Presentation on the topic "peasant young lady". A.S. Pushkin Young Peasant Lady Why Alexey and Lisa fell in love with each other

The stories were written in the village of Bolshoye Boldino
in the autumn of 1830.
The work includes the following stories:
- “Shot”;
- "Blizzard";
- "Undertaker";
- “Stationmaster”;
- “The young lady-peasant.”
Ivan Petrovich Belkin - character,
fictional by Pushkin. This is young
engaged in
writing and died in 1828. His
preface to the book.
“Tales” were published in October 1831 under the title: “Tales of the Deceased
Ivan Petrovich Belkin, published by A.P.” It was a literary device
some kind of hoax.

Readers and critics about "Tales"

“There is no idea in any of Belkin’s Stories. Reading -
sweet, smooth, smooth: you read - everything is forgotten, in
there is nothing but adventure in memory. Stories
Belkin are easy to read, because they don’t force
think” (“Northern Bee”, 1834, No. 192, August 27).
“True, these stories are entertaining, they cannot be read without
pleasure: this comes from a charming syllable, from
the arts of storytelling, but they are not artistic
creations, but simply fairy tales and fables” (V.G. Belinsky).
“How long has it been since you re-read Pushkin’s prose? Make me
friendship - read all of Belkin's Tales first. We need them
study and study for every writer. I did this the other day and
I cannot convey to you the beneficial influence that
this reading had an impact on me" (from a letter from L.N. Tolstoy
P.D. Golokhvastov).

Pushkin has outgrown so much
reader, what's between
them starts to disappear
the truth
contradictions in life
Russia at that time.

Peasant young lady

Pushkin on September 20.
In the chapter “From the Publisher” it says,
that this story Ivan
Petrovich Belkin didn’t make it up,
and wrote down from the words of the girl K.I.T.
(all other stories also
were recorded by the author from
words “of this or that person”).

Place and time of action

The events described in the story take place
at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries.
- d.
landowner Berestov);
- village Priluchino (village
landowner Muromsky).

Heroes of the story

The main characters of this story can be
divided into 3 groups:
Group 1 – older generation – Ivan
Petrovich Berestov, Grigory Ivanovich
Group 2 – younger generation – Alexey
Ivanovich Berestov (son of Berestov),
Elizaveta Grigorievna Muromskaya (daughter
Group 3 - servants - Nastya and Miss Jackson.

Landowners Berestov and Muromsky
At first they didn't get along. After I.P. Berestov helped
Muromsky to recover after a heavy fall, they began
Gradually, their communication grew into “friendship”, and they even
planning to marry their children.
The purpose of marriage is to connect capital and connections.

Lisa (Akulina) and Alexey
In order to get to know Alexey,
Lisa and Nastya came up with the idea of ​​dressing Lisa in
an ordinary peasant woman (Akulina).
Akulina is a peasant woman, the daughter of Vasily Kuznets.
Alexey and Akulina met many times,
fell in love with each other and carried on secret correspondence.
Alexey, after he learned about the coming
marriage with Lisa, decided to neglect his
position and marry Akulina.
“He went to his room and began to think about the limits of parental power, about Lizaveta
Grigorievna, about his father’s solemn promise to make him a beggar, and finally about Akulin. IN
for the first time he saw clearly that he was passionately in love with her; romantic idea of ​​marrying
peasant woman and living by her labors came to his mind, and the more he thought about it
decisive action, the more I found prudence in it. Since some time
meetings in the grove were stopped due to rainy weather. He wrote a letter to Akulina
in the clearest handwriting and the wildest syllable, announced to her the destruction that threatened them, and
immediately offered her his hand. He immediately took the letter to the post office, to the hollow, and went to bed.
very pleased with himself"

Epigraph of the story

You, Darling, look good in all your outfits.
The epigraph of “The Young Peasant Lady” is lines from
Bogdanovich's poem "Darling" - adaptation of a fairy tale
Apuleius "Cupid and Psyche". It is important to note that in this
in the poem the heroine, like the heroine in “The Young Peasant Lady”,
changes clothes very often.

Main themes and issues

1. The theme of love (revealed using the example of relationships
Alexey and Akulina).
Feelings are sincere, alive, they appear to each other like this,
as they are, without embellishment or masks.
2. Culture conflict.
Conflict of cultures of original Russia and Europe. Heroes of the story
(Muromsky, Alexey, Liza) are passionate about European fashion (Anglomania and
romanticism). They subordinate their lives to the canons of this fashionable
currents, forgetting about the deeply developed culture of their country.
3. Conflict between city and countryside.
The city makes people gray, boring, monotonous, while in
the village is home to original people who can perform beautiful
and courageous actions.

