Factory of church utensils in Sofrino. The Patriarch relieved the head of the Sofrino factory from all positions in the Russian Orthodox Church. Millions on wine

It is the main manufacturer of church items. This is a unique production that has no analogues either in our country or abroad.
The workers of the Patriarchal Plant contribute to the revival of Orthodoxy and Russian spirituality, making sure that churches and monasteries have everything necessary for worship.


From the history of the enterprise

The enterprise began with the Workshops for the production of church utensils and icons, opened after the war in the Novodevichy Convent. There, in the basements of the Assumption Church and utility rooms, several workshops were organized: church utensils, candles, icons and sewing, in which about 80 people worked. These modest workshops became the prototype of the Sofrino Art and Production Enterprise of the Russian Orthodox Church.


Most operations were carried out manually, since the necessary equipment was not available: state enterprises did not have the right to sell anything to the Church. We had to make the necessary equipment ourselves, look for old equipment in landfills, repair it, and remodel it.


Nowadays there is a lot of automation in the workshops, whereas previously most operations were performed manually

Four drums were installed in the candle shop, which were turned by workers. The candle mass was heated in boilers with wood; candles were cut and labeled by hand. 16 people worked in the candle shop. There were approximately the same number of workers in the church utensils workshop, which produced lamps, candlesticks, frames for icons, and medallions. Here, crosses were hand-stamped and chasubles for icons were minted.


In the icon workshop (part of it was located in the monastery bell tower), black and white photographs of icons were painted with aniline paints, and memorial books and funeral bedspreads were produced in small quantities. In the sewing workshop, craftswomen sewed vestments from ordinary curtain fabric - it was impossible to find anything more suitable at that time. Of course, the volume of products produced did not cover even a small part of the needs of the Church. However, the believers were incredibly happy about this too.


In the icon workshop of the Sofrino art and production enterprise

The revival of the production of church products in the first post-war and subsequent years was under the constant paternal care of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy I of Moscow and All Rus'. With his blessing, the workers of the Production Workshops completed a unique work - a chased silver icon “The Appearance of the Mother of God to St. Sergius of Radonezh.” This is a work of high artistic level, not inferior to the best pre-revolutionary examples. It is well known to pilgrims visiting the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. This sacred image resides in the ancient Trinity Cathedral of the holy monastery, above the shrine with the relics of the Hegumen of the Russian Land.


In the candle shop of the Sofrino art and production enterprise

In 1961, the Church workshops moved to Alekseevskoye. There, at the ancient 17th-century church in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, not far from the VDNKh metro station, there was a fruit and vegetable base. Production was located at the site of the base. The allocated premises were located mainly in the basement (ground floor) of the temple. After major renovations, a utensils workshop (about 150 people already worked there), a sewing workshop (14 people) and a candle shop were located there. Production expanded, a jewelry department was created, and over time a group of icon painters appeared. The icon workshop remained in the Novodevichy Convent, which was slightly expanded. Icons began to be painted using silk-screen printing.


Many altar crosses are works of jewelry: they are made of precious metals and decorated with precious stones

Today, the enterprise remembers with a feeling of special gratitude the people who stood at the origins of production - zealots of church beauty, who, in the conditions of persecution of the Church, “did not let the candle go out.” They not only preserved an initiative so important for the Orthodox people, but also ensured its further development.


In the candle shop of the Sofrino art and production enterprise

After the death of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy I (†1970), the Russian Orthodox Church was headed by His Holiness Patriarch Pimen. After his repeated appeals to the Council for Religious Affairs, the USSR Government granted the Church’s petition and allocated a three-hectare plot in the village of Sofrino near Moscow for the construction of a church utensils factory. Construction began in 1975; was conducted under the leadership of Pavel Ivanovich Bulychev (†2000), who became the first director of Sofrino. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Pimen, to help P.I. Bulychev was sent to E.A. in 1975. Parkhaev, head of the production department of the Economic Administration of the Moscow Patriarchate. He was responsible for providing the construction with everything necessary, for the uninterrupted supply of raw materials and supplies, and equipping the workshops with equipment.


In the candle shop of the Sofrino art and production enterprise

A heating system building and two production buildings were built, housing administrative services, icon production, galvanoplasty, gilding, sewing, and candle shops. The jewelry workshop continued to operate in Alekseevsky.


