Methods of system analysis in logistics. Methods of system analysis in logistics Pdf system analysis in logistics

Delays in delivery, lack of control over the movement of goods en route, low level of digitalization, outdated software - in fact, all this may be the result of only one (maximum two) main reasons. The task of system analysis is to get to the point and not waste time solving many negative consequences. How to do such an analysis quickly?

System analysis in logistics - what is a system and a systems approach

At the everyday level, we all know what a system is. This is something ordered, these are several objects between which there are certain relationships. System analysis helps to find these relationships.

Based on this understanding of the system, the principles of a systems approach in the analysis of any problem are formed:

  • do not consider a part separately (out of connection) from the whole, and at the same time move in order through all stages of the logistics system,
  • be based on the assumption that problems are mainly a consequence of one or two causes (and you need to find the cause, and not fight the consequences),
  • all elements of the logistics system should not contradict each other and work “in harmony”,
  • and finally, the goals of individual elements of the logistics system must coincide with the goals of the entire system as a whole.

System analysis in logistics - stages of analysis

When analyzing logistics, the main problem becomes how to make the complex simple, how to break a large problem into several small tasks. And as a result, study and analyze, and ultimately solve, precisely these small problems (not forgetting that each of the problems is just a part of the whole - look for common problems, common causes and common methods of solution).

As a result, like any other analysis, system analysis in logistics consists of several stages:

  • we divide the general logistics problem into tasks,
  • collect data,
  • we process data, research, look for suitable methods for working with data, methods for solving problems,
  • we combine the solutions obtained so as to ultimately obtain solutions for the general (initial problem),
  • visualization of the solutions obtained (for presenting the findings to management and colleagues).

System analysis in logistics - complexity of the solution

What difficulties do we face in systems analysis?

  • It is not clear how to divide a global problem into subtasks (a clear systematization of all logistics processes in the company - right down to every small routine step - will help with this. Having done this work once, you will often use this knowledge in the future).
  • Collection of data for analysis - often data that is somehow related to logistics is stored in different departments - sales, marketing, and partially in the IT database. As a result, collecting the necessary information becomes a whole problem - either the right person is not there, or the programmer has a queue for tasks and has to wait.
  • After receiving the data, it is necessary to process it, prepare it for analysis - bring all numbers, abbreviations, etc. into a single form. And all this has to be done manually.
  • During the analysis itself, we apply formulas and perform all calculations almost manually (yes, Excel can count, but a person writes the formula for it every time).
  • And finally, each time it is necessary to present the findings in a beautiful and understandable form, and not in the form of a tabular “sheet” with numbers. But as always, there is not enough knowledge or time.

Conclusion: 80% of all of the above is routine work that you need to get rid of. In the modern world, this work must be done by machines (programs).
Sample report: product availability in warehouses (made in )

System analysis in logistics - tools and services for work

How do big companies operate? Do they really also conduct their analyzes in Excel?

  • Of course, Excel is the most popular and most accessible tool for analysis. But many operations have to be performed manually. This means that the time it takes to complete an analysis or report is extended.
  • Many companies are implementing complex accounting systems with wide functionality and data visualization capabilities. But the implementation of such programs requires time, and maintenance requires a budget (for the salaries of specialists who will make reports for you).
  • In the international market, solutions for independent analytics (such as

In logistics, as in many other subsystems of an enterprise, the use of system analysis makes it possible to solve many emerging problems.
System analysis in the narrow sense is a methodology for decision-making; in a broad sense, it is a synthesis of the methodology of general systems theory, systems approach and system methods of justification and decision-making. In addition, systems analysis is understood as a methodology for solving complex problems on a large scale. System analysis in logistics allows you to divide a complex logistics problem into a set of individual simple tasks, and divide a complex logistics system into elements, taking into account their interrelationships. In this case, analysis is a process of sequential decomposition of a complex logistics problem being solved into interrelated partial sub-problems. Systems analysis is based on a systems approach. System analysis is an interconnected logical-mathematical and comprehensive consideration of a set of issues related not only to the design, development and operation of modern systems, but also to methods of managing all these stages, taking into account all social, political, strategic, psychological, legal, geographical and other aspects. System analysis in relation to logistics is a methodology for studying or streamlining the logistics system. In this case, ordering refers to the arrangement of elements of the logistics system in a certain sequence depending on some of their characteristics. The main differences between system analysis and other approaches: alternatives to logistics systems are assessed from a long-term perspective; there are no standard logistics solutions; different views on solving the same logistics problem are clearly stated; applies to problems for which cost or time requirements are not fully defined; the fundamental importance of organizational and subjective factors in the process of making logistics decisions is recognized and, in accordance with this, procedures for coordinating different points of view are developed; special attention is paid to risk factors and uncertainty, their consideration and assessment when selecting the most optimal solutions among possible options. The usefulness of systems analysis in logistics lies in the fact that there is a greater understanding and insight into the essence of the logistics problem: practical efforts consisting in identifying relationships and quantitative values ​​contribute to the discovery of hidden points of view behind certain decisions, greater accuracy, greater comparability, greater usefulness and efficiency.

The use of system analysis to solve logistics problems is an effective means, since its use allows solving logistics problems that arise in practice. The application of system analysis must be carried out in a certain sequence.

1. Analysis of the problem in the field of logistics services to consumers. This stage is of particular importance, since invented problems can often be presented as actual ones. A problem in the service sector is understood as a discrepancy between the necessary (desired) and actual state of affairs in the field of servicing end consumers.

2. Definition of a logistics system. In order to define a logistics system, a service problem is divided into a set of clearly defined tasks. As a result, the tasks facing the logistics system and methods for their implementation are determined. In large logistics systems, tasks form a hierarchy.

3. Analysis of the structure of the logistics system . At this stage, the functional elements of the logistics system are determined, such as supply, production, warehousing, distribution, transportation. It is necessary to follow a certain order in identifying subsystems, elements of the logistics system and the processes implemented in them.

4. Formulating a global goal and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the logistics system . It is necessary to follow from an analysis of the current situation and the achieved level to a consistent forecast of the development of the logistics system.

5. Decomposition of the goal, identification of needs for resources and processes. At this stage, the goal tree method is used, in which the goal is linked to the means.

