Project Living ABC (1st grade). Project activities. Project “Living ABC” 1st grade reading project (1st grade) on the theme Tale of friendship of the letters G and K

Project Manager:

primary school teacher


Mikhailyuk I.P.

students of 1st "B" class



Project passport

Project implementation model

Results of the project


Methodological passport of the project.

Supervisor project: primary school teacher Mikhailyuk I.P.

Age of students: 6- 7 years – 1st “B” class.

Composition of the project team: 25 people.

Name project: "Living ABC".

Objective of the project:

    summing upresults of the ABC work.

Project objectives:

    Summarize knowledge about the letters of the Russian alphabet;

    Presents the selected letter in an interesting form;

    Learn to search for information (riddles, proverbs) in cooperation with adults.

Final results : After completing the project, the student will learn to obtain information; Having learned to read and write, he will be able to easily work in Russian language and literary reading lessons.

Project product:

    Creative works of children.

Items : literacy, visual arts and artistic production.

Project implementation timeframe :

Project"LiveABC"calculatedonthreeweeks, carried outV 1 classVendperiodtrainingliteracy(March).

Allstagesprojectlogicallyconnectedbetweenby myself - fromstudyingindividuallettersbeforereadingbooks.

The final stage of the project is openevent (heldteachertogetherwith students andtheirparents).

Stages of work on the project:


-everystudentperformscreativework "Portraitletters"


2.Penmanship competition

Getting readyTocompetition, work outwritinglettersAndwords

Picks upForcompetitionquotesORussianlanguagefromclassicworks

3.Visit to the school library


ParticipateVconversationOrules of circulationWithbooks, sharetheirknowledgeOliterature, considerbooks,





4. Our favorite books

Pick uppuzzlesAndproverbsObooks,

They bringVClassmybelovedbook,

Learnmemorize poetryObooks

Picks uppoetryObooksAndofferschildrenlearntheirForholiday,

HelpschildrenorganizeVclassexhibitionloved onesbooks


Finalstage"Farewell to ABC"

Project presentation

INeventacceptparticipationteacher, studentsAndtheirparents. Summing upresultsproject, presentationawardsAndmemorablediplomasaboutcompletion"ABCs".

Project implementation model.

How we worked on the project.

So,the first stage of our projectGetting to know ABC .


There is no way not to know her.

You will study it well -

And then you can

Without any work.

And in the books there is about everything, about everything:

About rivers and seas,

And that the sky has no end

And the round earth

About astronauts, to the clouds

Have flown many times.

About rain, and lightning, and thunder,

About light, heat and gas.


All oursstudentscarried out a creative task - created a portrait of a letter. Look how different and interestingturned outwork! Childrenused paints, pencils, even dough; completedbright applications and crafts.


Memorize these letters.

There are more than three dozen of them,

And for you they are the keys

To all good books.

Don't forget to take it on the road

A bunch of magic keys.

You will find a way into any story,

You will enter any fairy tale.

Will you read books about animals?

Plants and machines.

You will visit the seas

And on gray peaks.

Wonderful lands for you

Will open the path from "A" to "Z".


SecondstageourprojectContest penmanship .


We are students now, we have no time for partying.

Onthe house was assignedwrite your first assignment!

Here are my mother and I above the table

Let's sing together:

We lead down, we lead, we lead -

Let's wrap it up!

But nasty hooks with sharp noses

They crawl out from under my hand!

We don’t watch TV, we don’t read fairy tales,

We sit and sit for three hours -

Let's wrap it up!

Evening. Late. Let's go to bed.

We immediately fall asleep.

And in a dream we lead, we lead - we smoothly round off...


Writebeautiful andneatly isVerydifficult! OurGuystried very hard! Thiswasdifficulttask: writewithouterrorsHereThissentence: "WeDaninpossessionmostrich,accurate, powerfulAndtrulymagicRussianlanguage." (K. G. Paustovsky) (slide)



Writing beautifully is not easy:


Behind the letter is a letter, to a syllable is a syllable.

Well, at leastsomeone help!

And outside the window on all sides:

And the sound of the ball and the barking of the puppy,

And the ringing of some bell, -

And I’m sitting, looking at my notebook -

I print the letter after the letter:


Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!


