Standards for issuing PPE. Standards for issuing protective clothing for various professions: regulatory framework, procedure and frequency of issuance Industry standards for issuing personal protective equipment by profession

If work activity negatively affects the health of workers, then they are supposed to be provided with protective equipment.

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Overalls are provided free of charge in the required quantity. What are the standards for issuing PPE in Russia in 2019?

Workers of certain professions must perform work functions in special protective clothing.

The employer is obliged to provide staff with such clothing free of charge, if required by law.

Failure to fulfill the obligation to issue protective clothing is a violation of the law. According to what standards is special clothing provided in Russia in 2019?

Basic moments

In accordance with labor safety requirements, employers are required to provide employees with personal protective equipment, special clothing and footwear.

But such equipment is only available to representatives of certain professions. The procedure for issuing, types and quantities of workwear are determined by Interindustry Standards.

According to the standards, workers whose work involves unfavorable conditions need to be provided with overalls.

In particular, during the performance of work activities there is an impact on:

  • negatively affecting people due to temperature conditions;
  • associated with air and skin pollution;
  • causing harm to health.

For example, representatives of such professions as mechanics, plasterers, masons, etc. are required to wear special clothing.

To determine the need for protective equipment, a work environment assessment must be conducted every five years to assess working conditions.

The list of professions for which special clothing is required is approved by the Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Temporary workers who start work for which special clothing is required receive “special clothing” on the same basis as permanent employees.

Upon completion of the work, if the service life of the clothing has not expired, it is returned to the employer.

The standard standards provide for the provision of workwear to workers in 195 professions found in various economic sectors.

Cross-cutting professions require the receipt of specific sets of workwear. Moreover, the wearing period will certainly be specified.

The employer has the right to change existing standards for the issuance of workwear. But it is prohibited to tighten the current operating conditions for PPE or reduce standards.

What it is

Workwear is personal protective equipment (PPE). It was developed to protect workers and ensure safety during work activities.

The overalls must ensure the prevention of damage to the health of employees if work functions can provoke harm.

It is important to distinguish between uniforms and workwear. The purpose of wearing a uniform is to comply with corporate culture and unify the appearance of employees.

Workwear differs from uniforms in that:

What is their purpose

The PPE classification has been established. All protective equipment, based on their purpose, is divided into 11 classes, which are divided into types according to design.

According to the norms of the Technical Regulations, workwear is classified as:

Depending on the class, the purpose of protective clothing may be to protect against:

  • mechanical impact;
  • high or low temperature;
  • X-ray and radioactive radiation;
  • non-toxic dust and toxic substances;
  • electromagnetic and electric fields;
  • acids and petroleum products;
  • biological threats;
  • general industrial pollution.

Thus, the bus driver is provided with a suit to protect against mechanical and external contamination, gloves, and sometimes it is possible to be provided with special shoes.

Workwear in medical organizations consists of sanitary clothing and gloves. The stoker must receive protective trousers with a jacket or suit, rubber boots, safety glasses and gloves.

Regulatory regulation

The obligation of employers to provide workers with PPE has been established.

The rules for providing protective equipment, the procedure for issuing, using and maintaining protective equipment are set out in.

Requirements for protective equipment are given in.

Specific lists of PPE are indicated in the Model Standards for the free issuance of PPE adopted. This document is also valid in 2019.

Employers should be guided by its provisions when purchasing PPE. The standard has 14 sections and here the standards for issuing workwear, the procedure for provision, distribution limits, and specifics by profession are described in detail.

To determine which workers need to be provided with workwear, one must be guided by inter-industry and sectoral standards and local acts adopted on their basis.

In particular, the Regulations on the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSMS) are important.

In particular, the order approving the procedure for issuing PPE includes:

  • scope of application of PPE;
  • professions for which special clothing is required;
  • issuance standards;
  • procedure for provision;
  • lifetime.

In order not to rewrite the order every year, you should not indicate employees by last name; it is enough to register their positions and indicate the date from which the order comes into force.

Sample order on the standards for issuing workwear by profession:

Photo: order on standards for issuing workwear by profession

Summer uniform

Summer workwear is not issued at all enterprises. For some professions, the standards for winter and summer special clothing are practically the same.

