Wintering birds project, second junior group. Short-term project “Wintering Birds” in the second junior group (3–4 years). Main directions of project implementation

Diana Krupina
Pedagogical project of joint activities in the 2nd junior group “Birds of our yard”


During the educational process, it was revealed that children have insufficiently developed knowledge about birds of our native land. Children often confuse wintering and migrating birds. Also, children have an underdeveloped sense of caring for birds. Consequently, I decided to implement project« Birds of our region» ! This will expand and deepen children's knowledge about birds of our region, will serve to develop a caring attitude towards birds, the realization that it is necessary to care for birds during the most difficult time of the year for them. IN joint When working with parents, we must increase the child’s environmental consciousness, stimulating his interest in helping his feathered friends, thereby stimulating the child’s feelings. It is very important that the child can evaluate human behavior in nature and express his opinion on this problem. Therefore, it is necessary for children to develop the ability to tell stories, the ability to compare observations of reality with the content of stories, fairy tales, poems, proverbs, and riddles. Learn to create your own story using illustrations. The infinitely diverse world of nature awakens children's keen interest, curiosity, encourages them to play, express their artistic skills activities. Impressions of the native nature received in childhood are remembered for a lifetime and often influence a person’s attitude towards nature, towards the Motherland.

TYPE PROJECT: pedagogical

VIEW PROJECT: cognitive-speech.

PARTICIPANTS:Children 2 junior group; Educators; Parents 2 junior group

AGE OF CHILDREN – 3-4 years.


TARGET:expanding children's knowledge about birds of our native land, their way of life.


Develop basic understanding of birds(fly, sing, peck, build nests, hatch chicks);

Forming a desire to protect and care for our little brothers;

- formation of skills: observe, compare, analyze and reflect the results of observations in different types of creative activities(theatrical, gaming, musical, artistic, productive);

Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills;

Expanding children's understanding of migrants birds(rooks, wagtails, swallows, etc., raising chicks, caring for them;

Learn to establish the simplest connections between the conditions of the coming spring season and behavior birds;

Level up pedagogical culture of parents through involvement in joint activities with children(production of feeders, birdhouses).


Participate in the production of feeders for birds. Participation in the promotion "Bird's Dining Room".

Provide assistance to the preschool institution in organizing holidays, competitions, theatrical performances, and in the production of attributes and costume elements.


Integrated classes; - games-situations; - conversations; - exhibitions of drawings and crafts; - excursions; - watching cartoons; NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT:

Interest of children and parents;

Material support project;

Methodological developments.

Organize an exhibition joint work on the topic"Small Birds";

Design of a moving folder for topic: “Let's preserve nature with love and care”;

Involving parents in making feeders, birdhouses, and participating in a drawing or photography competition birds.

Expected result:

Systematization of children's knowledge about birds;

Formation of a conscious, effective attitude towards birds,

Desire to care for birds;

Understanding significance birds in people's lives;

Parent actively involved in project, is able to instill in children love and respect for birds.

Stage 1. Preparatory

Preparation for the event project.

1. Select methodological literature on the topic.

2. Select fiction and educational literature on the topic.

3. Select didactic material, visual aids (albums for viewing, paintings, illustrations, game tasks and exercises, audio recordings with voices birds, musical works).

4. Make a long-term plan.

5. Making hats - birds; didactic games; creating attributes for activities and games.

6. Making feeders and birdhouses.

7. Making crafts for organizing an exhibition "Small Birds".

At the preparatory stage, the children and I discussed issues related to design and

research activities.

- Birds, what are they?

What do you know about birds?

How to find out bird?

How to split birds for migratory and wintering ones?

What is the significance birds in human life?

To find answers to these questions:

Defined the goal and objectives project,

Developed a work schedule,

We studied educational, artistic and methodological literature,

Prepared equipment to implement this project;

We made a selection of games for children;

Made support cards with the image birds;

We developed a cycle of observations for birds of our region;

Stage 2. Practical stage


on the formation of elementary environmental ideas

in children 2nd junior group within the project« BIRDS»

« Birds of our yard»

1. Observation birds:

Which birds fly to the site?;

Sparrow; - Crow; - Dove;

What sounds do they make? birds?;

How many legs does birds and how they walk?;

How many wings does birds and how they fly?