ThirdstageourprojectVisit school libraries .


Just imagine for a moment

How would we live without books?

What would a student do?

If there were no books,

If everything disappeared at once,

What was written for children:

From magical good fairy tales

Before the fun news...?

You wanted to relieve boredom

Find the answer to the question.

He extended his hand for the book,

But it’s not on the shelf!

A brave book, an honest book,

Let there be a few pages in it,

In the whole world, as is known,

There are no boundaries!

All roads are open to her,

And on all continents

She speaks many

A variety of languages.


We visited the school library, listened to the school librarian talk about the books in our library, took part in a conversation about the rules for handling books, and looked at the books. (slides). After visiting the library guyscompletedcreativework, inwhichsharedtheirimpressions and drewdrawings.


Fourthstageourprojectcalled"Favorites books" .


There is no need to pester your mother,

No need to shake grandma:

“Please read it! Read it!”

No need to beg your sister:

“Well, read another page.”

No need to call

No need to wait

Can I take it?


Guysbroughtto classmybelovedbook. UnitedVgroups showedguysmybookAndtoldOher. An exhibition of her favorite books was organized in the class.


Finalstageourproject - holiday "Farewell to the ABC" .

Wewe worked hard, learned to read and write, many discoveries await us aheadin Russian lessonslanguageAndliteraryreading.


ABC is our best friend,

They know everything in the world.

There are a lot of letters around

All children learn them.

Everyone should know the ABC.

The results of the project were:

INprojectparticipateAllchildren, everyonestudentfindsFormyselfinterestingtask, hasopportunityshow your abilities, feelmyselfsuccessful (someonefirstdarereadmycreativeworkbeforeaudience, someone himselfwill compose for the first timepoetry).

INprocesspreparationAndcarrying outprojectchildrenbetterfind outeach other, workaboveprojectpromotescreationfriendly team, which is especially important in first grade.


Work in this direction contributed to the active unity of the class team, the team of parents, and the unity of families.


Introduction to ABC

Penmanship competition

Visiting the school library

Lesson “Favorite books”

Celebration “Farewell to ABC”

Project manager: Mikhailyuk I.P.

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Slide captions:

MBOU "Secondary school in the village of Psyak" Project activities Project "Living ABC" 1st grade

Project “Living ABC” 1st grade The purpose of the project: to generalize knowledge about the letters of the Russian alphabet; learn to search for information (poems, riddles, etc.) in cooperation with adults; learn to work in a group. “Children’s goal” of the project: Present the selected letter in an interesting form. Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about consonant and vowel sounds, hard and soft consonants, about the designation of sounds by letters, the alphabet; develop independence, creativity, speech; instill interest in learning at school; develop communication and collaboration skills; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Project “Living ABC” 1st grade Duration of work – long-term. Subject areas - literacy lessons. According to the number of participants - collective. The dominant activity is information and creative. The nature of coordination is direct. Equipment – ​​album sheets, colored paper, scissors, glue, pictures, pencils, natural materials and other materials. Participants: teacher, 1st grade students and their parents.

Stage I IMMERSION INTO THE PROJECT Teacher: Introduces the plan; formulates the project problem, plot situation, goals and objectives; motivates students. Students: Getting used to the situation (the guys liked the idea)

Stage II ORGANIZATION OF ACTIVITIES Teacher: organizes activities, suggests planning work to solve project problems, possible forms of presentation, involves parents in the project. Students: Since the number of students is 6, each chose 1 letter. They decided to hold the presentation in the form of a celebration during a literacy lesson.

Stage III IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIVITIES Teacher: Selects material for lessons related to the topic of the project. With the help of those responsible, exercises control over the selection of pictures. Rehearses with students for the upcoming presentation of results. Students: The guys together think through the form of the project and implement it. There is a competition within the class for the best letter design. The selected option is presented to the class.

Stage IV PRESENTATION The presentation of the project takes place during the parade of letters at the “Farewell to the ABC” holiday. Children read poems that they have prepared to represent their letters. The classroom is decorated with illustrations created during the project.

