Job description for energy engineer. Job description of an energy engineer. I. General provisions

_________ (_________________)
(signature) (last name, acting name)
CEO __________________
(enterprises, organizations)

Job description of the chief power engineer

1.1. This job description of the chief power engineer defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the chief power engineer of the enterprise.
1.2. The chief power engineer is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.3. The chief power engineer reports directly to the director of the enterprise.
1.4. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and professional experience in engineering, technical and management positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise is appointed to the position of Chief Power Engineer.
1.5. The chief power engineer must know:
- regulatory and methodological materials on energy services of an enterprise; profile, specialization and features of the organizational and energy structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development; fundamentals of energy production of enterprise products; organization of energy supply for production in the industry and enterprise; A unified system of planned preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment; production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and operating modes of energy equipment, energy-using installations, rules of their operation; procedure and methods for planning the operation of equipment and carrying out repair work, labor during operation, repair and modernization of power equipment; the procedure for developing standards for the consumption of fuel and energy resources; the procedure for concluding contracts for the supply of electricity, steam, water and other types of energy to an enterprise; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of energy supply for production; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, regulatory and methodological materials on energy preparation of production; profile, specialization and features of the organizational and energy structure of the enterprise, prospects for the technical development of the industry and the enterprise; energy production of enterprise products; systems and design methods; organization of energy preparation of production in the industry and at the enterprise; production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and operating modes of equipment, rules of its operation; procedure and methods for planning energy preparation of production; technical requirements for raw materials, materials and finished products; regulations, instructions and other guidance materials on the development and execution of technical documentation; means of mechanization and automation of production processes; methods for determining the economic efficiency of introducing new technology and energy, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions; procedure for certification of the quality of industrial products; possibilities of using computer technology and methods for designing energy processes using them; procedure for accepting equipment into operation; requirements for rational organization of labor when designing energy processes; domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the relevant industry; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the production of similar products; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of environmental legislation; basics of labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations; this job description for the chief power engineer.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Chief Power Engineer, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.

Chief Power Engineer:
2.1. Organizes the technically correct operation and timely repair of energy and environmental equipment and energy systems, uninterrupted supply of electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy to production, monitoring the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise, consistent adherence to the economy regime.
2.2. Manages the organization and planning of the work of energy shops and farms, the development of schedules for the repair of energy equipment and energy networks, plans for the production and consumption of electricity, energy fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air by the enterprise, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.
2.3. Ensures the preparation of applications and the necessary calculations for them for the purchase of energy equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electrical and thermal energy to the enterprise and the connection of additional capacity to production; participates in the preparation of proposals for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of complex mechanization and automation of production processes, in the consideration of projects for the reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions, in the preparation of technical specifications for the design of new and reconstruction of existing energy facilities.
2.4. Gives opinions on developed projects, participates in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for commercial operation.
2.5. Ensures the implementation of work to protect underground structures and communications, organizes the inspection of communications, alarms, accounting, control, protection and automation, as well as the timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to the bodies carrying out state technical supervision.
2.6. Organizes the development of measures to improve the efficiency of use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of the operation of power plants, the prevention of accidents, and the creation of safe and favorable working conditions during their operation. Monitors compliance with labor protection and safety regulations, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks.
2.7. Concludes contracts with third-party organizations to supply the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy, and monitors their implementation.
2.8. Organizes storage, accounting for the presence and movement of energy equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of electricity and fuel consumption, technical and economic indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes.
2.9. Conducts work to exchange experience in the field of operation of power equipment, saving and rational use of fuel and energy resources, and promotes the achievement of high performance indicators in the operation of power plants.
2.10. Provides improvement of labor organization in energy sector areas, certification and rationalization of jobs, introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of energy equipment.
2.11. Gives opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions related to the improvement of energy equipment and energy supply, organizes the implementation of accepted proposals.
2.12. Manages the employees of the department and divisions of the enterprise that provide energy services to production, organizes work to improve the skills of workers.

The profession of energy engineer is a position in which a person monitors the operation of complex electrical devices and networks. This profession became in demand with the advent of electricity as such.

A little history

The first energy scientist can be considered the man who was able to discover and harness electricity - Thomas Edison. The first power station he created in the 80s of the 19th century was a mass of various devices, complex designs and purposes that required constant monitoring and control. It was at this moment that the need for qualified personnel capable of exercising control arose. Today, electricity is one of the main elements of the comfortable existence of mankind, so now an energy engineer is one of the most in-demand professions.