For example, a librarian is entitled to only one suit or robe that protects from external contamination. And a catering worker or food seller is required to wear an apron with a bib.

Additional protective equipment is required for workers performing outdoor work in areas where there is a risk of infection from insect bites in the spring and summer.

Summer PPE includes:

  • suit made of cotton fabric;
  • tarpaulin or rubber boots;
  • work gloves or mittens.

Summer clothing is provided only for certain times of the year. Then the clothing is deposited with the person responsible for the safety of the workwear.

Write-off procedure

When providing PPE, entries are made in personal cards for recording the issuance of special equipment. The standard form of such a card is given in the appendix to the Rules for Providing PPE for Workers.

Clothing is issued under the personal signature of the employee. Electronic record keeping is permitted.

In this case, the employee’s signature is replaced by the number and date of the document in which the employee’s signature on receipt of PPE is present.

After the period of use of clothing has expired, it is written off. The following rules are observed:

With a service life of more than a year Write-off is carried out using the straight-line method. When the period of use is shorter, the workwear is written off immediately after it is issued to the employee.
At a low cost of PPE The amount is written off in full one time. When the price is high and the period of use is more than a year, the cost is written off in parts. For example, the service life is three years. Write-offs are carried out in equal amounts monthly throughout the entire period
PPE is written off according to the season of use Summer in the summer and winter in the winter
An employer who regularly pays taxes Can receive reimbursement for workwear from the Social Insurance Fund if PPE was issued free of charge and in accordance with legal requirements

Standards for issuing workwear - 2016 by profession

What are the standard standards for issuing workwear - 2016 by profession?

For workers employed in harmful and dangerous working conditions, standard standards for the issuance of workwear - 2016 by profession are established taking into account the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n. Currently, the list of professions for which protective equipment is required includes 195 items.

At the same time, you can establish your own standard standards for issuing workwear - 2016 by profession, if they improve the protection of workers compared to the standard ones. In this case, the procedure for issuing workwear must be enshrined in the company’s local documents (clause 6 of the Rules, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n, art., Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, in employment contracts. If this is your case, then you need to check each of them. If there are conditions in the contracts that do not comply with current requirements, changes will need to be made to these clauses. To do this, it is necessary to draw up additional agreements to the contracts.

But the most convenient way is to draw up one common document for everyone and familiarize employees with it. For example, this could be a provision on the issuance of protective equipment or a provision on labor protection. You can call the document that - the procedure for issuing protective clothing. After all, it is easier to make changes to one such document than to draw up additional agreements for each employment contract every time the legislation changes. In the internal procedure for issuing workwear, please consider the following.

List of professions. The list of professions and positions subject to mandatory issuance of protective equipment has expanded significantly in the past year. Until May 28, it included only 94 items, after this date - 195. For example, cashiers-controllers appeared on the list - they are required to wear a suit to protect them from contamination and gloves. Or waiters, for whom a suit and apron are provided. Therefore, check to see if there are workers on the list to whom the company has not previously provided special clothing. Then you need to review the local list in force in the company.

If a company uses standard standards for issuing workwear - 2016 by profession from Order No. 997n, then it does not matter whether it conducted a special assessment of workplaces. But its results are necessary if you have approved increased standards. Otherwise, there is a risk that tax authorities will consider the costs of additional workwear to be unjustified (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 25, 2014 No. 03-03-06/1/59763).

Double standards. According to the rules, a company can immediately issue an employee two sets of personal protective equipment with double the wearing period (clause 5 of Order No. 997n of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 9, 2014). This way, things will wear out more slowly, and employees will look neater. For example, an elevator operator is entitled to one protective suit and 6 pairs of gloves per year. This means that he can be given two suits and 12 pairs of gloves at once for two years.

Until May 28, there were no such provisions in the standard regulations. Of course, the employer could establish such a procedure in internal documents. But then this would be considered increased standards for issuing protective equipment. And without a special assessment report, writing off the costs of a second set of clothes would be problematic. Now such problems should no longer exist.

In addition, it is now possible to issue additional protective equipment to workers combining professions. Such employees are additionally issued special clothing provided for the combined profession (clause 4 of the Notes, approved by Order No. 997n). For example, a maid is required to wear a robe or suit and gloves. And if she also cleans the area on the street, then the employee must be given another suit, an apron, rubber boots and gloves.