Stage V Evaluation of the results and process of project activity The teacher, together with the students, summarizes the results obtained, sums up the results of the training, focuses on the educational aspect: the ability to work individually, in pairs, in groups for a common result. When organizing project activities in elementary school, the age characteristics of primary school age should be taken into account: Topics of children's work are selected from the content of academic subjects or close to them; The problem of the project, which provides motivation for inclusion in independent work, must be in the area of ​​the child’s cognitive interests and located in the zone of proximal development; A preparatory stage is necessary, during which junior schoolchildren master techniques and skills that are correlated with the structure of project activities. Such a significant means is teaching younger schoolchildren to solve creative problems, which will be included in active creative activity. An important point for working in a project for younger schoolchildren is the help of parents and the involvement of parents in the work.

Project "Living ABC".

Project Manager: , MKOU "Kondrovskaya Secondary School No. 3".

Objective of the project: to involve students and parents in a creative project to create a “Living Alphabet”, develop creative thinking and imagination, cultivate the ability to work in a group, and develop students’ readiness for public speaking.

Project objectives:

    to develop in students initial skills in finding the necessary information from a variety of sources, and to use it to complete the project;

    learn how to implement your design concept through the creation of an original product;

    to cultivate in children an interest in mutual cooperation with classmates, parents, and teachers in joint activities.

Subject, class: Russian language, literary reading, technology, fine arts, 1st grade.

Progress of the event:

Child 1: - Dear guests, dear guys, good afternoon! Today we present a group project for class 1a “Living ABC”.

Child 2 : For two weeks, together with our parents and teacher, we selected riddles, funny poems, crosswords, counting rhymes, and entertaining stories about one letter of our alphabet. Then each of us tried to present our letter colorfully. Someone drew it beautifully, sculpted it from plasticine, and made an applique. All the works were very beautiful! And today we present the most interesting works.

Child 3 : - We taught with you as friends,

Our alphabet from A to Z
There is great power in letters,
we can read them now.
And today we perform
We present you the living alphabet!

Child 4 : Letter "A" is capitalized,
Slender and nice

She opens doors for us,
Everyone is invited to ABC!

My letter A is very beautiful and soft. Together with my mother, we sewed it like a soft toy. The letter A is my favorite letter, because my name also starts with A - Anna.

Child 5 : I want to introduce you to the letter Z. Look how it turned out - light, airy, obedient to the breeze. We made the letter Z from balloons!

What a letter, look!This is “Z”, or the number three.Bison, zebra, tooth, fence,Such a huge set of words!

Child 6 : There is a special approach to the letter “B”
The letter looks very strict
In the alphabet behind the letter "A"

Bank, bun, bandage, fight.

And my letter B will surprise you all - it is made of polystyrene foam! Our whole family deliberated for a long time about what unusual thing to cook it from. And here she is, so elegant, in front of you!

Child 7 : - Letter “U” - ear, grip,So similar to a slingshotEar, already, iron, snail-We have a smile on our face!

My dad told me how to make the letter U in an unusual way. He's so economical to me! Has anyone guessed what this letter is made of? Made from polyurethane foam! My mother and sister helped me decorate the letter U colorfully. This is how we worked together!

Child 8: -Kolya loves the letter “K”!
The letter "K" is a consonant,
Beautiful for him.In the middle of the alphabet

This letter has not been forgotten!

My whole family also worked on the creation of my letter Ka. My grandfather especially distinguished himself.Find out what my letter is made of by guessing the riddle:

I am natural raw material,And medicine and housing,I am also fuel for the stove,There is a dam in the river for the beaver.Not bark, not coreAnd simple...(wood)

That's right, wood! And my letter is made of wood!

Child 9:

The word "ABC", friends,

Ends with "A".

The letter "A" helps us,

Teaches, develops!

And my letter A is the most unusual! Together with my mother, we made a delicious and sweet pie in the shape of the letter A. And after this holiday, our class will have a long-awaited tea party!

Child 1 : -We have studied all the letters,

You need to say the ABCs!

Project "My Family".

Project Manager: Abolmasova Margarita Eduardovna, MKOU "Kondrovskaya Secondary School No. 3".


By presidential decree, 2014 was declared the year of culture in our country. What does it mean to be a cultured person? Behave correctly, observe etiquette, know and honor traditions. Family is the first thing that helps us grow as cultured people, the most important thing in a person’s life. That is why I decided to find out as much as possible about my family and relatives.