Description of the profession of energy engineer

The profession of power engineers is one of the most dangerous types of activity, because it is associated with the operation of high-voltage devices and networks, and this threatens with electric shock.

Power engineers have two levels of qualification, the first is a simple specialist, and the second is an energy engineer.

A simple specialist is a person who has secondary education in a given field, has worked in his position for no more than 5 years and has not yet received advanced training. An energy engineer is a person with a higher education and more than 3 years of work experience. He has a little more responsibilities, which is what interests us.

Energy Engineer: Responsibilities

People in this profession have a large list of responsibilities, here are some of them:

  • Ensures constant uninterrupted operation of power equipment of thermal and electrical networks, and also monitors the correct operation of them, repairs and modernizes equipment.
  • Maintains control over the consumption of fuel and energy resources at the enterprise. Finds justifications for equipment modernization, development of energy saving systems and their modernization.
  • Monitors the condition of equipment, and also draws up requests for the purchase of materials, additional equipment and spare parts, justifying their need. Participates in the development of consumption standards and operating modes of the enterprise, focusing on energy consumption.
  • Participates in testing and acceptance of installed power equipment, considers the causes of accidents and strives to reduce the number of malfunctions and create safe working conditions by developing measures to prevent breakdowns.
  • Draws up graphs of electricity consumption and loads on the electrical grid. Monitors the condition of environmental, electrical and energy installations installed at the enterprise.
  • Checks the condition of energy protection systems and automation, develops a set of measures to prevent accidents.
  • Carries out control and supervision of measuring instruments used in the enterprise. If it is a heat power engineer, he is also obliged to prepare boilers operating under pressure, monitor the condition of pipelines for hot water and steam, and prepare equipment for inspection by state control authorities.
  • Supervises compliance with equipment operating procedures and instructions for their operation and maintenance.
  • Participates in the development of enterprise standards for power equipment.
  • Prepares packages of documents for concluding contracts with third parties for various works and services.
  • Supervises the overhaul of equipment.
  • Introduces the experience of foreign and more developed organizations into the work of the enterprise, studies reporting to develop new methods of work.
  • Carry out instructions from his immediate supervisor, usually the chief energy engineer.
  • Prepares reports according to the standards established at the enterprise.

This is not the entire list of what an energy engineer should do at an enterprise. The responsibilities of this specialist are difficult to define within any framework.

Knowledge that an energy engineer must have

The profession obliges specialists to have certain knowledge in the field of energy. To perform his duties correctly, he must know:

  • Orders, resolutions, instructions and other regulations on the operation of power equipment.
  • The procedure for organizing the energy sector.
  • Rules for working with power equipment, its structure, design features and operating mode.
  • Technology for performing equipment repair work.
  • Rules for drawing up applications for the supply of energy resources, equipment, spare parts, tools and materials.
  • Methods of repair, installation and adjustment of power equipment.
  • Fundamentals of economics and enterprise management.
  • Some issues of labor law, basics of work organization, labor protection rules.

Summary. Energy Engineer

A resume for a job search as an energy engineer is compiled in the same form as any other; it must indicate everything that is necessary to obtain the desired position. First, you need to mention the education you received; it must be higher, otherwise you cannot count on getting the position of energy engineer. Next, it is necessary to mention all information about previous places of work, positions held, duties that were previously performed. It could be:

  • reading electrical and hydraulic diagrams;
  • ability to maintain power equipment;
  • troubleshooting;
  • installation, adjustment and control over the condition of electrical installations.

You can also indicate organizational skills and other information that may be of interest to a future manager at the enterprise in order to obtain the position of energy engineer. The duties that you previously performed at previous enterprises are the main criterion on which they rely when choosing a future employee, so try to reflect all the most important data.

Specialist rights

Like any employee, an energy engineer not only must perform duties, but also has the right:

  • Familiarize yourself with the regulations and other acts of the manager regarding the activities he performs.
  • Make proposals for improving the operation of the enterprise within its range of activities.
  • Report to the manager, within the scope of his competence, about all shortcomings in the operation of the enterprise and make proposals for eliminating them or improving the activities of the enterprise.
  • Request, within your competence, or on behalf of your immediate supervisor, the necessary documents.
  • Express your demands to management regarding the need for assistance in performing their duties.