In the candle shop of the Sofrino art and production enterprise

On September 15, 1980, the grand opening and consecration of the enterprise took place, which was performed by His Holiness Patriarch Pimen. The heart of the plant was the house church, equipped with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Pimen, which was consecrated in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Temple of Seraphim of Sarov on the territory of the Sofrino art and production enterprise

In the 1980s, the company employed about 700 people. The production of products was small and carried out according to plans formed by the Patriarchate.


On the eve of the great celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', the hierarchy assigned a significant share of work to the Sofrino enterprise. A huge amount of work had to be completed in a short time, and to do this, raise the plant to a new technological level and reorganize production. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Pimen (†1990), in 1987 the enterprise was headed by Evgeniy Alekseevich Parkhaev, who had worked in the Church Workshops since 1965. Under his leadership, new workshops and areas were created, equipment was purchased, and advanced technologies began to be used in production. The volume of products produced has increased at all sites. Particular attention was paid to production culture. The territory of the enterprise has increased significantly.

From the history of the enterprise

To the five hundred types of products that were mastered by the Workshops earlier, several dozen more types of completely new products were added, released for the Celebration. The great holiday became a kind of test, an exam for both management and workers.

From the history of the enterprise

General reconstruction

In the difficult 1990s, the enterprise, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, underwent a general reconstruction: outdated equipment was replaced, the latest technologies were introduced, production space was increased, new workshops and areas were organized (icon painting, iconostasis, galvanizing).


Riza (oklad) is an applied decoration on Orthodox icons, covering the entire icon board on top of the paint layer, except for a few significant elements (usually the face and hands). This setting comes from relief icons made entirely of precious metal

In 1991, a two-story building was built for the carpentry section of the icon workshop. This site, equipped with multi-operational equipment, made it possible to increase the number of blanks for icons, folding cases, and begin the production of complex icon cases, wooden church utensils - lecterns, altars. A large module for lumber storage was built and installation of drying chambers began.


In 1992, a six-story production building with an area of ​​10 thousand square meters was built. meters. The new building housed the sewing and tool shops, sections of the icon, foundry and icon-painting shops, a photo laboratory, and a design bureau. The production volume has expanded, and custom orders have become available.


In the sewing workshop of the art and production enterprise "Sofrino"

A three-story building with a hangar-type module for storing paper and post-printing processing of printed products was built for the printing house.


Production of wedding crowns in the sewing workshop. Wedding crowns, reminiscent in shape of a royal crown (one with the image of the Savior, the other - the Mother of God), are placed on the heads of the bride and groom during the sacrament of marriage.

The production area was significantly expanded due to the construction of seven hangar-type modules, which housed warehouses for raw materials, a garage, and sales department warehouses.


Production of wedding crowns in the church utensils workshop

The reconstruction made it possible to expand and update the range of products and increase the number of jobs.


Production of church items at the Sofrino enterprise

The small house church could no longer accommodate everyone who wanted to pray. A new temple of the enterprise was built. On May 5, 1997, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II (†2008) consecrated it in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov. The main shrine of the temple is a particle of the relics of St. Seraphim.


Modern life of the Sofrino enterprise

Today Sofrino is one of the largest enterprises in the Moscow region, meeting the best European standards - modern, high-tech; it is the world's largest manufacturer of church items.


Production of church items at the Sofrino enterprise

The enterprise is of great economic importance for the Church. It is a stable source of replenishment of the general church budget for the implementation of the statutory goals of the Russian Orthodox Church. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' calls for strengthening interaction between dioceses and enterprises, maintaining a constant dialogue on issues of pricing and product quality.


In the candle shop of the Sofrino art and production enterprise

His Holiness supported the petition of the Sofrino workers and blessed to perpetuate the memory of the founder of the plant. On May 3, 2010, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill visited the plant and consecrated the monument to Patriarch Pimen created here.


Sorting church candles

His Holiness’s next visit to Sofrino took place on September 29, 2011. The Primate got acquainted with the production in detail, noted its constant improvement, the high responsibility of the workers, and strict labor discipline.


Production of church items at the Sofrino enterprise

The total area of ​​the plant is 12 hectares, about 3 thousand highly qualified specialists work here - residents of the village of Sofrino, as well as nearby cities: Pushkino, Krasnoarmeysk, Sergiev Posad, Alexandrov and others. Many come from Moscow.