6. Forecast and analysis of future conditions. This stage allows you to obtain information about the future development of the logistics system.

7. Assessing goals and means. This stage is necessary because when analyzing logistics systems, a logistics specialist, as a rule, deals with unstructured or semi-structured problems.

8. Selection of options. The choice is made on the basis of criteria that make it possible to eliminate the discrepancy between consumer needs and the means of satisfying them.

9. Analysis of the existing logistics system. In the process of analysis, the need arises for a diagnostic examination of the organizational structure of enterprise management, aimed at identifying its capabilities and shortcomings.

10. Formation of a development program. When forming a development program, matrix and network methods of economic analysis, descriptive models, and normative operating models are used.

The relevance of system analysis of an enterprise's logistics system increases if its resources and funds are limited. In such circumstances, it is important to follow an orderly analysis procedure. It is necessary to optimally combine these procedures in the process of system analysis. In theory, a list of procedures necessary for conducting a systematic analysis of the logistics system of an enterprise has been formed:

1) Determination of the boundaries of the logistics system under study. These boundaries are conditional and are determined by the specific task of the study, taking into account all the suppliers of the enterprise, its consumers and any other entities related to it in any way;

2) Determination of all supersystems of which the system under study is included as a part. Supersystems such as economic, political, state, regional, social, environmental, international should be studied as the main ones;

3) Determination of the main features and directions of development of all supersystems. This procedure applies to all subsystems to which the enterprise’s logistics system belongs. In particular, it is necessary to formulate their goals and the contradictions between them;

4) Determining the role of the logistics system under study in each subsystem. In this procedure, the following aspects should be considered: the idealized, expected role of the logistics system from the point of view of the supersystem, the real role of the logistics system under study in achieving the goals of the supersystem;

5) Identifying the composition of the logistics system. This procedure involves identifying the parts of which it consists;

6) Determination of the structure of the logistics system, which is understood as a set of connections between its components;

7) Determining the function of the components of the logistics system. It is necessary to identify the targeted actions of the components, their contribution to the implementation of the role of the system as a whole;

8) Identification of the reasons that unite individual parts into a single logistics system, into integrity. As a rule, the integrating factor that forms integral logistics systems is human need. Thus, the primary integrating factor is the goal in the field of customer service;

9) Determination of all possible connections, communications of the logistics system with the surrounding external environment;

10) Consideration of the logistics system in dynamics, in development. It is necessary to formulate the history of the logistics system, the source of its origin, to consider the periods of formation, trends and prospects for its development, transitions to qualitatively new states.

Carrying out system analysis is based on the use of certain tools. The basis of this toolkit is systems analysis methods. The method is a path of knowledge that is based on a certain set of previously acquired general knowledge (principles). When conducting system analysis, the following methods can be used:

1) Methods such as brainstorming. The main purpose of these methods is to search for new ideas, widely discuss them, and constructively criticize them;

2) Scenario method. It is a means of initially streamlining the identified problem in the field of customer service, obtaining and collecting information about the relationships of the logistics problem being solved with others, about possible and likely directions for the future development of the system;

3) Methods of expert assessments. These methods are based on various forms of expert questioning with subsequent assessment and selection of the most preferable option according to selected criteria;

4) Delphi-type methods. The basis of this method is brainstorming. The goals of this method are feedback, familiarization of experts with the results of the previous stage of analysis and taking these results into account when assessing the significance of experts;

5) Goal tree type methods . A goal tree is a connected graph, the vertices of which are considered as the goals of the logistics system, and the edges or arcs are considered as connections between them. Experts are invited to evaluate the structure of the model of the logistics system under study as a whole and make suggestions regarding the inclusion of unaccounted connections in it;

6) Morphological methods. The main idea of ​​the morphological approach is to systematically find all possible options for solving a logistics problem by combining selected elements or their characteristics;

7) Matrix forms of data presentation and analysis. They are not a specific tool for analyzing the logistics systems under study, but are widely used at different stages of the analysis of the logistics system as an auxiliary tool;

8) Program-target method. Represents the development and implementation of long-term tasks focused on achieving a specific goal, regardless of the established framework. It involves the consistent implementation of a set of technical, organizational and economic measures;

9) System analysis method. This method is used to evaluate alternative courses of action when allocating resources in accordance with the goals of logistics subsystems. Once goals are set, various programs are proposed to address specific objectives. The analysis process involves evaluating alternative plans.

Following the principles allows you to achieve good results in any activity. This is because principles are requirements derived by theory and practice specifically for achieving optimal states under various conditions. Knowledge of the principles in logistics allows its specialists to respond relatively adequately to the uncertainty of the external environment.

The principle represents generalized experimental data, a law of phenomena found from observations. In addition, a principle can be understood as a method that is constantly and consistently applied.

Certain principles of systems analysis must be followed.

Optimality principle . It has been proven that a characteristic feature of development in modern conditions is the determination of the most suitable option for the logistics system. It is necessary to select solutions that are the best based on a set of criteria for given conditions.

The principle of emergence. It serves as a continuation of the principle of optimality and expresses the following important property of the system: the larger the size of the logistics system under study and the greater the difference in size between the part and the whole, the greater the likelihood, as a rule, that the properties of the whole may differ greatly from the properties of the individual parts systems.

Systematic principle . In accordance with this principle, it is necessary to approach the consideration of the logistics system as a complex object, represented by a set of interconnected private elements (functions), the implementation of which ensures the achievement of the desired effect in the shortest possible time and with the most minimal expenditure of labor, financial and material resources. It is necessary, on the one hand, to consider the logistics system as a single whole, and on the other hand, as part of a larger system in which the analyzed object is in certain relationships.

The principle of hierarchy. In accordance with this principle, it is necessary to form a hierarchical structure of complex logistics systems, since management in them is associated with the processing and use of significant amounts of information. At the same time, more detailed and specific information is used at lower levels. At higher levels, generalized information is used.

Principle of integration. This principle is aimed at identifying and developing integrative properties and patterns in logistics systems. The integrative properties of a system appear as a result of combining elements into a whole, combining functions in time and space.

Principle of formalization. This principle is focused on obtaining quantitative and complex characteristics of the functioning of the logistics system.

Practical part

Related information.