This information fully reflects the characteristics of the activities and labor regulation of such an employee as an energy engineer. This instruction is not mandatory, but can be used to compile a list of the rights and responsibilities of an employee at the enterprise.

A job description is the main document for an employee in any position. This indicates all his main duties that he must perform at his workplace, depending on the nature of the position held and the specifics of the employer’s activities.

The employer is obliged to familiarize the applicant with this document before the employment contract is signed. After reading the instructions, the employee must put his signature on the last sheet. This suggests that he knows his job responsibilities and will strictly observe them. Only if the employee has the signature can he be subject to disciplinary action for failure to fulfill his official duties.

The instructions are drawn up by specialists from the HR and legal departments. The document must reflect all the nuances of this position. No employee should perform work beyond their duties specified in the job description.

Job responsibilities of an energy engineer

An energy engineer belongs to the category of specialists. His job responsibilities include:

  • carrying out technical supervision of devices used at the enterprise;
  • ensuring the preparation of boilers and vessels that operate under pressure, as well as steam and hot water pipelines;
  • participation in testing energy networks and installations;
  • acceptance for industrial operation of energy networks and installations;
  • preparation of necessary materials for concluding contracts for equipment repair;
  • ensuring uninterrupted operation of energy equipment, electrical and heating networks, air and gas pipelines;
  • carrying out certification of environmental, energy and electrical installations installed at the enterprise;
  • drawing up applications for the purchase of equipment, as well as materials and spare parts;
  • control over the rational consumption of fuel and all types of energy;
  • provision and testing of relay protection and automation equipment;
  • control over the repair and reconstruction of power equipment;
  • development and implementation of technical regulations and standards for energy equipment used at the enterprise;
  • preparation of reports according to established forms;
  • compliance with occupational safety and health standards and regulations.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for an energy engineer, sample 2019/2020. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 5 years can be appointed to this position . Don’t forget, every instruction from an energy engineer is handed out against a signature.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that an energy engineer should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

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1. General Provisions

1. An energy engineer belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 5 years.

3. An energy engineer is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. An energy engineer must know:

— decrees, instructions, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on the operation of energy equipment and communications;

— organization of energy management;

— prospects for the technical development of the enterprise;

— technical characteristics, design features, operating modes and rules of technical operation of power equipment;

— A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment;

— organization of energy engineering repair work;

— methods of installation, adjustment, adjustment and repair of power equipment;

— the procedure for drawing up applications for energy resources, equipment, materials, spare parts, tools;

— rules for handing over equipment for repair and acceptance after repair;

— fundamentals of energy engineering for production of enterprise products;

— requirements for labor organization during operation, repair and modernization of power equipment;

— advanced domestic and foreign experience in the operation and repair of power equipment;

— fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

— basics of labor legislation;

— internal labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the energy engineer is guided by:

- legislation of the Russian Federation,

- Charter of the organization,

- orders and instructions of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions,

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The power engineer reports directly to the chief power engineer.

7. During the absence of an energy engineer (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of an energy engineer

Energy Engineer:

1. Ensures uninterrupted operation, proper operation, repair and modernization of energy equipment, electrical and heating networks, air and gas pipelines.

2. Determines the need of production for fuel and energy resources, prepares the necessary justification for technical re-equipment, development of the energy sector, reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems.

3. Draws up requests for the purchase of equipment, materials, spare parts necessary for the operation of the energy sector, performs calculations with the necessary justification for measures to save energy resources, the needs of enterprise divisions for electrical, thermal and other types of energy, participates in the development of standards for their consumption, operating modes of divisions enterprises based on their energy needs. Monitors compliance with fuel consumption standards and all types of energy.

4. Draws up schedules for reducing energy loads during hours of maximum load on the energy system and ensures their implementation within the limits determined for the enterprise division, carries out certification of energy, electrical and environmental installations installed at the enterprise.

5. Participates in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for industrial operation, in examining the causes of accidents of power equipment and develops measures to prevent them and create safe working conditions.

6. Organizes inspection and testing of relay protection and automation equipment.

7. Carries out technical supervision of instrumentation, electrical and thermal equipment used at the enterprise, and also ensures the preparation of boilers, pressure vessels, steam and hot water pipelines, electrical installations and other energy facilities for acceptance into operation, inspection and inspection state supervisory authorities.

8. Monitors compliance with instructions for operation, maintenance and supervision of energy equipment and electrical networks.

