Self-development. Self-development Internet resources for professional self-improvement

Every person periodically asks himself the question “Am I happy?” It’s not so easy to answer, because everyone has their own ideas about happiness. Psychologists say that a harmonious person is one who is fulfilled in various areas of life, has time for family, work, spiritual growth, communication with friends and much more. The most important areas are reflected in the wheel of life balance, which is a very powerful tool for personal development.

Agree that our contemporaries are less and less likely to pick up a book, and even in the most popular Moscow metro in years past, almost everyone sits with their nose to their gadgets. The habit of starting and ending the day by scrolling through the news feed on social networks has replaced the habit of reading the morning newspaper and a book before bed. These are the realities of time, nothing can be done about them. But are we missing something? Are we robbing ourselves?

Improving your personality is a painstaking and conscious work on yourself, which requires time and attention. Personal self-improvement is one of the spiritual needs of a person that should not be ignored. To achieve results, it is necessary to work in this direction on all areas of life. This includes the development of new, important personality traits, self-education, overcoming intrapersonal conflicts and contradictions, as well as the development of many other higher mental functions.

Everyone in their life is once “lost” and asks the question: “Who am I, what is special about me, how can I change?” Finding strengths, correcting shortcomings, mastering “roles”, finding a new self - sooner or later each of us goes through this.

The words of Confucius speak of three ways of acquiring wisdom: reflection, imitation and personal experience. To gain wisdom, you need to study throughout your life, carefully analyze and consider your actions.

Throughout life's journey, everyone looks at themselves from the outside and there is always something to complain about. It doesn’t matter who has achieved what success in their life, you always want to change or improve something in yourself. And trying to make yourself better is a very worthy and necessary activity.

Some people believe that speed reading is an innate skill. But in reality this is not the case. People who are good at speed reading read a lot from childhood and developed some very useful reading habits that ordinary good people did not develop in themselves and for this reason simply do not have.

Life does not stand still. A person, one way or another, changes. He chooses to degrade himself, falling lower and lower on the social ladder, or to move on, becoming better, developing himself. A person cannot simply stand still and stop time. This is why self-improvement and personality development are very important.

What to read? Sometimes this question arises even for the most avid bookworm. Which book to choose, what exactly does your day-tired mind want? After all, there are so many good works: cheerful and funny, sad and instructive, fantastic and romantic. Our selection today is dedicated to wonderful books that will help you “pump up” yourself.

We only use 10% of our mind's capacity, but the brain is a muscle that needs to be constantly exercised. Here are some great tips for your brainbuilding!

In our fast-paced times, most people begin to understand that it is necessary to develop themselves. Life should be meaningful and rich, there should be dreams and goals in life that need to be achieved. In general, a set of qualities is required for a person to be considered a person.

Books are truly a storehouse of information for humans. One way or another, when reading a book, we take something that forever remains a part of our personality. But there are such books, after reading which you feel a push forward: you need to move further, higher! Today we have selected 5 books for our readers that will make you think about your life.

Fascinating and interesting books, unfortunately, do not come to our attention as often as we would like. But what could be better than a new story that will keep you coming back to it again and again? The bizarre interweaving of the plot holds the reader's attention, warming up interest more and more with each line, and the events that take place make you live another little life on the pages of the book. Today we will talk about a selection of truly fascinating books with which you will forget about time.

No matter how much they say that young people are not interested in books, every year more and more young people refute this absurd statement. As Voltaire said, a good book is a gift given by the Author to the human race. Today we will figure out which books published in the 21st century turned out to be the most read.

One of the most common complaints about articles and books about personal growth is the banality and ineffectiveness of the information they contain. But after some reflection, it becomes clear that the problem often lies with the reader himself. The first article from our collection is just about this.

Why books don't change our lives

Africa Studio/

Yes, unfortunately, even those books that change many people and their lives can be practically useless for others. But there is a way out: understand the cause and eliminate it.

How to find your calling on your own in 7 days

Jack Frog/

Before you set off, you need to know exactly where you are going. If you have no idea about your calling or are tormented by doubts, Elsa Utyasheva, a business coach and author of the LovelyJob project, will tell you how to solve this problem in just one week.

30 things that start changes for the better

If you're clear on your calling but have no idea where to start, here are 30 tips to help you spark your imagination, gradually change your life, and get more enjoyment out of where you are now.