The range of products that are produced today includes over 2.5 thousand items. The company carries out restoration work, develops architectural designs for churches and chapels, designs their interiors, and carries out unique individual orders. Interesting new products and exclusive offers for customers are constantly appearing.


Artistic painting of candles in the form of Easter eggs

Management pays special attention to new technological developments and modern materials emerging in the world. The possibilities of introducing them into the production process of an enterprise are analyzed in order to relieve workers from monotonous physical labor, increase productivity, and make the process of producing products more rational and economical. The company is constantly increasing its production area due to the construction of new facilities, and expanding its workshops.

From the history of the enterprise

The plant always pays great attention to solving social and domestic issues and creating comfortable conditions for fruitful creative work. Significant funds are spent for these purposes.

From the history of the enterprise

The company carries out significant charitable work. Its main directions are assistance to reviving churches and monasteries and social support.

From the history of the enterprise

For diligent work for the glory of the Russian Orthodox Church, by the Decree of His Holiness Patriarch Pimen in 1988, the enterprise was awarded the Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, 1st degree, and in 1989 - the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st degree. For special services in caring for children, the needy, the orphaned and the sick, by the Decree of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, the Sofrino enterprise in 2005 was awarded the Order of the Holy Blessed Tsarevich Demetrius of Moscow and Uglich.

From the history of the enterprise

On September 16, 2010, by the Decree of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the team of the Sofrino Art and Production Enterprise, in consideration of the diligent service of the Russian Orthodox Church and in connection with the 30th anniversary of the founding of the enterprise, was awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniil of Moscow, 1st degree.

From the history of the enterprise

The hierarchy awarded the general director of the Sofrino enterprise, Evgeniy Alekseevich Parkhaev, many church awards for many years of conscientious work for the glory of the Holy Church. The highest of them are the Order of Glory and Honor, 1st class, the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, 1st class, St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st class, and St. Seraphim of Sarov, 1st class. He was also awarded state awards - the Order of Honor, the Order of Friendship, and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. Evgeniy Alekseevich believes that these awards are evidence of the merits of the entire Sofrino team.


From the history of the enterprise

The company works closely with dioceses near and far abroad. They also highly appreciate the activities of Sofrino, his works for the benefit of our Mother Church, for the benefit of the peoples of our fraternal countries. These awards are very dear to the director and workers. Among them are the Order of the Belarusian Orthodox Church of St. Cyril of Turov, the Order of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov, and the Order of Honor of the Republic of Moldova.


From the history of the enterprise

In January 2012, Evgeniy Alekseevich was awarded the Gratitude of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko: “For many years of creative activity in preserving the best traditions of church arts, a huge contribution to the restoration of churches and monasteries, the development of business and cultural ties with the Republic of Belarus.”

From personal archive Evgenia Parkhaeva

The artistic and production enterprise “Sofrino” is developing dynamically and is today at the peak of its creative potential.


Museum of the Sofrino Enterprise

A museum was created at the enterprise in the 1980s, the exhibition of which reflects its history and today. The museum presents the best modern products of Orthodox craftsmen and samples of mass-produced products the first years of our company's existence. These products are especially memorable for people of the older and middle generations, who well remember the acute shortage of church utensils and prayer items. Brass crosses, medallions with the image of the Savior and the Mother of God, simple lamps, icons made using photography, belts with the text of the ninetieth psalm “Alive in the help of the Most High.” In those years, these modest products brought great joy to Orthodox Christians.


Badges with anniversary symbols dedicated to the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus', commemorative medals, a series of badges with portraits of Russian Patriarchs... All this is a memory of an entire era in the life of the Church.


Museum visitors are surrounded by an atmosphere of church splendor created by the presence in the exhibition of objects that we are accustomed to seeing in churches. These are altars, candlesticks, chandeliers, lamps, chalices and other liturgical vessels, vestments embroidered in gold and silver, banners, fences on the sole, details of iconostases... All these works of modern church art, not inferior to ancient examples, were created by the hands of the craftsmen of the Sofrino enterprise.


