Efficiency of labor resources management. Problems of determining the efficiency of using labor resources at an enterprise Problems of providing labor resources to an organization

The main problem of the labor potential of our country is the decrease in the number of people of working age.

Maintaining and growing the population, improving its quality, and, therefore, the country’s labor potential is today the most important geopolitical challenge for the Russian Federation. Another challenge for the reproduction of labor potential is the need to ensure that the level of development of the population’s skills meets the requirements of an innovative economy.

Let us emphasize that the threat to the reproduction of labor potential is not just a decrease in the population, but a decrease in the number of people of working age. Thus, according to the English demographer D. Coleman, the overall decline in the European population may begin after 2020, and in working age groups even earlier.

According to the forecasts of domestic scientists, in the next decade (2014–2023), an average of 1.3–1.5 million people will enter the working-age population annually, and 2.1–2.5 million will leave each year. A negative trend, according to According to the forecast of Rosstat, there is also a steady growth in the group of people over working age.

Increased workload among older people

This is accompanied by a noticeable aging of the population and an increase in the demographic burden of the elderly on working-age citizens. Note that in Russia, in comparison with developed countries, the value of this indicator is not so high (19% in 2014), which is due to the later onset of the demographic transition, but in the future the values ​​of the indicator will converge.

In Russia, the overall dependency ratio increased by 8% from 2000 to 2014, with the largest contribution (58% of the total dependency) to this growth made by the population over working age (the burden of this group increased by 22%). An interesting fact is that earlier, according to the estimates of A. Vishnevsky and E. Andreev, the increase in the burden of the elderly was compensated by a decrease in the burden of children, but currently there is an increase in the demographic burden of both groups of the population. According to forecasts, by the end of the third decade of the 21st century, the burden of the elderly will increase, and the burden of the population below working age will most likely cease.

Mortality of the working-age population in Russia

Another parameter that negatively affects the reproduction of labor potential is the high mortality rate of the working-age population, especially men (for the period 2000–2014, it was 4 times higher than that in developed countries of the world, the global one was 2 times higher); among women, an excess of the average level was observed for economically developed countries by 2.6 times. In addition to demographic parameters, population health indicators influence the reproduction of labor potential. In terms of life expectancy at birth, Russia lags behind the European average even though in the period 2000–2015. the value of the indicator increased by 6 years, and in European countries - by 2.4 years (for men - by 2.7 years, for women - by 2.1 years, see Table 1).

A positive trend is the reduction of the gender gap in total life expectancy (LE) between Russia and EU countries in the period 2005–2014. from 7.5 to 5.7 years. However, presumably, such changes can be associated with a reduction in the difference in mortality between men and women in older age groups, and not in infant mortality.

The problem of innovative potential of labor resources

Russian and foreign studies show the problem that a significant part of graduates do not adequately possess the skills to carry out activities in an innovative environment. Judging by the World Bank data (2011–2012), 9% of Russian innovative companies noted a deficit in leadership skills, 13% in the ability to make non-standard decisions, 15% in professional skills, which impedes the effective reproduction of labor potential.

Based on the article: Shabunova A., Leonidova G., Ustinova K. LABOR POTENTIAL OF MODERN RUSSIA: OLD TRENDS, NEW CHALLENGES // Society and Economics, 2017, No. 10

V. Urazov

Effective use of workers' labor and development of the quality of the workforce is an indispensable condition for sustainable economic growth. In the future, labor potential and its effective use will become the most important factor in GDP growth.

Currently, there are a number of serious problems in the labor market, which are expressed in the lack of qualified personnel in certain specialties, the inconsistency of the quality of graduate training with the requirements of employers, both in terms of qualifications and in the number of workers and specialists being trained.

The result of this is high costs for “additional training” of graduates of educational institutions. Over the past 15-20 years, the requirements for the content and quality of work in almost all specialties and professions have changed significantly. However, these requirements are not reflected in the professional standards used in training business workers, which is a limiting factor in preparing the workforce for successful operation.

Many business representatives say that often graduates need to be trained practically from scratch. It can be argued that Russian business suffers serious losses (costs) from poor-quality education and inadequate professional training of workers. At the present stage, the creation of conditions for the formation of qualified personnel potential that meets modern requirements is considered as an indispensable requirement for the development of production. There is an acute shortage of highly qualified workers in many industries -
fifth, sixth categories. More than 800 thousand people are employed in the city's industry, 90% of whom are in manufacturing. And only 20% of them are highly qualified. Previously, this figure reached 60%. One of the key tasks in solving the problem of staffing the economy is improving the system of monitoring and forecasting in the labor market.