The logistics organization of product distribution is a regular, targeted process of influencing at all levels and at all stages of the circulation of goods and services on factors and conditions that ensure the achievement and maintenance of an economical and effective process of physical promotion of goods on the market. All organizational efforts that ensure increased efficiency of product distribution in an enterprise come down to two aspects: operational and strategic.

Thus, the logistics organization of product distribution can be characterized as a system. In a broad sense, a system is an ordered collection of elements between which certain connections and relationships exist or may exist.

In managing the organization of an enterprise's logistics system, it is advisable to use a systematic approach. The systems approach allows us to consider the object under study as a complex of interconnected subsystems that are united by a common goal. This approach is based on a specific goal for which the entire system is built.

Therefore, the systems approach assumes:

Integration, synthesis, consideration of various aspects of a phenomenon or object;

Adequate presentation, development and research of the object.

System logistics analysis is a set of methods and means for developing, making and justifying decisions in the research, creation and management of logistics systems.

Thus, the application of system analysis in the organization of a logistics system can be divided into several stages:

Analysis of the logistics problem;

Definition of the logistics system, its structure and analysis;

Formation of the overall goal of the logistics system and analysis of the criterion for its effectiveness;

Decomposition of the goal, determination of the required resources;

Forecasting and analysis of future conditions;

Assessment of goals and means;

Selection of the best options;

Analysis of the existing logistics system;

Modeling a complex development system.

System analysis cannot exist as a strict methodological concept. This is a kind of set of cognitive principles, observing which, it becomes possible to orient specific research in a certain way.

Unlike the classical approach, which uses the method of induction, the systematic approach uses the method of deduction. Thus, any problem is considered as a system consisting of subsystems.

When forming logistics systems, it is necessary to take into account the following principles of a systems approach:

The principle of consistent progression through the stages of creating a system;

The principle of coordinating information, resource and other characteristics of designed systems;

The principle of the absence of conflicts between the goals of individual subsystems and the goals of the entire system.

Systems analysis is very closely related to modeling. Modeling is the process of constructing a model of a real object.

The basis of the system analysis methodology is the clear identification of structural elements in the study of logistics systems:

Definition of a goal or set of goals;

Choosing the best alternative to achieve the goal;

Using the resources necessary to achieve the goal;

Construction of a mathematical and logistic model;

Definition of the criterion for selecting the preferred alternative.

With a systems approach, logistical problems of system analysis are identified. Such problems differ in the following ways:

Clarity and awareness of the problem statement;

The degree of detail of the elements of the logistics system and their relationship;

The relationship between quantitative and qualitative factors involved in formulating the problem.

Thus, three classes of logistics problems can be distinguished:

1. well structured (quantitatively formulated);

2. unstructured (qualitatively expressed);

3. weakly structured (contains both quantitative and qualitative elements).

The main task of systems analysis is to correctly formulate the problem and transfer it from an unstructured class of problems to a structured class. Next, collect as much information as possible about the problem in order to develop a set of actions to solve it, as well as develop several options for the development of the logistics system under different conditions. Lastly, analysts identify the main goals and criteria for the effectiveness of the logistics system.

Thus, system analysis plays a vital role in the logistics activities of an enterprise. The need for a systematic approach arises when the solution to a logistics problem involves linking a goal with a variety of means to achieve it. Also, system analysis helps to assess the possible consequences in various parts of the supply chain, taking into account factors of uncertainty and risk. It should be noted that system analysis is used to build new logistics systems, as well as to improve business.

Since system analysis is closely related to modeling, it allows you to soberly assess the situation in the future when decisions are made on a long-term basis. Also, a systematic approach is always used when developing optimality criteria taking into account the goals of development and functioning of the logistics system.

The most important task of making a logistics decision is to select the best alternative from several alternatives. The selected alternative must best contribute to the fulfillment of the logistics system's objectives.
















1. Introduction

The object of study of the discipline "Logistics" is material and related information flows. The relevance of the discipline and the growing interest in its study are due to the potential opportunities for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of material-conducting systems, which are opened up by the use of a logistics approach. Logistics allows you to significantly reduce the time interval between the acquisition of raw materials and semi-finished products and the delivery of the finished product to the consumer, contributes to a sharp reduction in material inventories, speeds up the process of obtaining information, and increases the level of service.

Material flow management has always been an essential aspect of economic activity. However, only relatively recently has it acquired the position of one of the most important functions of economic life. The main reason is the transition from a seller's market to a buyer's market, which necessitates a flexible response of production and trading systems to rapidly changing consumer priorities.

The purpose of the course work is to study one of the sections of the discipline "System analysis and management structures of logistics systems", as well as the application of optimization methods to the management of material flows of the logistics system, given for the course work.

2. Fundamentals of system analysis.

The concept of a logistics system is one of the basic concepts of logistics. There are various systems that ensure the functioning of the economic mechanism. In this set, it is necessary to single out logistics systems for the purpose of their synthesis, analysis and improvement.

The concept of a logistics system is particular in relation to the general concept of the system. Therefore, we will first give a definition of the general concept of a system, and then determine which systems belong to the class of logistics.

The encyclopedic dictionary provides the following definition of the concept “system”: “System (from Greek - a whole, composed of parts; connection) - a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity.”

This definition well reflects our ideas about systems, but it does not satisfy the goals of analysis and synthesis of logistics systems. To more accurately define the concept of “system”, we will use the following technique.

Let us list the properties that the system must have. Then, if it can be proven that an object has this set of properties, then it can be argued that this object is a system.

There are four properties that an object must have in order to be considered a system.

· The first property (integrity and division). A system is an integral set of elements interacting with each other. It should be kept in mind that elements exist only in the system. Outside the system, these are only objects that have the potential ability to form a system. System elements can be of different quality, but at the same time compatible.

· Second property (connections). There are significant connections between the elements of the system, which naturally determine the integrative qualities of this system. Connections can be real, informational, direct, inverse, etc. Connections between elements within the system must be more powerful than the connections of individual elements with the external environment, since otherwise the system will not be able to exist.

· The third property (organization). The presence of system-forming factors among the elements of the system only presupposes the possibility of its creation. For a system to appear, it is necessary to form ordered connections, i.e., a certain structure and organization of the system.