The purpose of my work is to study the traditions of my family and design a presentation.

Project objectives:

    collect material about your family;

    study traditions, interests, hobbies of relatives;

    in literature, on the Internet, collect additional material on the topic (poems, riddles, proverbs, etc.);

    together with parents, design the final product - the presentation “My Family”.

Project "Living ABC" (1st grade)

The project lasts three weeks and is carried out in 1st grade at the end of the literacy period (March).

All stages of the project are logically interconnected - from studying individual letters to reading books.

Objective of the project:

Summing up the ABC work.

development of cognitive activity and creative abilities of children,

development of communication skills, the ability to work together and amicably with classmates, team building,

nurturing students' interest in learning and reading.


Multimedia projector, projector screen, disk with computer presentation,

Creative works of children (drawings, essays),

Exhibition of children's books (encyclopedias, collections of fairy tales).


Student actions

Teacher's actions

Organizational stage

Organizes a class hour, at which, together with the students, he decides on participation in the project, offers the children a rough plan of stages.

Main stages

1.Introduction to the ABC

Each student performs a creative work “Portrait of a letter”

Together with the teacher, children choose a fairy tale from the ABC to dramatize and assign roles

Stimulates children to perform creative work,

Helps children stage the chosen fairy tale, conducts rehearsals

2.Visit to the school library

Meet the librarian

Participate in a conversation about the rules of handling books, share their knowledge about literature, look at books

Arranges with the school librarian about visiting times,

Accompanying students

Aims children to perform creative work based on the results of the visit

3. Our favorite books

They select riddles and proverbs about books,

Bring your favorite book to class

Selects poems about books and invites children to learn them for the holiday,

Helps children organize an exhibition of their favorite books in the classroom

The final stage “Festival of the Primer”

Project presentation

The event is attended by the teacher, students and their parents. Summing up the results of the project, presenting awards and memorable diplomas on completion of the “Primer”.

Planned results

All children participate in the project, each student finds an interesting task for himself, has the opportunity to demonstrate his abilities, and feel successful (some will dare to read their creative work in front of an audience for the first time, someone will compose poetry for the first time).

In the process of preparing and carrying out the project, children get to know each other better; work on the project helps create a friendly team, which is especially important in the first grade.

1. Organizational moment.

The bell is now ringing

The lesson begins.

Children, everyone got up beautifully. Today guests came to our lesson to see what you have already learned at school. Let's say hello to our guests.

We came here to study, not to be lazy, but to work

We work diligently and listen carefully.

If you want to answer, you have to raise your hand.

If they ask, you need to stand up and answer clearly and loudly.

2. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Today we will go on an unusual journey, we will visit the city. where they live... guess for yourself:

Black, crooked, mute from birth,

They will sit in a row and everyone will start talking (letters).

Today we will visit the city where letters live. We have finished studying the ABCs. Today we will once again repeat everything that we have learned about letters, read poems and riddles, and try to revive the letters. That’s why our project is called “Living ABC”. (slide 1-3)

3. Repetition of what has been learned.

So, we found ourselves in the unusual city of Bukvarinsk. Letters representing vowel sounds live in this house. Name them. And here live the letters denoting paired consonants. Voiced consonants live here, and voiceless consonants live here. And here live two letters that do not represent sounds.

reading I. Tokmakova’s poem “Bukvarinsk”

I was on the river on Chernilnaya
The city is small, not dusty,
From time immemorial
His name was Bukvarinsky.
There, without knowing adversity,
There lived a very nice people:
Hospitable, Gentle,
Friendly and hardworking.

A - pharmacist,
B - cooper,
B - fuller,
G - potter,
D is a huge crusher,
E is a corporal, he is a military man,
F is a simpleton tinsmith,
Z - old man cutter,
And - a bearded historian,
K - dyer
M - painter,
N - porter,
O - shepherd,
P - writer,
R - radio operator,
S - shoemaker,
T - tourist,
U is a fearless tamer,
F is an eccentric amateur photographer,
X - battle painter,
Ts is a famous cymbalist,
Ch is a wonderful watchmaker,
Sh is a driver, a big joker,
Shch - his puppy Bouquet,
E - electrician-power engineer,
Yu is a lawyer, and then
I am me, my friends!