A serious step in solving this problem was the implementation of the City Target Program “Development of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education Institutions in Moscow for 2005-2007,” adopted in October 2004. Over the past three years, a structural and content reorganization has been carried out in the vocational education system. Moscow is the first Russian region to
formed a regional system of vocational education, consisting of a single type of enlarged educational institutions - colleges. Colleges implement integrated educational programs of general, primary and secondary vocational education.

In order to further improve the system of training highly qualified workers, the Moscow government has adopted a city target program for the development of primary and secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow. It is called “Working Personnel”. The development of the program for 2008-2010 was based on two interrelated targets. First, vocational education institutions should become attractive to Moscow youth in their desire to acquire knowledge and build their own professional career.

Secondly, it is necessary to move from using an extensive, quantitative approach in the development of the vocational education system to an intensive, high-quality increase in the system’s capabilities in training highly qualified specialists.

The practical implementation of measures aimed at improving the system of professional training in Moscow is the implementation of the ICPP(r) together with the Department of Science and Industrial Policy and the Department of Education of the city of Moscow of the Concept of activity of the created training (resource) centers both on the basis of large industrial enterprises of the city of Moscow and and at colleges. These centers, which make it possible to organize training at a modern level for workers and industrial training masters, achieve the solution of a number of important problems, successfully combining the theoretical training of students with their vocational education. At the same time, continuity of education and a combination of primary and secondary vocational education are ensured.

Resource centers will provide an opportunity in the future to jointly solve another problem - expanding the network of vocational training institutions that produce products and provide services and the ability to provide operational training in accordance with the changing requirements of industry.

Thus, the most important priorities for the development of Moscow’s scientific and technical potential at present and in the future are: improving the city’s system of reproduction of labor resources; optimization of the training of highly qualified personnel based on effective vocational education; ensuring employment of the population and providing industry with the workers and specialists it needs; combination of interests of the city economy, employers and workers.

However, already assessing the results of the measures taken, it can be noted that the interaction and consolidation of efforts of enterprises, intersectoral and sectoral institutions, as well as educational structures have not led to significant results and are at a low level. Often, appeals to enterprise managers about organizing internships for college and university students at these enterprises often remain unanswered. At the same time, conducting such practice is not only an indispensable part of the educational process for college and university students, but with reasonable organization, such practice can be useful to the enterprise.

Some of the work that is certainly useful for enterprises, especially relevant in the context of the financial and economic crisis, can be aimed at resource conservation, restructuring of production, optimizing the use of labor resources (both workers and specialists), increasing their level of employment now and in the future.

Among such works that are currently in demand may be work in the field of crisis management, financial planning and forecasting, the use of modern techniques in production (enterprise) management, marketing research, certification of skills in performing operations and work by workers and specialists, assessing the level of mastery of workers and specialists in related fields. operations, works, specialties and professions.

In a financial crisis, there is a drop in demand for the products of enterprises (or their services), a decrease in sales and production volumes, a reduction in employment of enterprise employees, concentration of enterprise resources, the direction of these resources to change the assortment and sales policy, maintaining jobs, searching for new consumers or segments market.

At the same time, diversification of production, its restructuring, as well as integration with small businesses is possible. For these purposes, the practice of locating small business organizations in large or medium-sized enterprises can be used.

This practice saves jobs and solves the problems of employment of the city population, maintaining an acceptable level of utilization of production capacity. The effectiveness of such interaction is qualitatively reflected in increasing the personnel potential of the participants and its use.

The human resource prepared by the joint efforts of both parties can, if necessary, be used not only in a small, but also in a large (medium) enterprise, for example, when receiving an urgent order, which increases the training of highly qualified workers in the city’s industry and in the field of small business.

At the moment, it is very important to pay attention to the following issues:

Studying the needs of enterprises for qualified specialists at the current moment and in the future;

Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of workers (specialists);

Taking measures for the effective distribution of personnel in times of crisis;

Preparation of proposals for temporary transfer to a sought-after position or job;

Increasing the level of operational efficiency to the required level;

Removal of ineffective jobs from economic circulation;

Placing small businesses or restructured industries in the released reserve areas;

Conducting personnel assessment and certification;

Preparation of measures for retraining and advanced training of various categories of personnel, increasing the level of employment;

Increasing requirements for workers’ competencies in the context of innovative development;

Taking into account new requirements when revising the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Workers, Professions and Works, the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees;

Preparation of new professional standards;

Increasing the level of work at enterprises.