· The fourth property (integrative qualities). The presence of integrative qualities in a system, i.e. qualities inherent in the system as a whole, but not inherent in any of its elements separately.

Many examples of systems can be given. Let's take an ordinary ballpoint pen and see if it has the four characteristics of a system.

First: the pen consists of individual elements - body, cap, rod, spring, etc.

Second: there are connections between the elements - the handle does not fall apart, it is a single whole.

Third: the connections are ordered in a certain way. All parts of the disassembled handle could be tied together with thread. They would also be interconnected, but the connections would not be ordered and the handle would not have the qualities we need.

Fourth: the pen has integrative (total) qualities that none of its constituent elements possess; the pen can be used comfortably: writing, carrying.

In the same way, one can prove that objects such as a car. a student group, a wholesale warehouse, a set of interconnected enterprises, a real book and many other familiar objects that surround us are also systems.

The nature of the material flow is such that on its way to consumption it passes through production, warehouse, and transport links. Various participants in the logistics process organize and direct the material flow.

The methodological basis of end-to-end material flow management is a systems approach (system analysis), the principle of implementation of which is given first place in the concept of logistics.

System analysis is a direction in the methodology of scientific knowledge, which is based on the consideration of objects as systems, which allows one to study difficult-to-observe properties and relationships in objects.

Systems analysis means that each system is an integrated whole even when it consists of separate, disconnected subsystems. A systems approach allows you to see the object under study as a complex of interconnected subsystems united by a common goal, to reveal its integrative properties, internal and external connections.

The functioning of real logistics systems is characterized by the presence of complex connections both within these systems and in their relations with the environment. Under these conditions, making private decisions, without taking into account the general goals of the system’s operation and the requirements placed on it, may turn out to be insufficient and possibly erroneous.

As an example, let us again look at the flow diagram of granulated sugar from the manufacturing plant to the stores (Fig. 1). Let’s assume that the management of the plant, without coordination with the wholesale and retail levels, decided to introduce powerful equipment for packing granulated sugar into paper bags. The question arises: how will the entire commodity distribution system, adapted to transport, store and perform other technological operations with granulated sugar packed in bags, perceive this innovation? It is possible that there will be a malfunction in its operation.

In accordance with the requirements of the systems approach, the decision on the packaging of granulated sugar at the manufacturing plant must be made in mutual connection with other decisions, the common goal of which is to optimize the total material flow.

Systems analysis does not exist as a strict methodological concept. This is a kind of set of cognitive principles, the observance of which allows specific research to be oriented in a certain way.

When forming logistics systems, the following principles of a systems approach should be taken into account:

· the principle of consistent progression through the stages of creating a system. Compliance with this principle means that the system must first be studied at the macro level, i.e. in relationship with the environment, and then at the micro level, i.e. within its structure;

· the principle of coordinating information, reliability, resource and other characteristics of the designed systems;

· the principle of the absence of conflicts between the goals of individual subsystems and the goals of the entire system.


The essence of the systems approach is clearly manifested when compared with the classical inductive approach to the formation of systems.

The classical approach means the transition from the particular to the general (induction). The formation of a system, in the classical approach to this process, occurs through the merging of its components. developed separately.

At the first stage, the goals of the functioning of individual subsystems are determined, then, at the second stage, the information necessary for the formation of individual subsystems is analyzed. And finally, at the third stage, subsystems are formed, which together form a workable system.

Unlike the classical systems approach, it involves a consistent transition from the general to the specific, when the consideration is based on the ultimate goal for which the system will be created.

The sequence of system formation in a systems approach also includes several stages.

First stage. The goals of the system are determined and formulated.

Second phase. Based on an analysis of the purpose of the system’s operation and the limitations of the external environment, the requirements that the system must satisfy are determined.

Third stage. Based on these requirements, approximately, some subsystems are formed.

Fourth stage. The most difficult stage of system synthesis:

analysis of various options and selection of subsystems, organizing them into a single system. In this case, selection criteria are used. In logistics, one of the main methods for synthesizing systems is modeling.


We will illustrate different approaches to organizing material flow using the example of supplying stores with groceries from wholesale warehouses. Participants in this process: a wholesale warehouse, a transport enterprise and a network of serviced food stores.

Let's consider two options for organizing material flow, which are fundamentally different from each other. The first option is traditionally called “pickup”, the second is “centralized delivery”.

Option 1 (pickup) is characterized by the following features:

· There is no single body ensuring the optimal use of transport. Stores independently negotiate with transport organizations and, having received a car, come to the base to pick up goods as needed;

· in base warehouses, in transport and in stores, historically established technological processes of cargo handling are used, which are not coordinated with each other. Some coordination takes place only at the places where the cargo is transferred;

· neither the wholesale warehouse nor the stores impose strict requirements on the types of transport used; the main thing is to transport the goods;

· there is no need to use strictly defined types of containers;

· it is possible that in a number of stores conditions have not been created for unhindered access of transport, rapid unloading and acceptance of goods.

An analysis of the characteristic features of “pickup” shows that the participants in the logistics process do not have a single goal - the rational organization of the total material flow. Each of the participants organizes the material flow only within the area of ​​its direct activity.

It is obvious that here there is a classical method of forming a system that ensures the passage of the total material flow. Indeed, we see here three independently formed subsystems:

· a subsystem that ensures the passage of material flow in the warehouses of the wholesale base:

· a subsystem that ensures its processing in transport;

· a subsystem that ensures its processing in stores.

These subsystems are interconnected to a large extent mechanically. Despite this, in general they form a workable system that ensures the passage of the total material flow throughout the entire chain:

wholesale base --- transport --- shops.

Option 2 (centralized delivery) is characterized by the following features:

· participants in the logistics process create a single body whose goal is to optimize the total material flow. For example, in the consumer union, to organize centralized delivery, a working group is created, which includes directors of motor transport, wholesale and retail enterprises. The organizational leadership of the working group is entrusted to the deputy chairman of the board of the consumer union;

· historically established technological processes at enterprises participating in the logistics process are adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the optimal organization of the total material flow;

· schemes for the delivery of goods to stores are developed, rational sizes of delivery lots and the frequency of delivery are determined;

· optimal routes and schedules for the delivery of goods to stores are developed;

· a fleet of specialized vehicles is created, and a number of other measures are carried out to optimize the total material flow.