2. Outdoor games:

- "Sparrows and the cat"; - "Sparrows and the car"; - "Big bird» .- "Sparrows and the car", "The Mother Hen and the Chicks"

3. Game exercises "Show me bird» (sparrow, crow, etc.).

4. Coloring silhouettes birds(sparrow, crow, dove).Applique "House for the Squirrel"

5. Dramatization games "Russian folk nursery rhymes about birds» .

7. Reading: E. Charushin “Why doesn’t Tyupa catch birds» .

8. Application "Sparrow".

9. Modeling "Bird".

10. Final lesson « Birds at the kindergarten site".

Birds of our site

1. Observation birds:

Tit; - Bullfinch; - Magpie;

- Birds big and small;- What do they eat? birds?

Which birds feeding at the feeder? - Bird tracks in the snow

2. Modeling: "Sparrow", "Crow", "Magpie".

3. Coloring silhouettes birds(tit, bullfinch).

4. Reading poems:

A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches";

V. Stoyanov "Sparrow";

R. Bukharaev "Feeder".

6. Memorizing a poem by V. Prikhodko "Sparrow".

7. Learning a song "Sparrow" (lyrics by A. Cheptsov, music by V. Gerchik)

8. Homework: making feeders.

9. Role-playing games: "Bird's Dining Room", « Bird with chicks» . "Excursion to the forest"

10. Hanging feeders.

11. Collective application « Birds at the feeder» .

12. Drawing "Footprints birds» .

13. Final lesson « Birds in winter» .


Program section

1. "How to find out bird» .

2. "Autumn worries birds» .

2. "Writing a descriptive story about birds» .

3. « Birds are our friends» ,

4. "The saddest book of nature - the Red Book",

5. Applique, modeling, drawing:“Bullfinches are like pink apples”,« The birds have arrived» ,"Magic Bird Dance".

Looking at albums:"Everything about birds»

Watching videos from the series "Lessons from Aunt Owl"

Surveillance on the street "Nest among the branches"

Imitation Games: "We are birds","Get to know me, I- bird…» .

Board-printed games:

Lotto « Birds» ,Cut pictures, Find out and name 2 identical ones birds.

Didactic games:

"Who lives where" "Wintering and migratory birds»

"Flies, swims, runs" "Where the bird has arrived

“Whose beak?” "Find out by the trail"

"Find a Pair" "What the bird;

"Divide birds for migratory and wintering ones"; "Extra picture";

"Guess by the description";“Make a picture from the parts”.

Finger games:

"Sparrows";"Birds"; "Happy Journey";"Chicks in the Nest".


Ecology lesson “We’ll help birds in winter»

Thematic lesson "Wintering birds»

Entertainment "At home birds»

Participation in the promotion "Bird's Dining Room"

Role-playing games: "Bird's Dining Room", « Bird with chicks» .

Health, Physical education

Outdoor games:"Sparrows and a car", "The Mother Hen and the Chicks", "Birds and Chicks", "Find your nest", « Birds in nests» , "Sparrows and the cat", "Flight birds» . "Swan geese"; "Sparrows and the car";

"The Fox and the Chickens"; “We are not afraid of the cat”

Psycho-gymnastics: "Feathers and Pebbles"

Making and hanging feeders for birds.

Top dressing birds"Sweets for birds» .

Taking photographs with feeders and birdhouses.


Proverbs and sayings about birds.

Signs with birds.

Guessing riddles.

Making up riddles for children.

Reading:A. Barto "Bird", “Who is screaming?”; E. Charushin "Yashka"; M. Zoshchenko "Smart Bird"; A. Maikov "The swallow has rushed";E. Avdeenko "Sparrow";A. Tolstoy "Smart Jackdaw"; M. Prishvin "Woodpecker", "Gadnuts";M. Bitter "Sparrow";Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar";A. Kushner « Birds» . K. D. Ushinsky "Martin".Reading a fairy tale by V. Dahl "Crow".Poetry: Alexandrova A. "Starlings";A. Yashin "Feed birds in winter» , V. Berestov « Birds»

Fine activity

Drawing "Bullfinches".Composition birds - from dry leaves. Modeling "Bird".Manual labor "Nest".sculpting "The bird pecks the grains","Feeder with grains".Applique "House for the Squirrel", "Bullfinch".Drawing "Birds are pecking at the rowan tree", "Bird in the Palm".Books- coloring pages: « Birds» , "Forest birds", "Avian yard» .Stencils with images birds.