The implementation of this work will make it possible to implement a set of measures for anti-crisis management of production and personnel at enterprises, to ensure the necessary level of employment of the population of the city of Moscow and effective management of the reproduction and use of labor resources.

3.2 Problems of using labor resources at this enterprise

Currently, the personnel service of Rosneft OJSC is faced with the problem of a shortage of management personnel. As already noted, the average age of the staff is 20-30 years. More experienced and competent workers are already of pre-retirement age, younger, or do not have sufficient qualifications and experience, or are not suitable for management positions. The reason is also greater responsibility and increased work requirements. As a result, the issue of training a personnel reserve has become urgent in the personnel service.

The first step in organizing work on training a personnel reserve is the development of regulations on the preparation of a personnel reserve.

General management of the preparation of the personnel reserve should be entrusted to the head of the personnel department. Organizational and methodological functions for preparing the personnel reserve should be assigned to the organizational and technical group for working with personnel. Questions regarding the analysis of the need for reserve and the formation of a reserve list should be assigned to the technical council, which includes the head of the service, the chief engineer, heads of units, and an engineer of the organizational and technical group.

Working with reserves involves:

Analysis of reserve requirements;

Formation and compilation of a reserve list;

Candidate preparation;

Analysis of the need for a reserve consists of the need to determine the current and future need for a reserve and the optimal size of the personnel reserve. Further work consists of creating a reserve list.

Formation and compilation of a reserve list includes:

Formation of a list of candidates for the reserve;

Creating a reserve for specific positions

In the process of forming a reserve, it is necessary to determine

Who can and should be included in the lists of candidates for the reserve;

Who from those included in the lists must undergo training;

What form of preparation should be applied to each candidate, taking into account his individual characteristics and prospects for use in a leadership position.

To generate a list, use the following methods:

Analysis of documentary data - reports, autobiographies, characteristics, etc.;

Conversation to identify information of interest;

Observation of employee behavior in various situations (at work, at home);

Assessment of the results of work activity - labor productivity, quality of work performed, etc.;

When forming a list of candidates for the reserve, the following factors must be taken into account:

Requirements for the position, description and assessment of the workplace, assessment of labor productivity;

Professional characteristics of a specialist;

A list of positions by occupying which an employee can become a candidate for a reserved position;

Maximum restrictions on the criteria for selecting candidates for the relevant positions (education, age, work experience);

Results of assessing the formal requirements and individual characteristics of candidates for the reserved position;

Personal qualities and potential capabilities: high degree of intelligence, attentiveness, flexibility, tact, communication skills.

To form a reserve, as a rule, it is not enough to select employees capable of promotion - it is important to properly prepare them for the position and organize promotion. Professional training can take place under the guidance of a superior manager, in the form of an internship in a position at one’s own or another enterprise, in advanced training courses, etc. An individual training program must be drawn up for each candidate, including theoretical and practical training, as well as tasks to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The composition of the reserve at the end of each year should be reviewed and replenished in the process of an annual analysis of the placement of management personnel and specialists, as well as an assessment of their activities.

The activities of each candidate enrolled in the reserve over the past year are assessed, and a decision is made to retain him in the reserve or to exclude him from it. Based on the results of the assessment, a character reference is drawn up for each specialist and manager in the reserve, and the possibility of his further promotion is considered. At the same time, new candidates for the reserve are being considered. The exclusion of a candidate from the reserve may be due to his age, state of health, unsatisfactory performance indicators, etc.

The personnel reservation system will solve the following tasks:

Provide the service with the necessary composition of managers and specialists;

Staff motivation;

Achieving greater flexibility in the use of personnel;

Improving human resources potential;

Ensuring continuity of the management process;

Ensuring personnel career management.

It is also necessary to consider the economic efficiency of introducing a personnel reservation system.

Hiring management personnel to work at Rosneft from outside is problematic due to the specifics of production; specialists of this level can only be lured away from other organizations, since institutes are not capable of preparing ready-made managers. To prepare a manager, practical work in production is required for at least 5 years.

And luring specialists requires additional costs. To interest a specialist, it is necessary to offer him higher earnings, housing, benefits (additional paid leave, company vehicles, etc.). Thus, the cost of maintaining a manager hired from outside will be much higher than for a manager trained and trained in production

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Table 3...

