Job description for programmer of a budgetary institution. The main responsibilities of a programmer. Job Description for a Software Engineer Job Description for a Computer Engineer

With the development of high technologies, there has been a great demand for IT workers. This profession is classified into several categories. This article will discuss all the rights and responsibilities of programmers in different fields.

A little history

Few people know that the very first programmer was Joseph Jacquard, who lived in the 19th century. He developed a loom that could automatically create patterns on fabric using punched cards. I consider this unit to be the first programmed device.

The first development that was capable of performing calculations was Charles Babbage's Programmable Analytical Engine. But it remained only a theoretical development, and the author failed to implement it in practice. Another inventor was able to build this device, after its creator died.

Later, in 1843, Ada Lovelace compiled the first program for this device that could solve Bernoulli's equation.

Programmer profession

What does the job description say about this profession? A programmer is an employee in the field of high technology who is capable of professional computer skills and development in various programming languages, which he must know well. Also, the job description of the leading specialist assumes that the employee must be able to tolerate stressful situations well and be sociable, since teamwork is often expected.

The job description of a leading software engineer indicates that the candidate must have a higher technical education in the required specialty. Of course, if a person is fluent in several languages ​​for creating software and knows how to solve complex problems that arise in the software development process, then his professional skills can help in getting a job without obtaining a university certificate.

In addition to experience working with electronics, a programmer must know a number of other things:

  • labor legislation;
  • regulations, acts and norms related to the professional activities of an IT specialist;
  • programmer job description;
  • labor rules and regulations;
  • safety precautions for working with electronics.

What is a programmer obliged to do, and what rights does he have?

A technology worker has some of the same opportunities and responsibilities as all other workers.

What rights are specified in the job description of a programmer at an enterprise?

  • identification and subsequent elimination of all factors that interfere with making work more effective;
  • programmers can express their wishes, requests or suggestions to representatives of higher positions if they are related to increasing the efficiency of his work.

Although the rights of an IT technology worker fit into only 2 points, they are quite sufficient.

Now let's move on to what a programmer must do during his working hours, and what responsibilities are specified in the programmer's job description:

  • development and subsequent testing of computer programs;
  • searching for methods to solve the problems facing him;
  • determining the required information;
  • determination of data content and volume
  • launching and pausing created programs;
  • assistance in the proper development and operation of computer programs;
  • preparing equipment for operation or repairing it.

The above responsibilities are only the most important for this profession. In fact, this list may be slightly extended.

Software engineer and job description

Only the general director can appoint a person to this position by issued order. Such an employee reports to the head of the department or the technical manager of the enterprise.

To get a position as a software engineer, you must study at a higher educational institution in your specialty and have at least 1 year of work experience in this field.

To be employed for this position, a citizen must have good knowledge of various classes of software, development and information encoding methods. Also, the instructions for a software engineer require knowledge of one or more software development languages, as well as the procedure and method for compiling documentation.

Rights and responsibilities of a software engineer

The job description of a software technician or software engineer includes the following number of rights:

  • know about all the innovations that directly affect his work activity;
  • express wishes and present new projects to the specialist’s management;
  • demand assistance from leadership positions (based on the situation);
  • report any problems that arise to management.

What the job description of a software engineer says about the responsibilities:

  • development and subsequent testing of computer programs using mathematical analysis;
  • development of methods for solving emerging problems and errors;
  • choosing a programming language for the project being created;
  • determination of information to be processed;
  • checking of manufactured products before their operation.

Depending on the company or enterprise in which the specialist operates, functions and responsibilities may vary.

It should also be noted that the engineer or software technician bears full responsibility for the performance of his work, discipline and safety precautions.

Lead programmer and his responsibilities

As in all other cases, the lead programmer must have a technical education obtained from a higher educational institution.

What distinguishes this specialty from others is good command of a personal computer, no less than at a professional level, and the ability to develop complex software.