Lesson topic: The story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin "The Young Lady-Peasant". Analysis of the work
Lesson objectives:
1. Introduce students to the work of A.S. Pushkin's "The Young Lady - a Peasant Woman", its plot and characters. Identify the role of antithesis in the story.
2. To develop the ability to analyze a literary text.
3. To cultivate an emotional perception of a literary text, attention to the literary word; cultivate respect for human feelings.
Equipment: texts of the story “The Young Lady - Peasant Woman”, pencils, paper.
Methodical techniques: student message; teacher's story with elements of conversation; vocabulary work; commented reading; drawing up character masks; comparative character analysis
Lesson objectives:
* Developmental - developing the ability to think independently, solve problematic issues, find the optimal way out of a problematic situation.
* Educational - developing students’ ability to see a work in the unity of content and form, the ability to analyze a work, see its relationships and patterns.
* Educational - instilling love and respect for Pushkin’s work, pride in one’s literature and one’s nation, instilling moral qualities in students using the example of Pushkin’s works, their problematics and ideological implications.

Epigraph to the lesson:
"Belkin's Tales" is a precious monument
noble way of thinking and touching friendship.
A.S. Pushkin.

I am glad to welcome you to the lesson, let's give each other a smile and begin our fascinating journey into the world of the story "The Young Lady-Peasant". At home you read the story; when you started reading, you probably noticed the unusual title and epigraph.
- What is the lexical meaning of the words? Young lady...., peasant woman... (leaves on the board)
By combining these opposing concepts, the author intrigues the reader
- what is this technique called in literature (antithesis) - a piece of paper on the board.
Next, consider the meaning of the epigraph (moral characteristics of the heroine).
Can we say that the epigraph reveals the author's idea? (Yes. They love a person, and not his position in society. A person is loved for his spiritual qualities. The epigraph coincides with the author’s idea, the author’s idea: TO PROVE THE VALUE OF HUMAN QUALITIES, NOT SOCIAL POSITION)
People and their characters are important in a literary work. Let's see how Pushkin creates the characters of the characters. Let's take the main characters. Who are they?
Conclusion: Our task is to get to know the characters and their lives.
- Where do the events depicted in the story take place? (remote provinces of the Berestovs and Muromskys). Tugilovo and Priluchino.
- What pictures of the provincial nobility arise when reading the story? (dinners, rest, hunting, guests.).
- Are there portraits of the heroes in the story, how do they characterize them?
(Work with text.)
- What actions do the heroes commit, how do they characterize them?
- Do other characters give any ratings to the heroes? Find it in the text.
- How is Lisa presented in the story? (In two persons.)
- What did Pushkin want to say with such a technique as the splitting of the heroine?
(They love a person, not his position in society.)
- Do the characters’ characters change?
!!! Is it possible to divide the characters in the story by generation?
Working with text (characteristics of characters) - see table.
Younger generation
Alexey Berestov Lisa (Betsy) - Akulina (the name of the heroine was not chosen by chance: everyone knows “Poor Liza” by Karamzin, it is no coincidence that the heroine reads “Natalia, the Boyar’s Daughter” by Karamzin).
1. Characteristics, portrait:
“He was raised at the *** university and intended to join the military service, but his father did not agree to this... They were not inferior to each other, and young Alexey began to live for the time being as a master, growing a mustache just in case (an attribute of a military man).
He was, “really, a great fellow... The young ladies looked at him, and others looked at him; but Alexey did little with them, and they believed that the reason for his insensitivity was a love affair.”
“It’s easy to imagine what impression Alexey must have made in the circle of...young ladies. He was the first to appear before them, gloomy and disappointed, the first to tell them about lost joys and about his faded youth; Moreover, he wore a black ring with the image of a death's head. All this was extremely new in that province. The young ladies went crazy for him. 1. Characteristics, portrait:
“She was seventeen years old. Black eyes enlivened a dark and very pleasant face. She was the only one and, therefore, a spoiled child. Her playfulness and minute-by-minute pranks delighted her father and drove her Madame Miss Jackson into despair..."
“Nastya followed Liza, she was older, but just as flighty as her young lady.”
-Why did Lisa decide to dress up as a peasant; couldn’t she have charmed Alexei in her true guise?
Alexei wears the mask of a suffering lover, cold towards all young ladies, because it is fashionable in society, but with simple peasant women he is cheerful, sweet, and plays burners. With them you don’t need to wear a mask, you can be yourself. This is how Alexey is more interesting to Lisa.
- Why did Alexey and Lisa fall in love with each other?
“...Alexey, despite the fatal ring, the mysterious correspondence and the gloomy disappointment, was a kind and ardent fellow and had a pure heart, capable of feeling the pleasures of innocence.” He was going to marry a simple peasant woman, disobeying the will of his parent.
Lisa was too unusual for a simple peasant woman: self-esteem (even self-love), extraordinary intelligence, ease of communication and at the same time inaccessibility and adherence to principles.
“His relations with Akulina had for him the charm of novelty, ... although the instructions of the strange peasant woman seemed burdensome to him.”
All this speaks of Alexey’s high spiritual qualities. The originality of Liza-Akulina aroused strong feelings.
I. Group work
Students draw masks of the characters in the story and describe them verbally.
Alexey is the mask of a suffering lover (reminiscent of Pierrot’s mask) and a “good master.”
Lisa - two masks: a funny painted French woman and a peasant woman Akulina.
The heroes of the story hide their true faces, their real spiritual qualities under masks. However, some masks, on the contrary, emphasize the beauty of the characters’ souls.
Work with text.
-Find in the text a description of the morning, the grove where the meeting between Lisa and Alexei Berestov takes place. Read the passage expressively. (Dawn shone in the east...)
-What artistic means did the author use in the description.
The teacher talks about Russian nature depicted in the paintings of Russian artists Levitan, Polenov, Shishkin.
- What colors would the artist use when painting this morning, the grove? (gold, blue, pink)
VI. Final word from the teacher.
- Why is the story called “The Young Lady - Peasant Woman”?
- What artistic image of the era did Pushkin create in the story “The Young Lady-Peasant?” (the era of joy, love, happiness, celebration).
- Was this the norm of life in that era?
- So, he idealized the era? The peasant girl Nastya and the landowner's daughter Lisa are friends. Landowner Alexei Berestov plays burners with his servants and is ready to marry the daughter of the blacksmith Akulina. No, Pushkin did not idealize. He wanted the life of landowners like Berestov and Muromsky to be the norm. This is what you need to strive for. After all, this story is about eternal values: love, mutual understanding, forgiveness, the beauty of nature, beautiful human relationships without deception, without pretense. Pushkin called for this.
VII. Reflection.
-Who did you like best in the story?
- Do you want to get acquainted with other stories by A. S. Pushkin?
IT IS VERY GOOD THAT YOU ARE SO INTERESTED IN THE WORK OF A.S. PUSHKIN THAT YOU WANT TO READ HIS OTHER WORKS. Dostoevsky said: Pushkin...took with him...a great secret. And now we are solving this mystery without him.
I want to say “thank you” for helping to reveal another secret of the works of Alexander Sergeevich.
VIII. Homework (variable)
1. Select and write down the verbal expressions with which the author characterizes Berestov and Muromsky.
Creative task:
1. Illustration of your favorite episode (1st group “Artists”)
2. Dramatization of your favorite scene from the story (2nd group “Theaters”)
3. Review of the work “My impression of the story” (3rd group “Literateurs”)