Research activity

Targeted walks. Observations:

Birds, what has changed in behavior in the fall?

Observation and comparison of tracks in the snow under feeders and under spruce.

Observation and comparison birds at feeders.

Consideration of problem situations. Why birds can fly through the air, but humans cannot? What animals visit garden trees and our area - birds, insects, spiders.

Safety. Conversation on topic: “Caution – cat!”, “We won’t let the bird die of cold and hunger”.Observation of the feeder ( small birds, defenseless, cannot stand up for themselves)


Looking at photos birds: « Birds of Russia» , "Wintering birds» , "Migratory birds» .Consideration of plot pictures: "The Rooks Have Arrived", "Feeding birds» ; "Magpies on a Rowan Branch", "Bullfinches".

Compiling descriptive stories from pictures. Memorizing poems about birds, solving riddles.


1. GCD cycle on the topic « Birds» .

2. Presentation on the topic « Birds of our yard»

3. Card index of artistic words « Birds of our yard» .

4. Exhibition (drawing, applique, modeling) on the topic « Birds of our yard» .

5. Feeders for birds.

6. Birdhouses.


1. In implementation children learned project activities:

To ask questions;

Define concepts;



Conduct an experiment;

Draw conclusions and conclusions;

Write fairy tales, stories about birds.

children's knowledge about birds have expanded;

2. Children learned to distinguish between migratory birds birds from wintering.

3. During implementation project« Birds are our friends» Children developed coherent speech.

4. Children learned to feed properly birds. Many children have developed a caring attitude towards birds.

5. Children's cognitive interest has increased.

Project “Wintering Birds”

in the second junior group

Compiled by the teacher:

Martynovskaya Svetlana Nikolaevna

Type of project by dominant activity – research

Type of project by subject area – interdisciplinary.

Type of project by nature of coordination – open coordination.

Type of project by number of participants – collective.

Project type by duration – short-term (1 week).

Type of project by nature of contacts – intragroup.

Objective of the project : replenishment and enrichment of children’s knowledge on the lexical topic: “Wintering birds”, through cognitive and research activities, coherent speech, thinking and creative abilities of children.

Project objectives:

Educational: To consolidate the previously acquired knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds, their way of life, habits, connections with the environment, and the role of humans in the lives of birdsEnrich existing knowledge with new informationTeach children how to properly feed birds.Developmental

Promote the development of cognitive and creative activity, curiosityExpand children's horizons and enrich their vocabulary, develop coherent speech.Educational:

Develop a caring attitude towards birds and a desire to help in difficult winter conditionsInstill a love for nature and cultivate a caring attitude towards it.Strengthen parent-child relationships

Stage 1 of the project – problematization.

Due to their age, children have a lack of knowledge about wintering birds. There are no skills in feeding birds in the winter season.

Stage 2 – goal setting.

Children's goal: to expand their knowledge about wintering birds.

Children's assumptions: all birds either fly away to warmer climes or stay for the winter.

Solution: learn about the birds that stay with us for the winter.


Observe which birds remain for the winter and what food they prefer.

Together with your parents, find illustrations and information about unfamiliar birds.

Stage 3 – activity planning.

Find out which birds stay for the winter, what they eat, and how to feed birds in winter.

Stage 4 – project implementation.

Day of the week

Direct educational activities of the teacher with children

Educational activities in special moments

Independent activities of children

Interaction with family


I p.d. Visual activity (modeling) Topic: “Sparrows and the cat”

Conversation “What do we know about wintering birds?”

View the presentation “Wintering Birds”

DI. "Name the Bird"

Observation of birds arriving at the site.

P.I. “Sparrows and the cat”

Learning finger gymnastics “Birds”

Muz.D.I. "Bird and Chicks"

N.I. "Cut pictures"

Looking at wintering birds in illustrations, photographs, magazines...

Offer to repeat the words of the finger gymnastics “Birds” with the children.


I p.d. PID (FEMP) Topic: “Birds in the yard”

Conversation “Bird Menu”

Observation “Footprints in the snow”

DI. "Who lives where?"

P.I. "Birds and Chicks"

Reading of A. Prokofiev’s poem “Bullfinches”

Examination of subject pictures “Feeding the birds”

Observation “What kind of sparrows? What kind of crows?

