What is the head of a structural unit responsible for? Regulations on the head of a structural unit. on the status of the head of a structural unit

Branches, that is territorial divisions of companies, work under the direction of directors subordinate to the general director.

The position of a manager like this is very in demand, as it is associated with a large number of requirements for professional knowledge and skills.

Read more about the rights, duties and responsibilities of branch managers below.

The concept of the branch and the tasks of its head

Large organizations often consist of several geographically distant divisions, which are called branches.

According to Art. 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, branches represent interests the whole company, perform the main tasks of the enterprise, therefore, the same working conditions are organized at the representative office as in the parent organization.

The head of such a representative office is called branch director. His immediate superior is CEO.

The director of the branch has a certain set of rights and responsibilities and carries out his activities in accordance with the general goals and objectives of the organization, as well as the powers entrusted to him.

According to the law, a branch is separate division, therefore, is subordinate to the legal entity that created it for a number of reasons:

  1. The property of the branch belongs to a legal entity, which has the right to dispose of it.
  2. The activities of this unit are organized and regulated by orders of the management of the parent organization.
  3. The head of the branch becomes a person approved in accordance with the order of the superior manager.
  4. The branch director works under a power of attorney received from the main manager.

The head of the department performs a number of functions, which include the following:

  • management of the branch's activities;
  • resolving personnel issues;
  • ensuring the efficiency of the department.

All decisions made by the head of the branch must be consistent with the general director, because it is the latter who is legally responsible for the activities of the company as a whole.

Professional and personal qualities

The director of the branch must have a serious baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities. He also needs personal qualities through which he can provide the necessary level of business communication with the staff.

Kit requirements requirements for such a leader are quite wide:

  1. Knowledge of legislation. Since the organization operates in accordance with the law, the manager must be aware of regulatory changes and have information regarding the release of local regulations of the organization.
  2. High qualification. The management team needs to understand the profile and specialization of their company, including the production part.
  3. Financial literacy. The manager is obliged to plan the financial and economic activities of his branch.
  4. Organization financial, material and technical support subordinate branch. The manager is responsible for the timely supply of the department with all necessary resources.
  5. Work control branch. A manager at this level controls the expenditure of funds, resources and material assets.
  6. Legal literacy. Since the manager is responsible for fulfilling the terms of contracts, he must know the rules and consequences of their conclusion.
  7. Management knowledge. The manager is obliged to organize the effective activities of employees in production and create favorable working conditions for them.
  8. Health and Safety Literacy. The director is responsible for the safety of each employee, as well as for the safety of the material base of the enterprise.
  9. Knowledge of psychology and business communication skills. Team management involves building effective business relationships, which is necessary to resolve various production and personnel issues.

The position of branch manager carries with it many different functions and responsibilities, which cannot but affect wage level. The approximate salary for the position in question ranges from 80 to 120 thousand rubles.

To fulfill professional responsibilities you must have a number of personal characteristics:

  • stress resistance, that is, the ability to be in a calm state and provide psychological comfort for personnel when solving a large number of tasks;
  • ability to handle large amounts of data from different areas of activity;
  • ability to analyze and draw conclusions;
  • planning skills;
  • ability to make non-standard decisions;
  • sociability and activity;
  • efficiency and hard work;
  • leadership skills.

All of the above qualities allow the manager to carry out his activities in such a way as to be responsible for all areas of the department’s work, have business relations with subordinates and ensure healthy psychological climate a team.

List of available rights

The head of the division has a fairly broad set of rights, which determine his activities in a leadership position:

  • give orders to subordinate and subordinate departments (within the powers and professional direction of the branch);
  • control the activities of subordinate and subordinate departments, and also require reports on the timely and effective implementation of orders;
  • request documentation related to the work of the unit and its individual parts;
  • establish business contacts with departments of other organizations to carry out the activities of the branch within the framework of its main goals and objectives;
  • represent the interests of its branch in other institutions on all issues related to its activities.

The implementation of the above rights is carried out within the framework of the official duties of the head of the unit.

