratsk city puppet theater “Tirlyamy” by families and groups.

An exhibition of dolls of various types, made from waste material, for children and parents of kindergarten.

Stage III: final.

Deadlines 1 Week

Target: Summarize and systematize the knowledge of children and parents about various types of puppets and puppet theater.

Holiday "Wonderland".

Holiday for children and parents “Wonderland”

Competition-workshop: team making of dolls using mnemonic tables; acting out according to basic dialogue patterns.