D.W. "Which one, which one, which one"

DI. "Collect the bird"

Drawing birds using stencils

Place in the maternity corner a consultation on the topic: “Wintering birds”

Speech activity Topic: “Composing a descriptive story about a bird”

Conversation “Why help birds in winter?”

DI. “When does this happen?”

DI. "Which bird flew away"

Making riddles about wintering birds.

Observation “Pigeons fly to the feeder”

DI. "Come up with a proposal"

Learning the nursery rhyme “Oh, you little owl”

S.R. game “Invite the titmouse to visit”

Coloring pages on the topic “Wintering birds”

DI. "Whose shadow?"

Place in the maternity corner a consultation on the topic: “Bird feeders”


Cognitive and research activity “Feed the birds in winter”

Music control “birds are flying”

DI. “Who is screaming?”

DI. “Who has who?”

Learning speech gymnastics “Sparrows”

Job assignment: “Feeding the birds”

Reading the nursery rhyme “Titmouse - Titmouse”

DI. "Whose trace"

N.I. "Cut pictures"

Place in the maternity corner a consultation on the topic: “What to feed birds”


Visual activity (drawing) Topic: “Big and small birds at the feeder”

DI. “Who is missing?”

P.I. "Birds and Chicks"

D.W. "Which one, which one, which one"

DI. “Who eats what?”

Looking at the illustrations “Wintering Birds”

Conversation “Wintering birds, how to help them” “Bird Hospital”

DI. “What did Dunno forget to draw?”

DI. "Feed the birds"

Invite parents to make simple feeders together with their children, place them in their window, in the yard, in the park and feed them.

Final eventNOD “Feed the birds in winter”

Product form : Exhibition of children's works on the theme of the project.

Form for presenting the project to the methodological council for project work : project passport with an appendix (photos of the project progress and children’s work).

Stage 5 – reflection.

Children’s use of their knowledge and skills in independent activities.

To interest children together with their parents in caring for birds, the desire to help them in the winter (making feeders, feeding birds in winter).- Joint activities will help strengthen parent-child relationships.- Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills in children.
Stage 6 – prospects.

Continue to expand and enrich children's knowledge on the topic.


    Gerbova V.V. "Speech development classes: second junior group", 2010.

    Ushakova O.S. “Speech development of children 3-4 years old” 2010

    Adzhi A.V. “Notes of integrated classes in the second junior group of kindergarten” 2009.

    Komratova N.G. "The World I Live In" 2006

    Lykova I.A. “Art activities in kindergarten. Junior group" 2012

    Komarova T.S. “Classes in visual arts” 2014

    Voronkevich O.A. “Welcome to ecology” 2011

    Nikolaeva S.N. “Environmental education of younger preschoolers” 2000

    Timofeeva L.L. “Planning of educational activities in preschool educational institutions” 2015.

    Kravchenko I.V. “Walks in kindergarten” 2010

Short term project

in the second junior group


Kolomenskaya N.V.

MBDOU kindergarten “Rodnichok”, Firovo village, Tver region



Human interaction with nature is an extremely pressing problem of our time. For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts without thinking about the consequences.

The task of adults is to cultivate children's interest in our neighbors on the planet - birds, the desire to learn new facts about their lives, take care of them, and rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing crumbs, you can save birds from death in winter. Give children basic knowledge of what to feed birds in winter.
Working together with parents, we must create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world and to help our feathered friends as much as possible.

Target: Formation of a general understanding of preschoolers about wintering birds, their way of life, characteristic features and connections with the environment, the role of humans in the life of birds.

Tasks: Expand knowledge about the environment, about the benefits of birds in nature;

Learn to recognize birds by appearance;

Enrich children's vocabulary;

Activate cognitive activity;

Develop constructive skills, artistic and creative skills;

Fostering a responsible and caring attitude towards natural objects.

Foster a caring attitude towards birds and a desire to help in difficult winter conditions. Teach children how to feed them properly.

Project type: informative

Project type: group.

Implementation period: 01/25/2016 - 01/29/2016

Participants: children, teacher, parents.

Preliminary work:

Preparation of visual material depicting wintering birds (postcards, posters, photographs, presentation about wintering birds);

A selection of works of fiction about birds, riddles.

Form: GCD, conversations, observations, didactic and outdoor games, reading fiction, productive activities.