Job responsibilities

The head has a number of job responsibilities, in accordance with which it carries out its activities:

  • managing the activities of the unit to ensure its financial stability, making a profit, and maintaining its image;
  • planning work in accordance with the goals of the organization;
  • monitoring the effectiveness and timeliness of completing assigned tasks;
  • assessment of the degree of risk in achieving the set goals;
  • analysis and solution of diverse problems for the effective work of the workforce;
  • carrying out personnel selection, stimulating the professional growth of employees;
  • establishing connections with potential business partners;
  • analysis and forecasting of demand for manufactured products or services provided;
  • implementation of innovative development of the division;
  • ensuring operational efficiency and quality of products;
  • analysis of the current activities of the enterprise and forecasting the effectiveness of its work in the future;
  • resolving issues related to the rational use of material assets and resources;
  • organizing interaction between specialists from different departments, including with representatives of other companies, in order to resolve current issues of the company.

The job responsibilities of the branch manager relate to different areas of activity of the unit entrusted to him.

Types of liability

The branch manager bears several types of liability for your work:

  1. Personal(from the point of view of the labor efficiency of the reporting unit). This includes the organization and timeliness of work, ensuring working conditions, and timely submission of reports to the general director.
  2. Material. The head of the branch does not bear full financial responsibility, but it still exists and is limited to the amount of his average monthly earnings.
  3. Disciplinary(deprivation of bonus or dismissal). The degree of disciplinary liability is specified in the employment contract.

The manager bears other types of liability (administrative or criminal) in accordance with current legislation.

Also call a branch a division in the banking sector for territorial distribution. 3 Call a division structured along industry and functional lines a “department.” The department, like the management, is responsible for certain areas of the organization’s activities. Create a department in representative offices of foreign companies and in enterprises with a Western management model. 4 Call a unit a “department” if it will be responsible for organizational and technical support for specific areas of the enterprise’s activities. 5 Call a unit a “service” if it includes structural units that are united by their functions and have similar goals and objectives. Please note that the service is managed centrally by one person. Also name the department responsible for enterprise safety or the labor protection department as a service.

Procedures for staff reduction and renaming of departments

An exception to this rule is the positions of “chief engineer” and “chief accountant”: the first is the deputy head of the organization, and the second can be called the chief, without having employees or a structural unit under his command. Clause 6 of the General Provisions of the ECSD also establishes that the position of “manager” belongs to the category of managers and, if necessary, may provide for the presence of subordinate employees.


This position, as a rule, is introduced if there is no need to create a separate structural unit. Stop making people laugh and calling every salesperson or consultant a manager.

Remember: a manager is a leader! Specialists According to paragraph.

We combine departments: how to register

The structural divisions of an organization are the basis on which various formations are based. They must be as relevant as possible to the activities being carried out and be most effective in fulfilling their direct responsibilities.
General information In small organizations, a common situation is when the performance of one function is assigned to a specific employee or he performs several tasks. As it grows, several employees are already doing the same thing.

At this stage of development, there is a need to unite these individuals into certain units called departments, groups, sections, sections, units, workshops. This is done in order to optimize handling.


The functions performed are used as a unifying factor. This is how the structural divisions of the organization are formed.

What is the name of the position of the person responsible for the structural unit of the school?

The following types exist. Administrative, financial, accounting and support services The work of the foundations and balancing of the organization’s work depend on them. These include:

  1. Office.
  2. Secretariat.
  3. Office management service.
  4. Occupational Safety and Health Department.
  5. Personnel management service.
  6. Labor Organization Department.
  7. Accounting.
  8. Operational management service.
  9. Financial division.
  10. Department of Foreign Economic Relations.
  11. Warehouses of finished products and materials.
  12. Planning and Economic Department.
  13. Standardization Service.
  14. Legal service.
  15. Human Resources Department.
  16. Security Service.
  17. Computer center.
  18. VOKhR - paramilitary security.

You can also often find structural divisions of an educational organization.

How to correctly name a structural unit

In this case, it is very important to ensure a clear division of responsibilities. Otherwise, you can expect internal conflict. To avoid uncertainty, clear criteria should be used.