Presentation on the topic: The story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman” sweet silence I am sweetly lulled by my imagination, And poetry awakens in me: The soul is embarrassed by lyrical excitement, Trembling and sounding, and seeking, as in a dream, to finally pour out with free manifestation - And then an invisible swarm of guests comes to me, Old acquaintances, fruits my dreams. And the thoughts in the head are agitated in courage, And light rhymes run towards them, And fingers ask for the pen, pen for the paper, A minute - and the poems will flow freely...

It was during this period that “Belkin’s Tales” were created - a cycle consisting of five stories: “The Peasant Young Lady”, “Blizzard”, “The Station Agent”, “The Undertaker”, “The Shot”. In "Belkin's Tales" Pushkin shows life as it was at that time, without inventing anything, without decorating it.

A.S. Pushkin only took on the role of publisher, and attributed the authorship to I.P. Belkin, a provincial landowner who collected anecdotes from county life. Ivan Petrovich is told interesting stories by various heroes: titular adviser A.G.N. (“Station Master”), Lieutenant Colonel I.L.P. (“Shot”), clerk B.V. (“The Undertaker”), the girl K.I.T. (“Blizzard”, “The Young Lady-Peasant”). Thanks to the narrator, the story is distinguished by its extraordinary simplicity, artlessness of presentation, and authenticity.