Project implementation:

Kind of activity

Observation “Birds in winter” - every day on a walk.


Organize bird watching and invite children to name familiar birds, compare them by appearance, habits, and voice. Organize feeding.

Develop observation skills and interest in the surrounding nature.

Teach children to identify the peculiarities of movement of various birds, teach them to talk about what birds do.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Direct educational activities.Application “Birds at the feeder”


To form in children ideas about the characteristics of the life and behavior of sparrows in the cold season.

Strengthen your knowledge about winter.

To arouse in children sympathy for birds who suffer from cold and hunger in winter, a desire and willingness to help them.

Direct educational activities. Drawing: “We invite bullfinches to eat rowan quickly”


To cultivate children's interest in visual arts.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Make you want to draw a rowan branch to feed the bullfinches that have arrived and are waiting.

Coloring bird silhouettes.


Development of fine motor skills of hands

Learn to choose colors according to the color of the birds.

Reading fiction about birds.


Encourage children to listen carefully and understand works. -Follow the development of the plot, express your emotional attitude.

Outdoor games: “Cat and Sparrows”, “Dog and Sparrows”»;


To help improve children's performance of the main type of movement - running.

Develop expressiveness and beauty of movements.


Develop auditory perception in children.

Develop the ability to concentrate.

Homework for parents: bring food to the birds.

Project products. Exhibition of drawings and applications.


  1. initial ideas were obtained about the way of life, about the adaptability of birds to life in the winter season;
  2. shows interest in wildlife and birds;
  3. the ability to compare different birds has been developed, highlighting similarities and differences in structure and behavior;
  4. interaction with parents has been strengthened and developed.

Annex 1

Summary of the lesson “Bird watching on a walk.”

Target: to form the desire of children to take care of wintering birds.

Tasks: recognize the bird, name its body parts.

Progress of the lesson.

Children go for a walk with the teacher. The teacher draws

pay attention to the weather, that in winter the little birds are cold and hungry.

Pays attention to the behavior of birds (birds do not sing, do not chirp, rarely fly), only people can help - feed them.

Then the teacher asks you to guess the riddle:

I'm sitting on a bitch

“Kar! Kar!” I shout.


Jump from a branch.

Don't be shy!

Who is this…

The children answer in unison sparrow. Right!

Children repeat together with the teacher “Hello, little bird, we came to treat you.”

The teacher explains that in winter people hang bird feeders so that the birds do not starve; they feed them with bread crumbs, seeds, and lard.

We also have a feeder on the site. The teacher invites the children to feed the birds. The teacher asks questions about who arrived, what the birds are doing.

Tells children that birds are very shy and can only be observed from afar.

A bird sat on a branch, the teacher draws the children’s attention to what the bird has; beak, plumage, tail, paws. The bird flies, tweets, sings, jumps. The teacher invites the children to name the body parts of the bird.

And play the game " Raven and Sparrow."

One of the children is chosen to be a raven, and the rest of the children are sparrows. Children imitate the characteristic movements of a bird. At the teacher’s command, the sparrows fly, chirp, and peck at food. When the raven arrives, the sparrows fly to their nests.

Summary of the lesson.

Children learned to name the body parts of a bird: beak, plumage, tail, legs.

The bird flies, tweets, sings, jumps.

They know that they need to take care of wintering birds, feeding them, pouring food into feeders.

Appendix 2

Summary of GCD (application) “Birds at the feeder”

Main goals:

  • "Artistic creativity": Strengthen the ability to work with a brush and glue. Continue to learn how to work collectively.
  • "Cognition": To form in children an idea of ​​wintering birds: tits, bullfinches, sparrows, crows, their appearance, nutrition, behavior. Replenish and activate your dictionary. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.
  • "Communication": Learn to describe the appearance of birds from a picture, develop the articulatory apparatus. Activate vocabulary: feeder, seeds, food, grains.

Material: pictures of birds, stencils of birds, brushes, rosettes with glue, napkins, oilcloths, whatman paper with the image of a feeder, millet for birds, wooden feeder.

Progress of the lesson

IN. Look at the picture of the bird in my hands. What is it called?

D. Titmouse!

IN. How beautiful she is! What does a titmouse have?

D. Head. There are eyes and a beak on the head. The titmouse has yellow wings, a tail, paws and a chest.

IN. What a beautiful tit bird. What other birds do we see in our garden?