And then it doesn’t matter what is the object of influence - structural divisions of a credit institution, bank, IT company, factory or agricultural entity - their efficiency will be at its best. Types of divisions The classification was taken as a basis, within which 61 departments are distinguished.

They will be more or less structured according to the similarity of the duties they perform. It should also be noted that in practice their names may have a slightly different appearance, but this does not change the essence.

The internal situation will help you to familiarize yourself with this in more detail. The structural divisions of an educational organization and a commercial enterprise differ due to different goals.

Structural subdivision

As practice shows, not all employers understand the meaning of the above requirements of the Labor Code, and many do not even imagine the consequences that violations of this norm can lead to. And the consequences can be tangible for both the employer and the employee. And, it should be assumed, it is precisely in order to protect the rights of the employee that the state considers it necessary to strictly regulate these issues. After all, such a seemingly harmless thing as an incorrect job title can, for example, violate the employee’s right to fair remuneration for his work, not to mention the fact that the employee in the future may have problems with calculating length of service - as a general ( upon retirement) and in a certain specialty (profession).
For the employer, the consequences of violating the norm of clause 3, part 2, art. 19TC can result in large fines.

What would you call the position...

The title of the manager's position depends on the level of management, organizational structure, nature of authority, responsibility and other factors (head of the organization, head of a separate unit, head of a structural unit, other managers, their deputies). In this regard, it should be borne in mind that, for example, a position such as general director is established for heads of organizations that have subsidiaries and separate divisions (branches, representative offices) in their structure, and without them the position will simply be called director.
Therefore, if your boss, wanting to elevate his status, called himself inappropriately, try to somehow tell him about it. We often come across the question: how many deputies can a manager have? The legislation does not establish clear requirements in this regard.

Structural divisions of the organization: types

Secondary school Located 3 km away. The head was laid off. The director of the secondary school has been in office for 3 months. Who will be responsible for the WORK - methodological, for the work of the staff and so on, .... (no staffing - the payment budget is empty) Has anyone thought about this in the country?? ????If they leave, who will be the manager??? Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Pravoved.ru Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:

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Lawyers' answers (2)

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The last month of the year in all organizations, as a rule, passes not only under the auspices of preparation for a corporate New Year's event. Almost all services and structural divisions are in one way or another involved in the development of one of the most important local regulations of any enterprise - the staffing table. The secretary also gets it. In general, the staffing table is a document that mostly relates to the accounting and personnel departments. But if the organization is small and does not have its own lawyer, in such cases it is most often the secretary who manages personnel issues. And there’s no way to get out of this, you have to bear this burden together with the chief accountant, and it’s good if together, on an equal basis. In the course of the activities of any enterprise, questions constantly arise with the names of positions, the construction of an organizational structure and the correct configuration of the relevant structural units.
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Find out more Flip through the magazine Subscribe Surprisingly large reference base on personnel records management Forum of personnel officers. Personnel records management » Personnel records management We welcome you to the forum of HR professionals and newcomers to personnel affairs, dear colleagues! There are already more than 250,000 messages on our forum, more than 26,000 topics, and most importantly, we always have an excellent team and a spirit of mutual assistance. Newbie guests please USE THE FORUM SEARCH! Most questions have already been answered. Please be polite.

What is the abbreviated name of the director's structural unit?

The legislation does not provide for special sanctions for incorrect job titles. However, paragraph 4 of Art. 9.19 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Offenses Code) establishes the employer’s liability for other violations of labor legislation, except for the violations provided for in Art. 9.16–9.18 and parts 1–3 art. 9.19 of the Code of Administrative Offences, causing harm to an employee - imposition of a fine in the amount of 4 to 20 basic units. Thus, it can be assumed that if, as a result of an incorrect job title, the employee suffers any harm, as discussed above, there are grounds for applying the specified sanction to the employer.

An enterprise of any form of ownership cannot do without a leader. Who are these people and what are their responsibilities?

Who is a leader?

According to the dictionary of economic terms ("Big Economic Dictionary" by A. B. Borisov), managers are a certain category of workers who occupy management positions both at the enterprises themselves and at their structural divisions. This includes directors (including general directors), managers, chiefs, editors-in-chief and chief researchers. This category also includes deputies for the above positions.