Additional protection. According to the rules, in the spring and summer, workers are additionally provided with protective equipment against mosquitoes and ticks, including a set of repellents - ointments, emulsions and other repellents. This applies to all professions and positions named in the standard standards, even if employees work in an office (clause 7 of the Notes to the Model Standards, approved by Order No. 997n). If there is no position in the norms, for example an accountant, then ointment and other protection are not issued.

Separate protective measures are provided for workers working in explosive and fire hazardous conditions. Regardless of their specific profession, they are given special clothing made from fabrics and special protective materials, and a so-called self-rescuer - a gas mask-type device (clause 8 of the Notes to the Model Standards, approved by Order No. 997n).

How to register standards for issuing workwear - 2016 by profession in company documents

Check the documents that specify the procedure for issuing protective clothing and protective equipment, as well as all papers that contain references to such standards. For example, orders and, of course, personal clothing registration cards. If your personal cards contain references to outdated standards, you need to close these cards and issue new ones.

Please note: companies that issue workwear to employees usually have established procedures and standards for issuing them on a yearly basis. In order not to redo such an order every year, write down only the date from which it will take effect. Instead of the names of the employees, list their positions. This way, even if someone leaves or a new one comes, the order will not need to be changed. And you won’t get confused when you write off income tax expenses. A sample order is given below.

What does a company face if the rules for issuing workwear are violated?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires the issuance of workwear. If it is violated, the company can be fined up to 50,000 rubles. (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In addition, administrative liability is provided for the failure to issue protective equipment that belongs to the second risk class in accordance with the Technical Regulations approved by decision of the Customs Union Commission dated December 9, 2011 No. 878. These are, say, shoes to protect against punctures and cuts, safety helmets or welder's glasses. The fines in this case will be (part 4 of article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):
— from 130,000 to 150,000 rubles. — for organizations;

— from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. - for a company manager or entrepreneur.

Failure to provide employees with protective equipment when necessary may result in them stopping work. And the employer will be required to pay for downtime (

Today we will get acquainted with the provisions for issuing workwear to workers involved in various industries. Let's look at the rules and regulations for 2016.

Who sets the standards for issuing special clothing at enterprises?

The right to receive a uniform was reserved for workers by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation two years ago, in December 2014. Protective equipment is required for a number of professions (about 195 positions). As a rule, this applies to:

  • harmful and dangerous industries;
  • companies whose employees are involved in security;
  • employees in the field of medicine and pharmacology, etc.

But it is not limited to them. At such enterprises, standard standards most often apply. Management has the right to independently establish others if they do not contradict the existing ones and do not infringe on the rights of employees. In other words, if a director believes he can improve employee protection, he has the right to do so. In the latter case, your own procedure for issuing uniforms must be included in the relevant internal documents of the company. Alternatively, it is possible to write down this item in a single document, which then needs to be familiarized with each staff unit. Such documents may be, for example:

  • collective labor agreement;
  • Order;
  • Position.

And, of course, the mandatory provision of work clothes should be free. Management does not have the right to withhold its value from the income of subordinates. For violating the standards for issuing workwear, the enterprise faces a fine of 20 to 150 thousand rubles. The largest fines are faced by legal entities for failure to issue protective equipment that protects the employee’s body from factors that cause serious harm to health. These include, for example, protective masks and goggles for welders, shoes that protect against punctures and cuts, fire-resistant overalls, etc.

List of professions that are eligible for special clothing

The list currently consists of 195 professions. Therefore, we will not present it in full here. Compared to previous years, it has doubled. You can get acquainted with it by reading Order No. 997 of the Ministry of Labor dated 09.14.

Advice. If in past years your company’s employees were not provided with special clothing, then it’s worth checking. Perhaps now these lists of professions are included in the list.

How many sets of clothes can you get?

Each employee can receive one standard of clothing. Since December 2014, it is possible to receive a double rate at once. Let’s say that if an employee is entitled to 2 protective suits per year and 5 pairs of gloves, then the organization has the right to immediately issue him 4 suits and 10 pairs of gloves for 2 years. Legislators explained this innovation by saying that this procedure will allow workers to be more tidy, and clothes will not wear out so quickly.