An analysis of the characteristic features of the second option for organizing material flow shows that for the centralized delivery of goods, participants in the logistics process are given the common goal of forming a logistics system that ensures the rational organization of the total material flow. The requirements that it must satisfy are studied. Options for its organization are formed, from which the best one is selected according to special criteria. Thus, the second option is an example of a systematic approach to the formation of a logistics system that ensures the passage of the total material flow along the chain:

shops --- wholesale warehouse --- transport

Without dwelling on the proof, we note that the second option for organizing the material flow, i.e., a systematic approach to the supply of goods to a retail trading network, allows:

· increase the degree of use of the material and technical base, including transport, warehouse and retail space;

· optimize inventory for all participants in the logistics process;

· improve the quality and level of logistics services;

· optimize product batch sizes.


The movement of material flows is carried out by qualified personnel using a variety of equipment: vehicles, loading and unloading devices, etc. Various buildings and structures are involved in the logistics process, the progress of the process significantly depends on the degree of preparedness for it, the moving goods themselves and periodically accumulated in stocks . The totality of productive forces that ensure the passage of goods, better or worse, is always somehow organized. Essentially, if there are material flows, then there is always some kind of material-conducting system. Traditionally, these systems are not specifically designed, but arise as a result of the activity of individual elements.

Logistics poses and solves the problem of designing harmonious, coordinated material-conducting (logistics) systems, with given parameters of output material flows. These systems are distinguished by a high degree of coordination of the productive forces included in them in order to manage end-to-end material flows.

Let us characterize the properties of logistics systems in terms of each of the four properties inherent in any system and discussed in the previous section.

The first property (integrity and divisibility) - the system is an integral collection of elements interacting with each other. The decomposition of logistics systems into elements can be carried out in different ways. At the macro level, when a material flow passes from one enterprise to another, these enterprises themselves, as well as the transport connecting them, can be considered as elements.

At the micro level, the logistics system can be presented in the form of the following main subsystems*:

PURCHASE is a subsystem that ensures the flow of material into the logistics system.


this subsystem receives the material flow from the procurement subsystem and manages it in the process of performing various technological operations that transform the subject of labor into a product of labor.

SALES is a subsystem that ensures the disposal of material flow from the logistics system.

*On closer examination, each of the following sub-

systems itself unfolds into a complex system.

As we see, the elements of logistics systems are of different quality, but at the same time compatible. Compatibility is ensured by the unity of purpose to which the functioning of logistics systems is subordinated.

The second property (connections): there are significant connections between the elements of the logistics system, which naturally determine the integrative qualities. In macrologistics systems, the basis of the connection between elements is the contract. In micrologistics systems, elements are connected by intra-production relations.

The third property (organization): the connections between the elements of the logistics system are ordered in a certain way, that is, the logistics system has an organization.

Fourth property (integrative qualities): the logistics system has integrative qualities that are not characteristic of any of the elements separately. This is the ability to deliver the right product, at the right time, in the right place, of the required quality, at minimal cost, as well as the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions (changes in demand for goods or services, unexpected failure of technical equipment, etc.) .

The integrative qualities of the logistics system allow it to purchase materials, pass them through its production facilities and release them to the external environment, while achieving predetermined goals.

A logistics system that can respond to emerging demand by quickly delivering the right product can be compared to a living organism. The muscles of this organism are lifting and transport equipment, the central nervous system is a network of computers at the workplaces of participants in the logistics process, organized into a single information system. In size, this organism can occupy the territory of a factory or distribution center, or it can cover a region or go beyond the borders of the state. It is capable of adapting, adjusting to disturbances in the external environment, and reacting to it at the same pace as events occur.

The generally accepted definition of a logistics system is:

A logistics system is an adaptive feedback system that performs certain logistics functions. As a rule, it consists of several subsystems and has developed connections with the external environment. An industrial enterprise, a territorial production complex, a trading enterprise, etc. can be considered as a logistics system. The purpose of a logistics system is the delivery of goods and products to a given place, in the required quantity and assortment, to the maximum possible extent, prepared for industrial or personal consumption at a given cost level.

The boundaries of the logistics system are determined by the circulation cycle of the means of production. First, means of production are purchased. They, in the form of a material flow, enter the logistics system, are stored, processed, stored again and then leave the logistics system for consumption in exchange for financial resources entering the logistics system.


Logistics systems are divided into macro- and micrologistics.

A macrologistics system is a large material flow management system, covering enterprises and industrial organizations, intermediary, trade and transport organizations of various departments located in different regions of the country or in different countries. The macrologistic system represents a certain infrastructure of the economy of a region, country or group of countries.

When forming a macro-logistics system covering different countries, it is necessary to overcome difficulties associated with the legal and economic features of international economic relations, unequal conditions for the supply of goods, differences in the transport legislation of countries, as well as a number of other barriers.

The formation of macro-logistics systems in interstate programs requires the creation of a single economic space, a single market without internal borders, customs barriers to the transportation of goods, capital, information, and labor resources.

Micrologistics systems are subsystems, structural components of macrologistics systems. These include various manufacturing and trading enterprises, territorial production complexes. Micrologistics systems are a class of intra-production logistics systems, which include technologically related production units united by a single infrastructure.

Within the framework of macrologistics, connections between individual micrologistics systems are established on the basis of commodity-money relations. Subsystems also function within the micrologistics system. However, the basis of their interaction is non-commodity. These are separate divisions within a company, association, or other economic system, working towards a single economic result.

At the macrologistics level, there are three types of logistics systems.

Logistics systems with direct connections. In these logistics systems, the material flow passes directly from the manufacturer of the product to its consumer, bypassing intermediaries.

Layered logistics systems. In such systems, there is at least one intermediary on the path of the material flow.

Flexible logistics systems. Here, the movement of material flow from the manufacturer of a product to its consumer can be carried out either directly or through intermediaries.


The object of logistics systems, as is known, is end-to-end material flow, however, in certain areas its management has certain specifics. In accordance with this specificity, five functional areas of logistics are performed, which in turn manage various logistics systems. Systems management includes the following structures: purchasing, production, distribution, transport and information. In this section we will indicate the specifics of each structure and its place in the overall logistics system.