In addition, leaders are chairmen, managers, commissars, commanders, work producers, and foremen. They also include chief specialists, namely: chief engineer, chief accountant, as well as other “chief” specialists (dispatcher, agronomist, metallurgist, welder, geologist). And, in addition, he is the chief researcher, editor-in-chief and chief economist. Government inspectors also fall into this category. And finally, managers are deputies for all the positions listed above.

What should he do?

What are they? According to the Labor Code, a manager is considered to be one who manages an organization in accordance with its constituent documents and regulations of the Russian Federation. Including it is an executive body in one person. Thus, the head of an organization is both an employee performing duties under an employment contract and a representative of the company, whose functions include organizational activities and interaction with third parties - participants in civil turnover. In his activities, he must be guided by the provisions of both labor and civil legislation.

At the same time, the title of a manager's position may sound differently at enterprises of different forms of ownership - president, director (or general director). This does not contradict the law.

Managers decide all issues related to the direct activities of the company, with the exception of those within the competence of the board of directors or the general meeting of founders. He can represent the interests of the company without a power of attorney, issue powers of attorney to other employees, issue orders on hiring, dismissal, and disciplinary sanctions. All rules and regulations applicable to any employee are applicable to the manager - to conscientiously fulfill his own duties in accordance with the employment contract, to comply with labor discipline, as well as labor protection requirements.

Agreement with the manager

According to the law, before concluding an employment contract with a candidate for the position of manager, procedures may be provided to determine the suitability of the future head for the position held. This could be a competition, a request for disqualification, etc. Information about the disqualification of individuals is in a special register maintained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

With a manager, it can be indefinite or concluded for a certain period. As a rule, the period of validity of such an agreement is prescribed in the statutory documents of the organization. Typically this period does not exceed five years.

A probationary period is not established for persons hired through a competition for a leadership position. For deputy managers, senior managers and heads of departments, the probationary period should not exceed six months.

The employment contract of a candidate for a managerial position must include a clause on non-disclosure of confidential information to which he receives access. As well as penalties for violating this clause.

Head of department

An enterprise or organization may consist of several structural divisions. In particular, if a company operates not only at its registered legal address, separate divisions (branches or representative offices) are created. Such structural units, geographically distant from the parent organization, have the legal right to represent the interests of the company and organize stationary workplaces.

In such a branch, the head of the division is a full-fledged representative of the company, having all the necessary powers. His functions are similar to those of the management of the parent company, to which he directly reports. In any structural unit, managers are the organizers of all current activities and specialists in solving a wide variety of emerging problems.

What else does a leader do?

In addition to solving direct production issues, executives and senior managers are faced with the task of competently maintaining personnel policies. The success, competitiveness, and economic stability of any enterprise depend on the effective work of employees individually and the team as a whole.

Creating a unified team capable of working for results is the most important goal of a manager. Thus, the head of an enterprise is also a psychologist who resolves issues of motivation, status and role in the team of individual employees, and team unity.

It is recommended for senior and middle management managers:

  • Select groups of people who are close in spirit, moral values, religion, etc. Place the workplaces of members of such a group in the office at a close distance. The further employees sit from each other, the lower the cohesion in the team.
  • Encourage common activities and collective decision-making.
  • Set specific achievable goals for the group and prevent conflicts.
  • Encourage passive employees and discourage overly ambitious ones.
  • Preserve and maintain an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance in the team.

When creating a separate division (SU), the head of the parent organization has the right to appoint a responsible person to manage this division. The relationship between the management of the head office and the management of the EP is formalized in the form of a power of attorney for the management of the division, which allows the head of the EP to represent the interests of the company.

At the same time, the head of the OP exercises his powers on behalf of the head office, since he himself is the sole legal body. is not a person. The employment contract concluded with the head of the EP is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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The head of a separate division is obliged to:

  • carry out management of the EP in accordance with the tasks assigned to it;
  • plan EP activities and monitor the progress of their implementation;
  • form a staff of EP employees, distribute responsibilities among them;
  • monitor compliance with labor safety conditions.