The unique church enterprise arouses sincere interest. The plant is visited by the Primates of fraternal Orthodox Local Churches, ruling bishops, and foreign church delegations. Visits by participants in the Bishops' Councils of the Russian Orthodox Church have become traditional. For workers, the opportunity for live communication with archpastors is very important. They show off their new achievements, listen to wishes and comments.


Representatives of dioceses, monasteries and parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church, members of official delegations, honored guests of the plant - everyone gets acquainted with the exhibition of the plant museum with great interest. It promotes the spiritual and patriotic education of young people, so the museum was repeatedly visited by students from all schools in the Pushkin region (visiting the enterprise often helps them navigate the choice of a future profession), students from Sunday schools, vocational art schools, technical schools and universities, students from theological schools, and teachers. For many, getting to know the exhibition becomes a revelation. They have the opportunity to touch the enormous spiritual wealth embodied by masters in liturgical objects, get to know each other better and better understand church traditions. The excursions are accompanied by a detailed story about what these items are needed for and what symbolism they carry.


The museum of the Sofrino enterprise has become widely known. Over the past five years, it has been visited by over 64,000 people. All excursions are free and conducted daily. People come here from Moscow, the Moscow region, and other cities and regions of Russia. The enterprise was visited by international delegations from near and far abroad: from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus. Prominent government and public figures visited here on excursions.


The Book of Honored Guests in the enterprise museum contains words of admiration for the elegance and beauty of the products, the high level of organization of production, gratitude for the work glorifying Russia, for the fact that here they were able to resurrect art that seemed to have gone into oblivion. Guests admire the factory workers and their golden hands. Many warm words and wishes were addressed personally to director Evgeniy Alekseevich.

Attention! Excursion requests accepted only from organizations!

Photo sources: Artem Geodakyan/ ITAR-TASS | Enterprise website | Website E. Parkhaeva

Nelly Shestopalova
SmartNews, January 2014

“By the decree of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' dated July 28, 2018, the General Director of the Sofrino Art and Production Enterprise LLC of the Russian Orthodox Church, Evgeniy Alekseevich Parkhaev, was relieved of his positions in organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church,” this is a short message published by the press - the Patriarch's service on Sunday on the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church produced the effect of a bomb exploding.

"Sofrino" is a monopolist in the production and sale of church goods (from the cheapest candles and icons to expensive abbot and episcopal staffs and vestments with gilding and precious stones), and Parkhaev has led it since 1987, having outlived more than one patriarch in this post . He was considered “unsinkable”, provincial bishops openly fawned on the general director of Sofrino, and there were legends about his condition and luxurious life.

Sofrino Corporation

Under Patriarch Alexy I in 1949, the first workshops for the production of church utensils were opened in the Moscow region. In 1972, the new Patriarch Pimen managed to “wrestle” from the country’s authorities a plot in the Pushkinsky district near the village of Sofrino, near Moscow, where in 1975, among a field cut by quarries, construction began on a full-fledged plant, which opened five years later.

By that time, the atheistic attack on the church had given way to new trends. In 1981, a new three-story building of the Publishing Department of the Russian Orthodox Church was opened in the center of Moscow; in 1983, the country’s authorities transferred “to create the administrative center of the Moscow Patriarchate” the Danilov Monastery, where construction began on the residence of the Patriarch and the Synod, the Danilovskaya Hotel and a building for the Department of External Church Churches. connections. Since 1987, the Russian Orthodox Church began to return, one by one, previously selected churches and monasteries throughout the country.

Under these conditions, the Church required a huge number of things necessary for religious life. And in 1987, Patriarch Pimen removed Pavel Bulychev, who directly built this plant and led it in its first years, from his post as head of Sofrino and appointed young Evgeniy Parkhaev in his place.

On Parkhaev’s personal website the following is reported about his previous biography: “In 1965, Evgeniy Alekseevich came to work at the Moscow Patriarchate... He worked in the Economic Administration of the Moscow Patriarchate, where he worked his way up from an ordinary employee to the head of the supply department; then he became the head of the production department.”

According to some reports, Parkhaev was arrested by the USSR KGB for the theft and sale of copper sheets intended for the repair of churches, and was kept in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center,” the Rossiyskie Vesti newspaper wrote on December 3, 2003. There has been no official confirmation of this information, but it is regularly repeated verbatim in the media.