1. In the process of providing the enterprise with raw materials and materials, the problems of purchasing logistics are solved. At this stage, suppliers are studied and selected, contracts are concluded and their implementation is monitored, and measures are taken in case of violation of delivery conditions. Any manufacturing enterprise has a service that performs the listed functions. The logistics approach to managing material flows requires that the activities of this service, related to the formation of the parameters of end-to-end material flow, should not be isolated, but be subordinate to the strategy of managing end-to-end material flow. At the same time, the problems solved in the process of bringing the material flow from the warehouses of the supplier’s finished products to the workshops of the consumer’s enterprise have certain specifics. In practice, the boundaries of the activities that constitute the main content of purchasing logistics are determined by the terms of the contract with suppliers and the composition of the functions of the supply service within the enterprise.

2. In the process of managing material flow within an enterprise that creates material goods or provides material services, the problems of production logistics are mainly solved. The specificity of this management structure is that the main volume of work on conducting the flow is carried out within the territory of one enterprise. Participants in the logistics process, as a rule, do not enter into commodity-money relations. The flow does not occur as a result of concluded contracts, but as a result of decisions made by the enterprise management system.

The sphere of production logistics is closely related to the areas of procurement of materials and distribution of finished products. However, the main range of tasks in this area is the management of material flows in the process of production.

3. When managing material flows in the process of selling finished products, the problems of distribution logistics are solved. This is a wide range of problems that are solved by both manufacturing enterprises and enterprises engaged in trade and intermediary activities. Government structures are relevant to solving these problems, since the state of the region’s economy significantly depends on the organization of distribution. For example, if the organization of the food distribution system in the region is unsatisfactory, the position of local authorities will be unstable.

The implementation of the distribution function at a manufacturing enterprise is otherwise called product sales. The material flow falls within the scope of attention of this management structure while still in the production shops. This means that issues of containers and packaging, the size of the batch to be manufactured and the time by which this batch must be manufactured, as well as many other issues essential to the sales process, begin to be resolved at earlier stages of material flow management.

4. When managing material flows in transport areas, specific problems of transport logistics are solved. The total volume of transport work performed in the process of bringing the material flow from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer can be divided into two large groups (approximately equal):

· work performed by transport owned by special transport organizations (public transport);

· work performed by the own transport of all other (non-transport) enterprises.

Just like other functional areas of logistics, transport logistics does not have clearly defined boundaries. Transport logistics methods are used when organizing any transportation. However, the priority object of study and management in this section is the material flow that takes place in the process of transportation by public transport.

5. Information logistics. The results of the movement of material flows are in direct connection with the rationality of organizing the movement of information flows. In recent decades, it is the ability to effectively manage powerful information flows that has made it possible to pose and solve the problem of end-to-end management of material flows. The high importance of the information component in logistics processes became the reason for the allocation of a special section of logistics - information logistics. The object of research here is information systems that provide management of material flows, the microprocessor technology used, information technologies and other issues related to the organization of information flows (associated with material flows).

Information logistics is closely related to other structures of logistics systems. This section examines the organization of information flows within the enterprise, as well as the exchange of information between various participants in logistics processes located at considerable distances from each other (for example, using satellite communications).


The company produces three types of products using three types of resources.

Resources Unit. Types of products Daily
P1 P2 P3
1.Materials d.e. 4 3 5 1800
2 Labor person-days 3 5 6 2100
3. Equipment st.-hour 1 6 5 2400
Unit price products d.e. 30 40 70
Unit cost products d.e. 21 30 56

1. Determine input and output flows and build a logistics production system.

2. Create mathematical models of production processes and find optimal flows that maximize production volume in value terms (objective function L1).

3. Conduct an economic analysis of the optimal process using the latest simplex table.

4. Find the condition for the stability of the structure of the optimal solution with respect to changes in: a) resource input flows, b) coefficients of the objective function Cj.

5. Determine optimal product flows that minimize production costs under the additional condition of product output not less than 45% of the maximum possible (L1 max).

1. The enterprise uses three types of resources: materials, labor and equipment (input streams) and can produce three types of products (outgoing streams). (Fig.1)

Fig. 1 Structure of the production logistics system.

2. The mathematical model of the production process for this condition is as follows:

L1 (x)max = 30 x1+ 40 x2 + 70 x3.

4 x1+ 3 x2 + 5 x3 + x4 = 1800 ;

3 x1+ 5 x2 + 6 x3 + x5 = 2100 ;

x1+ 6 x2 + 5 x3 + x6 = 2400 .

x4, x5, x6 - are the remnants of the corresponding resources arising in the process of production.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to use the simplex table method, which will help us in finding the optimal solution.

First reference solution:

x1= x2= x3 =0; x4= 1800 units, x5= 2100 person days, x6= 2400 machine hours.

Economic sense: the enterprise does not produce anything; all initial resources are in the warehouse.

Finding the optimal solution to the problem is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

B 0 30 40 70 0 0 0 Ø
b X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6
0 x4 1800 4 3 5 1 0 0 1800/5==360
0 x5 2100 3 5


0 1 0 2100/6==350
0 x6 2400 1 6 5 0 0 1 2400/5==480
0 x4 50 1.5 -1.17 0 1 -0.833 0
70 x3 350 0.5 0.833 1 0 0.166 0
0 x6 650 -1.5 1.83 0 0 -0.833 1

In the last simplex table everything k>0, which means this solution is optimal. The answer of the mathematical model for solving this problem is as follows:

X1=0, X2=0, X3= 350, X4=50, X5=0, X6=650

The economic meaning of solving the problem is as follows:

· Because X1=0, X2=0 , this means that the company does not produce this type of product, but the company produces product PNo. 3 in the amount of 350 pieces. ( X3=350 pcs.);

· X5=0 - there is no remaining labor resources, so this resource is scarce;

· X4=50 - remainder of the first resource P1 equal to CU 50;

· balance of the third resource P3 is 650 machines/hour ( X6=650), i.e. the equipment is not fully used.

With this production program, the enterprise will receive the following revenue from the sale of its products:

30*0+ 40*0 + 70*350 = CU 24,500

Based on the theory of duality, we know that if a linear programming problem (LPP) has an optimal solution, then the dual problem also has an optimal solution, where the values ​​of the objective functions in these solutions coincide.

