Presentation on how the sounds of letters differ. Synopsis and presentation for a literacy lesson: “Voiced consonant sounds that differ in softness and hardness. Letters B, v.” Designing the letter printing В, в

Literacy lesson.

Lesson topic:"Voiced consonant sounds [v], [v"], differing in softness and hardness. Letters B, v"

Formed UUD:

personal– realize the importance of reading; express your own point of view and respect the opinion of your interlocutor; formation of the student’s internal position

regulatory– accept and save the learning task; plan your action in accordance with the task; adequately perceive the teacher’s assessment; evaluate the correctness of actions

communicative – form your own opinion and position; rules for working in a group, in pairs.

cognitive – formation of the required level of reading competence; mastering reading comprehension techniques; conscious and voluntary construction of speech oral statements; structuring knowledge.

Target: formation of communicative and cognitive universal educational actions.


educational: give ideas about the letter B (how it is printed, where it is located, what elements it consists of), teach to read syllables, words with the letter B, know the conventions of voiced, hard and soft consonant sounds; sound analysis of words based on one-level, two-level models; learn to characterize them as hard, soft, sonorous sounds;

developing: development of logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization;

educational: fostering accuracy and a culture of communication (the ability to listen and hear others).

Planned result: students must be able to identify the consonant sound (c) in speech, read syllables and words with this sound.

Equipment: textbook “ABC” UMK “Prospective Primary School” p. 67-68, reading notebook, writing materials, cards with multi-level tasks, computer, projector, screen, presentation of 19 slides.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Slide No. 1. Presentation

The bell rang and fell silent,

We are starting the lesson.

They looked at each other

And they sat down calmly and quietly.

2. Articulation gymnastics

Before moving on to a new topic, we must awaken the voices. Let's do it.

What's written on the board? (Letters)

What sounds do they represent? (Vowels)

Let's sing them:

A-a-a-a o-o-o-o

A-a-a-a o-o-o-o

A-a-a-a i-i-i-i

A-o-u-and uh-uh

3. Acquaintance with the sounds [v], [v,].

We are now having a literacy lesson. What do we learn from them? (we analyze, compare, model, work in notebooks and with a textbook, learn to read and write, get acquainted with new letters and sounds)

1.To determine the topic of today's lesson, let's do an interesting task. We will work in groups, you have done this more than once. Let's remember the rules of working in a group:

Let's divide into groups. And I explain the task: What is written in each line?

Look at each line and find the extra letter in the 1st row. An extra syllable in the 2nd row. Extra word in row 3. And explain why they are superfluous?

2. Check: Representatives from each row answer

(extra letter v, V, syllables va, vo, vi, words wolf, vata, Vova)

Why does your group think this?

3. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson:

What are we going to learn? What do you want to know about this letter?

Let's make a plan for introducing new material. ( 5 slide)

4. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action:

1. Now we will go to visit Aunt Owl, who is very happy to see you. She will introduce you to a new sound, and you try to remember as many words as possible with the new sound. Do you understand the task? (Film about the letter B)

What letter did Aunt Owl introduce you to? (with the letter B)

What words with this letter do you remember? ? (Slide 6)

Who knows what she looks like? And what does it look like? (Slide 7)

5. Designing the letter B, B

1. Find the letter C,c on the Alphabet poster.

2.Construct this letter. The following task will help you remember the image of a letter better - designing a letter.

Look at examples of printed letters “В” “в”. Slide No. 11, 12

The girlfriends went to bed,

We took fluffy pillows:

P - one, and the letter B - two.

What elements – templates – do they consist of? (Semi-ovals, straight). Design it on your desk. Check with each other.

A letter is a sign, a symbol. We... see and write letters.

3. On ready-made pieces of paper lying on the table, learn to print this letter.

(learn to find it in words and in order to read words with this letter.)

What letter did you type? (Letter b, B)

Do you think these words will have the same sound pattern? Why? Slide No. 6

Compare the first sounds. Say them.

What can you say about them? What do you need to remember for this? (What sounds are there)

What sounds do we have? (Consonant - when pronounced, the air in the mouth encounters a barrier, deaf - we do not hear it in our ears, voiced - we hear it)

What did you learn from doing this assignment?

6. Naming words with sounds [v], [v,]. Slide No. 7

Physical education minute.

Describe the sounds of the letter B. What sounds does the letter B represent?

If the sound is hard, hands up; if the sound is soft, bend at the waist.

Wind, vase, water, roof, wither, catches, east, jam, cow, fork, sparrow.