Children's answers (sparrow, bullfinch, dove, crow, magpie).

IN. What a great fellow you are! Guys, tell me which of these birds live with us all year round?

D. crow and sparrow.

IN. Which of these birds come to us only in winter?

D. Titmouse and bullfinch.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the hanging illustrations:

This is a bullfinch, what is it? - This is a small bird, it has a red breast, a head, a beak, eyes, and wings, a tail, and paws. - This is a crow, it is a large black bird, with a gray breast, it has a large beak on its head, wings, a tail, and large paws.

All birds are somewhat similar. What do all the birds have?

How many legs do birds have? (two)

What is the bird's body covered with? (feathers)

How do birds eat? (They peck; birds have a beak).

What else do birds have? (wings)

Show me how birds fly?

Let's imagine that we are bullfinches.


Here on the branches, look, (turns right, left)

Bullfinches in red T-shirts! (clap hands on sides)

Fluff the feathers (shake your hands)

Basking in the sun (hands up)

They turn their heads (head to the right, left)

They want to fly away! (run, imitate the flight of birds)

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away! Behind the blizzard, behind the blizzard!

IN. Guys, do you know that in winter birds are cold and hungry. How can we help them?

D. Birds need to be fed, feeders need to be built.

IN. What do we feed the birds?

D. Bread crumbs, grains.

IN. Right. Look, I brought grains with which we will feed the birds. Come here. (They approach the table on which there is a plate of millet). So we found the grains. There are so many of them. Where do we put the grains?

D. To the feeder.

IN. That's right, well done! Guys, I prepared a feeder. (Takes out a sheet with a picture of a feeder) Let's look at it.

Guys, our feeder is empty! There are no birds in it. Let us pour grains into our feeder, and the birds will fly.

Children sit around the table, the teacher spreads glue on the “bottom” of the feeder, and the children sprinkle millet.

We will feed our birds

Sparrows and titmice.

So that they fly to our kindergarten

And they played with the kids.

IN. Guys, hear, the birds have arrived (he comes to the table and takes the bird blanks). Now, let’s put the birds in the feeder and let them peck at the grains.

The teacher hands out birds (a bullfinch or a tit). Children stick them on the feeder.

IN. Now our birds are not afraid of any cold! Well done boys!

Appendix 3

Integrated lesson in the younger group. “Come to us, sparrow, to eat the rowan quickly.”

Target:Develop the ability to create simple images, accept the idea proposed by an adult.



To develop aesthetic perception, draw children's attention to the beauty of the surrounding nature, and evoke an emotional response.

Develop the ability to solve riddles with the help of a teacher.

Improve dialogic speech


Develop accurate work skills.


Invoke joy from the resulting image of children; improve the skills and abilities of fine arts.

Material and equipment:

Didactic games “Give me a word”;

Illustrations - a bird on a branch (sparrow), paper blanks for drawing.

Wax crayons.

Preliminary work:

Theme of the week - “Birds”

Conversation on the topic “Seasons”,

Looking at illustrations - birds

Educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity.


Verbal.Riddles: “Give me a word”! Conversation “Wintering Birds”, teacher’s story: “drawing technique”,

Gaming.Didactic games: “Hello...”,

Visual.Illustration - sparrow on a branch.

Practical.Drawing a rowan on a branch.

Progress of the lesson:

Tell me, what time of year? (Winter)

Educator:Why do you think it's winter? (The snow has fallen, the trees have become bare, it has become cold outside, the sun is shining but not warming, etc.)

Educator:Let's play a game with you:

“Give me a word”!

I’ll read the riddles to you, and you all add the right answer word together, okay?

Well, the dress:

All needles

It's worn forever (Yolki)

Yard in the snow. White at home.

At night she came to us... (winter)

They don’t fly to a warm land,

They sing in the cold

These birds are small

Are called (titmouse)

Educator:Well done! You have guessed the riddles about winter, but tell me, what do you like about winter? (There is a lot of snow outside, you can go sledding and play with the snow).

Educator:What do you guys think, what happens to birds in winter? (They get cold in winter.) Of course, birds, our feathered friends, have a hard time in winter. And the birds fly closer to the person. Kind people. They will take pity on the poor birds and feed them. So the sparrows came to us, they love berries. But there were almost none left on the branches. The sparrows ask you to help them - fill these twigs with berries.