9. Participates in the development and implementation of standards and technical specifications for power equipment.

10. Prepares the necessary materials for concluding contracts for equipment repairs with contractors.

11. Monitors the implementation of major and other repairs of power equipment.

12. Studies and summarizes advanced domestic and foreign experience in the rational use and saving of fuel and energy resources.

13. Ensures compliance with labor safety rules and regulations during operation and repair of power plants and networks.

14. Prepares reporting according to approved forms and indicators.

15. Complies with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

16. Complies with internal rules and regulations of sales, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

17. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace,

18. Carry out, within the framework of the employment contract, the orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.

3. Rights of an energy engineer

An energy engineer has the right:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

— to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction,

- on encouraging distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary liability the employees subordinate to him who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the energy engineer

The energy engineer is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description for an energy engineer - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of an energy engineer, rights of an energy engineer, responsibilities of an energy engineer.

Energy engineer's instructions

I. General provisions

1. An energy engineer belongs to the category of specialists.
2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions is appointed to the position of energy engineer.
3. Appointment to the position of energy engineer and dismissal from it is made by order of the director of the enterprise upon nomination (head of the relevant structural unit; other official)
4. An energy engineer must know:
4.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on the operation of energy equipment and communications.
4.2. Organization of energy management.
4.3. Prospects for technical development of the enterprise.
4.4. Technical characteristics, design features, operating modes and rules of technical operation of power equipment.
4.5. A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment.
4.6. Organization and technology of repair work.
4.7. Methods of installation, adjustment, adjustment and repair of power equipment.
4.8. The procedure for drawing up applications for energy resources, equipment, materials, spare parts, tools.
4.9. Rules for handing over equipment for repair and acceptance after repair.
4.10. Fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products.
4.11. Requirements for labor organization during operation, repair and modernization of power equipment.
4.12. Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the operation and repair of power equipment.
4.13. Established tariffs for electrical energy.
4.14. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production and management.
4.15. Fundamentals of labor legislation.
4.16. Internal labor regulations.
4.17. Rules and regulations on occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.
5. The energy engineer reports directly to (the head of the relevant structural unit; other official)
6. During the absence of an energy engineer (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Energy Engineer:
1. Ensures uninterrupted operation, proper operation, repair and modernization of energy equipment, electrical and heating networks, air and gas pipelines.
2. Determines the need of production for fuel and energy resources, prepares the necessary justification for technical re-equipment, development of the energy sector, reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems.
3. Draws up requests for the purchase of equipment, materials, spare parts necessary for the operation of the energy sector, performs calculations with the necessary justification for measures to save energy resources, the needs of enterprise divisions for electrical, thermal and other types of energy, participates in the development of norms for their consumption, operating modes of divisions enterprises based on energy needs.
4. Draws up schedules for reducing energy loads during hours of maximum load on the energy system and ensures their implementation within the limits of the value determined for the divisions of the enterprise, carries out certification of energy, electrical and environmental installations installed at the enterprise.
5. Participates in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for industrial operation, in considering the causes of accidents of power equipment and develops measures to prevent them and create safe working conditions.
6. Organizes inspection and testing of relay protection and automation equipment.
7. Carries out technical supervision of instrumentation, electrical and thermal equipment used at the enterprise, and also ensures the preparation of boilers, vessels operating under pressure, steam and hot water pipelines, electrical installations and other energy facilities for acceptance into operation, inspection and certification by authorities state supervision.
8. Monitors compliance with instructions for operation, maintenance and supervision of equipment and electrical networks.
9. Participates in the development and implementation of standards and technical specifications for power equipment.
10. Prepares the necessary materials for concluding contracts for equipment repairs with contractors.
11. Monitors the implementation of major and other repairs of power equipment.
12. Studies and summarizes advanced domestic and foreign experience in the rational use and saving of fuel and energy resources.
13. Ensures compliance with labor safety rules and regulations during operation and repair of power plants and networks.
14. Prepares reporting according to approved forms and indicators.
15. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate superior.

An energy engineer has the right:
1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.
2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for management’s consideration.
3. Inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified during the performance of your official duties and make proposals for their elimination.
4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists for information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.
5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to it (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural units, if not, then with the permission of management).
6. Demand that the management of the enterprise provide assistance in the performance of its official duties and rights.

IV. Responsibility

The energy engineer is responsible for:
1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.