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1. The concept of labor resources……………………………………………………….4

2. Labor resources of the Chelyabinsk region…………………………….…………..7

3. Policy in the field of rational use of labor resources.........11




Ensuring the rational use of labor resources in all regions of the country is one of the most important tasks of the socio-economic development of the economic complex of Russia. To solve it, an objective assessment of the labor resources available to society, the needs of the economic complex for labor, and ways of the most effective and complete use of labor resources in the country and regions, based on the interests of the entire society, is required.

The prerequisite for the development of social production, the main productive force, is the population - that part that has the totality of physical and spiritual abilities that allow it to work. The working-age population acts as a part of the population limited by certain age limits. The boundaries of working age are fluid and determined by socio-economic conditions and physiological characteristics of human development.

1. The concept of labor resources

The labor force includes the population of working age. For men it is 44 years (from 16 to 59 years inclusive), and for women – 39 years (from 16 to 54 years inclusive). Labor resources include both employed and unemployed working population in the economy. The number of labor resources covers two categories of persons. The first is the working population of working age. The second is the working population beyond working age. The first category of persons is determined by subtracting from the population of working age non-working disabled people of groups I and II, as well as non-working persons who received a pension on preferential terms. The size of the second category of population is determined by the number of working teenagers (under 16 years old) and working pensioners.

A distinction is made between potential and actually used labor resources. The latter characterize the real functioning of the labor potential of the working population. Labor resources as an economic category express the economic relations that develop in society at a certain stage of its development in the process of production, distribution, redistribution and use of the working population in the country's economy.

Labor resources as a socio-economic category can be viewed from four perspectives:

– demographic;

– economic;

– sociological;

– static.

The demographic aspect reflects the dependence of labor resources on population reproduction and takes into account such adjustments (characteristics) as gender, age, place of residence, etc.

The economic aspect expresses economic relations regarding the formation, distribution and use of the working population in social production.

The social aspect reflects the formation and use of labor resources within a historically defined formation and under its influence.

The static aspect characterizes the working age of the population.

The structure of labor resources is multifaceted; it can be divided into two groups:

– quantitative characteristics;

– quality characteristic.

Quantitative characteristics of labor resources include numbers, their composition by gender, age, social groups, place of residence, nationality and language, religion, employment by industry and sphere of the economy.

The qualitative ones include the educational level of labor resources, their professional and qualification structure, etc.

Without delving into the characteristics of each indicator, it is necessary to dwell on only a few. When analyzing by age, young people and working pensioners deserve special attention, and by gender, working women. Their situation is currently aggravated by difficulties in finding employment and competition in the labor market. At the same time, the bulk of entrepreneurs, bankers, managers and other representatives of modern business are young people with their characteristic features - high mobility, activity and courage.

Russia's labor resources have always been distinguished by a relatively high general educational and professional level. However, these positions have begun to be lost, especially in recent years, which requires a new approach and attitude to education and science.

As society develops, the distribution of labor resources between urban and rural areas changes rapidly. The city's labor resources are growing both quantitatively and qualitatively; they are distinguished by a higher general educational and professional level. In rural areas, an unfavorable age structure is developing (young people migrate to the city), underemployment (seasonality) and an excessive number of workers are growing here.

However, labor resources are not the only concept that expresses human resources. In countries with developed market economies, the concept of “economically active population” has long been established (since 1966). In the Russian Federation, the transition to an international system of qualification of population composition has been carried out since 1993.

The economically active population is a combination of employed and unemployed (or, more precisely, those actively looking for work). This is the part of the population that provides the labor supply for the production of goods and services.

The most important problem of available labor resources is their full employment and efficient use, ensuring economic growth and, on this basis, increasing the level and quality of life of the population. Labor resource management is the central problem of managing social reproduction, because the functioning of the main productive force is a decisive factor in economic development and social progress as a whole.

The age structure of the population of Russia is as follows: there are 34.5 million people below working age, 83.8 million people of working age, 29.7 million people above working age. The division of the population into three age groups is not fully reflects the volume of labor potential, since some people under working age are employed in production, and therefore belong to the labor force. In recent years, the number of Russian labor resources has tended to decline. Such a process negatively affects the socio-economic development of the country. The number of students is decreasing, the number of working-age population not employed in the national economy is increasing. The decline in the size of the employed population and the steady growth of the unemployed population deepen the understanding of the causes of the comprehensive crisis that has engulfed Russia.