The job description of a leading-level programmer contains the following items within his competence:

  • monitoring the work of other programmers, providing them with individual work tasks;
  • development of tasks for the entire department;
  • checking and testing finished software for compliance with standards;
  • assistance to individual programmers in their work;
  • inventory of working equipment;
  • control over the property of a company or enterprise;
  • informing senior positions about problems and problems in the work of employees.

In fact, the title of this position speaks for itself. Such an employee acts as the head or “head” of the department.

What does the lead programmer have the right to and what responsibility does he have?

The job description of a 1C programmer or a leading programmer is largely similar, and implies a number of the following rights:

  • requirement to provide official information from higher positions;
  • equipment requirements to perform the work;
  • identification and elimination of reasons that impede the more efficient operation of a company or enterprise;
  • sending wishes and requirements to improve work to superiors;
  • filing requests for bonuses or penalties for employees.

Thus, it turns out that their rights are much broader than those of other classes of programmers. But with increasing rights, the responsibility assigned to the employee also increases. So, the programmer works on factors such as:

  • high-quality implementation of its functions;
  • performing the work of the entire department;
  • maintaining company trade secrets;
  • carrying out orders from superiors.

Such a representative of the position has an extremely responsible job, in which it is necessary to monitor not only his own activities, but also the functioning of the entire department.

Working as a programmer in a budget organization

It is worth highlighting that the process of work in commercial or government institutions is not much different from each other. But some differences still exist.

The job description of this specialty states that the programmer of a budgetary institution is appointed by the director of the organization and reports to him. For example, school specialists have this specialty and are required to:

  • monitor the condition of the equipment;
  • organize the operation of devices;
  • document the state of computers.

Such an employee may be entrusted with great responsibilities, especially if there is only one per institution. And this happens quite often.

Responsibilities and rights of a programmer in a budget enterprise

Although job descriptions may vary from one agency to another, the amount of responsibility assigned is always high. The budget organization programmer is responsible for the following:

  • disruption of the educational process;
  • causing damage to a budgetary institution;
  • improper performance of assigned functions.
  • timely professional development, making proposals for improving work and requesting necessary documents from management;
  • conducting negotiations with other employees of the institution.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a programmer job description, sample 2019/2020. Don’t forget, every programmer’s instruction is handed out against a receipt.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that a programmer should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

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1. General Provisions

1. The programmer belongs to the category of specialists.

(-programmer of category II: higher professional (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience as a programmer of category III or other engineering positions filled by specialists with higher professional education, at least 3 years.

Programmer of category III: higher professional (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience in the specialty acquired during the training period, or work experience in engineering positions without a qualification category.

Programmer: higher professional (technical or engineering-economic) education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience as a category I technician for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with secondary professional qualifications education, at least 5 years.)

3. The programmer is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The programmer must know:

— guidelines and regulatory materials regulating methods for developing algorithms and programs and using computer technology in information processing, the basic principles of structured programming;

— types of software;

— technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of the computer, rules for its technical operation;

— automatic information processing technology;

— types of technical storage media;

— methods of classification and coding of information;

— formalized programming languages;

— current standards, number systems, ciphers and codes;

— procedure for preparing technical documentation;

— advanced domestic and foreign experience in programming and using computer technology;

— fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

— basics of labor legislation;

— internal labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the programmer is guided by:

- legislation of the Russian Federation,

- Charter of the organization,

- orders and instructions of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions,

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The programmer reports directly to __________ (indicate the position of the employee to whom he reports).

7. During the programmer’s absence (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of a programmer


1. Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving economic and other problems, develops programs that provide the ability to execute the algorithm and, accordingly, the assigned task using computer technology, tests and debugs them.

2. Develops a technology for solving a problem at all stages of information processing.

3. Selects a programming language to describe algorithms and data structures.

4. Determines information to be processed by computer technology, its volume, structure, layouts and schemes for input, processing, storage and output, methods of its control.

5. Performs work on preparing programs for debugging and carries out debugging.

6. Determines the volume and content of these test cases, providing the most complete verification of the compliance of programs with their functional purpose.