General structure of the organization

Separate divisions themselves do not have legal status, so they:

  • are not subjects of legal relations;
  • do not have civil legal capacity;
  • are part of the whole company.

Often, ignorance of the above provisions creates confusion, for example, you can often find the wording “OP with the rights of a legal entity,” while the OP itself is part of a legal entity, and the law prohibits the entry of one legal entity. faces to another.

The emergence of a separate division may take place after the fact, without being reflected in the company’s constituent documentation. To do this, it is necessary that the workplace outside the company’s location be stationary and last more than a month.

What is important to consider

Conditions by law

A separate division itself is recognized as such if the structure is territorially separate from the parent organization and includes equipped workplaces. A workplace is considered stationary if it exists for more than one month. This provision is indicated in paragraph 2 of Article 11. Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

An organization is recognized as a separate division regardless of whether this provision is reflected in the internal constituent documentation of the company. For separate divisions, registration with .

In accordance with federal legislation, the heads of separate divisions are appointed by the main company and act on the basis of the power of attorney issued to them. The heads of the OP act on behalf of the parent company, the same company bears full responsibility for all the consequences of the activities of the division’s management.

A structural unit is not an independent legal entity; their managers themselves are appointed by the legal entity and act under a power of attorney that has an established pattern. It is worth noting that the presence of a power of attorney is mandatory, since the powers of managers cannot be based on other constituent documents of the company.

If disputes arise with the participation of the OP, actions under the agreement signed by the head of the division are considered to be performed by the legal entity (parent company) itself. But this condition is valid only if at the time of signing the agreement the head of the OP had a power of attorney from the company.

In accordance with the legislation, divisions may be assigned the main classifier - , as well as OKOGU, and others.

The location of the company is also the territory where it carries out its activities through a separate division. Therefore, the organization is obliged to notify the tax authorities at the place of registration of the OP about its presence.

Notification of the tax authorities must be carried out within a certain time frame: in the case of creating a separate division - 1 month, in case of changes in the conditions of the existing structure - 3 days. In case of termination of the operation of the OP, the management of the organization is obliged to notify the Federal Tax Service within 3 days from the moment.

If it is necessary to conduct cash transactions, the OP is obliged to conduct. At the same time, in accordance with the instructions of the Bank of Russia, the head of the parent company must bind sheets of cash books for each existing division where cash transactions are carried out.

Sample employment contract with the head of a separate division:

Job requirements

A standard vacancy for the head of a structural unit contains a number of requirements for the candidate, compliance with which will allow him to effectively perform the assigned tasks.

These requirements include:

Knowledge of Russian legislation The manager must know the various regulations that determine the functioning of a separate division, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to the scope of the division’s activities.
Industry knowledge The head of the EP must have extensive knowledge in the field of economic activity of the division, know the documents regulating the profile and specialization of the branch. He must also clearly understand the prospects for economic and social development of the unit and the company.
Knowledge of the basics of working with personnel Ability to organize activities to improve the efficiency of this work.
Knowledge of the basics of labor protection and labor legislation The manager must have a good understanding of environmental safety requirements and know the basic provisions of sanitary and epidemiological legislation.

In addition to the above, appointment to the position of head of an EP requires appropriate qualifications: higher specialized education and at least 5 years of experience in similar work.

Control principle

A separate division can be managed in three main ways:

Centralized management
  • With this method of office management, all personnel decisions remain with the parent company. Copies of documents with orders are sent to branches via local network or e-mail.
  • The main disadvantage of the centralized management method is its high cost, since you often have to resort to the services of couriers. The advantage of this method of management is complete control over the formation of the department’s staff.
Decentralized control
  • With this form of office management, part of the decisions on personnel policy remains with the management of the EP. The scope of powers delegated to the head of a unit may vary widely, for example, he may be allowed to maintain work records, familiarize employees with the provisions of the company’s charter, or independently review resumes, hire employees, etc.
  • Distributed management allows management to hire employees in a timely manner and more effectively conduct personnel policies in general.
Mixed management This method of office management can combine elements of the above systems in various proportions.