Slide (4-7) analysis of the lexical meaning of words

These are the hardworking residents of our town.

What other proverbs do you know about work?

4. Presentation of projects.

You also prepared stories about the letters and drew their portraits. Let's hear from you.

Letter U and G (Antonida)

Physical pause: dance of little ducklings.

Letter A (Yaroslav) Letter R (Andrey) Letter K (Vialetta) Letter C (Dasha) Letter I (Oksana) Letter V (Egor) Letter L (Liana) Letter B (Daniil) Letter C (Nastya) Letter P (Ildar) Letter M (Paraskeva)

5. Summing up.

Look how different the residents of our Bukvarinsk are, how many interesting things we have learned about them and will continue to learn, because we have learned to read. Poem “How to be able to read well.” And now it’s time for us to say goodbye to our first book. and tell her “Thank you!” . And we will collect your projects into one book and give them to future first-graders so that they, too, can learn all the letters and learn to read. You did a good job, thank you!

The doctor knows how to do it very simply
Check our throat -
He always asks
Name this letter.

Astra, alphabet, quince
Starts with A.
And they end in A
Astra, alphabet, quince.

Repeat after me:

Agrafena and Arina have dahlias growing.

An astronomer, a lawyer and one climber,
Architect, pharmacist and even artist
Once we sat on the carousel.
We couldn’t resist and flew down:

One day they began to ask the letter A questions, and she answered them:

What fruits do you like? – oranges, apricots, pineapples

Who do you want to become? – climber, astronomer, architect

Where do you want to live? – in Africa, America, Australia

What birds do you know? - stork, albatross

What flowers do you like? asters

The letter B is the second letter of the Russian alphabet. The letter B denotes a paired consonant voiced sound.

Previously, in Old Church Slavonic, the letter was called "buki", which is translated into Russian as "letter".

Repeat after me:

1. White sheep beat drums.

2. Bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf
The baker baked the dough early in the morning.

White snow. White chalk.
White sugar is also white.
But the squirrel is not white.
It wasn't even white.

Borya-Borenka bull,
Borya little white barrel
Borya ran along the shore,
Borya butted butterflies

One day something bad happened and the letter B got lost. The girl’s beads turned into a mustache, but she doesn’t need a mustache. Swamp, give us the letter B, - bleated the lamb on the shore of the swamp.

“I need the letter B myself,” the swamp gurgled in response.

Then the lamb ran to the grandmother and asked her:

Grandma, help. We need the letter B.

If I give away my letter B, the girl won’t have a grandmother, the grandmother said and suddenly gasped: “Trouble, my pancakes are burning.”

Grandma managed to save the pancakes, and the trouble disappeared, leaving only delicious food. The grandmother, the lamb and the girl in shiny beads were eating delicious pancakes and saying:

It's good that we turned misfortune into food.

Letter "B"
1. “B” is a very important letter,
I imagined it was terrible.
The chest is like a wheel, the stomach is inflated,
As if there is nothing more important here.

2. Wind, wolf, wave, cheesecake,
Waltz, water, east, wave...
The author highlighted everywhere
All words starting with... the letter V.

3. I’m glad to see B in my garden
Eight cherries, grapes.
Very tasty jam
Brews on Sundays.

4. Vova loves Grapes,
And Cherry Lemonade.

5. Sparrow - Cheerful Thief,
Cherry in the beak - and on the fence!

6. Sparrow! Sparrow!
Tweet us some news!
“Chick-chirp, spring is coming!
There's water flowing all around,
The willow blossomed in the field,
Chick-chirp, spring has come!”

Letter "D"

The letter D is the fifth letter of the Russian alphabet. The letter D denotes a consonant voiced sound: hard [D] and soft [D"].

Previously, in Old Church Slavonic, the letter was called “good”.

The point is, my friends,
It’s impossible without D,
Dima, Dasha and friends,
It is impossible to build a House without D!

There is no kinder doctor in the world
He helps everyone: the doctor is a friend of children.
Go to the doctor, little children
This very doctor is the best in the world!

The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
The oak was chiseling like a chisel!