2. Labor resources of the Chelyabinsk region

The number of labor resources and the prospects for their quantitative changes depend decisively on the age composition of the region’s population and its dynamics. Over the previous decade, the age structure of the population has undergone significant changes. The working age population has grown at a high rate and this process will increase as a result of the high birth rate generation entering working age in the 80s and the exit of the small military generation from it.

Table 1 Distribution of population by constant age groups
(as a percentage of the total population)

Population in
younger than working age

Working age population

Population in
older than working age

These structural changes in the age structure of the population significantly reduced the dependency ratio (the number of disabled people per 1000 people of working age) from 764.6 people. in 1990 to 584.6 people, in 2005, including persons under working age - from 439.5 people. up to 260.0 people, over working age - from 325.0 people. up to 324.9 people The dependency ratio in rural areas is much higher: in 2005, in urban settlements the dependency ratio was 570.2 people, and in rural areas - 651.4 people.

From an economic and social point of view, in the near future this is an opportunity to ease the financial burden on maintaining the social sphere, on the other hand, it is a very warning factor regarding the next generation.

In recent years, the number of labor resources has increased quite significantly, mainly due to the demographic component, i.e. growth of the population of working age (the labor force includes the population of working age, i.e. men 16-59 years old and women 16-54 years old (with the exception of non-working disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups and pensioners receiving old-age pensions on preferential terms) and the population older and younger than working age employed in the economy).

Table 2 - Dynamics of labor resources (thousand people)

Labor resources - total


employed population

students of working age

persons of working age who are not employed in the economy

Compared to 1990, employment in the region decreased sharply: in 1990, the level of employment of labor resources in the economy was 85.7%, taking into account students of working age - 92.7%, and in 2005, respectively, 72.8% and 81.8%.

The economically active population by the end of August 2006 amounted to 1796.3 thousand people, including 1687.3 thousand people (93.9% of the economically active population) employed in the economy and 109.0 thousand people (6.1% ) did not have an occupation, but were actively looking for one, and according to the standards of the International Labor Organization they are classified as unemployed. 30.4 thousand people were officially registered with the employment service as unemployed for this period, which is 27.9% of the total number of unemployed and 1.7% of the economically active population.

Since 1996, the number of officially registered unemployed in the region began to decline. The transition from an increase in registered unemployment to a pronounced downward trend is mainly due to the tightening of requirements for the unemployed by the employment service with a serious deterioration in its financial capabilities.

The unemployment rate in rural areas is significantly higher than in urban areas: for 8 months of 2006, 4.9% versus 1.6%. In the Kusinsky municipal district, the unemployment rate was 15.0% by the end of August 2005, Kusinsky - 15.0%, Nyazepetrovsky - 13.6%, Katav-Ivanovsky urban district - 9.9%. The territories with the lowest level of registered unemployment include Chelyabinsk - 0.6%, Snezhinsk - 0.7.

There still remains a negative balance of hiring and retirement of workers at large and medium-sized enterprises - the hiring of new personnel only compensated for the departure of workers by 96%.

The number of workers laid off due to staff reductions practically remained at the level of the 90s - about 7% of the total number of retirees.

The absolute reduction in employment at large and medium-sized enterprises was accompanied by a high<скрытой безработицей>. In 1994, 26.1% of workers worked part-time and 30.5% of workers were granted leave at the initiative of the administration. The vast majority (more than 70%)<недозанятости>falls on industrial enterprises. In 2005, due to the recovery in the economy, the scale<скрытой безработицы>amounted to, respectively, 1.8% and 4.4% of the average number of employees.

In recent years, the number of students of working age, studying part-time, has been constantly growing: since 1990, when it was 150.6 thousand people, it increased by 54.8 thousand people (36.4%) in 2005.

The number of students in higher educational institutions increased from 56.5 thousand people in 1990 to 163 thousand people in 2005 (including 13.6% in non-state institutions), and in secondary specialized institutions - from 61.3 in 1990 to 72.5 people (18.3%). However, among the vacancies announced by enterprises and organizations to the employment services at the beginning of 2006, more than 80% were blue-collar workers.

The positive dynamics of economic development in the Chelyabinsk region has an impact on the labor market of the region and employment of the population. The number of people employed in the regional economy has been growing in recent years.

According to estimates for 2007, the number of labor resources in the Chelyabinsk region will be 2278 thousand people, with an average annual population of 3513.2 thousand people. In the total labor force, the share of those employed in the economy will be 75.4%.

The need of enterprises for workers to fill vacant positions as of January 1, 2008 increased by 8.3% compared to last year and amounted to 15,908 units. December
In 2007, the workload of the unemployed population registered with the employment service was 1.8 people per announced vacancy compared to 2.1 people in December 2006.