Drawing up an employment contract

The conclusion of an employment contract with the head of a separate division is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The duration of the contract can be either definite or indefinite. In the first case, a temporary contract is concluded.

Usually the head of the company independently makes the decision to appoint the head of the OP. The appointed head of the OP acts on behalf of the company on the basis of a power of attorney. The employment contract and power of attorney must indicate the duties and rights of the head of the EP, as well as the limits of his competence.

The main documents regulating the rights and obligations of the head of the EP are:

  • employment contract;
  • company charter;
  • power of attorney.

When drawing up an employment contract, it must indicate the place of work of the future manager, and if the OP is located in a different area from the location of the parent company, then the OP’s address is additionally indicated. Also in the contract it is necessary to clearly delineate the actual labor functions of the head of the EP and his powers.

When hiring a department head, his probationary period cannot be more than 6 months. This provision is reflected in Article 70. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The conditions for terminating an employment contract with the head of a separate unit, provided that it is located in a different area, comply with the rules. The location of the OP is considered different if it is located outside the territorial-administrative unit (city, town, etc.) in which the parent company is located.

When the head of a division is dismissed, the head office management is obliged to offer him a similar position at the place of his actual work. If there is none, then further dismissal of the employee also takes place according to the rules of liquidation of the company. This circumstance is explained by the fact that with the dismissal of the manager, the existing division is actually closed.

According to labor legislation, disciplinary measures may be applied to the head of the EP. For example, for a gross violation of labor duties or if the manager made a decision that resulted in large material losses or resulted in damage to the company’s property, a penalty in the form of dismissal may be imposed on the head of the unit. These measures apply only to branch managers and cannot be applied to their deputies and assistants.

What does the head of a separate department do?

The main task of the head of the OP is to carry out the tasks assigned to him by the head of the company. Their list is indicated in various documents: job description, organization charter, contract, etc.

Additionally, the work of the head of the department requires the following responsibilities:

  • Regularly conduct safety training among employees of the EP, as well as monitor the timely completion of required certifications by employees. This also includes the manager’s responsibilities for organizing regular medical examinations of employees, issuing them special equipment. clothing necessary to perform work activities.
  • Monitor employees' compliance with work discipline, safety regulations and environmental protection. If the functioning of the company is related to the need to maintain state or commercial secrets, then control over compliance with secrecy also falls on the head of the OP.
  • Ensure replenishment of the staff of the OP. The manager forms a personnel policy, the task of which is to create a cohesive team of qualified employees. Also, within the framework of this policy, measures should be taken to increase the motivation of workers and increase the efficiency of their work.

Paying taxes

The head of the OP, as a responsible person, is responsible for the financial and economic operations of the unit entrusted to him. Provided that these operations were carried out on the basis of documents signed by the manager and had a corresponding order, and the actions themselves did not go beyond the competence of the manager.

The head of the OP is responsible for concealing, understating the income of the unit or concealing any objects of taxation. Also, the head of the department will be responsible if the tax service is not promptly provided with accounting reports, calculations and other documents necessary for paying taxes. If the listed violations occur, the manager is fined in the amount of 2-5 minimum wages, and in case of repeated violation - 5-10 minimum wages.

Also, the head of the OP in special cases may be brought to criminal liability, for example, in case of deliberate concealment of income or distortion of data in documents submitted to the tax authorities. In this case, the manager faces up to 4 years of imprisonment, followed by restrictions on holding certain positions.




[Job title]



[Name of company]

________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"____" ____________ 20__


Head of a structural unit of an educational institution

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the head of a structural unit of an educational institution [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Educational Institution).

1.2. The head of a structural unit of an educational institution belongs to the category of managers, is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.3. The head of a structural unit of an educational institution reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate manager in the dative case] of the Educational institution.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional education in a specialty corresponding to the profile of the structural unit of the educational institution and has at least 3 years of work experience in the specialty corresponding to the profile of the structural unit of the educational institution is appointed to the position of head of a structural unit of an educational institution.