4. Sound analysis of words based on single-level models.

Open your textbooks to page 67. What is shown in the upper left corner? (vases) What will we learn by doing this task?

Read the word “vases” syllable by syllable and spelling.

Describe the first sound.

Why is the first sound hard?

What is shown on the right? (Elms) Slide No. 10

Elm is a tree. Why does the tree have such a name?

Oh, r-time! Eh, two!

Big brother is chopping wood!

Why one block of wood?

Won't it fall apart?

The ax got stuck in the log -

You can't split a sticky elm.

The answer can be found in the poem. This tree has very tough wood and is difficult to split. The tree got its name for this property.

Read the word “elms” syllable by syllable and spelling.

Describe the first sound.

What have you learned? (Give a sound description)

6. Sound analysis of words based on two-level models.

What is shown on the page? (Buckets, otter). Slide 13

How many syllables?

What drum?

Where is the letter B in the word?

Describe the sound.

A.A. Cherkasov. “Notes of a hunter of Eastern Siberia.” Slide No. 14

Where there is water and fish, you can find an otter. This animal does not live long in one place - it lives on the banks of some river or lake until there is enough fish; as it decreases, it moves to another fishing river or lake.

Therefore, she never makes a strong, permanent hole for herself, but lives anywhere and anyhow in a hastily prepared nest. Sometimes the otter is placed for temporary living in other people's burrows, fighting them off from the foxes by force.

It is not difficult to recognize an otter's nest or burrow, because fish bones and bones of other small animals are always lying around it. In addition, in winter, near the hole, prints of its paws are visible in the snow; the footprint of an otter is similar to that of a goose.

Physical exercise. Slide No. 16

7. Practical work. Game "Penguins scattered on ice floes"

9. Work in pairs.

Game "Who is the most attentive?"

There are two signal cards on the desk. Agree who will show which card during the game. Pick up your card. Remind everyone what sound is indicated by this diagram? (ag., hard, voiced) And this is a card - (ag., soft, voiced)

We listen carefully to the words and pick up the desired card. Don't forget that while working, you can consult with your desk neighbor.

Reading syllables, words with the letter B Slide from the training disk.

8. Let's open our textbooks on page 68. Spatial orientation.

What are we going to learn?

Read the words in a half whisper to each other.

Reading in a chain.

A) Read the word - what a horse loves, a cereal plant.

B) Read the word - air movement.

B) Read the word - it is used to connect parts, a metal rod with a spiral thread.

D) Read solo - with leaves, not a book, bush or tree with flexible branches and narrow leaves.

e) Read words consisting of two syllables.

The magic wand has prepared its tasks for us.

What task are we going to do?

Reading pairs of words on a pink and blue background that differ in one sound and have different meanings. Students read pairs of words and explain their meaning. Indicate what sounds differ between these pairs of words.

8. Pure speech.

Reading and memorizing simple proverbs.

Read the words that contain the sound [v], [v,].

Reading in pairs. Speaking out loud.

9. Lesson summary. Oral reflection.

Work in groups.

Review the rules for working in a group.

Game "Soundtrack"

Each group lays out a multi-colored track on their desk. Hearing a hard sound is a red square, hearing a soft sound is a green square. Guess why I chose the red color of the track for the hard one (in the word red all the sounds are hard, and in the word green almost all are soft)

(Libra, cotton wool, fork, mind, water, cheers, bath, mustache, wind)

Game "Word on the Palm" ( Put as many words starting with the letter G on the teacher’s palm).

We did a good job today.

What did we do? (We reasoned, analyzed, i.e. learned to think; created, developed our attention, learned to work with a textbook, learned to read and write)

What did you like about the lesson?

What was difficult?

If it was easy for you during the lesson, everything was clear, raise a cheerful emoticon.

And if something didn’t work out for you. It will definitely work out.

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"BB ready"

Lesson summary of literacy

Prepared by: Khalitova Irina Nikolaevna, teacher of the 1st qualification category, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 48”, Orenburg.

Consonant voiced sounds in, in . Letter B,v.

Dear Guys!

I am very glad to see you!

Prepared for you

interesting tasks.

I think you are with them

you'll do a great job!