The increase in the number of vacancies is not due to the fact that the region is implementing an Action Plan to create new jobs, according to which the creation of 22.0 thousand new jobs was envisaged in 2007, but 26.3 thousand jobs were actually created.

In 2007, 136.1 thousand people applied to Employment Centers in search of work, which is 10.6% less than last year. The number of citizens recognized as unemployed during the same period amounted to 63.3 thousand people (10.3% less than 2006). In the structure of those recognized as unemployed, more than half are representatives of blue-collar professions.

As of 01/01/2008 the level of registered unemployment in the region was 1.6% of the economically active population versus 1.7% as of 01/01/2007.

It should be noted that one of the acute problems is the imbalance between demand and supply of labor in the labor market. Vacancies in blue-collar professions account for more than 80% of the total number of professions.

In terms of attracting foreign labor to the region, there is a tendency to increase its number. The number of work permits issued by the Office of the Federal Migration Service for the Chelyabinsk Region in 2007 is about 30 thousand. Most workers come from CIS countries: almost half are citizens of Tajikistan, the second place in the number of migrants is Uzbekistan, the third is Armenia. From far abroad countries, the vast majority are visitors from the PRC; noticeably fewer come from Korea, Turkey, and Vietnam; the number of workers attracted from other countries is insignificant.

An analysis of the foreign workforce involved in the regional economy shows that most workers are employed in construction, catering, trade and agriculture.

In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2006 No. 637 “On measures to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad,” the draft regional target Program “Providing assistance to the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad in the Chelyabinsk region for 2008-2012” was finalized " The draft Program was sent by the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region for approval to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

3. Policy in the field of rational use of labor resources

State policy in the field of reproduction and rational use of labor resources should be aimed at:

1. Systematic monitoring of labor supply and demand, determining the needs of the regional economy for professionally trained personnel.

2. Development and implementation of regional and sectoral programs for the development of labor resources, providing for optimal proportions for the development of institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, as the main sources of reproduction of highly qualified labor.

3. Development and improvement of in-house personnel training.

4. Expansion of entrepreneurship and other forms of self-employment of the population.

5. Development of a system of vocational training for laid-off workers and the unemployed population, as the most important means of increasing their competitiveness and professional mobility in the labor market.

6. Development of systems of additional and continuing education as the most effective means of maintaining a high quality workforce.

7. Formation of a state system of career guidance and psychological support for the population, as the most important means of professional self-determination of young people, strengthening their work motivation, support and development of the professional career of personnel.

8. Establishing a social partnership between organizations and educational institutions for targeted training of workers and specialists, the formation of a state order for training personnel for priority and innovative areas of activity.

The listed measures, aimed at strengthening the mechanism of state influence on employment, the structure and quality of personnel training, will help balance the demand and supply of labor, train personnel taking into account the needs of the economy and more efficiently use the country’s labor resources.


For the modern economy of the country, the problem of supply of labor resources is extremely acute, and the most scarce type of resource, limiting the efficiency of economic development as a whole, is labor resources. Labor power is a special commodity, inseparable from its owner. Prospective provision of modern industrial facilities with qualified labor requires a long period of time and a significant amount of investment. In order to immediately increase the efficiency of resource use, primarily labor, it is necessary to take prompt measures to improve the use of all production resources and their interaction.

The capabilities of human resources as a factor in economic development are of great importance for the enterprise and society as a whole. Studying the state of the labor potential of a society, territory, enterprise is of very important practical importance for balancing labor resources and the number of jobs, taking into account all changes in the number and composition of labor potential occurring under the influence of socio-demographic processes, improving the structure of the economy and production, territorial location and other factors.


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  3. Grebtsova V.E.; Economic and social geography of Russia, fundamentals of theory and practice, Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix publishing house, 1997
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Revised article for the journal “Accreditation in Education”

Over the past 40 years, the Russian economy has operated in conditions of excess working-age population. However, this period has ended, and we are closely faced with a serious demographic crisis.

In accordance with demographic forecasts, we expect a significant decline in the working-age population.

According to available forecasts, in the next decade:

The working-age population of Russia will decrease by 16-20 million people - from 88.4 million people. (2010) to 74 million people (2020).

The number of disabled people (children, students of educational institutions, pensioners) will increase sharply - from 52.3 million people. (2010) to 60.4 million people. (2020). Thus, the overall burden on the country's working population increases.