37 sites for learning something new


Once you have set your direction and taken your first steps, you will need new knowledge and skills to make your dreams come true and achieve your goals. We present to your attention a selection of the 37 best sites for learning new things: from programming to music.

22 simple ways to get things done faster

Vector Goddess/

Naturally, in order to move forward and upward, you will need to accomplish more in less time. We offer you a list of tips that have been tested and approved by tens of thousands of readers. No magic, just practice.

19 wise truths that will teach you to win

Paul Jarvis, a web designer and author of best-selling books and training courses for freelancers, has written an action guide to learning how to win in life. What makes this guide unique is that all the points relate to our relationships with others and ourselves.

Why discipline is better than motivation


To overcome all the difficulties along the way, you will need inspiration, motivation and discipline. Lifehacker has both, and, for you, but you can only find discipline within yourself. Find out why it is more important and better than motivation.

33 main rules for managing finances in our time


In addition to time and personal effort for life and development, we need money. You don't have to enroll in economics to learn how to handle them. To get started, you can familiarize yourself with the list of short, simple and effective rules for managing finances.

12 ways to change lives for those who have absolutely no strength

And, of course, fatigue. She will meet you on the way. If you need to fight laziness, then you should listen to fatigue. We offer 12 tips that will help you not only recover, but also be less tired.

Obvious and unobvious benefits of physical labor

This article was included in the list as a small exception. She is not one of the most popular on Lifehacker. But the importance of physical labor for full development prompts you to pay attention to a powerful and accessible tool for self-improvement.

Happy New Year and see you again!

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Reinvent yourself

“The project “Create yourself again” is the answer to the question WTF?, which with pedantic persistence appeared in my life, no matter how I turned it,” writes the author of the blog, Olesya Novikova.

On the pages of her blog, Olesya talks about how to create yourself from the inside, while living in harmony with the outside world.

Olesya destroys all social stereotypes, from “a house by the sea with your loved one” to the illusion of success in the constant, endless travel that has become so fashionable. And all because both are nothing more than external circumstances surrounding us. You can only create inner harmony yourself.

“Create Yourself” is a blog for those who have not yet gained an understanding of how to find their path.

It might be different

“We don’t know how to live “correctly.” And we probably don’t want to. We want to be more honest and brighter: to listen to ourselves and share what is important that we have lived and felt,” says the project description.

“It Could Be Different” is not just a blog, it’s a whole magazine, on which talented bloggers, writers, journalists, photographers and just city eccentrics work.

The magazine addresses themes of sustainability, applied urbanism and simple living.

The main credo of the project: there is no need to follow existing dogmas if there is no harmony within their framework. Find your way.

Inspire a novel

“A famous author is not necessarily a talented teacher, and a talented teacher is not necessarily a best-selling author. As for me, I feel like a young man on a journey, and I want to share this journey with you,” writes Ekaterina Oaro in her blog about writing.

What words are superfluous in the work? How to overcome writer's block? Do writers need drafts? All these and many other questions are raised in the Inspire the Novel project. Here you can also find useful interviews with experts in the world of literature and young authors, useful examples and interesting selections.

The “Inspire a Novel” project is an excellent example of how to competently and effectively share accumulated knowledge with an audience.

Inspired by life

“I dedicate my blog to inspiration, creativity, happiness and beauty (both external and internal). I share everything that I know from my own experience and what helps me personally,” writes Maria Olendar, the author of the project.

The Inspired Life blog is very diverse and lively. In it you can read both useful articles on the topic “What to give to your loved ones” and thoughtful posts about self-awareness, spiritual peace and goal setting.

But the most important thing about it, perhaps, is not even its versatility, but the fact that Masha writes very simply and sincerely. I want to immerse myself in the project and start living better.

Plan me

“The world that I see is illuminated from the inside, winks invitingly and inspires me to get down to business quickly, and this is what I want to “infect” everyone on my blog,” says the creator of the project, Maryana Terekhina.

This blog is extremely useful for anyone interested in self-development, since Maryana not only reflects abstractly on this topic, but also gives practical advice on creating useful maps, plans and tutorials that will help you achieve your goal.

“Plan me” is a real assistant in goal setting, self-motivation, development of productivity and other skills so necessary for a successful life.

Olga Skrebeiko's blog

“Do you think our brain needs discipline, development, concentration? No matter how it is! The brain needs freedom, long periods of idleness, positive emotions, low stress, randomness, noise and drinking tea in the garden with a group of friends. The brain needs happiness,” Olga Skorobeyko is sure.