Hands raised and waved-

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands smoothly -

these are birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down -

The wings were folded back.

Educator:So let's draw a rowan tree for the sparrows, don't you agree? (Agree)

Educator:Today we will be magicians! I suggest drawing rowan with wax crayons. I'll show you now how to do it! Look carefully!

What color crayon should you take? ? (red)

What shape is the berry? (round).

Beautiful berries on the branches, so many of them. There are a lot of berries, they are juicy, bright, one berry after another! Well done guys, you did your best for the sparrows.


Did you like being wizards?

- … and you? What were you drawing?

For whom did we draw the berries? Well done to all of you!

There will be enough berries for all the sparrows, and they will delight you next year.

And I am very happy for you - you all tried, you were active, attentive and friendly. Well done!

Appendix 4

Evgenia Popova


Human interaction with nature is an extremely pressing problem of our time. For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: lived and used her gifts without thinking about the consequences.

The task of adults is to cultivate children’s interest in our neighbors on the planet - birds, the desire to learn new facts about their life, to take care of them, to rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing crumbs one can save birds in winter from death. Give children basic knowledge of what to feed birds in winter.

Working together with parents, we must create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world and to help our feathered friends as much as possible.

Target: to form a general idea of ​​preschoolers about wintering birds, their way of life, characteristic features and connections with the environment, the role of man in life birds.


Form ideas about wintering birds;

Create a desire to help birds in difficult winter conditions;

To develop the skills of feeding children correctly birds;

Promote the development of cognitive and creative activity, curiosity;

Expand children's horizons and enrich their vocabulary, develop coherent speech;

Involve parents in closer cooperation in project activities;

Create conditions for expanding ideas about birds(replenish the developing subject-spatial environment on the topic project).

Expected results of implementation project:

Children's learning about wintering birds and their young;

Habitat identification;

Establishing cause-and-effect relationships between lifestyle and habitat;

The interest of children together with their parents in caring for birds, the desire to help them in the winter (making feeders, feeding birds in winter) ;

Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills in children.

Implementation deadlines project:1.02.16- 14.02.16

1. Preparatory stage:

Defining a theme project;

Development of a long-term plan project;

Creating the necessary conditions for implementation project;

Preparation of attributes for events (illustrations, masks for games, fiction, creation of a card index of finger games on the topic « Wintering birds» )

2. Main (practical)

It represents the introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques to expand preschoolers’ knowledge about wintering birds, their habits, features of life in winter.

1. Work of teachers with children;

2. Work of educators with parents;

3. Joint activities of parents and children.

Working with students

Educational areas project: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Forms of work: directly organized activities, conversations, observations, didactic and outdoor games, reading fiction, listening to audio recordings, productive activities.

Cognitive development:

Conversations: "What do you know about wintering birds, "How birds different from animals?; "Where live birds, "Which birds fly to the kindergarten site?; "Do we need to take care of birds; “What benefits do they bring? birds: "Menu birds» ; "Find a house for the bird".

Consideration wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines.

Looking at paintings: « Birds at the feeder» ; "Children feed birds» .

Didactic games: "One is many"; "Guess by the description"; "What the bird; "Guess who's gone"; "Big and small birds at the feeder» ; "Feed me birds» ; “Find the chick for the mother”; "What there are many birds on the tree; "Name and show wintering birds» .

Solving riddles about wintering birds.

Social and communicative development:

Top dressing birds while walking; hanging feeders made by parents.

Role-playing games: "Hospital birds» ; "Invite the titmouse to visit"; "Ptichkina canteen".

Situational conversation: “Is it possible to pick up bird feathers?”, "How birds defend themselves; "What does it mean to care about wintering birds; "Feathered Friends".

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Drawing: “We invite the bullfinches to eat the rowan quickly”.

Coloring coloring pages: "Sparrow", "Bullfinches on a branch", "Titmouse and Rowan" etc.

Modeling: "Birds in Nests".

Speech development:

Conversations: "What I saw birds, walking with your parents?”; “What does a sparrow eat?”, “There are different feeders”; “Why do you need to feed in winter? birds» .

Learning a poem by A. Ignatova “A scarlet tassel of dawn...”.