Group work rules:

Speak calmly and clearly

Speak only to the point

Know how to negotiate

Help your friend if he needs it

Find the extra letter (work in groups)

1st row: a, o, b, y, s, and

va, tu, si, dya, go, ru

winter, raccoon, cake, wolf

2nd row: E, Z, E, B, O, A

mo, ny, ga, ru, vo,

house, chalk, cotton wool, thunder

3rd row: e, e, a, v, i

lyu, mu, for, ry, but, vi

Elya, Ira, Vova, Raya

Extra letter, syllable, word:

1st row: in, in, wolf

2nd row: V, va, willow

3rd row: in, vi, Vova

Lesson plan:

Let's practice identifying sounds and give their characteristics;

Let's get acquainted with the letter and learn how to print it;

Let's practice reading syllables, words, sentences, text with the new letter V, v.

In the morning Squirrel woke up,

She stretched, smiled,

Once I washed my face with dew,

Two -

spun gracefully

Three -

clap three hands,

Three nods of the head,

Four - arms wider,

Five -

wave your arms,

Six - everyone sit down,

Seven eight -

Let's put laziness aside.












Oh, r-time! Eh, two!

Big brother is chopping wood!

Why one block of wood?

Won't it fall apart?

The ax got stuck in the log -

you can't split a sticky elm.

Letter ve -

sound [v] –




may be hard [ V ],

may be soft [ V , ]

h V onok

h V enit



  • Help each other when completing a task.
  • Kindly correct each other's mistakes, speak quietly, without disturbing others.
  • Act in concert. You are responsible for your comrade, he is responsible for you.

Complete the CHOICE task:

A) go through the maze from the letter B;

B) insert the required capital or lowercase letter B.



Class: 1

Lesson objectives:


  • be able to name the difference between a sound and a letter, be able to characterize vowels and consonants, work with the sound patterns of words;

developing: develop attention and ingenuity;


  • learn to work in pairs, in groups, learn to listen to music and understand its mood, learn to work with proverbs.


  1. two melodies different in mood and timbre;
  2. cards in green, blue and red colors;
  3. cards with vowel letters;
  4. demonstration cards with words;
  5. pictures depicting various objects;
  6. cards for individual work.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Checking readiness for the lesson.

2. Calligraphy.

    On the board: Zv Bv Zv Bv Zv Bv

3. Problem situation.

Only after being born does a person enter the world of sounds. There are so many of them that it is simply impossible to list them all. Sounds can be quiet and loud, gentle and frightening, pleasant and alarming. What do you think, children, what sounds are pleasant for a person to hear, and what sounds irritate and frighten him? (Children's answers) Very often people try to imitate the sound they heard using different sounds of our speech. And what sounds can all the sounds of our speech be divided into? (Children’s answers: vowels and consonants) Look, here are some examples:

  • sh - sh - sh
  • r - r - r
  • drip - drip
  • Ding Ding
  • bom - bom
  • tick-tock

Tell me guys, what or who makes these sounds? Which ones are quiet and which ones are loud, which ones are calm and which ones are disturbing? (Children's answers)

Let’s try to portray melodies of different tones with similar sounds of our speech. (Two different musical compositions are played: a cheerful children's song and a solemn classical melody) What sounds do you think would be best suited to the first melody? (La - la, na - na) What about the second? (Tram-tram, tada-dada) You see, we managed to depict the mood of musical works with just a few sounds! What sounds played the main role here? ? (Soft and hard consonants)

What do you think, children, what will our entire lesson today be devoted to? (Children name the topic of the lesson if possible)

4. The topic of the lesson is “Sounds and Letters.” The children name the topic.

Tell me, guys, what is the difference between letters and sounds? (Children's answers: we hear and pronounce sounds, but we write and see letters) Individually, only some sounds of the Russian language form words, and even then they are very short and meaningless. But merging together, sounds form syllables and words. But even here you need to be very careful - sounds and letters must be connected together in a certain sequence, otherwise you may not make a mistake! Let's see if you can correctly combine sounds and letters. We will play the game "Find your house."

Game "Find your house". (The game is also a physical education session)

There were two houses at the edge of the forest. In one there lived soft consonant sounds, and in the other - hard ones. The vowels also lived with them, and when they went outside, they always returned to their homes. Will you, being vowels, be able to find your homes? ? (Four children go to the board. Two take blue cards, and two take green. All other children have cards with vowel letters on their desks. At the teacher’s command, vowels that are written after soft consonants must take place in the house with a green card, and vowels that are written after hard consonants are in the house with a blue card.)

We left early
Letters in the clearing.
We rested and walked,
Only they were called home.
One, two, three - collect the syllables!

After the vowels have taken their places, the owners of the house - the consonants - check whether all the letters have entered their house.

Tell me, guys, what has more sounds or letters in the Russian language? (Sounds) And why? (Consonants can indicate two sounds - hard and soft) Let's see how well you understand the sounds of vowels and consonants, hard and soft. (Each student has three cards on his desk - green, red, blue)

Game "Silence".