One day they started asking the letter D questions, and she answered them:

What's your favorite month? December

What do you want to become? Conductor, director, trainer

Where do you like to relax? In the village, at the dacha

What kind of fruits do you like? melon

Where do you sleep? On the couch

Letter "F"

One day they started asking the letter Z questions, and she answered them:

What animals do you know? Giraffe, toad

Who do you want to become? Juggler, journalist

What birds do you know? Lark, crane

Who are you afraid of? Beetles, ground beetles

What do you like in summer? Heat

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle.

And at the same time, like a beetle,

Makes a buzzing sound: “w-w-w.”

Letter Z

“I caught the letter Z,” the boy showed his mother the beetle.

“It looks like the letter Z and buzzes like Z,” my mother agreed.

W-w-w-w, let me go home! – the frightened beetle buzzed.

Okay, but where is your home? - asked the boy.

In a large stump, on the bottom one, this f-f-f-e,” explained the beetle.

The boy let go of the beetle and looked for a long time at the miracle stump inhabited by various insects.

It’s a pity, the beetle has flown away, and we don’t have the letter Z,” he told his mother.

Can't you hear? - Mom was surprised.

“Zh-zh-zh” - the bees buzzed. “Zh-zh-zh,” the flies buzzed.

The letter Z is everywhere here! – the boy was happy.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Secondary school No. 77 in Penza"

Project Manager

Passport for the student project “Living ABC”

Project name: “LIVING ABC”
Project Manager:
Academic subject: literary reading
Composition of the project group: students of grade 1B
Project type: creative project

Objective of the project:

    to involve each student in an active cognitive creative project when creating the “Living Alphabet”, to teach them to present their work in the form of a presentation, to choose tools and materials for the implementation of their creative ideas, to cultivate in children an interest in creative interaction when working together.

Development of creative abilities, aesthetic taste, the ability to independently work with various sources in obtaining the necessary knowledge, formation of skills, development of the ability to apply one’s knowledge in practice when creating a creative product - the alphabet, development of the ability to independently make decisions and exchange information, replenish the active stock of students with elements of oral folk art.

Project question
Research and practical activities, namely, searching for an answer to the question “What is the best way to remember letters and learn to read? » by the students themselves, solving problematic problems and a creative approach to achieving their goals will help better assimilate knowledge, skills and abilities. It can be assumed that at the end of the project, students will know all the letters well, read and know the names of many animals, birds and insects, and be able to choose a word for a given letter.

The intended product of the project: “Living ABC”.

Project implementation period: 2014-2015 academic year.

Planned result:
Knowing all the letters of the alphabet
the ability to read consciously and correctly,
ability to use mnemonic techniques (including the technique of establishing associations)

Presentation form: presentation of the project results at the “Farewell to the ABC” holiday

Relevance of the project.

To increase efficiency in literary reading lessons, research activities are used along with other types. Therefore, it should be aimed at the formation and development of children's communication skills, lesson preparation skills, proper time management, planning and self-control. Project activities help teach children to independently search for ways and means to solve their own problems. The child ceases to be an object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in creative activity, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development. The project method provides a child with a unique opportunity to realize their fantasies and combine them with the dream of adulthood. Children of different levels of preparedness are able to work on the project. The main thing is to help the child believe in himself. The child most fully and clearly perceives what was interesting, what he found and proved himself. Productive is fertile ground for the implementation of the principle of activity, which is that a person assimilates 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 90% of what he does.

Pedagogical description of the project.

The child most fully and clearly perceives and remembers what was interesting to him. Knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one’s own positive emotions, does not become useful. The child writes, reads, answers questions, but this work does not affect his thoughts and does not arouse interest. He is passive. Of course, he learns something, but passive perception and assimilation cannot be the basis of solid knowledge. Children remember poorly because learning does not captivate them. You can always find something interesting and exciting in life and in studying. You just need to find it and serve it to the children, which will encourage them to make similar finds and discoveries.

The project does not tell children that they will be solving a specific pedagogical problem. They are told the name and goals of the project, and within a few minutes the children are immersed in the problem of the project and are already drawing, cutting, gluing, and writing something out.

Children, without knowing it, quite independently, activate their knowledge, putting it into practice in an unfamiliar situation.