Reading: S. Marshak “Where did the sparrow have lunch?”; Z. Alexandrova "Guli-guli";

N. Hilton "Birdhouse"; V. Zvyagina "Sparrow"; T. Evdoshenko "Take care birds» ; V. Berestov "Sparrows"; A. Barto "Sparrow".

Word games: "Call me kindly"; “Who will be who?”.

Physical development:

Outdoor games: "The Birds Are Flying"; "The Crows and the Little Dog"; "Birds in Nests"; "Sparrows and the car"; "Cat and Sparrows".

Finger games: "Sparrows - little sparrows"; "Bird Feeder"; “The bullfinch sat on a branch”; "Magpie"; "The bird flaps its wings".

2. Work of educators with parents.

Consultations: "How to help birds survive the winter» ; “How and from what can you make a feeder for birds» .

Individual conversations: “Do you and your child discuss the topic of the week at home?”.

Memo for parents: "Feed birds» .

During this project was implemented promotion: "Feed birds» .

3. Work of parents and pupils.

Participation in the competition "Ptichkina canteen" (production of feeders for birds) ; as well as feeding birds while walking.

Collection of feed for birds.

Observation of birds outside the kindergarten.

3. Final stage. Summarizing.

As a result of this project« Wintering birds» parents and children became interested in joint activities; favorable conditions were also created for the formation of junior preschoolers have a holistic view of life wintering birds, to educate children to respect nature; were formed to develop children's curiosity and creative abilities.

IN group the subject-development environment has improved. Pupils and their parents took an active part in providing assistance birds in difficult winter conditions.

Educational area: "Communication" , "Cognition" , "Socialization" , "Artistic creativity" , "Reading fiction" , "Music" , "Physical Culture" .

Type of project: informational and creative

Relevance of the topic: a large number of birds die in the winter cold. In winter, food is inaccessible to birds under snow and ice. Birds need people's help. Children have no idea about the life of birds in winter.

The goal of the project: to identify children’s knowledge about wintering birds. Evoke an emotional response and sympathy for starving and freezing birds in winter. Encourage children to help the birds.

Project objectives:

Educational: - to form children’s ecological ideas about the world around them, to maintain interest in objects of living nature, to consolidate and generalize children’s ideas about sympathy, empathy, and kindness.

Educational: - to cultivate spiritual and moral qualities in children: love for their native land; help to understand the main ethical laws of human life - love, kindness, beauty, justice to the world around us.

Developmental: - give initial ideas about wintering birds, their life in winter. Develop the ability to count within 5 in a forward order, orientate in space. Develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

Project participants: children of the 2nd junior group, parents, teachers.

Project duration: 1 week

Main directions of project implementation:

  • Equipment for subject development environment
  • Working with parents

Expected result: children will expand their basic understanding of the life of birds in winter. Development of curiosity, cognitive activity, communication skills. Parents will become more interested in caring for birds together with their children and will want to help them in the winter. (making feeders, feeding birds).

Product of the project activity: final lesson, mobile folder for parents, feeders.

Presentation of the project: report-message about the project.

Long-term plan:

1. Creating conditions for project implementation

  • identifying knowledge in children
  • design of a bird watching calendar
  • bird watching ("Birds big and small" , "Bird tracks in the snow" )

2. Reading poems: (Annex 1)

V. Stoyanov "Sparrow"

M. Pozharova "In the garden"

A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches"

R. Bukharev "Feeder"

4. Design of a folder for parents on the topic "Wintering Birds" (Appendix 2)

  • consultation, recommendations
  • d/i and exercises

5. Homework: making feeders with parents. Exhibition of feeders.

6. Hanging feeders Feeding birds

7. Watching birds at the feeder. Recording observations in a corner of nature (Appendix 3)

8. D/i "Which bird flew away"

  • "Feed the Bird"
  • "What is missing?"
  • "Birds big and small"

9. Finger game "Flock"

10. P/n "Birds in Nests"

  • "Sparrows and the cat"

11. Modeling "Birds" (Appendix 4)

12. Drawing "The birds have flown" (Appendix 5)

13. Final lesson "Let's feed the birds in winter" (Appendix 6)

The result of the project: the children’s understanding of the life of birds in winter expanded; they watched the birds in the kindergarten area with interest.

Parents took part: they made bird feeders and brought food. Thus, the tasks and goals of the project have been achieved.