Let's create a dual problem (DP) :

That)min= 1800у1 + 2100у2 + 2400у3 ;

4у1 + 3 у2 + у3 30 ,

3у1 + 5 у2 +6у3 40 ,

5у1 + 6 у2 +5у3 70 , y1, y2, y3>0.

T*(y)= 1800у1 + 2100у2 + 2400у3 + 0y4 + 0 y5 + 0 y6;

4у1 + 3 y2 + y3 -y4 = 30,

3у1 + 5 у2 + 6у3 -y5 = 40,

5у1 + 6 у2 + 5у3 -y6 = 70 .

Table 1 contains the optimal solution to the dual problem and, based on this, the answer to the problem is as follows:

y1 = 0, y2 = 11.66, y3 = 0, y4 = 5, y5 = 18.3, y6 = 0.

1800*0 + 2100*11,66+ 2400*0 24500.

The main PD variables characterize resource estimates, that is, the economic meaning of the duality theory is as follows: “What minimum prices must be assigned to scarce resources so that their cost is no less than the revenue from sales of the enterprise’s products.”

Let us establish correspondences between the variables of the original and dual problems.

18, 3

11, 7

3. Economic meaning of the last simplex table.

In this ZLP, the main variables of the simplex table are the variables X1, X2, X3(products), additional X4, X5, X6 ( resources).

In addition, the basic variables are X4, X3, X6, non-basic X1, X2, X5.

· When purchasing a unit of the second resource P2, the balance P1 will decrease by 0.83 units, the production of P3 will increase by 0.166 units, and the balance of the third resource P3 will decrease by 0.17 machine/hour. Analysis of the main dual variable (when purchasing a second resource) showed that in monetary terms it was: 70 * 0.166 = 11.66 cu.

· Analysis of the main non-basic variables (it is not profitable to produce x1, x2) showed that if one unit of product P1 is produced, then the remainder of P1 will decrease by 1.5 units, the production of the third product P3 will decrease by 0.5 units, and the operation of equipment will increase by 1.5 machines/hour. In this case, the loss from this operation will be in monetary terms: 70 * 0.5 = 35 cu. absolute loss: 35-30=5 cu. (=y1); if you produce one unit of product P2, then in this case the balance of the first resource P1 will increase by 1.17 units, the output of product P3 will decrease by 0.833 units, and when using equipment it will decrease by 1.83 machine/hour. In this case, the loss will be 70 * 0.833 = 58.3 units, absolute loss: 58.3 - 40 = 18.3 units. (=y2).

4. The intra-production logistics system must respond flexibly to changes in incoming flows and prices per unit of output, in which the obtained optimal solutions to this problem can be used.

a) Change in incoming resource flows:

D in 1 - change in material stock (units),

D at 2- change in the number of labor resources (persons/hour),

at 3 - change in equipment working time fund (machine/hour).

A -1 = AND B*

x4*= 1800 - 0.833 v2 - 1743 0,

x3*= 0 + 0.166 b2 + 00,

x6*= 0 - 0.833 b2 - 357 + 2400 0,

Let us express in2 and find the solution to the inequalities.

- 0.833 v2 + 57 0,

0.166 v2 + 348.6 0,

0.833 v2 + 2051.4 0,

-2100 68,67 780.3

-2100 < в2 < 68.87 , the stock of scarce resource P2 changes in the found interval. If this stock changes in this interval, then the range of products and sales revenue will also change.

1 = (0 + C4)1.5 + (70 + C3)0.5 + (-1.5)(0 + C6) - (30 + C1) 0,

2 = (0 + C4)(-1.17) + (70 + C3)0.833 + 1.833(0 + C6) - (40 + C2) 0,

5 = (0 + C4)(-0.833) + (70 + C3)0.166 + (- 0.833)(0 + C6) - (0 + C5) 0,

Let C10, and C2= C3= C4= C5= C6=0, then we get:

1 = 35-30 + C1 0,

2 = 58,31 - 40 0

2 = 18.31 + C2 0

Let C30, and C1= C2= C4= C5= C6=0, then we get:

1 = 35-30 + 0.5 C3 0,

2 = 58.31 - 40 + 0.833 C3 0

5 = 11.62 + 0.166 C3 0,

69.75 -21.98 -10

The solution to this inequality will be C3 from -10 lo +. If the price for P3 products changes in this interval, the product range and production volumes do not change, but the sales revenue will be different.

5. In a competitive environment, the task facing the enterprise changes, and the next optimal model can be used. The condition for this task will be to determine the economic result in which production costs should be minimal to the consumption rate for the production of one product.

The numerical model in this case will be as follows:

L2 (x) min = 21 x1 + 30 x2 + 56 x3,

4 x1+ 3 x2 + 5 x3 1800 ,

3 x1+ 5 x2 + 6 x3 2100 ,

x1+ 6 x2 + 5 x3 2400 ;

21 x1 + 30 x2 + 56 x3 11025 (45% ofL1 max).

x1, x2, x3 > 0

Let us bring this system to canonical form:

L2 (x) min = 21 x1 + 30 x2 + 56 x3 + 0x4 + 0x5 + 0x6 + 0x7,

Let's get an extended task:

4 x1+ 3 x2 + 5 x3 + x4 = 1800,

3 x1+ 5 x2 + 6 x3 + x5 = 2100,

x1+ 6 x2 + 5 x3 + x6 = 2400;

21 x1 + 30 x2 + 56 x3 - x7 + x8"= 11025.

We construct the first reference solution to the problem:

B 0 Ý 21 30 56 0 0 0 0 M
b X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8"
0 x4 1800 4 3 5 1 0 0 0 0
0 x5 2100 3 5 6 0 1 0 0 0
0 x6 2400 1 6 5 0 0 1 0 0
Ü M x8 11025


40 70 0 0 0 -1 1

- 21

- 30

- 56

0 x4 330 0 -2,333 -4,333 1 0 0 0,133 0,133
70 x5 997,5 0 1 -1 0 1 0 0,1 -0,1
0 x6 2032,5 0 4,666 2,667 0 0 1 0,033 -0,033
21 x1 367,5 1 1,333 2,333 0 0 0 -0,033 0,033

The solution to this simplex table will be as follows:

x1= 367.5; x2= 0; x3=0; x4= 330; x5= 997.5; x6= 2032.5; x7= 0;

Revenue from product sales under this optimal plan will be:

21 * 367.5 + 30*0 + 56 *0 = 7717.5 cu.