The nobles' favorite pastime was hunting. Therefore, the estate had to have a kennel; the kennels looked after the dogs and fed them. But the kennel could not be located close to the master's house, so that the dogs would not interfere with the master's sleep. P.P. Sokolov. At the kennel. A.N. Lisitsyna. Dog hunting.

A LITTLE HISTORY A duel (from the Latin duellum “duel”, “war”) is a duel strictly regulated by the dueling code between two people, the purpose of which is to satisfy the desire of one of the duelists to answer for an insult to him or his honor in compliance with the most fair and equal conditions of the battle. Dueling Code set of rules for conducting a duel.

FROM THE DUEL CODE The main purpose of a duel is to resolve a misunderstanding between nobles without resorting to outside help. A duel serves as a way to avenge an insult. Insult can only be inflicted by equals. A duel can and should only take place between equals.

It is known that A.S. Pushkin, having a hot temper and not allowing even a hint of insulting himself or his friends, often fought a duel, demonstrating complete contempt for mortal danger. He fenced well and was an excellent shooter, constantly improving his skill with weapons. Often these duels ended in reconciliation due to the intervention of the poet's friends.

Pushkin's story “The Shot” originally consisted of one chapter. In this form, it was autobiographical in nature: it contains a description of Pushkin’s own duel in Chisinau in June 1821 with officer Zubov. They say about this duel: “Pushkin came to the duel with Zubov with cherries and had breakfast with them while he was shooting. Zubov shot first and missed.” Pushkin left without shooting, but without making peace with Zubov. Two days later, the poet added a second to the 1st chapter.

LET'S DISCUSS WHAT WE'VE READ - What event is the basis of the story? - Who are the main characters in the story? - On whose behalf is the story being told? - Why is the image of the narrator introduced? - How do they treat Silvio in the Hussar Regiment? - What is unusual about Silvio’s character?

Who tells how the second duel between Silvio and the Count ended? -Why didn’t Silvio shoot this time? What does he feel when an unarmed opponent appears before him? What won in Silvio’s soul? - Did the presence of the count’s wife influence Silvio’s behavior? - Why was the count excited this time?

A few kilometers from Boldin is the village of Lvovka, where in the middle of a picturesque linden park with a wooden church and a pond is the estate of the poet’s eldest son, A.A. Pushkin. Here, in the manor house of the estate, a unique literary museum of the heroes of “Belkin’s Tales” has been opened. Lvovka. Museum of Literary Heroes. "Belkin's Tales" "Belkin's Tales"

In the room of Liza Muromskaya, the heroine of the story “The Peasant Young Lady,” the sundress in which she made her way to meet with the master Alexei Berestov is thrown on a chair. Nearby are neat little paws, and on the dressing table are bottles of blush. It seems that the hostess is about to return to run away on a date again. "THE PEASANT GIRL"


1. Identify the genre features of the story; 2. Check students' attentiveness in reading a large work; 3. Develop the ability to analyze the character of a character in a work of fiction.
An old Bes crawled out of the sea: “Why did you, Balda, come to us?” - “But I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope and make you, damned tribe, writhe.”
An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years.
The moon makes its way through the wavy fogs, She sheds a sad light on the sad meadows.
Belkin's Stories" is the first completed work of A.S. Pushkin. The cycle was created in the famous Boldino autumn of 1830. Pushkin took on the role of publisher. The authorship was attributed to the provincial landowner Ivan Petrovich Belkin. Thanks to his voice, the story is distinguished by its extraordinary simplicity, artlessness of presentation, and authenticity. Belkin does not compose his own stories, but only states what he heard from different people.

Young lady - peasant woman
Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky
Miss Jaxon Nastya
Ivan Petrovich Berestov
Serfs of the landowners
There are many events in the life of the main character; There are many characters, and there are 2 main characters; One storyline associated with the main characters; The characters of the characters do not change; The image of the narrator is important.
Her dark eyes enlivened her dark and very pleasant face.
Her playfulness and constant pranks delighted her father. “Oh, Nastya! I’ll dress up like a peasant!”
How can you not recognize the master and servant? And you’re dressed wrong, and you talk differently, and you don’t call the dog like us.
The dawn was shining in the east, and the golden rows of clouds were waiting for the sun, like courtiers waiting for a sovereign; the clear sky, morning freshness, dew, breeze and birdsong filled Lisa's heart with infantile gaiety.
Cute, made up and powdered
Modest, smart peasant woman
Dark, playful young lady 17 years old
Lisa - Betsy
Muromsky's daughter
Pushkin wanted to tell the reader that they love a person, and not his position in society.

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