Moreover, for 1995-2010. there was a sharp decline in the population employed in the manufacturing sector:

In general, for economic activity - by 13 million people. or by 12%,

In agriculture - 2 times,

In the manufacturing industry - by 40%.

At the same time, employment in the public sector increased, incl. in public administration – 1.8 times, in healthcare – 1.3 times, in financial activities – 2 times.

In other words, the distribution of the working-age population between sectors of activity can hardly be called rational.

Thus, today we are entering a difficult period of our development, when rapid growth in production, requiring significant labor resources, is accompanied by a simultaneous decrease in the working-age population.

Therefore, the problem of increasing GDP directly depends on the number of working-age population, its quality and competitiveness.

Today, the Russian economy faces a number of problems related to the provision of human capital:

The structure of management of the economy, industry, trade, services (including public services) does not contribute to achieving high labor productivity.

The quality of economic knowledge decreases annually by 10-15%;

There is a devaluation of knowledge.

The main reason for our problems in the field of education is the actual breakdown of relationships between educational institutions, business and the state.

In recent decades, there has been a significant imbalance in the education system between supply and the real needs of the economy:

The number of graduates of primary technical education has sharply decreased, almost halving;

The number of university students increased from 2.8 million people. in 1990, up to 7 million people. – in 2010 (2.5 times growth). At the same time, mainly humanists and managers are trained (approximately 3.5 million students):

The number of specialists in the humanities increased by 3.7 times,

The number of specialists in economics and management has increased 7 times.

At the same time, there is a decrease in the number of graduates in technical specialties: graduation is at the level of 50-80% of the need.

All of the above is a consequence of the fact that in our country state planning and forecasting of the production of specialists, taking into account the needs of the economy, have actually ceased.

Also, based on the results of studying trends for 1990-2010. In public education, the following factors can be noted:

1. The number of students in school in 2010 decreased by 34.5% compared to 1990, and this trend will continue.

2. The number of primary vocational education institutions decreased by 44.2%, the number of students - by 46%, and the number of graduates - by more than 2 times.

3. There is a significant increase in additional education, approximately 2 times, primarily in terms of advanced training.

In addition to the lack of specialists in the required professions, the quality of education is a serious problem. Educational programs operating in universities largely do not meet the requirements and needs of enterprises.

As a result, enterprises have to retrain young specialists-graduates for several years, teach them the necessary knowledge and work skills.

To eliminate the imbalance between education and the economy and fully provide our enterprises with highly qualified personnel, joint actions of the state, business and the education system are necessary.

In general, the priority tasks of our economic development set the following requirements for the domestic education system:

- formation in the very near future of a national map of qualifications, as well as professional standards, on the basis of which educational standards should be revised;

Establishing a closer connection between industry and educational institutions in terms of determining educational policies.

To correct the situation, the following measures must be taken:

1. Implement at the national level in the coming years:

Transition to long-term (5 - 20 years) forecasting of socio-economic development, including forecasting the development of labor resources, a significant improvement in the quality of forecasting;

- preparation of a bill on issues of state forecasting of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;

Development of the state (national) system of vocational guidance for youth and adults.

2. Formulate a system for forecasting the professional labor market in the country. It is necessary to make a forecast of the need for labor resources before2015-2020 - not only in quantity, but also in specialty.

The forecast should be developed from a sectoral, professional-qualification and regional perspective, taking into account sectoral and regional development strategies.

3. Legislatively define the rights of employers and their associations to participate in the formation of policy in the field of vocational education and training, the national qualifications system, and independent quality assessment

4. Create coordination councils in the regions with the participation of the heads of relevant regional ministries and departments, regional Unions of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Council of University Rectors, the Council of Colleges and the Council of Professional Lyceums (a similar council was created in the Sverdlovsk region).

The functions of coordinating councils should include analysis of the state of forecasting, development of measures for the quality of education and retraining of personnel, problems of professional and general educational standards.

5. Ensure the inclusion of business and government representatives on boards of educational institutions.

6. Take measures to interact with higher educational institutions in terms of increasing the professions required by the economy. Necessary:

Redistribute budget funds towards students needed by the economy;

Reduce budget support for professions that are not required in industry and the economy

7. Develop and implement modern innovative educational programs for continuous professional education.

8. Orient 11th grade graduates to receive specialized secondary education in an accelerated program, repurposing some lyceums into colleges. The lyceums themselves should be focused on the problems of personnel retraining, advanced training according to a program close to the needs of production, with the exclusion from the curriculum of what is not related to specialist training.