Millions on wine

In 1990, Patriarch Pimen died, Alexy II was elected to the patriarchal throne, with whom the new head of Sofrino had a long-standing acquaintance. As noted on Parkhaev’s personal website, in 1965 “when applying for a job (in the Russian Orthodox Church. - Note Life) the manager of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archbishop Alexy of Tallinn and Estonia (in the future - Patriarch Alexy II) talked with him." Under him, the plant headed by Parkhaev noticeably expanded the scope of its activities.

In 1991, a two-story building for the icon workshop was built, in 1992 - a six-story production building with an area of ​​10 thousand square meters. m, which included sewing and tool shops, areas of icon, foundry and icon-painting shops, a photo laboratory, and a design bureau. A three-story printing house and seven hangar-type warehouses were also built.

In a 1997 report, the patriarch mentioned that the monthly turnover of Sofrino reached 10 billion rubles, and the annual turnover of the enterprise, according to official data, reached $24 million, as noted in an article in the Moscow News newspaper dated June 27, 2000, based on the study “Economic activity of the Russian Orthodox Church and its shadow component” published by the Russian State University for the Humanities.

In the mid-90s, one of Sofrino’s significant income sources was the sale of wine, duty-free imported by the Russian Orthodox Church through humanitarian aid. A significant part of it was sold through the extensive Sofrino wholesale and retail network. The cost of wine sold in this way was up to 70-80 million dollars a year.

Sofrino" kiosks at Moscow train stations and in the center of the capital. In the summer of 1999, the Main Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes conducted searches in the Sofrino workshop in Alekseevsky, and it was also closed.

It’s nothing more than a coincidence, but it was at this time that Parkhaev unexpectedly became interested in politics. Fortunately, registered candidates for deputies (and even more so the people’s representatives themselves, especially in the State Duma) were protected from criminal prosecution.

Evgeny Parkhaev, director of the Artistic and Production Enterprise of the Russian Orthodox Church "Sofrino" (church utensils, candles, etc.; 20% of the income of the patriarchate), directly referring to the blessing of the patriarch, in the Pushkin district No. 113 near Moscow, where "Sofrino" is located, dialed 14.91% and ended up third, as reported in the review “The Religious Factor in the 1999 Parliamentary Campaign,” published by the Panorama analytical center.

However, all the problems at Sofrino were quickly resolved, and Parkhaev’s business quickly went uphill.

Half of the Russian Orthodox Church's income

Danilovskaya" his man. He became... Evgeniy Alekseevich himself. From now on, the management of income from the two largest financial sources was in the same hands.

It is worth explaining that Danilovskaya, opened in 1991, is the direct property of the Moscow Patriarchate, being one of its most important profitable assets. In 1994, in his diocesan report, Patriarch Alexy II mentioned that the rental of rooms and halls for congresses in Danilovskaya at that time accounted for about 22.5% of all income of the patriarchate. “Sofrino” also provided a similar income (taking into account the fact that it was mainly about wholesale sales of church utensils to the regions, centrally carried out through the patriarchate).

Parkhaev is the most financially influential church figure, his structures are the main budget-forming factor in the patriarchy, so the patriarch was always forced to take his preferences into account, - the opinion of Evgeny Komarov is quoted in the above-mentioned article in Moscow News in 2000, in the first half of the 1990s who worked as de facto press secretary of Patriarch Alexy II.

The non-profit partnership “Unified Customer Service of the Moscow Patriarchate”, registered in November 2004 at the address of the Danilovskoy Hotel, was also associated with the general director of Sofrino, through which about 4 billion rubles annually passed, allocated from the federal budget for the repair and restoration of dilapidated churches and monasteries , transferred by the state to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Finally, in 2005, Parkhaev headed the board of directors of Old Bank, which he soon renamed Sofrino Bank. A new commercial bank with church domes on its emblem received the status of authorized to service the “Unified Customer Service of the Moscow Patriarchate” and the accounts of the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In the same 2005, Sofrino, represented by a created structure called the Russian Orthodox Church Investment Program Fund, launched another new large-scale commercial project - this time to build a network of shopping centers (with an area of ​​​​3 to 10 thousand sq. m) on land allocated for the construction of new churches in Moscow.