7. Launches debugged programs and enters initial data determined by the conditions of the assigned tasks.

8. Conducts adjustments to the developed program based on analysis of the output data. Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.

9. Determines the possibility of using ready-made software products.

10. Provides support for implemented programs and software.

11. Develops and implements systems for automatically checking the correctness of programs, standard and standard software, and develops information processing technology.

12. Performs work on unification and typification of computing processes.

13. Participates in the creation of catalogs and file cabinets of standard programs, in the development of forms of documents subject to machine processing, in the design of programs that allow expanding the scope of application of computer technology.

14. Complies with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

15. Complies with internal rules and regulations for sales, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

16. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace,

17. Carry out, within the framework of the employment contract, the orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.

3. Programmer rights

The programmer has the right:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

— to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction,

- on encouraging distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary liability the employees subordinate to him who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the programmer

The programmer is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description for a programmer - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of a programmer, rights of a programmer, responsibility of a programmer.

A programmer working in an organization is an ordinary employee from a legal point of view, even if he has developed ingenious software designed to save humanity from an alien invasion. Like any other employee, a programmer has rights and obligations that must be fulfilled by the parties who entered into an employment contract.

General provisions of the job description

The general provisions of a programmer's job description include the following points:

  • A programmer can be appointed to a position by the head of an organization. Release from work duties may occur upon the recommendation of the IT management department, after which the specialist
    is dismissed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Only a specialist with a higher technical education can be appointed to this position.
  • The programmer must know all the basic orders and governing documents of the organization.
  • A representative of this specialty reports directly to the head of the IT department.
  • A programmer must have communication skills and a positive attitude.

These provisions are mandatory for compliance by a programmer who is on the staff of the organization. In addition to the general requirements for an employee, a specialist must also perform professional functions.

Job responsibilities of a programmer

The job responsibilities of an IT specialist include the following:

These rules are mandatory for compliance by an employee who is employed as a company programmer.

Programmer rights

In addition to his job responsibilities, a specialist in this profession has the rights to:

  • Independently eliminate obstacles that arise when the programmer performs his official duties.
  • Make proposals to improve the performance of their job duties to the management of the organization.
  • Contact management with requirements to improve the material and technical base, which is used for the specialist to carry out his immediate job responsibilities.
  • Familiarize yourself with all documents defining the rights and responsibilities of a specialist, as well as regulatory documents relating to professional activities.
  • All employee rights that are described in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are also valid for this specialty.

Programmer Responsibility

An IT specialist, in addition to the basic rights and provisions that he is obliged to fulfill in the workplace, is responsible for a certain type of activity or inaction in the performance of his professional duties.

Responsibilities of the programmer:

In the process of performing his professional duties, a programmer is not immune from making mistakes, but with a responsible approach to performing his job functions, the likelihood of situations arising in which serious consequences could arise for the organization where the IT specialist is employed is negligible.

Software engineer - job features

A software engineer, the company deals only with software development. All other functions are delegated to technical programmers who work with the already written digital code.

A software engineer is not only involved in the implementation of the assigned task by the management of the organization, but also has a creative component in his work, which allows him to make innovative solutions in the development of programs and algorithms.

Lead programmer - who is he in the enterprise?

The leading programmer is the most specialist in the field of IT technologies among the representatives of this profession working at the enterprise. The leading programmer must have a full higher education, as well as work experience as a software engineer for at least 2 years.

The job responsibilities of the lead programmer include carrying out oral and written instructions and orders from the head of the organization. The specialist is required to make adjustments to the products being developed at the enterprise and monitor their testing and debugging. Also, the leading programmer provides support for all software products that were written personally or by other employees of the company’s IT department.

A specialist with this qualification must develop and implement automatic verification systems for produced digital products, as well as supervise programmers within his competence. To ensure the highest possible level of qualifications, the leading specialist is obliged to constantly improve his qualifications.

The lead programmer, like other employees of the enterprise, is obliged to comply with all internal labor regulations, and is also obliged to provide reports on the work done at the request of higher authorities.