9. Develop a program for accelerated higher education for practitioners with a secondary specialized education of up to 3 years.

10. Create higher schools of retraining and advanced training at universities, branches of universities and colleges.

12. To develop a methodology for assigning specialists to enterprises, whose training is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds and enterprise funds.

13. Consider the procedure for financing students studying in evening and correspondence courses; The costs of the enterprise must be borne, provided that the student is studying in the specialty of the enterprise.

14. Conduct re-certification of educational institutions that do not have the necessary training facilities and teaching staff.

15. Study the experience of enterprises that organize postgraduate retraining courses for young specialists at their enterprises and give proposals for improving the quality of education to graduating departments whose graduates have to be retrained.

16. Approach more carefully the issue of equipping educational institutions, computerizing classrooms, raising the level of learning foreign languages ​​in connection with the need to move to the international level of doing business.

17. Introduce modern technologies into the educational process, using IT technologies and taking into account the needs of industrial enterprises.

18. Develop an “Older Worker” program, which includes retraining of specialists at least until retirement age.

Also, given the emerging shortage of labor resources, closer attention should be paid to the following areas of activity.

The first direction is increasing labor productivity.

For this purpose it is necessary:

Annually and for a longer period, develop programs to increase labor productivity in the country as a whole, at the regional level and for each enterprise;

Implement modern technologies and labor organization.

One of the most important tasks in the field of increasing labor productivity is the restructuring of enterprises, including outsourcing, the removal of non-core production and services from enterprises.

Today, approximately 70% of the total number of employees is auxiliary personnel, disinterested in the final results of labor, which can be withdrawn from enterprises, first into subsidiaries, and then into independent legal entities.

Therefore the problem restructuring enterprises must be comprehended and worked out by us, this process must be thought out and carried out in such a way as not to cause social shock among people removed from the enterprises.

The main thing we will achieve is to increase the number of people who will make their own decisions and master the mechanism of adaptation to living conditions. The motivation of work will change - their future will depend on the people themselves.

Restructuring will allow:

Increase labor productivity in large enterprises;

Dramatically increase the number of small and medium-sized enterprises that are so necessary for the balanced development of the economy.

The second direction is the formation of a competent migration policy aimed at rational use of the significant potential of the CIS countries in the field of labor resources.

Therefore, to effectively replenish human capital through labor migration it is necessary:

Create a data bank of CIS specialists, primarily of Russian origin;

Simplify the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship, primarily for qualified specialists;

Create a system of retraining and retraining of migrants following the example of Western countries, where a person, in order to get a job in his specialty, must undergo a retraining course.

You also need to prepare and implementa set of measures aimed at increasing the level of territorial mobility of labor resources (internal labor migration). It is necessary to ensure the attraction of workers from regions with excess labor resources to areas of intensive industrial development, for which, first of all, it is necessary to solve the housing problem.

In general, we need systematic, systematic work on staffing the industry.

Programs and concepts are needed to improve the quality of human capital.

Only people determine whether we will live well or poorly. The quality of life of children, the elderly, and public sector employees directly depends on the ability of the able-bodied population to work productively.

If we are able to establish organized work in these areas, then we will be able to reduce the negative consequences of the lack of labor resources.

The situation in the field of education in 1990-2010.

in the Russian Federation

Total number of students

Table 1.


units change




Number of educational institutions

Number of students

Number of primary vocational education institutions

Number of students

Number of secondary specialized educational institutions

Number of students

Number of higher education institutions

Number of students

Total students (clause 3.1. and clause 4.1)

Graduate of specialists

Primary vocational education

Secondary vocational education

Higher education


Graduates of secondary vocational and higher education specialists

Table 2.

Production of skilled workers by industry

Industry name

units change







Table 3.

Industry name

units change




Release everything

Humanitarian sciences


Economics and Management

Metallurgy and metalworking

Automation and control

Graduates of specialists with secondary vocational education by industry

Table 4.

Graduates of specialists with higher education by industry

Industry name

units change




Total issue

Humanitarian sciences

Economics and Management

Metallurgy, metalworking, mechanical engineering

Agriculture and fishing


(state educational institutions)

Table 5.

Graduates of specialists from non-state higher educational institutions

Industry name

units change





Release everything

Humanitarian sciences

Economics and Management

Table 6.

Distribution of graduates by type of study

Industry name

units change



College graduation

incl. full-time education

Graduate with higher education

incl. full-time education

Study in higher educational institutions

incl. full-time education