The main task of a teacher is to teach a child to learn. The success of a student’s cognitive activity depends on the fulfillment of a number of conditions, in particular on ensuring the child’s emotionally prosperous position.

Creating a situation of success in one’s activities is the main condition for cultivating a positive attitude towards learning. Success is inner comfort, the joy that everything is not so difficult and bad.

The teacher helps the teacher achieve effective positive motivation for learning by creating a mysterious, fascinating world for the emergence of cognitive and social motives.

The conceived “Living ABC” project helps children not only acquire research skills, but also enables the teacher to realize many correctional, pedagogical and educational goals and objectives, children in creative activities that correspond to the mental and physical capabilities of children.

The project is conceived as a collective activity. For a student facing problems in his studies, cooperation provides an opportunity to receive additional support from children, teachers, and parents, overcome fears and self-doubt, and learn to be independent and responsible. Often throughout the school day, such students feel lonely and unsuccessful. It is project activities that can and should become a source of joy and self-confidence for them, providing them with the opportunity to feel the support of others. It is in such classes that a student who himself is experiencing difficulties in studying can help another to cope with problems, thus helping himself (let’s remember the most effective method - “I learn by teaching others.”)

Upon completion of work on the alphabet, each student organizes a presentation of his page in order to summarize the acquired knowledge and skills, increase students’ self-esteem, and give children a mindset for further educational success. Students independently evaluate the results achieved, as well as evaluate the successes and failures of other children.

Children really like their works, they are proud of them, they recognize their “works of art” among many others, even after a long time.

While working on the project, students develop an interest in. They learn to plan their activities, use various sources of information, select the necessary materials, express their opinions, create the final product - the material carrier of project activities, evaluate themselves and others. The result obtained proves that there are no children, you just need to provide the child with timely help and let him believe in his own abilities. Each student is the creator of one book page.

Research, partially exploratory, problem-based, creative.
Conversations on, observations, competitions, promotions, reading books and watching cartoons.

Stages of work on the project.

    Creation of a working group. Analysis of existing benefits. Choosing a direction of activity. Development of the structure of the future textbook. Analysis of the collected material. Illustration of selected material. Testing in action, exchange of experience. Presentation.

Distribution of roles in the project team.

Role of the teacher:

    coordinate the entire process of educational creative activity, help children find sources of information, be a source of information themselves, support and encourage students’ activity in working on the project.

Students' role: creating one page of ABCs.

Proposed types of work when creating a project

1. “Choose a picture whose name begins with the given sound.”

Corrective goals: to develop the ability to determine the place of a sound in a word, to develop spatial orientation when placing a picture on the alphabet page.

Research goals: to develop the ability to find several options for solving a problem and choose the most suitable one.

Educational goals: to cultivate independence when working with educational material, a sense of responsibility when performing one’s task.

2. “Find a riddle whose answer begins with a given sound.”

Corrective goals: develop tic hearing, the ability to determine the place of sound in a word, enrich vocabulary.

Research goals: to develop the ability to find missing information in the information field.

Educational goals: to cultivate interest in the study of Russian folk art, to introduce children to reading.

3. “Write down the verse, leaving blanks instead of the given letter.”

Correctional goals: to teach how to determine the place of sounds in a word and text, determine the number of letters and sounds in a word, develop the syllabic structure of a word, and correct fine motor skills.

Research goals: to develop the ability to set a learning task ourselves and the ability to request missing information from an expert.

Educational goals: develop creativity, accuracy and independence.

4 . “Choose a tongue twister in which the given sound is often found.”

Corrective goals: to develop phonemic awareness and the ability to highlight letters in the text; practice diction, voice strength, expressiveness.

Research goals: to develop the ability to work with literary sources.

5. “Revive the letter”

Corrective goals: to develop phonemic awareness and the ability to highlight letters in the text; practice diction, voice strength, expressiveness. Development of coordination.

Research goals: to develop the ability to work with various materials when creating animation

Educational goals: to develop self-control skills.

6. “Design an ABC page.”

Corrective goals: develop spatial orientation; correct fine motor skills.

Research goals: develop the ability to work according to a model, find and correct your mistakes, plan your activities, time and resources.

Educational goals: to cultivate pride in your work and the work of your friends.


B - barrel