In the given condition of the problem, i.e. determining product flows that minimize production costs under the additional condition of product output of at least 45% of the maximum possible, we obtain the following results:

· the enterprise produces P1 products in the amount of 367.5 pieces (x1=367.5);

· the company does not produce products P2, P3 (x2=x3=0);

· for this production process, the remaining resources will be:

a) materials - CU 330,

b) labor resources - 997.5 people/hours,

c) equipment 2032.5 machine hours/hours.

Thus, when producing 367.5 units of the first product, the enterprise minimizes production costs with the additional condition of production output of at least 45% of the maximum possible. In this case, revenue from the sale of products (item P1) will amount to CU 7,717.5.


In this course work, we examined one of the important topics studied in the discipline "Logistics", these are the fundamentals of system analysis, logistics systems and the structure of their management. The work examined the main issues of this topic, such as: the basic principles of system analysis, comparative characteristics of classical and systematic approaches to the formation of systems. In addition, the basic properties of systems were considered, as well as the question of how these properties “work” in logistics systems. Particular attention was paid to the issue of types of logistics systems and the structure of their management.

The purpose of the second part of the course work is to use mathematical modeling methods to optimize the management of material flows in a given logistics system. In addition, the objectives of this work are to determine the input and output flows of the logistics production system, compile mathematical models of production processes and find optimal flows that maximize production volumes in value terms; it also requires an economic analysis of the optimal process using the latest simplex table, finding the conditions for the stability of the structure optimal solution in relation to changes in: a) resource input flows, b) coefficients of the objective function and determination of optimal product flows that minimize production costs with the additional condition of product output not less than 45% of the maximum possible.

There are quite a lot of problems in logistics - missed shipment deadlines, late delivery, storage in warehouses, outdated software and many others. In fact, often all these problems can have only 1-2 main causes. How to understand the intricacies of data and numbers? How to organize information and draw the right conclusions? System analysis will help.

System analysis of logistics - an example. What is a system?

In fact, each of us knows and imagines what a system is. A system is something ordered; objects in the system are logically interconnected. Systems analysis helps us find and define these relationships and their causes.

This definition of the system helps to formulate the basic principles of the systems approach:

  • We consider all parts of the whole in connection with each other,
  • Move from one stage of the logistics system to another sequentially,
  • We are looking for the cause of the problem, rather than trying to overcome all the consequences that we have,
  • The goals of each object in the logistics system must be equal to the goals of the entire system.

System analysis of logistics - an example. Stages of system analysis

Like any other analysis, system analysis of logistics consists of several main stages:

  • we define the problem and set the goal of the research (to find out the cause of this problem),
  • based on the purpose - we collect the necessary data,
  • we process the data - correct it, bring it to a single format, clean it,
  • analyze the data - select suitable solution methods, make calculations using formulas,
  • visualization of the solutions obtained (for presenting the findings to management and colleagues),
  • and finally, we draw conclusions and build hypotheses!

System analysis of logistics - an example. What difficulties may arise?

Unfortunately, the difficulties and problems we encounter during analysis are usually the same for everyone:

  • Already at the first stage, it is difficult to set a goal and break it down into subtasks (for example: delay in shipment - where to go, what to analyze? And yes, you have to analyze all areas of activity that are somehow related to shipment).
  • Data collection is usually complicated by the fact that we do not always have access to the necessary information. We have to contact other departments and ask IT specialists to download from the database. And wait.
  • Data processing is a fairly simple task, but routine (you have to manually correct all errors and inaccuracies).
  • The analysis itself also requires time and concentration - you have to enter the same formula several times and make sure not to make a mistake.
  • And of course, there is no time left for the analysis itself - conclusions and hypotheses. And this is the most important thing for which system analysis is needed!

Sample report: fight against the “lounger” (made in)

System analysis of logistics - example: Delay in shipment at a warehouse

The customer set a goal: to ensure that 90% of customers leave the warehouse within 70 minutes. But often customers have to wait much more than 70 minutes to receive their order.

What can you do using the fairly simple Tabeau software?

1. We collect data: by department, time, etc.
2. Load the data and the program builds a graph:

We look at the departments that participate in the operation of the fast shipping warehouse.
Green lines indicate the time during which the client must be served. Red dots indicate the number of orders in a time period. That is, if the red dot is above the line, it means that the client has been waiting for his service longer than the established period.

  • The first step is arrival at the fast shipment warehouse (SSD), where within 15 minutes he should have been provided with the necessary data.
  • The next process is selection. Here the consultant selects the necessary equipment for the client and draws up an order form with it. All this should take no more than 30 minutes.
  • Printing the necessary documents and forms. No more than 5 minutes.
  • The order must be delivered within 15 minutes.
  • The order needs to be shipped in the next 10 minutes.

And it immediately becomes clear that a lot of time was spent on some processes. For example, printing an order sometimes took more than 100 minutes, although this step should not take more than 5 minutes.

It's simple - we are looking for the reason for such a delay. As a result, it became clear that during the transfer of the printing process to other equipment, as well as changes in business processes in this sector, technical failures occurred. The task is clear - to correct these mistakes!

System analysis of logistics - an example. What tools and services can I use?

The most popular and accessible tool is Excel. But, unfortunately, the data has to be entered and corrected manually, there is no interactivity, there is no way to view the report from any device, there are graphs and charts, but their visualization is outdated - they are simply inconvenient to use.

Many companies have implemented complex accounting systems - where all the information on the processes in the company “arrives” and is stored: sales, logistics. Finance, marketing, etc. This is a great solution. But – you need time for implementation and a budget for specialists who will work with the system and upload data for you and build reports.

If you need a beautiful and useful report here and now, and you also need to save your budget, then here is another tool - the so-called “light” BI solutions for reports and analytics (such as Tableau).

  • They are easy to install on any device in a couple of minutes.
  • Easy to learn and use (such programs are designed for people without technical knowledge).
  • It's easy to start building beautiful and useful reports.