1.5. The head of a structural unit of an educational institution must know:

  • priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;
  • laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports activities;
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • pedagogy;
  • achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice;
  • psychology;
  • basics of physiology, hygiene;
  • theory and methods of managing educational systems;
  • modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning;
  • methods of persuasion, argumentation of one’s position, establishing contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues;
  • technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;
  • basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment;
  • fundamentals of economics, sociology;
  • ways of organizing the financial and economic activities of an educational institution;
  • civil, administrative, labor, budget, tax legislation in terms of regulating the activities of educational institutions and educational authorities at various levels;
  • basics of management, personnel management;
  • basics of project management;
  • internal labor regulations of an educational institution;
  • labor protection and fire safety rules.

1.6. The head of a structural unit of an educational institution is guided in his activities by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Educational organization;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • this job description.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of the head of a structural unit of an educational institution, his duties are assigned to [deputy position title], who is appointed in the prescribed manner, acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

2. Job responsibilities

The head of a structural unit of an educational institution performs the following duties:

2.1. Manages the activities of a structural unit of an educational institution: an educational and consulting center, a department, a department, a section, a laboratory, an office, an educational or training and production workshop, a boarding school at a school, a dormitory, an educational facility, industrial practice and other structural units (hereinafter referred to as the structural unit) .

2.2. Organizes current and long-term planning of the activities of a structural unit, taking into account the goals, objectives and directions for the implementation of which it was created, ensures control over the implementation of planned tasks, coordinates the work of teachers, educators and other teaching staff in the implementation of educational plans and programs, development of the necessary educational and methodological documentation.

2.3. Provides control over the quality of the educational process and the objectivity of assessing the results of educational and extracurricular activities of students, pupils, ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard.

2.4. Creates conditions for the development of working educational programs of the structural unit.

2.5. Provides assistance to teaching staff in mastering and developing innovative programs and technologies.

2.6. Organizes work on preparing and conducting final certification, educational work for parents.

2.7. Organizes methodological, cultural and extracurricular activities.

2.8. Monitors the academic workload of students (pupils, children).

2.9. Participates in recruiting the student population (pupils, children) and takes measures to preserve it, participates in drawing up a schedule of training sessions and other activities of students (pupils, children).

2.10. Makes proposals to improve the educational process and management of the educational institution.

2.11. Participates in the selection and placement of teaching and other personnel, in organizing the improvement of their qualifications and professional skills.

2.12. Takes part in the preparation and certification of teaching and other employees of the institution.

2.13. Ensures timely preparation of established reporting documentation.

2.14. Takes part in the development and strengthening of the educational and material base of the institution, equipping workshops, educational laboratories and classrooms with modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids, preserving equipment and inventory, equipping and replenishing libraries and teaching rooms with educational, methodological and fiction literature, periodicals publications, in methodological support of the educational process.

2.15. Monitors the state of medical care for students and pupils.

2.16. Organizes the conclusion of agreements with interested organizations for personnel training.

2.17. Takes measures to ensure the creation of the necessary social and living conditions for students (pupils, children) and employees of the educational institution.

2.18. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

In case of official necessity, the head of a structural unit of an educational institution may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The head of a structural unit of an educational institution has the right:

3.1. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees and services on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

3.2. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely completion of individual orders and tasks by the services subordinate to him.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of his activities, subordinate services and divisions.

3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on production and other issues within his competence.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.6. Use other rights established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The head of a structural unit of an educational institution bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out the official instructions of the immediate Deputy Manager.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of one's job functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. The assessment of the work of the head of a structural unit of an educational institution is carried out:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. The certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of the head of a structural unit of an educational institution is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his fulfillment of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of the head of a structural unit of an educational institution is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the Educational institution.

5.2. Due to production needs, the head of a structural unit of an educational institution is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To resolve operational issues related to ensuring production activities, the head of a structural unit of an educational institution may be allocated official vehicles.

6. Signature right

6.1. To ensure its activities, the head of a structural unit of an educational institution is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues within his competence by this job description.

I have read the instructions ____/____________/ “__” _______ 20__