Another innovation that can be noted is that it is now possible to issue protective clothing to workers who combine several professions. For example, if a person in production is listed as a battery worker and as a driver at the same time, then now he will receive both sets of special clothing. One for the driver and one for the battery. For employers, these are very important innovations, as they allow them to avoid problems with tax authorities due to exceeding standards and overspending on the purchase of uniforms.

All clothing, uniforms, and protective equipment issued to the employee are transferred to him for use, but continue to be the property of the company. An employee going to work without using them is not allowed and is classified as a violation of labor discipline. An employer, if an employee shows up at work inappropriately, risks receiving a fine from an inspection organization.

Care of workwear

The employer must provide care for work clothing at work. This means that a fireman or a crane operator, or a cashier, or a salesperson is not required to carry his overalls or apron home for further washing or ironing. The employer himself is obliged to provide for the possibility of cleaning the products and bringing them to their original form, either through his own efforts or by concluding contracts for the provision of relevant services with contractors.

Rules for the use of workwear. Briefing

The employer is obliged to convey to each employee how to properly use uniforms, workwear, and protective equipment in order to prevent their damage and premature wear. This is done in the form of special briefings and the issuance of printed instructions.

In the spring and summer, workers should be provided with repellents, products against ticks and insects, including blood-sucking ones. And this applies to all positions. Even if the employee does not leave the premises and is an employee of a store or office. Any types of protective equipment and workwear are issued to employees in accordance with and taking into account their seasonality.

Certification of protective equipment and workwear

In accordance with Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all protective clothing and protective equipment must be certified and comply with GOST. Goods manufactured abroad and having certificates of foreign production must also undergo the procedure for recognizing their conformity in our country. The employer is responsible for the presence or absence of documents confirming the availability of a certificate of conformity for the purchased products. In addition, he is obliged to check each batch of purchased workwear before issuing it to employees. By creating a commission of at least 3 people for this purpose and recording the results of the inspection.

Employee liability

Since any protective equipment, uniforms, or special clothing issued to employees is the property of the company, in the event of damage or loss, the employee will have to reimburse the company for the costs incurred. Of course, only if the incident occurred due to the fault of the employee, his negligence, and not due to the specifics and working conditions.

Protective equipment and labor protection: video

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly instructs employers to provide free special clothing, special shoes, other personal protective equipment (hereinafter we will collectively call PPE), as well as flushing and neutralizing agents to employees who work on the following jobs:

  • with harmful or dangerous working conditions;
  • performed under special temperature conditions;
  • associated with pollution.

PPE includes isolation suits, gowns, aprons, sleeves, goggles, face shields, filter respiratory protection, safety devices, etc. PPE is issued in accordance with standard standards and only those that have passed mandatory certification or declaration of conformity (Articles 212, 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Standard standards for issuing personal protective equipment

To date, the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Ministry of Labor have approved many standard standards for the free issuance of PPE. Most of them determine payment standards for workers employed in specific sectors of the economy. The employer must be guided by them in accordance with the type of activity that he conducts (clause 14 of the Intersectoral Rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of June 1, 2009 N 290n).

So, if a company is engaged, for example, in the production of electrical equipment, then it can use:

  • standard standards for workers in radio engineering and electronic production (Appendix No. 4 to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of December 25, 1997 N 66);
  • standard standards for workers in electrical production (Appendix No. 3 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 16, 1997 N 63).

In them, opposite each profession (position) of the employee, the names of the required PPE and the rate of their issuance are indicated, usually for a year. The standard is set in pieces, pairs, number of units, sets, etc.

If any professions (positions) are not named in industry standard standards, then the employer should be guided by standard standards for workers in cross-cutting professions and positions in all sectors of the economy (Order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 9, 2014 N 997n). Obviously, these standards list those professions and positions that are found in a wide variety of fields of activity.

For example, a driver. If he operates a truck crane, then (regardless of the industry in which he works), in accordance with the standards, he must be given a suit for a year to protect against general industrial pollution and mechanical impacts and 6 pairs of polymer-coated gloves. A similar set is required, for example, for the manager of a household. Only he is not given a suit to protect against pollution, but a robe.

The standards for free provision of warm special clothing and footwear to employees according to climatic zones are established by another regulatory act (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 1997 N 70). It also indicates which regions belong to which zone.