She talks about this in detail on her blog. Why is it worth paying attention to this project? If only because Olga is an experienced coach who knows first-hand how to set goals correctly and go towards them.

Another reason is a lot of useful material on goal setting and self-development, with all sorts of cheat sheets and useful resources. A great example for inspiration.

So what will help you achieve success? We give seven useful tips to those who want to start their own self-development blog:

    Share your personal experience.

    Talk about the mistakes you made before reaching your goal.

    Give us practical tools.

    Conduct helpful interviews with experts.

    Communicate with your subscribers and answer their questions, guide them.

    Generate selections of useful books, resources and courses that can help your audience;

    Be sincere.

It's never too late to educate yourself. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to return to university to do this - you just need curiosity and access to the Internet. For everyone who wants to learn something new, we decided to compile a list of the best sites for self-development.

Among the many resources, we gave preference to Russian-language sites with free materials that offer real knowledge (and not just diplomas and certificates).

So, the 12 best sites for self-development.


For whom:for people who are ready to absorb complex knowledge

Format:popular science project, video courses

Language: Russian

“PostScience” talks about modern fundamental science, shifting the emphasis from applied areas, and highlights current theories, ideas, concepts in the natural, technical and humanitarian fields of knowledge.

Site image PostNauka

The project gives scientists opportunity talk about your research in the first person and show the results of many years of work. All PostScience speakers are experts in their scientific discipline.

The creators of the project clearly formulate the format of “PostScience” - a university lecture for not specialists, but people ready to absorb complex knowledge.

What to read/watch: At the end of July, NASA scientists discovered an exoplanet very similar to Earth. If you don’t know what an exoplanet is, watch the Exoplanets course or read about how “second Earths” are found.

For whom:for high school students, students and adults who knew but forgot
Format:"humanitarian series"
Language: Russian

The goal of the Arzamas project is to bring together outstanding Russian humanities scholars and create a “golden fund of domestic humanities about culture and man.”

Week of Myths at Arzamas
The creators of the project call their video courses “humanitarian series” - each lecture and each course is a separate, complex work - a series. The length of one lecture is about 15 minutes. Each course is supplemented with editorial materials (articles, interviews, columns, illustrations).

Things to do:

  • Watch a humanitarian series about the history of dandyism, created almost in a lifestyle format.
  • Try to understand Japan
  • Play the game “How to change a light bulb in the toilet of a communal apartment”
For whom: for young people
Format: popular science project
Language: Russian

The publication positions itself as a “gloss about science” that presents scientific news in an unconventional way, adapting content for social networks.

Each material on the site indicates the difficulty of its perception (the easiest - 1, the most difficult - 10). The editors do not pretend to create a universal scale within which it would be possible to compare materials from different fields of knowledge. Complexity is some assessment of the intellectual effort that the author needed to write the note. In the opinion of the editors, these efforts are proportional to the effort required by the reader to read and understand the article.

What to read:
  • Difficulty: 2.1. The Japanese installed a seismic counterweight in the skyscraper
  • Difficulty: 4.1. Astronomers saw the aurora outside the solar system for the first time
  • Difficulty: 8.8. The lovely baryon has fallen apart!

For whom: for the curious
Format: question answer
Language: Russian

On The Question anyone can ask anything about anything. The project cannot provide answers to all the questions in the world, but it honestly tries to do so. The site's creators strive to maintain interest in self-education and encourage critical thinking.

Image from TheQuestion website

What to read:
  • How much water does it take to extinguish the Sun?
  • Why does time fly by so quickly for so many people?
  • The movie "Batman v Superman" is coming out soon, why did they fight?
  • Why do they sew patches on the elbows of jackets?
  • When is it better to make important decisions - in the morning or in the evening?
For whom: for schoolchildren and students
Format: video courses
Language: Russian

Lectorium is an educational project that develops two main directions: an archive of video lectures and a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) - video courses.

Trailer for the course Engineering

The archive contains more than 3,000 video lectures, but not all of them are recorded in a quality that allows them to last for several academic hours.

Things to do:
  • Find out how cryptocurrencies affect the economy?
  • Start preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics in the fall
  • Sign up for a video course on probability theory

For whom: for computer users
Format: video courses
Language: Russian

TeachVideo is a service for educational videos on IT topics. The courses will be useful for both beginners and advanced users. TeachVideo is ideal for introducing a new program.