In order not to interfere with this large-scale celebration of life, in 1997 the Financial and Economic Administration (FED) of the Moscow Patriarchate was disbanded. All the money went directly through the structures led by Parkhaev.

Silent Wars

Everything changed when Alexy II died in December 2008.

Almost immediately after his election to the patriarchal throne, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill made a fundamentally important decision - to revive a single centralized department for control over church finances and property.

The head of the recreated FHP, Bishop Tikhon (Zaitsev) of Podolsk, subordinated the “Unified Customer Service of the Moscow Patriarchate” to himself and transferred church accounts from the Sofrino bank to the Peresvet bank, where in April 2012, the FHP and related structures received close to 50% " package" in the authorized capital.

One of the visible elements of this struggle was the sensational publication on blogs in July 2012 of a photo report from the pretentious birthday celebration organized by Parkhaev in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which predictably caused indignation among the general public.

Sofrino," at the request of Bishop Tikhon, they began to transfer accounts to the Peresvet bank," the online publication Slon.ru (now Republic) stated on June 5, 2014.

However, the victory over Parkhaev turned out to be pyrrhic for Bishop Tikhon. Protests by residents against the construction of churches in the capital as part of the patriarchal “Program 200” cost him the post of head of the FHP, which he lost in July 2014. In October 2016, Peresvet Bank stopped issuing deposits and the Central Bank, having discovered a huge hole in the bank’s capital (church money had also disappeared in it), introduced temporary management there.

And the patriarch himself, limiting the excessive appetites of the head of Sofrino, was not in the mood for repression and even appointed Parkhaev as director of the Danilovskaya Hotel in 2013.

Sofrino" tried to maintain a monopoly, using the usual methods of previous decades to put pressure on the patriarchy in order to raise prices for centralized purchases of its products. We were talking about the cheapest paraffin candles, the retail sale of which forms the basis of the budget of each church parish.

An announcement about an increase in prices for paraffin candles was published on the Sofrino website on July 27, and the next day the patriarch signed a decree depriving Parkhaev of all posts in the Church, which owns the huge plant itself, which the general director over the past decades has already begun to consider his personal fiefdom.

Field of activity: Production and supply
A country: Russia
Operating regions: Moscow, in the Moscow region
Company rating:

  • Rating 1.64/5.0
Views: 8255
Description of activity:

The plant is located in the Moscow region. Pushkinsky district. The village of Sofrino. Engaged in the production of Church utensils. Recruits people for spontaneous work. The sales department at the warehouses has a good salary, but they don’t value staff there due to the massive turnover of people. I would especially like to mention the sales department. Warehouse of utensils. I don't recommend anyone to go there. There's either a boss or a storekeeper. Some slippery people. Yes, and the Director of the plant and his deputy Mokletsova. Just one rotten thing. They all. Arrogant, soulless, callous, dry, inhumane Rusks. My advice to everyone. Avoid this company. There is nothing to do at the enterprise.

Reviews about the company "HPP RPC Sofrino" Total: 8

19.02.16 13:25in the Moscow regionAnonymous,

I don’t know, it was one day.

19.02.16 13:24in the Moscow regionAnonymous,

Considering that production in the Pushkinsky district has practically collapsed, for some it is one of the few employment options.

I attended an internship at the general director's reception desk. A disgusting old brat, as usual, who believes that he has made humanity happy with the fact of his birth. Mostly he eats, drinks, defecates, and also rolls around the plant, preventing people from working. The job in the reception area is to follow him around and clean up where he shits. At the same time, it is required that the employee who has received such an honor...

19.02.16 13:20in the Moscow regionAnonymous,

Given the fact that production in the Pushkinsky district has almost collapsed, for some this is one of the few employment options.

I attended an internship at the general director's reception desk. A disgusting old brat, as usual, who believes that he has made humanity happy with the fact of his birth. Mostly he eats, drinks, defecates, and also rolls around the plant, preventing people from working. The job in the reception area is to follow him around and clean up where he shits. At the same time, it is required that the employee who has received such an honor...

10.08.15 19:21 in the Moscow regionAnonymous,

The simple working class often has irregular working hours, especially during the so-called “season.” The more you work, the higher your salary, and you have to work very, very, very hard, often performing not only your direct duties, but also all possible work in order to somehow earn money. The prices in the stores are decent, but for workers the prices are very low, the payment...