The leading specialist is responsible for the dishonest performance of his job duties, as well as for the poor quality work of subordinate employees.

This specialist is responsible for the disclosure of information that is protected by the laws of the Russian Federation, including the disclosure of personal data of third parties.


The profession of a programmer is very popular and prestigious in the 21st century, but failure to comply with basic labor discipline standards can cause various obstacles in the professional path of such an employee.

You should know very well the requirements that apply to specialists in this profession in order to avoid many troubles in the service. This article provides fairly good information about the rights and
responsibilities of a programmer, so this text should be printed and saved as a reminder.

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Job description of a system programmer

A system programmer must have knowledge and skills that allow the use of modern mathematical methods and software to solve problems of economics and management, the use of information technologies in the design, management and financial activities of an enterprise.

A system programmer is invited to an enterprise to automate and provide software for labor-intensive work on managing production, financial flows, and personnel. It is advisable to introduce a system programmer position if the enterprise has a large number of computers (usually more than 20) or if there are local area networks connecting more than 10 computers.

The main requirements for a system programmer are: higher technical education; experience working on various types of PCs and computers, incl. integrated into local networks; knowledge of standard algorithmic languages; experience in using approximate methods and standard software to solve applied problems; practice of developing application packages and databases; knowledge of computer graphics and expert systems.

I. General provisions

1. A system programmer belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person who has

Vocational (technical) education,

(higher; secondary)

(without presenting requirements for work experience; work experience as a technician for at least 3 years or

In other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational (technical) education, at least 5 years)

3. The system programmer must know:

3.1. Fundamentals of computer science, higher mathematics.

3.2. Fundamentals of the theory of algorithms, methods for constructing formal languages, basic data structures, fundamentals of computer graphics, architectural features and physical foundations for constructing modern PCs and computers.

3.3. Basic data models and their organization.

3.4. System programming languages.

3.5. Principles of constructing query languages ​​and data manipulation.

3.6. Syntax, semantics and formal ways of describing programming languages, distributed and parallel programming constructs, methods and main stages of translation.

3.7. Principles of building expert systems.

3.8. Methods and mechanisms for data management.

3.9. Principles of organization, composition and operation schemes of operating systems.

3.10. Principles of resource management, methods of organizing file systems.

3.11. Principles of building network interaction.

3.12. Basic software development methods.

3.13. Hardware.

3.14. Information legislation.

3.15. Labor legislation.

3.16. Labor protection and safety rules and regulations.

4. Appointment to the position of a system programmer and dismissal from the position are made by order of the head of the enterprise.

5. The system programmer reports directly to ___________________________________.

6. During the absence of the system programmer (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

System programmer:

1. Consults the administration of the enterprise on the use of computer equipment and computer information technologies.

2. Installs, configures and optimizes system software and masters application software.

3. Develops and implements application programs.

4. Connects and replaces external devices, testing computer equipment.

5. Optimizes computer disk space.

6. Provides maintenance of computer databases.

7. Conducts computer anti-virus measures.

8. Participates in the administration of the local computer network of the enterprise.

9. Organizes support of contracts with third-party organizations providing services for communication, software and hardware equipment of the enterprise.

10. Ensures the exchange of local network information with external organizations via telecommunication channels.

11. Conducts testing and repair of individual computer devices and local network cable lines.

12. Eliminates emergency situations associated with damage to software and databases.

13. Organizes training for company employees in the basics of computer literacy and working with application software.

14. Provides technical support for local networks and software used.

15. Performs preventive work to maintain the functionality of computer equipment.

16. Organizes the repair of computer equipment with the involvement of specialized institutions.

17. Conducts systematic analysis of the hardware and software market.

18. Prepares proposals for the acquisition, development or exchange of hardware.

19. Provides timely notification to the financial and economic service about plans to modernize hardware and software.

20. Draws up reports on the work done.

III. Rights

The system programmer has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

2. Submit proposals for the management’s consideration to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of departments of the enterprise and independent specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.

4. Require the management of the enterprise to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The system programmer is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

I have read this job description: Date. Signature.