What to see:

  • AutoCAD 2010 Basics
  • Basics of Photoshop CS4

For whom: for all
Format: popular science project
Language: Russian

An entire section on the website is dedicated to CERN research

“Elements” is the simplest popular science resource in our selection; the outdated design and abandoned “Video Library” may scare off new users.

What to read: However, the site has a number of advantages. For example, the project aggregates all information related to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). One of the collections is devoted to inaccuracies in reports about the LHC in the media.

Another interesting section is “Children's Questions”, the answers to which will surprise even adults.

For whom: for all
Format: video courses

A group of Stanford University professors launched an online platform for mass education that has become a benchmark. Today Coursera has more than a thousand courses and 14.3 million listeners.

Rock history course on Coursera

Most courses require knowledge of English; Russian subtitles are available only for some of them.

Most of the materials are freely available, but it is possible to take the course for a fee and receive a certificate of completion.

What to study right now:

  • Courses in Russian
  • Digital marketing
  • Introduction to Physical Chemistry
  • History of rock
Where to sign up:
  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Data Analysis and Statistical Inferences
  • Introduction to Finance
TED Talks
For whom: for all
Format: video lectures
Language: English, russian subtitles

You won't learn Economics and Finance from TED Talks, but it's an indispensable site for anyone looking to improve themselves. Here you can find monologues of scientists, writers, actors and politicians. Speeches on popular science topics will stimulate interest in learning, and motivating ones will add confidence in one’s abilities.

Knowledge of English is desirable, but not required. Thousands of enthusiasts translate TED Talks into dozens of languages. Russian subtitles are available for almost all popular monologues.

What to see:

Text Galina Chepurko

Photo Cover:

The volume of information stored on Earth has increased approximately one hundredfold in twenty years. If you put this amount of information on CDs, a stack of them would cover the distance a quarter more than from the Earth to the Moon. According to research company IDC, the amount of information doubles every 2 years. It is not surprising that the knowledge acquired at university several years ago may not be relevant at all today.

To be successful, you need to keep your finger on the pulse and educate yourself. We have selected resources for you that will help you “upgrade” in various areas without leaving your home.

General education sites


1. Coursera – provides access to online courses from foreign universities. Has a choice of areas: from writing to web programming.

2. EDX - a joint project of Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Here you can take courses in a variety of areas: biology, chemistry, business, economics, finance, law, literature, philosophy and others. There are more than 300 programs in total, most of them are free.

3. Future Learn is an online platform offering free training in courses from leading world universities. A large selection of areas: from personal effectiveness to the field of art. From the most unusual - survival course on Mars from astrophysicists.


4. - a platform where experts in various fields share knowledge, a platform for constant self-development. Cooking courses, promotion on Instagram, developing charisma, proper nutrition, a course on how to enter a foreign university and much more. Every month 10 new courses appear on the platform.

The training format is micro learning - each course consists of 7–10 lessons of up to 10 minutes each. Just the gist, examples and practice. Ideal for those who want to know a lot, develop in different areas, and not spend six months studying one course.

5. Lecture hall – suitable for those wishing to improve their skills in finance, 3D design or scientific communications. In order to take some courses, you must pass a test. There is also free access to an archive of video lectures.

6. Intuit – courses are available for free, but for higher education, mini MBA and advanced training you need to pay.

7. Theory and practice – a constantly updated website of educational events in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Personal effectiveness


8. Pick the brain – motivation, productivity, health and self-improvement. There is access to a 30-day and 90-day self-development program.


9 . Brian Tracy Academy – access to academy events and video training.

10. All 10 – for those who want to learn touch typing on the keyboard.

Professional skills


11. Udemy - helps to improve skills in programming knowledge. In the menu you can sort courses into paid and free ones and select the required language.

12. HelpX - short video instructions for working with Adobe Photoshop CC. Designed for both beginners and professionals.


13. - educational platform for female entrepreneurs (closed).

14. Uniweb - a platform for advanced training in the field of marketing, project management and business administration.

15. Eduson - access to international business schools. All materials are adapted in Russian.

16. Stepic - teaches computer science, sociology and natural science.

17. HTML Academy - online courses for those who want to master web programming.

18. Psychology today - psychology.



19. Guitarprofy - self-instruction manual for playing the guitar.

20. DanceDB - video lessons of dances in different styles.

21. Web-paint - free step-by-step drawing lessons in different techniques.

22. Scraboo - scrapbooking. There are many master classes and decorating ideas available for free.