  • Task 1. The teacher reads the words, the children pick up a card corresponding to the first sound, then the last according to the teacher’s instructions. (Stork, squirrel, crow, needle, apple, etc.)
  • Task 2. The teacher shows words written in large print, the children perform the same task. (Cloud, fox, hill, stump, willow, etc.)
  • Task 3. The teacher shows a picture with an image of an object, the children silently name the object depicted in the picture, and again show the desired card.

(If mistakes happen during the tasks, they are immediately sorted out out loud)

How can you work not with just one sound, but with all of them at once? Shall we try? Before you are words and word patterns. Try to find the right diagram for the word . (The words are written in one column, and the diagrams of these words are in another. Connect the words and their diagrams with arrows) Now let's play the game "Live Sounds" with one of these words.

Game "Live sounds". I invite as many children here as there are sounds in the word BEAR. Each of you becomes a living sound. You stand in order, and I will call you to me, but you just need to be very careful. So, the first vowel sound in this word will come to me. (AND) And now the second consonant in this word will come to me (W), etc. Well done! We coped with the task well.

And now Dunno wants to play with us. He is also in first grade and believes that he is good at making sound patterns for words. Look here. How he charted his name. Do you think he made mistakes? (Children correct the diagram of the word UNZNAYKA - Z K Z S K S SK)

Physical education minute

Work in notebooks. Since you did so well, then I can be sure that you will definitely not make mistakes in your names. Let each of you write your name in a notebook and make a sound diagram next to it. (Children work in notebooks)

Work in pairs. Now exchange notebooks to check the completed task.

So, we have repeatedly seen that each sound in a word should take its place. In rare cases, it happens that when replacing one sound with another, a word is also obtained, but with a completely different meaning. Let's do exercise 11 on page 12 with you and see for yourself. (Children do the written exercise in notebooks)

Physical education for the eyes (performed on an ophthalmic simulator)

5. Fixing the material.

Well, guys, you worked very hard today and I think it won’t be difficult for you to complete the last task on the cards that each of you will receive. (The teacher distributes cards with tasks:

Underline words in which all consonants are hard.

2. A, O, E, U, Y, E.

Cross out the extra letter.

3. Mole, pen, lighthouse.

Indicate the number of letters and sounds in these words.)

A task of ingenuity. There is a proverb on the board: THE WORD IS NOT A SPARROW, WHEN IT FLYS OUT, YOU WILL NOT CAPTURE IT. Tell me, guys, is this proverb somehow related to our topic? (Children's answers) Guys, how many times does the sound [a] appear in this proverb? (5 times)

6. Reflection. What did we talk about in class today? What is the difference between a letter and a sound? What characteristics do we give to vowels and consonants?

The purpose of the teacher’s activity: to provide conditions for consolidating basic concepts about letters and sounds, to develop students’ ability to independently construct their knowledge. Planned results (subject): mastering speech skills as a means of holistically implementing a speech act, not confusing the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, dividing words into syllables, placing stress, determining the role of vowels and consonants. Personal UUD: gain personal experience of integrated learning. Regulatory learning activities: define and formulate an educational task with the help of a teacher, carry out and evaluate educational activities. Cognitive UUD: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher, transform information from one form to another. Communicative UUDs: are able to negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities. Technology Developing critical thinking through reading and writing.

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“Presentation for the lesson in 1st grade “Sounds and letters””

  • Examination

  • How to distinguish a vowel sound from a consonant?

Vowel sounds


When pronouncing a sound, air flows freely, without obstacles.

When pronouncing a sound, a stream of air in the mouth encounters an obstacle (lips, teeth, tongue).

A vowel sound forms a syllable.

A consonant sound forms a syllable only together with a vowel sound.

  • How do sounds differ from letters?

The sounds are we... and....

The letters we ... and ... .

  • 1 . Fill in the missing letters in the alphabet

a B C? d e? z and?

To? m n? p r s t

X? what? y y eh? I

2. Find the vowels. Circle it.




  • 3.Find a pair of words that differ in one sound from each other:

kit pack

wheelbarrow pile

  • 4.Indicate the number of syllables in the word:

fly - car - hare -

ball - umbrella - cheese -

zebra dog

  • 5. Indicate the number of syllables, letters and sounds:

stump - syllable, letters, sound

spruce - syllable, letters, sound

seagull - syllables, letters, sounds

floors – syllables, letters, sounds

  • Write down the proposal: